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Rojas Home Page

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Jamen at 17 months old
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Tari & Jamen's Visit to Des Moines - July 2007
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Click here to see Jamen's 1st Birthday

Jamen's Daycare Birthday Party
Click here to see Jamen's Birthday Party at the Daycare
Click here to see Our New Home

4 Months Old

Photos updated September 17, 2006

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Click here to see new pics ocf Jamen Click here to see pics of Jamen at home Click here to see pics of Jamen taken in the hospital Click here to see Jamen's Room Enter here to see the ultrasound pictures

IT'S A BOY !!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A BOY !!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A BOY !!!!!!!!!!!
Born Friday, April 21st
8 lbs 3 oz - 21 inches long