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This document is the members' charter of the Straight and Gay Alliance of the City College of New York, hereafter referred to as the SAGA. Members are required to sign this charter, signifying that they have read, understood, and agreed to the rules and regulations detailed herein.

Membership Regulations
All members will receive, as benefit in participation in this organization:

1.   An organization membership card, which remains property of this organization, and may be revoked under conditions detailed in this document. Such a card may be presented to gain admission to SAGA events and to claim any other SAGA benefits requested. (Membership cards will be used to keep track of activity and it will be stamped or otherwise marked for one free admission to a movie night, or SAGA outing, etc.)

2.   Information as required  regarding subjects of interest to this organization and includes electronic mail updates, brochures, flyers, and similar material.

3.   Eligibility for election to become a SAGA officer when such elections occur.

The SAGA recognizes that New York City provides many resources to its LGBTQ community, the largest in the United States. Being aware of the need for member retention, the SAGA shall work with its member's personal needs to provide the best possible organizational experience. The SAGA awards outstanding service to the CCNY LGBTQ community.

Organizational Policies

Admittance Policy
SAGA reserves the right to deny membership under violations stated herein the charter. All membership rules apply to visitors. All persons are considered after two documented visits at SAGA meetings, events, and functions, members by the SAGA and fulfill the requirements for SAGA membership. Members may file grievances requesting the suspension or removal of a member in written notice. Membership may be revoked or suspended at the discretion of the executive board.

Electoral Policy
Elections for SAGA officer position(s) will be held either in the event that their position is challenged, if an officer cannot maintain their position or in the event that an officer decides to step down, with voting requirements as noted below. The term of an elected officer will not last more than two (2) academic years unless reelected. The positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary are elected positions. The four officers will make appointments for subordinate positions (i.e. Executive Assistant and Events Coordinator) if they deem these positions necessary. A position may be challenged during nominations and elections must be conducted during a SAGA meeting.

Requirements for candidacy in elections for SAGA officer positions include:
1.   SAGA Membership
2.   Nomination for the position by at least one SAGA member.

Privacy Policy
Members are always free to talk to visitors, other members, and SAGA officers about any issue that concerns them. Such discussions will be considered confidential with respect to nonmembers, visitors, members, and officers as specified by the people involved in the discussion.

Member rosters and status of membership in this organization will be confidential with respect to those outside the organization, with the exception of the contact information and names and current SAGA officers as required by the rules governing SAGA registration with the Finley Student Center of the City College of New York.

The SAGA recognizes that some of its members have not exposed their sexual orientation. The SAGA believes that the choice of whether or not to reveal their sexual orientation to anyone is purely a personal one. Thus, revealing anyone's sexual orientation without explicit permission of the concerned party is prohibited to any SAGA activities and discontinuance of membership.

Substance Abuse Policy
Members engaging in substance abuse that significantly disrupts SAGA activities will be verbally reprimanded on the first offense. The second offense will result in being prohibited to partake in any SAGA activities and their membership will be discontinued. They will be referred to the appropriate center.

Harassment Policy
Respect to all is mandatory. All visitors, members, and officers will be treated as intelligent, capable human beings and will be respected as such. Use of language that cannot be clearly construed as anything other than demeaning, clear sexual harassment, and similar disrespectful acts perpetrated upon a fellow visitor, member, and officer will on the first offense be verbally reprimanded. The second offense will result in being prohibited to partake in any SAGA activities.

Fiscal Policy
The SAGA is a nonprofit organization. Any excess funds from the SAGA activities may be refunded upon request.