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The "Guardian" series served as inspiration for the creation of a music soundtrack titled “Night Sins” by Virgil Franklin. The soundtrack will be featured on the front cover of books 8 through 10 of the upcoming “Guardian Series” releases.

Christopher and Jadyn learn the evil vampires have taken a new turn in the scheme of things. They are utilizing technological advances in order to take over the middle realm. All that makes man feel safe is thanks in part to the evil side. It is only a matter of time before the evil vampires close in on their prey. The D-Chip and E-Veil are just two of the instruments by which man will fall under the clutches of evil.

It is up to Christopher, Jadyn, the good vamps, the new ‘day’ vamps, and the rest of the clan to try and thwart the Evil One’s latest coo. But how will they be able to carry off such a feat when the world is already saturated with the latest and greatest in technological advancements?

The ‘Voice’ is due to be brought into the world. Christopher finds he must take Jadyn to a safe place and single handedly help deliver his daughter – the ‘Voice’ which will call forth the Keys to Immortal Destiny.

Jorrell makes an appearance once again and he announces to Jadyn that he’s in love – with a mortal woman. What new path is Jorrell’s life about to take?
Many hidden secrets are at last revealed in this the 8th book in the ‘Guardian’ series. What are the secrets that make up Immortal Truth?

Coming in 2008.


Christopher and Jadyn are at odds with each other. It looks as if love is no longer enough to keep Jadyn at Christopher’s side. Many battles have been waged in the middle realm and Jadyn announces she’s tired of the seemingly endless war between good and evil. She now desires to take her place in the upper realms once again as Great Master Hephate—to sit upon her golden throne and wash her hands of all that is mortal.

Christopher pleads with Jadyn to remain with him and their family. But Jadyn heartlessly rejects him and their life together. A point finally comes where Christopher is forced to hide away the younger children so Jadyn won’t whisk them away to the upper realms for good. He’s now caught in a dilemma—needing to stay in the middle realm to protect the innocent, yet desiring to be with Jadyn who no longer wishes to stay with him in the middle realm. And why is it that Jadyn now seems to have sided against the good vampires? Several times she thwarted a well-laid out plan which would have gained ground for the side of right.

Pain, betrayal, and heartbreak are soon Christopher’s to realize as he sees his wife turn to another—Araboth, a Great Master. Christopher’s hands are tied as he watches Araboth take Jadyn into his arms and kiss her as a lover kisses his beloved. And to Christopher’s dismay, Jadyn seems to enjoy Araboth’s advances. Is there nothing Christopher can do to win back the very heart and soul of his existence? What future is now in store for him and his family? What is to come as a result of the breakup of his marriage to Jadyn? Is there still hope for a future with Jadyn or will he slowly fall victim to despair and lose sight of his Immortal Faith?


An unexplainable darkness is falling upon the land. It is up to Jadyn, Christopher, and all the good vampires to uncover what’s behind the unearthly mystery. Is Jadyn’s unsettled mood behind the eerie nightfall, or is it due to some devious scheme fabricated by the evil vampires?

Ever since Jadyn’s confrontation with Araboth and the terrible months she spent apart from Christopher, she’s not been able to dispel the sadness which holds her heart captive. How will she defeat the encroaching darkness if her own mood is the source of the disruption in the cycle of day and night? Each time the eerie darkness falls upon the land the evil vampires strike, keeping Jadyn and her allies on a constant vigil.

Mortals stand little chance at defeating the unmerciful evil which thrives in the darkness. Their only hope lies in those who are Guardians of Immortal Night.