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EAGLE 7180-07 PAIR ONE Blood crossed with WHITE EAGLE wins 9th
in the Central Jersey Combine vs 3,002 birds
& EAGLE 7009-07 takes 23rd too - August 25, 2007!!

Eagle Lake Loft is a small loft of very few pigeons, but the ones that are here have made a mark for me and I am proud to offer you some of my best. I have used many breeders in my time, and very few have ever given me the type of pigeon I wanted to make a family from, my old 969 breeders that I call my "Pair One" has been exactly what I was looking for my entire life, and they still perform the way they did back in '95 when I first started breeding out of the original pair.

They not only fly for me, but almost everyone who ever gave them a chance has been equally satisfied with their results. Every pair of Janssen breeders in my loft is now at least 1/2 "Pair One", either a direct child off kids of the original pair or out of the male of the pair when crossed back on his grandchildren. I have also brought in a few other top Janssens from my good friend Mike Ganus' famous National Aces, to keep my Janssens from getting too inbred.

For many years I've looked for the perfect cross for my Janssens to fly almost any course. A family that I have done really well crossing on my old family is the Ganus Grizzles from Mike Ganus. I have been fortunate to have my pick of children of his super breeders and have several that have been super breeders for me, my son, and several customers across the US. Another family of pigeons that has excelled at this is the Hofkens strain. They fly extremely well when crossed on my family of "Pair One" Janssens. I have searched for many years for the perfect Hofkens and have aquired several from Mike Ganus and also from my partner Gerald Hebert, who also gets most of his Hofkens from Mike Ganus. Gerald and I are partners on some of the finest Hofkens I have ever seen and handled in my many years of searching.

There you have it, a loft with nothing but the best pigeons I have ever had in my lifetime. Only pigeons I would breed from or fly will be offered, every one is hand picked by me, and only the good ones are sold. I guarantee you will be satisfied with any pigeon that comes from my loft! Buy with confidence, give them a chance, and call me when you have them racing. I know you will be satisfied and will be telling me all the super results you have had. Harold Lamons

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I accept personal checks or money orders. Please add $45 for shipping 1 or 2 birds, $50 for shipping 3 or 4 birds, and $60 for 5 or more birds. Please call me if you are interested in any of these birds so I can let the administrator of this site know so they can be marked sold.

Harold Lamons
67026 Dailey Road
Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Home: 269-663-7807

My Partner's Gerald Hebert's Sale Page