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    This site was made by owner Ric Flair, but the RP was made by me Trish Stratus, don't take this layout, just ask me and ill see if I will let you use it, otherwise, ask the owner. To become Women's Champion 0-0-0
Peoples Mentioned People Used Disclaimer Accomplishments Rankings

[ Stephanie McMahon Arrives | In Parking Lot - - In side the building | Backstage 01 ]

.:. Last night was a great night for Stephanie because she won her very 1st match but she kind of won it in shame because she won it because of count out. But none other she won it. No one has seen Stephanie all day and she has another match coming this week on Friday at 9:00 est time. Also, not only does Stephanie have to worry about this up coming match she has so any people on her back, but the most thing she is worried about is Stone Cold, because she has to be his manger no matter what, and Stephanie does not even know what is actaully in that contract with Stone Cold, she when she arrived she will also have to read that. A few moments later a long white limo with McMahon wriiten on the side, as boo's come threw the bulding, the limo coems to a stop and the back door opens as Stephanie gets out with a smile on her face, and the limo driver get her things from the trunk, closes the trunk and hands Stephanie her thing and she makes her way inside the bulding with a smile on her face as the camera fades down. As the camera comes back on Stephanie is in the hallway with her things and an interview man of the name Mike Cole comes up to Stephanie and puts a mic in her face and she it's it away and she lays her things on the ground and puts her hands on her hips and she looks at Cole with a look on her face .:.

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

Can you get that mic the hell out of my face, every day you dumbass, you're in my face with that mic. I know that i'm Stephanie McMahon and i'm one the best best females here IN this federation but can't you go bug some one else for once, I just have to much to do today and I don't have time for you're dumbass games. So really what do you want from me -- I mean really, what do you WANT?

\\ The Dumbass Interviewer | Cole //

I 'm very sorry Ms. McMahon I just wanted to know if I could please have a few words with you before you go inside you're dressing room. About you're up coming match and maybe about Austin.

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

1st thing is 1st you can ask me any questions you want, I thought you wanted to bug me because i'm like one of the best divas here -- but let me make this real clear to you, I don't want any questions about Steve Austin because I don't even want to think of that or even talk about it. Before I talk about it, I still need to proccess it in threw into my brain, and also I need to read the contract because I have not yet done that, and if you ask me any question about this at any time until I bring it up, then I will STEPHANIE slap you right across you're ugly face, now do I make my self clear Cole?

\\ The Dumbass Interviewer | Cole //

Yes, i'm very sorry that I brough it up I did not no you did not have any clue what was going on, but don't you think the 1st thing you should of done was of read it, I mean sounds like to me that --

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

Oh GOD! I don't believe you!

.:. Stephanie raises her hand a bitch slaps Cole in the face super hard as he drops the mic and back up and he hold his face and now his face is bright red. And Stephanie smiles a little as the fans begin to boo and boo more and Stephanie don't care, because she only care about one thing her self, and she will do what ever it takes to get to the top and Stephanie smiles and says this to Cole .:.

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

I guess next time you will listen to me, I guess you and everyone around here will never learn i'm STEPHANIE MCMAHON damnit i'm the billion dollar princess and what I SAYS goes if you like it or not, people don't control me I control them, so next time and be prepared DUMBASS!

.:. Stephanie smiles as Cole is still holding his face, Stephanie bends over and gets her bags that she put on the bulding floor and she makes her way down the hall where her dressing room is. Stephanie finally gets to her dressing room and their is somthing on the table it says ' To Stephanie ' she puts her things down, and on the other side of the table their are flowers, and she reads it card it from her mother and father wishing her go luck on this weeks match and wishing her all the best, Stephanie smiles and smells the flowers and Stephanie sits down on her leather counts to rest for a bit as the camera fades down. When the camera comes back on their is knock at Stephanie's dressing room, and she gets up and she yells 'come in' and a women who is Stephanie's personal assistant comes in and she has a fruit basket and she says this to Stephanie McMahon .:.

^*^ Personal Assistant | Nancy ^*^

Here Steph, these are for you -- oh wow them flowers are great and very pretty. Who sent them?

.:. The women walks over to the table and lays the basket on the table and she walks over and smells the flower and she looks up at Stephanie wait for her answer, as Stephanie smiles at her and she says .:.

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

Who do you think? My mom and dad of course! I won my very 1st match here! It's great I know the feel of this place now, i'm geting into order and it's really great and ready for everything!

^*^ Personal Assistant | Nancy ^*^

That's really great Steph i'm so happy for you!

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

Thanks so much! By the way who is this fruit basket from?

^*^ Personal Assistant | Nancy ^*^

From me, I just wanted to wish you good luck on this weeks match plus I don't know when the last time we actually got to hang out. Anyways, do you actually know who you will be facing this week?

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

No I know who I have to face I checked yesterday after I won my match. It's a new girl -- I believe its her very 1st match here, so it should be pretty great, but I think she is a real wrestler she looks like she is pretty good, but I don't know I will have to see what she really is -- if is good or just trying to act good. But I did hear people backstage talking and I heard good things about this girl. Her name is Justina James. And she like won ever title that their is to won, i'm telling you this women has doen it all!

^*^ Personal Assistant | Nancy ^*^

Yeah maybe she has it done it all, but who said she really did all of that just because she said it, she could of made all of that up as far as we all know. Steph don't put you're self down, that's why you came to this federation to see what type of wrestler you really are, to see how good you are, I know you can beat her, you have one thing she don't have you're a McMahon threw and threw just don't for get that!

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

Oh please do you think i'm putting my self down! Never, i'm just tell you the fact about this women Nancy, and don't worry I will never forget where I cam from and who I am where i'm going. I know i'm a McMahon and i'm very proud of that and nothing and no one will ever stop me!

^*^ Personal Assistant | Nancy ^*^

Good i'm glad you feel that way. Anyways I better get going I have alot of stuff to work on for you.

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

Ha, you're sure right about that one, could you also call my dad and thank him for him. And thanks Nancy, for everything -- I will see you later hopefully!

.:. Stephanie smiles as Nancy her assistant leaves the dressing room and Stephanie sits back down on her leather couch and see's that the contrct that Austin brough into her dressing room was still their, so she picked it up and began to look threw it as the camera fades down and out to a long break .:.

Stephanie McMahon In The Ring | Talks about her match -- 02 ]

.:. The camera comes back on to a clear stage and the fans are waiting to see what will happen next as the bulding goes quite and then all of a suddent "ALL GROWN UP" hits over the PA and the signs go up in the air, and the boo's come around the whole place. Stephanie finally makes her way out onto the top of the ramp with a smile on her face, she makes her way down the ramp with a smile on her face as the fans are still booing her, Stephanie gets inside of the ring and walks to the center and does a pose with her arm in the air, and walks over to the ring announcer and gets a mic and her music begins to stop as Stephanie walks around the ring before she begins to speek .:.

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

I KNOW you all welcome me with open arms, and i'm so glad of that. But I guessed I proved everyone wrong, I know I proved all of you people wrong, I proved my sister wrong. I mean she did not even show up to talk of her match, I mean really come on -- it really did not matter if she came to talk about the match or not, I mean I would of beat her just like that, and that's that. I'm done talking about my sister.

I see that I won my 1st match and I will gain from that, now i'm onto my 2nd match with some women named Justina James. Quitefrankly I never heard of this women in my life. But i'm sure she has heard of me, well because I am THE billion DOLLAR princess. So if you have not heard of me, well then you been in a dream this whole time. Anyways -- back too my point in this match I will DO the same thing I did in my last match win, I will win because I will not let Ms. James stand in my way. I don't know this women I don't know the facts but I do know that I can beat her because ' i'm a lady with class, mess with me and i'll kick you're ass! ' thats the truth if their was a truth! I don't know about Ms. James but i'm ready i'm so ready for this match -- i'm more ready then ready and that good for me! IN this match I know that I will win with pride, and with courage, I will not walk away, I will show all my fans that I have what it takes, I know I have more then anyone backstage man or female. I mean don't you remember when I asked Brain for that match and he has not said one word or been around ever since that day. YOU know why because he's scared of me. He knows that I can win and I will beat him and that he has got beaten by a women. But oh well -- so if a man don't want to step a foot in the ring well that will show everyone what I have. I mean really think about it for a few second people. So what does that say about me Ms. James??? I know you can come out here and trun my words around in any way you want just to make you're self look good or what ever, well that's fine because we will actually see who the better diva is when I'M announced as the winner of the match and you are announced as the loser, and that's just basic facts i'm telling you. So Ms. James do you think you can beat me -- wiat I don't believe I asked you that question because quitefrankly I don't CARE what you THINK! I don't care what anyone thinks, and that's the truth. The real question is, are you ready? Are you ready to face ' the bitch ' -- Yeah ' people call me a bitch like it's a bad thing ' -- well in that match Ms. James ' you will be my BITCH! ' So Ms. James I hope you bring it all to the table missy!

.:. Stephanie smiles and walks around the ring with a smile on her face as the fans begin to boo at her and call her names, and she just looks at them with this look she don't know care what anyone thinks. Then she starts to talk once again, and the boo's get louder and louder as they begin to chant slut, and Stephanie is just shocked .:.


Slut, Slut, Slut, Slut, Slut, Slut

>> Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie <<

SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!! Anyways as I was saying --