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Weekly Stickies

Welcome to the Stay At Home Parenting website! We're so glad you could join us! Here you will find the newsletters for each month.

The Newsletter will include the following..

  • Reminder of Daily Stickies
  • All craft projects for the month
  • SpotLight of the month
  • Quick and Easy Recipes of the Month
  • Host contact info
  • Chat Reminder

  • Weekly Stickies

    • Monday - Every other week we will post a new craft project to start. HotSeat will also be moved to Mondays.
    • Tuesday - Need advice on that stubborn stain? Maybe you're having trouble with your little one sleeping in his/her own room? Need to know how to keep candy out of the basket when youre going down the candy isle? Let's help eachother out! Post your problems and advice here!
    • Wednesday - Everyone needs a pick-me-up by the middle of the week. Share with us a funny e-mail forward, photo (someting not copy-righted), story, or other that made you laugh!
    • Thursday - Tried a new product? Love it? Hate it? Tell us what it is and what you think!
    • Friday - During craft weeks we will use Friday to show off the crafts we've created with our children. Other Fridays will be regular "Photo Fridays" with a topic.


    Chat on Tuesdays. 2pm Est/1pm Cst in the Raising Children room! We hope you can stop by and chat!!

    Host Bio

    Need to contact us?

