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:: TrousdaLe's Rawks!! ::
Saturday, 11 August 2007
timeless memory

another one done by the BFF. im no. 3, mind u!

23 May 2007 @ 08:37 pm

why do i have the feeling that racism will kill my life?

so... honesty statements. yepp. if you don't know what that is.... uhm. tough luck. but i'm doing it, then posting it up. i tend to run a lot of my wuwds stuff on LJ first. you'll get the drift. yep.

x. Jessica
x. Donya
x. Reem
x. Andi
x. Alynn
x. Lin Yi
x. Emin
x. Liling
x. Devi
x. Ryy
x. Kat

you're seriously one of the girls whom i can talk with about anything... when i need to work off my anger... everything. you know just what to say to make it all better, and you get so indignant on my behalf that i forget all about being upset. and you totally clear my head when i think i'm crazy, cos you have the same opinions... unless we're both crazy... hahaha. iloveyou.

ahhh. i seriously love talking to you... discussing the hundred and one guys whom we seem to love... and you teasing me because of my obsession/love with little kids. yeahh. =D you say the raaaaandomest things, and i can have discussions with you about just about anything. <3

you're seriously one of my best friends, even though i've only known you for what- two/three years? i love that you're so crazy and incredibly random just like i am... which is great cos i feel so many people are so stuffy nowadays... from dancing in the trains to singing out on the streets, i feel that i can be completely myself with you, be it a complete bitch, or a crazy lunatic... or an act-sophisticated kid... hahaha. ily. honest. (: i can just envision us having a sleepover... i'd put on a cd and we'd headbang like our lives depended on it... or do crazy dances that, if anyone happened to look in, would NEVER even show that the girl dancing had over eleven years of dance experience. hahah.

i've known you for about two/three years, and gosh... i don't think i ever became close friends with anyone that quickly. you've got me through a lot of the shittiest moments in my life, and when i'm crying like an idiot, i can totally just pick up the cell or get online and there you are, my 24 hour medicine. hahah. i can't imagine life without you, honest... these few years have been the most important years in ANY teenage kid's life, and i wouldn't have gotten through them without you.

we have about the same music taste, yeah. hahah... about... sometimes, i get shitty mad at you, sometimes, i love you to bits... so idk. hahah. i love you anway. if ever i go on a shopping trip, you're the first person i'd ask out. we don't have the same taste in clothes, not REALLY... but somewhat... we definitely have the same taste in brands though, which is cool. =D i love hanging out with you and singing songs (lipsynching!)... and if we ever act sophisticated together, i think we'd bring the house down [literally] hahah. i can have all the deep talks with you cos we both just do think the same way... most of the time. haha.

hmm... i do honestly like you a lot... but sometimes i'm just not sure. true, we don't really have anything in common to talk about so that could be a problem... hahah. i can't have many discussions with you about anything cos we don't think the same way or have the same interests... but when you just wanna sit down and act crazy and have a laugh, that's where we just uhm, act random and crazy. hahahh.

you're so cute! hahahh. i don't really know what to say... we don't have the same favourites at ALL actually. but i think we bonded over the love of books. the same books. hahah. you're a really good person to spill guts on (not literally!). when i sit next to you, things just come pouring out. (omg, now it sounds gross!) hahah. you're the best best person to confide in actually... and we have the same way of looking at people. especially pretentious people. <3

omg... you're one of the people i love the mooooost. and i'm crazy ass protective over... when i come online, and see that flashing orange box, i just break out in a huge smile... our imaginary stories on when i get married to alex montgomery and you to Quentin are hilarious... and i can't imagine having these moments with anyone else. if there was anything that i ever wanted to tell you though, it'd be "don't always feel the need to be strong... everyone falls down sometimes." You're the most sacarstic, hilarious girl i know and i always find myself laughing at our conversations... You're gorgeous... and i love you. -HUGEEE HUG-

hey girl. =D thanks for getting me through all the sad teary i-didn't-do-well-in-my-exams moments... and being there for all the lets-cheer-for-harry-potter moments! i looove your spontaenity... hahah. i think you've got a huggge amount of confidence, which i totally admire. you don't seem to let anything or anyone get you down, and i wish i could be just like that. i think i can just talk to you about anythinggg. and when i'm upset, you're always offering hugs. =D <3 ily.

sometimes, i feel that you don't understand and that you see everything from a very small point of view... If there was one thing i could tell you, it'd be that you're too pessimistic. We don't have much in common, but we do talk about the randomest things a lot of the time, and i enjoy hanging out with you. I guess you're one of the people i can confide in, and just talk to no matter what. <3 and have stupid arguments with. hahah

hey, you have a friend in ALL of us. <3 and i'm happy you're sharing all the stuff in your life with me, cos i love to hear what's been going on. =D your life is so interesting, it puts mine to shame. hahah. you're a great listener, the kind that can just sit there for hours and drink in everything, then say something really simple that makes everything seem so much better. =D i'm glad i got to know you better. <3 xoxo.

and there we go.
they are obviously not in order... so you can just go ahead and guess which one you are, if you want to that is. hahah.

writing from: computer table
i feel: contemplative
dancing to : absolutely everybody- no idea who sang this song.

Posted by planet/ryana at 12:18 PM EDT
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replied to the survey
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Kissing You Goodbye - Dream Street

and this is my reply to her.

 Name: Michelle Leong
Where did we meet: Technically, thru ur blog. If face to face,at Junction 8.
Take a stab at my middle name: haha!! CALLIE!! LOL!
How long have you known me: As we both agreed, 2005!
Do I smoke: U dare, babe?? Pls dont.. haha!
What was your first impression of me upon meeting: Wow!VEry ENTHU arh this kid! LOL!
Color of my eyes: purple. *snickers* Brown-black!
Do I have any siblings & how many: U have a brother! ANDREW!
What's one of my favorite things to do: DANCE!
Do you remember one of the first things I said to you: I think it was "ARGHH!" LOL!
Whats my favorite type of music: U love R n B... and a bit of POP! I'm guessing here!
What is the best feature about me: Ur smile!! And ur sense of humor! I cant choose!
Am I shy or outgoing: More to outgoing! LOL!
Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: Hmm... Ur a bit of both... Am i ryte? RYTE?
What's your favorite memory of me: Screaming over DS!! LOL!
Any special talents: Crying on cue? Haha!
Would you consider me a friend: UR MY BFF!! Lyke since im 1 yrs old and ur.. I dunno? in ur mom's womb? LOL! J/K!
How many children do I have: None.. Not yet.. Till u wed that bad boy u are in love wif now! LOL~!
If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: U? HRH PRINCESS CALLIE!
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?: Hey, maybe if i bring the music, u can bring the food? Haha!!
And maybe u cellphone too so that we can call for pizza or something.. And maybe after that, we can call for help... LOL!

Posted by planet/ryana at 11:25 AM EDT
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my survey
Mood:  d'oh

this is a way long survey done by the bff, Callie.


Where did we meet: on my blog. HAHAHAA.
Take a stab at my middle name: aw maaaaaaan. hhhahahahaaa.
How long have you known me: i knew you in 2005. =D
Do I smoke: no!
What was your first impression of me upon meeting: WHOA THIS GIRL HAS A LOT OF ENERGY AND LOVES DREAM STREET LIKE ME!
Color of my eyes: brown-black.

alex(is)love        you're cute too. says:
Do I have any siblings & how many: oh my gosh, I DONT KNOW!
What's one of my favorite things to do: dream about dream street.
Do you remember one of the first things I said to you : "you're michelle right?!??!??!!"
What's my favorite type of music: pop? hahhaaa.
What is the best feature about me: the big bright mega-watt smile. =D

alex(is)love        you're cute too. says:
Am I shy or outgoing: OUTGOING! boiiing. this girl has more energy than me!
Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: she doesn't follow the rules per se, but doesn't exactly go too far in breaking them. is there a middle option???
What's your favorite memory of me: meeting you at the mall and screaming over DS posters. haahaa.

alex(is)love        you're cute too. says:
Any special talents: Being yourself, and being able to make ANYONE feel at ease just by being you. <3
Would you consider me a friend: my BEE-F-F babyYYY.
How many children do I have: haahaaaa. none. until your first kid with chrisssss. =D
If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: ryana. cos it IS your nickname and cos you LURRRVE CHRIS.

alex(is)love        you're cute too. says:
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I
bring?: practically, you should bring a teleporter so we could teleport outta there! -winkwink- nahhhs. you'd probably bring your entire music collection so we could par-tay with the monkeys and tribal natives. =D

Posted by planet/ryana at 11:23 AM EDT
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Monday, 12 December 2005
hey y'all!!
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: where are you by Natalie and Justin Roman
hey yall!!
Am so bored in sch now..


Posted by planet/ryana at 12:16 AM EST
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