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Robert and Fantasy May 21st, 2005
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Wow! It's over! I can't believe we made it. You guys are so great! The turn out was wonderful; we had over 75 people attend! And everyone was so happy and helpful. And when the rain started half way through the reception, you guys jumped in and helped out moving tables and chair under the coverings, and thank you so much to Michelle, DeMarco, and Jordan for hopping up on the roof and covering the patio so the dancing and fun could continue! Wasn't Olga great? She looked so beautiful! And the kids all did so well. I was so happy to see all the kids could just run about and play and explore and have fun and it just felt like one big family! I will be putting pictures on here soon, we had over 16 rolls of film developed, so be patient, and check back often for new additions! Thank you again to everyone!

Where should we go for our honeymoon?
King-sized bed
Ocean Shores
Oregon Coast

How many children do they hope to have?
One, maybe two
At least three more
As many as Fantasy can pop out
None. Nada. Zero. Zip. They’re done!
days since the wedding
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