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Sam's Poetry

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And these painful lies That vibrated from the walls Of a home that had no love With a child who was born with no purpose But to make mistakes And to be nothing more than a problem With nothing in his mind Than his father telling him once again How much he fucked up And the child constantly hearing this And knowing that no love would ever come to him He committed the act of purifying himself The life, which was once so cherished Was now ended But the simple fact Those who said they cared Would never shed a tear About the loss of another mistake Was the reason that while he spent his time in hell Pondering why if there was some god Why he ever let him live Is it out of some cruel joke Or is god just a bastard Who enjoys seeing the pain in those who never had a chance at happiness But the question will never be answered Because his blood covers his floors And he will never see The terribly bright gates of a dishonest kingdom The kingdom of the god That never loved anything more Than he loved his lies….