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Barbed wire, and Cockroaches

Roxy was excited for her win. A win…she thought to herself how much a win could do for her.

As she approached an ATM at the casino, she pulled her credit card out of her panties, and swiped it. She typed in her four digit code from heart, and with out even looking at the machine. And that’s when the beep was heard. Roxy turned her attention to the screen which was flashing ‘transaction denied’.

Roxy- What the fuck?

She pushed the button to restart the transaction, and watched anxiously as it was again denied. She took her card, and looked around making sure that no one was watching her. Roxy had never been denied money before. What the fuck was wrong with the world.

She pulled her cell phone out of her bra, and walked out the closest doors of the casino. Stepping out into the parking lot, she again made sure no one was around as she dialed her mother.

Mrs. Erikson- Well, now it’s about time you decided to call.

Roxy- Did you want me to call? Because I got the impression that probably wasn’t the wisest thing to do a t that point in time.

Roxy’s voice was hushed, as a small crowd of people passed her.

Mrs. Erikson- Since when do you think about the wisest choice?

Mrs. Erikson’s voice was however loud and stern. Roxy ignored her mothers question, assuming it was rhetorical.

Roxy- Why isn’t my card working?

Mrs. Erikson- It’ll work again, when you decide to come home, and clear up this media headache you are giving your father and myself. Really Roxy, screaming at a little Mexican boy for a whole street full of people to hear! Did you not think that that would get back here somehow!

Roxy- Honestly…no.

Mrs. Erikson- Now they are saying that we raised you racist! If you want money you’ll fly out immediately and clear up all this!

Roxy- I’m not going to quit.

‘And you didn’t raise me.’ Roxy thought to herself.

Mrs. Erikson- I’m not telling you to quit, I’m telling you to stop being a disgrace. Come back here. I will set up the rest. Then you can go back to doing whatever you want. But I will not have you ruining your father like this! There is a plane ticket waiting under your name!

The phone call had ended before Roxy had time to respond. She closed the phone just as three teenagers came and asked her to take a picture with them. She nodded, putting her arms around the two closest to her and smiled. They thanked her, and walked away presumably to catch another wrestler before they left.

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As the plane landed at the SeaTac airport in Washington State, Roxy released a deep sigh of having been defeated by her own mother.

She went down and got her luggage, before hailing a cab to take her home. She sat uncomfortably in the back seat, tugging her skirt down to make sure it was underneath her properly. Her thoughts traveled to who she would be facing next week, and how she couldn’t believe she had a title shot.

Dan Black, she knew hated ‘Goths’ and ‘Freaks’. Roxy didn’t believe she was either of those. She had stolen a dictionary from the hotel she was staying at. And had already looked up the definition of what ‘Gothic’ meant.

‘Pertaining to a style of architecture.’ Oh…wow. She was puzzled. Could that really be ones gimmick, to hate architecture? Roxy didn’t think so, but then again…she had already gone against Lacklan who thought he was God’s voice or some shit like that. And a luchador that didn’t even fucking talk. This whole ‘Gothic’ thing wouldn’t really surprise her. But still she read on.

‘Pertaining to or designating a style of painting.’ Oooo…Now paintings. Some people truly dislike certain types of art. Does Dan Black hate art? Or does he just hate everything?

Roxy read on. ‘Pertaining to the middle ages.’ Who hates knights, and jousting, dragons, and maidens with their tits hanging out? What the fuck is wrong with your Dan? Do you like the cock or something? The middle ages were the shit.

‘Being of a genre of contemporary fiction typically relating the experiences of an often ingenuous heroine imperiled, as at an old mansion, where she typically becomes involved with a stern or mysterious but attractive man.’ Interesting again, she thought to herself, twisting her hair with her finger. You are pretty much already in a Gothic novel sweetie. You're vagina is bigger than mine.(And thats hard to do.) Since you are facing me you are in danger. Your 'mansion' is the boat. And I'm sure you're already involved with a stern or mysteriously attractive man, so you probably already know how one of those novels goes. I'm guessing it's not that that you hate.

So do me a favor Black, how about you shut your fucking mouth gothics, and freaks suck, and focus on what really matters right now. You against me. You have a little while to gather your balls, and I suggest you do just that. You're gonna need them.

This was as fucking retarded as facing Lacklan. You might as well be facing someone that is so far disconnected from the world they are positive God-fucking-zilla is anal raping them over a table of barbed wire, and cockroaches.

Lacklan…Lacklan…Lacklan…honestly sweet cheeks, do you think you could get it right? I don’t use needles, so if you could actually do some research that didn’t come out like a three year old did it for you, that’d be super. I’m really tired of you getting it wrong. Or is that your whole plan, to irritate me with your inaccuracies of me? If that's the case then you really should try harder,it's not that I'm irritated, it's just that you look stupid.

About forty-five minutes later Roxy arrived at her parents house. Instead of letting the cab drive her through the gate and up to the front she just got out, paid the man and set her luggage by the rod iron gate. She pushed the ring button and waited patiently.

As she looked through the gate she noticed a bunch of cars were there. Roxy didn’t know why there would be so many people there. Maybe they were throwing her a welcome home party. Her thoughts were interrupted by the intercom.

Butler- Come on in Ms. Roxy.

As a serious of beeps sounded, Roxy picked up her suitcase. The rod iron gate spun open at a very slow speed. Roxy headed toward the miniature White House looking house. As soon as the front door was opened for her, cameras started flashing, people started asking her questions. Roxy dropped her luggage and tried to smile.

Roxy- What’s going on?

Mrs. Erikson gracefully makes her way through all the people, and grabs Roxy by the arm and brings her to a podium that has been set up by her mother. It took Roxy a moment but she realized what was going on. Her mother had set up the press conference for the moment Roxy had walked through the door. Roxy was pissed., but she kept on smiling. Mrs. Erikson pushed Roxy behind the podium. She ran her hands through her hair, and started talking.

Roxy- Uhh… Thanks for coming everyone.

The reporters were quiet, and the cameras stopped flashing.

Roxy- As I’m guessing by the warm welcome, you all know that I’m Roxy Erikson.

Roxy was a pro at this. She knew what she was doing, she wasn’t expecting it though. She was trying desperately to get her thoughts together in her head, and stalling for time in the process.

Roxy- I wanted to make this public apology for saying what I did to that little bea…mex…Hispanish umm.. Hispanic child. I assure you all that neither my family or myself are racist at all. The child was taunting me, and I lost my cool. However I would like to make it up to the Hispanic community. With the help of my parents I will be donating 20 new riding lawnmowers, so that they may do their work easier.

Pencils were heard scraping paper from the reporters. Even some gasps were heard.

Roxy’s mother gave her an elbow.

Roxy- Umm…I mean. We will be auctioning off the lawnmowers then donating the money to the community, as a kind of humor auction to lighten the mood surrounding this awful incident.

Roxy was silent for a minute, not sure of what she should say next. Before she could speak up, a reporter does.

Reporter- Roxy! You were victorious this week, are you anxious for your title shot next week?

Roxy- Any sensible person would be. But really, we don’t need to talk wrestling here.

Mrs. Erikson- Whispers to Roxy.
Give them what they want.

Roxy- Any other questions?

After answering a few questions about wrestling, the reporters are escorted out , and Roxy sits down on a couch. If she didn’t need that money she wouldn’t be here right now.

Mrs. Erikson entered the room.

Mrs. Erikson- Was that so hard?

Roxy- Did it really have to be the moment I walked in?

Mrs. Erikson took a seat in a chair.

Mrs. Erikson- Knowing you it wouldn’t have gotten done if it wasn’t right then.

Roxy rolled her eyes, and sighed getting up.

Roxy- I’m going to go to see Robbie. I’ll talk to you later.

Mrs. Erikson- Your card is on again, feel free to use it.

Roxy- Thanks.

Roxy picked up her bag and walked out the door.

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