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Thursday, 20 April 2006
Herbal Magick
Now Playing: Are there errors and inaccurate entries in the reference material
Topic: Herbal Magick
One of the most common books on herbal magick used by pagans,wiccans and new agers is Scott Cunningham's "Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" another popular reference is Wylundt's "Book of Incense" Both of these books list the herbs in approximately the same format. Also they agree on almost every point. I have however found there to be what appears to be errors in the use and placement of these herbs. There is a lively discussion going on now on a brother site in yahoo groups the lyceumoccularis. I think that there is a need to review the source material rather than just accept the printed material. While I think Cunningham provides an excellent source to get started I also think his system and conclusions are extremely flawed. While he makes it easy for anyone to lay claim to being a "witch" or whatever title people would like to assume I find that he limits his information and guides the reader to his way of thought. Paul Beyerl's books are in the same frame although he gives excellent information from sources not usually touched upon. Cunningham in his bibliography references a host of books on herbal uses but I found comments he made unfounded. For instance under his reference:

Crowley, Aleister:777,New York:Weiser,1973

Cunningham states: Crowley probably stole the bulk of this work from Samuel Mathers,whom he did not credit. It is still and amazing group of magical correspondences (including plants)

Cunningham no more knows if that statement is true or not. It would appear that Cunningham has read little of of either man's work and is merely stating his own preference which is fine but hardly professional from someone purporting to produce intelligent informative information. If Cunningham had actually read their works he would have known that that statement was merely self serving. That Crowley would need to steal information from Mathers is ridiculous on the face of it. However comments such as that makes me wonder what other information from his sources were misquoted or rewritten to fit his own agenda.

Posted by planet/sanctum_occularis at 10:55 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Monday, 17 April 2006
This Path is not a plaything nor is it just a way to find ones inner self
Now Playing: Read Read Read
Topic: Goetic Magick
I have noticed remarks on several web sites and discussion groups that think Goetic Magick is merely dogmatic and pedantic and rather than being a path for evoking entities it is merely a tool in which one discovers themselves. I find this to be an entirely "new age" concept from the touchy feely crowd rather than an informed opinion by a practitioner of the art or at the very least someone who has throughly studied the art. It seems that seekers who lack conviction but like the pomp the veneer the give a quick once over on a subject and proclaim total understanding of it. This is once again a trend that seems to prevail among the pagan/wiccian groups. I would like to see true discussion on this subject with sources sited rather than just pontifical remarks. Does anyone have a comment on this subject

Posted by planet/sanctum_occularis at 11:10 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (891) | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 7 April 2006
Does Anyone have a Library of Alchemy that they would like to share
We would like to start a conversation and exchange of ideas on Alchemy which is one of the most hidden of the arcane groups. While we hear the term used a lot we have not really seen intelligent discussion of the subject. Would anyone care to make a comment on this subject

Posted by planet/sanctum_occularis at 10:45 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Saturday, 1 April 2006
Are you tired of the self ordained High Priest/Priestess
Topic: chest beating
There seems to be a lot of "eclectic" people that have somehow elevated themselves to the position of Priest or Priestess while the title is impressive it also presupposes that these people possess some higher knowledge or are at least knowledable. I find however that they mostly just repeat things that they have heard but never really investigated nor searched out the sources for their information. Stating that their knowledge was "channeled" or somehow divinely implanted in them just doesn't quite ring true when one actually examines the statements made by these people. I think that it is incumbent upon us to back up statements with facts rather than just repeating pontifical statements from people who proclaim themselves High Priest/Priestess... I was wonder what others thought of this trend.

Posted by planet/sanctum_occularis at 12:40 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (875) | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 30 March 2006
This is the launch of a new endevor in the world of the arcane

The Solar boat is ready to launch to sail the underworlds the heavens and the imagination and mind. Here we hope to share thoughts information and learning. Here we will attempt to create new ways of looking of seeing the correspondence of one thing to another. Please post your ideas opinions and questions there is a lot to learn and it all begins with questions so ASK

Posted by planet/sanctum_occularis at 8:04 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Monday, 17 April 2006 10:45 PM EDT

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