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Friday, June 26, 2009 8:22 AM

Going to post some videos now..

This video is a short clip of a drama of SS501 .
Quite Cool luhhs ..

This is some kind of show in korea ,
They playing some games ,
Damn cute de luhhs.

This also about de same as the previous one.

Hope you all like it =D
If you dont , then also nvm luhhs

Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:47 PM

Going to blog everyday from now on ,
Unless don’t feel like it or not at home bah.
Today woke up abt 8.30 liddat.
Then on-ed com , open up all facebook games I play.
Then walk around the house ,
Made pancake =D
Now I can make de pancake don’t break le = 3
I know this is boring luhhs…-.-
Now chatting with syyA , Samuel, Terence , haziwah and Vanessa.
Talking about h1n1 stuffs.
Quite sian lor , extend holiday can liao lor ,
Government talk so much for what ==
I want longer holiday even though I miss my friends luhhs.
Coz I quite a lot homework haven’t do .
Not my fault luhhs ,
I one week less holidays than them leh.
Second week everyday go the don’t know what animation thing and never learn anything come back .
Wasted de luhhs. ==
$500+ de thing , in the end never learn anything.
Those things I already learn le lor =X
Because of that damn course I missed the 6care class gathering ==
Actually can play till happy happy at that class gathering lor , then that course pop out…-.-
T_T I miss 6care ppl T_T
Going to watch tv soon .
At home nothing to blog about de luhhs..
So don’t blame me for being boring luhhs.
Homework left literature and Chinese le…
They both so difficult de luhhs…

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 9:19 PM

Going to start blogging now..
Let's start from early early morning bah =D
Woke up at 10.
Had a dream ,
A weird one
Then went to watch TV.
Had breakfast ,
Two bread , two ham , two pieces of lettuce and one slice of tomato ,
But i took away the lettuce and tomato ,
Coz didn't like it mah.
Ate that for 1hour ,
At 11 , Continued watching.
Took out cheesecake and started eating it layer by layer .
That's why I am growing fatter second by second =D
Then at 12 opened up some facebook games and started playing awhile.
Then i started blogging lor .
I am supposed to do literature and read an English book now ,
So have to finish blogging before mother comes back luhhs.
Drinking soyabean milk now ==
Getting fatter =X
I linked quite alot TWPS friends ytd night.
And I decided that my blog gets revived.
Then now have another TimeKiller when I am bored =D
I dont know why , But inside my mouth is like swollen liddat leh.
I want to go PLaza Singapura with friends luhhs T_T
Parents dont allow.
Ps uhhs ,
I dont know what to say so I keep talking random stuffs luhhs ..-.-
Talk till here liao uhhs..
ByeByes ~

8:09 AM

Suddenly had this thought of revivng my blog ,
Do you all think I should? o.o..
I might just abandon it someday , sometime....
It is very late now .
I think I start posting tmr morning if I can
Coz today chiong alot homework then I totally tired out
And I went to gym today also ,
For some trial.
Quite fun but tiring luhhs...
More tiring than my workout
My workout no use de lor =X
WIsh can go a few more times to the gym ,
But then I dont want be member ,
So damn EX $800 a year .
Even if I work part time also cannot cover up de luhhs ==
I think I today post post a little first bah.
Now talking to JinYanMarmie on MSN
So long nvr see her le .
But I think teacher's day can meet bah.
I now dont know what to talk about liao.
Then LaoJie 's LaoJie daily sell so many pieces ,
LaoNiang's de free de ,
Dont think anybody want read le luhhs.
I think I end here le ba.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 4:46 AM

Real Name : TANYANLENG ; remember it!!
2. Nickname : LaoNiang =D
3. Age : 12+
4. Horoscope : Libra
5. Male or Female : Some ppl think I male , but then I female >.<
6. Elementary : Teck Whye Primary School
7. Middle School : Kranji Secondary School
8. High School : --
9. College : --
10. Hair Colour : Black / Sibei dark de Brown
11. Long Or Short : Long
12. Loud Or Quiet : LOUD =D
13. Sweats Or Jeans : Jeans
14. Phone Or Camera : Phone
15. Health Freak : Maybe o.o…
16. Drink Or Smoke : I drink , but is drink water not beer or wine or beero.o…
17. Do you have a crush on anyone : Given up =)
18. Eat Or Drink : Drink
19. Piercings : 2
20. Tattoos : None
21. Social or Anti Social : Depends on mood and that person
22. Righty Or Lefty : Righty =D
23. First Piercing : 10 years old
24.First Relatioship : The day I born (Sister and daughter relation)
25. First BestFriend : HueyYee =D
26. First Award : P1 drawing competition ?
27. First Kiss : Haven’t had one real one
28. First pet : Fish
29. First Big Vacation : Japan
30. First Love At First Sight : Forgot..
31. First Big Birthday : Hadn’t had one T^T
32. First Surgery : I don’t think I have been through one
33. First sport you joined : Running
34. Orang or Apple Juice : Apple Juice =D
35. Rock Or Rap : Rap
36. Country or Screamo : Is screamo even a English word?
37. NSYNC or Backstreet Boys : None
38. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera : None
39. Night or Day : Night
40. Sun or Moon : Moon
41. TV or Internet : Internet
42.Playstation or Xbox : Xbox
43. Kiss or Hug : o.o…. never tried any before
44. Iguana or Spider : Iguana
45. Spider or Bee : NONE
46. Fall or Spring : Fall
47. Limewire or iTunes : iTunes
48. Soccer or Basketball : Basketball
49. Eating : Egg?
50. Drinking : Plain water
51. Excitement Level : DAMN LOW …-.- not excited for tmr’s chinese lesson coz never hand in work
52. I’m About To : Do my corrections after this quiz
53. Listening to : Nadiah’s Blog Songs
54. Plan For Today : Shower and Sleep o.o..
55. Waiting For : Eternity
56. Energy Level : Medium o.o..
57. Thinking Of Someone : SHUQI T^T
58. Want Kids : When I’m OLDER =D
59. Want To Get Married : See First Bah…
60. When ? : Eternity ?
61. How Many Kids Do You Want : See First.
62. Any Names On The Mind : Nope
63. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little ? : Astrounaut.
64. Careers In Mind : Archaelogist o.o Don’t know If spell Correct
65. Mellow Future Or Wild : Wild
66. SomeThing You Would Never Try : Fainting near WeiDe (Later he butt to mouth resuscitation o.o…)
67. When Do You Want To Die : 90+
68. Lips or Eyes : Eyes
69. Romantic or Funny : Both =D
70. Shorter or Taller : Taller
71. Protective or Caring : Both =D
72. Romantic or Spontaneous : Romantic o.o…
73. Nice Stoamch or Nice Arms : Why would I like Nice Stomach o.o…. Nice Arms =D
74. Sensitive or Loud : Loud
75. Hook – Up or Relationship : Relationship
76. Trouble Maker or Hesitant : Trouble – Maker
77. Muscular or Normal : Normal
78. Kissed a Stranger : NEVER
79. Broken a Bone : Nope
80. Lost Glasses or Contacts : Nope
81. Ran Away From Home : Thought of that before.
82. Held a gun / knife for self defence : Never
83. Killed Somebody : Somebdy’s Heart…
84. Broken Somebody’s Heart : Yes… and seriously….
85. Had Your Heart Broken : It is broken everyday…. No Matter how much I heal it…
86. Been Arrested : Nope
87. Cried When someone died : Yes… My heart…
88. Liked a friend more than a friend : YES !!!!!!! KHOO SHUQI ^.^ DEAREST NUER !!
89. Do You Believe in yourself : Sometimes..
90. Miracles : SomeTimes…
91. Love at First Sight : Never.
92. Heaven : Nope
93. Santa Claus : Nope
94. Tooth Fairy : Sometimes
95. Kiss in the first date : Never even had a date before…
96. Angels : Sometimes..
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? : Yup ~ LAOJIE and KHOOSHUQI and KIMSANGZHU
98. Are you seriously happy with your life right now ? : Yup ~ Friends are the best ~
99. Do You Believe in God? : NOPE
100. Post As 100 truths and taq 10 ppl [hope you all suffer while doing the quiz ]
People I Want to taq :
1. Shuqi Dearest NuEr
2. Regina LaoJie =D
3. JiaKai VeryLaoDeBoobs
4.JunRong Mooro
5.Syahiratul ClassHead
6. Terence =D
7. Vanessa QinAiDex3
8.JiaMin TheGreat [?]
9. JinYan Marmie =D
10. HueyYee =D

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 4:57 AM

Freak -.- I 8 days never blog liao luhhs !!!

Have to bloqq lots lots today =D

Going to post pictures too =D

Today ~

Woke up late coz I like to lie on my bed even when I awake

Then went to school late coz cannot find the things I need for school.

In the morning at school plucked out weeds from the parade square with Vanessa and KiaYing

Hahas, damn funny lor , now no weeds around the three of us le.

We stacked up the whole pile of weeds together ,

Don’t know if they caused any injuries today during the Secondary 3 inter-class

KiaYing now addicted to plucking weeds le =D

Went to class late coz got many announcement and our class slacked in the parade square for quite some time so late lor

Figured out that I forgot to bring Geography file today ,

I completely forgotten about it sia..

Felt bad luhhs =(

Then never filed today.

Changed my sit to Syahira’s seat ,

She did not come today >.<

Terence said that don’t have folk dance.

I whack his head uhhs !

Jeannie said got folk dance then we went up ,

If not , the whole session will be wasted sia

We learnt another step to the complete formation today ,

Quite happy for it =D

Then over folk dance then went to classroom.

MrCheng said that we are late , coz folk dance teacher let us out late

Mr Cheng started nagging nagging nagging coz our results quite bad.

Seriously is quite bad luhhs..-.-

I totally FLUNKED it.

Then MrCheng started to say that the ppl who did not hand in the summary will sure fail de ,

Then he sounded like I never hand in liddat lor ,

Make me so scared T^T

Then at recess , went to ask him

It turned out to be a false alarm ,

Make me so scare for nothing >.<

Then over recess had HE lessons ,

It was so damn boring.

Sms-ed with Nicholas ,

He seemed pissed off with me today o.o

I sent him the photo of him just before saying ‘bitch’

It was damn hilarious =D

It was taken about 3 days ago?

Then went back class ,

Had Mr Foo’s class ,

Another nagging nagging nagging sessions -.-

Actually I thought that I would get good grades for physics ,

But never luhhs T_T

Died like WTH ?!!

During class I was like writing down what I am going to blog about today , quite weird lorhs

My physics wont score high coz my homework a lot never hand in ==

Played the damn cruel korean-style scissors paper stone game with LaoJie

Pain de luhhs >.<

LaoJie also get hit by me . HehHehHeh~

MrYeoooooooooo came in for lessons , damn boring de luhhs ..-.- felt like sleeping the whole lesson.

After the class ,

Stayed back awhile for the HCA stuffs

Then here I am blogging this damn thing o.o…

Going to post pictures now =D

My whole com lagged up coz of this picture o.o….

Why you looking here uhhs?!! It is not supposed to be seen by you !

Mouth Cramp?

Mouth cramp for JR again …-.- Nicholas you pervert uhhs? Smile until liddat ,

Still with those small beady eyes..

He is scared of being raped by PuayHim

He doesn’t want to face the world

He is over doing it !

And there he goes saying ,

‘I might as well swallow this thing to end my life ! ‘

End of this JR thingy liao ~

You call me delete this Pic?

Makes me want to post it more

Friends forever?

The barnyard =D

Is Lemin begging something from me?

Perfect couple =D Mooro and Piggiie =D

Bernice is trying to absorb my internal strength , Run quickly *ROARS*

She looks like a turtle to me =D

Trying to make Video of the BFFs =D

Wanna smooch LeMin? O.o

Not that easy ~ she is my LaoPo o.o…. JKJK

She stopped it , in case I burnt down her house

You are chair bounded !! you cannot get out of the chair !!

Posing for the pic =D

O.O pointed middle finger yet so happy o.o…

End of everything =D BB PPL~

Monday, May 11, 2009 4:25 AM


4 days never blog liao luhhs…

8th may till now haven blog.

Actually is 3 days luhhs..

I missed blogging T_T

I sian-ed of computers for that three days.

Actually I tmr want to blog de but then too late.

Let me try to recall what I did these few days…

8th may is Friday.


Friday had drama performance..

It was very wth lor T_T

Start from beginning uhhs.

Went to school at 8

syyA said to meet me at the zebra crossing there.

At bus saw ZF hahas.

So long never see each other le.

She that day also got exams.

Then see syyA le.

Walked to school quite quickly.

Went to 1A then got chased out by the table tennis teacher.

WTH lor him.

Also not much noise mah.

Ppl exams , we also need to practise for drama de mah.

Then went to 3F classroom.

Got many many ppl inside.

Then actually wanted to practice de.

Practice awhile then sure got ppl laugh then repeat again..

Then laugh laugh laugh.

Then got one bangala teacher come in scold us that we keep banging the door.

Is not we bang de lor.

Is that damn-ed wind.

When she scolding the door still banged lor.

Which retard student will bang the door when teacher is scolding leh?
(copyrighted from syyA ‘s speech)


Then we got chased out again.

Then we don’t know go where then where.

Then our turn le.

When acting , we missed out many scenes .

And I was like wth….

This time sure die liao luhhs.

Then the teacher say that the drama is not a mess.

Which didn’t stop me from thinking we will fail.

syyA and Nich cried silently luhhs.

I also feel like crying but then my eyes very dry liao ,

So cannot cry >.<

Hahas….-.- cannot laugh..

Then nothing happened during school le lor.

Walked to lot1 and took 300 bus to lan shop.

Which was so damn slow de computer luhhs.

As I kept complaining that day in plurk.


So many thing to blog!

Then when going home  ,

My mother called me and said she was in my aunt’s house ,

Then ask if I wanted to go.


Got DDR at aunt’s house leh.

But then also cannot train how much..

Coz the DDR all the songs cannot change speed de lor.

Then slow like siao…-.-

Then another aunt come to my aunt’s house.

Went to plaza singapura which was very near my aunt’s house.

Went around buying things ,

Aunt pay de =D

My cousin de cun jing chi de lor.

She bought a stuff toy and a pencil box and a school bag.

She actually still wanted to buy a $50 big stuff toy but her mother don’t allow.

Wth lor her.

But I bought a stuff toy also. =x

Then I went home and slept immediately …-.-

Saturday ~

I don’t remember what happened on saturdayso let’s forget about it.


Sunday is yesterday luhhs.

Was damn slacking the whole morning and afternoon.

I damn sian yesterday luhhs.

Damn-ed sian-ed of computers.

But then today like the computer a lot luhhs.

Idk why o.o..

Yesterday in the morning I slack slack then do workout.

In the afternoon I stress liao coz nothing to do.

Then I sian until go sleep then I sleep awake liao ,

Figured out that it is damn hot de luhhs!

Then I went to shower cold water all the way.

Very very shiok de sia !

Try it on a hot weather.

Then I wanted to go out with mother lor.

Actually only wanted to go BPP but ended up going to jurong point.

Walked the whole big place of jurong point.

They built a new part of shoopping place in jurong point so the place become very big liao lor.

Quite nice de place luhhs.

I bought a shirt there only.

Miracle that I can resist buying more things o.o…

Actually wanted to buy lots of things de.

I saw one random shop that sold many random things.

Sell lava lamp and notebook and accecories there.

What a random shop that sells weird things o.o..

My father came to join us later.

Then went to NTUC.

Bought M&Ns and a white chocolate bar.

Damn shiok =D

But fatty >.<>

Cannot resist >.<>

Eat till very shiok , haahas.

Getting hyper le =D

Then went home le lor.

Then I wanted to sleep le.

Without showering…-.-


Woke up early in the morning , thinking that it was over 10.30 le -.-


Then I saw the time was only 8.34am

Then I played computer till 10 .

Went to shower and went to take LRT le lor.

I took the lift , then went up , the train just got here.

Then had feeling someone I know was inside.

I looked inside the train at the right side coz most ppl board at the right side de mah.

The door open then I looked in front  , saw jiakai -.-

So heng , most of the time take LRT to lot1 to meet up with friend will see him de ,


Then at KeatHong ZhaoKai came in .

He treat like I was not there.


Is my existence that extra?!

Sadded sia..-.-

Not many ppl treat my existence importantly . hahas.

Just a casual remark .

Then reached there le .

Ppl came soon.

Then went to west mall.

We keep blocking ppl’s way.

Then went to watch movie.

After movie ,

We keep escaping from Felicia ,

Everybody not happy her lor.

Since everyone can say it so openly ,

Then I just blog it lorhs.

Then went to lot1.

Bought waffle and eat.

I think I already become 44kg liao luhhs…-.-

Going to workout later !

Then a lot of crap then went to arcade.

Spent quite some money there.

Then went home liao lorhs.

Then sitting here to blog …-.-

Might be going to play maple later or workout o.o

Workout le , then shower then play maple bah.