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Welcome to Roadkill Productions!

Welcome to RoadKill Productions!

Roadkill Productions is a small movie making group located in Kansas. We make short, funny movies, but if you dont like knox, most likely you wont get many laughs here.


wow, its been quite a while since we have updated.
Things going on: we just put on one of our old movies in the 2006 section. Go and check out Spy. Never thought it would get here, but it is.
Also, we are still working on Blahphobia. Slowly, but surely, that is getting worked on. We also are planing to get going with Jump Squad pretty soon, but filming anything right now is hard considering we all have to be available at the same time. Also the rivers are swollen and we dont want to die, so...
We have been looking at underwater film equipment for Jump Squad, but that can be pricy and Im not sure if it will happen.


New movie in the database, check it out.


We just changed around the movie database, check it out! We figured out how to fix the CD, but we still have yet to get all the movies back on.


We have just finished a surprise movie, Sledding, the sequel to Tubing. (Tubing and Sledding are the first two parts in the Gravity Series, Jump Squad is the third, and we will have to wait for it to get warm to film it.

About the old movies, I would just put them back on, but the thing is, we reformatted the computer they were on. We saved the movies on a CD, which was scratched. So... unless it magically works were not gonna have Seek and Destroy and them.


Alright, all this change is proof that we are still doing stuff to Roadkill. Still have got to put all the movies back on.

A long time ago, I mentioned something about a film called Jump Squad. We are getting that organized, beleive it or not. At least we will get all of the movies back up in a week.


Wow. We haven't posted in a long time. If you noticed, all of the videos aren't working. I am fixing that, we are converting all of them to google video. We have a new movie, it is called Tubing. In my opinion, it is our best yet. We will also be deleting a couple select movies, Scary Which and Dance. We decided they just are too dumb. So keep posted, We will have everything up and running in no time!


I have been asked when we are going to make another movie. To tell the truth, we are making a movie right now, but it is one of the good ones we most likely wont put on the website. (Like Thing in the Woods and spy) We may or may not be able to put these things on the site, it kinda depends.

But anyways, we are filming a movie called Jump Squad, you may or not see it on the internet.

Also, check out your status bar!


Has anybody tried getting on Roadkill with an Apple? If you have, you will know that it doesnt work too well. We are going to make an Apple version of Roadkill, so be waiting for that. But we arent going to be able to convert all of our movies to Quicktime or whatever, so you will still need to download Windows Media Player to watch our movies on an Apple.


We have officialy upgraded! Putfile no more, we are now using Your File Link, is twice as better. We can now post movies consisting of 50mb, so be looking out for Spy and Thing and the Woods. There's a good chance of those making it to the internet now.

Also, are you hearing music? No? Neither do I. I took it off for a while, we were having some trouble with it.


Like the new navigation bar? Like it or not, its here to stay for a while. Thanks to The Javascript Kit for providing that, and many other scripts used on this website.


We added a members only page, i don't know how that affects anyone else because only we can get to it, but i thought I'd write about it anyways.

In other news, its National Goof Off day, freaks celebrate.


Alright folks, we fixed March of the Idiots. Actually, it fixed itself, we don't understand why. But anyway it loads now, but it does it really weirdly.


Oh yes, "Seek and Destroy" has arrived. Check it out in the Movie Database.


Happy March, peoples. We have been making a suprise movie, it will be called "Seek and Destroy". This is one of the best movies we will post online, so feel priviledged. The movies we dont put online we just keep to watch, but someday we might put em all on a big DVD and let kids rent it.

About "Chet", we may not be filming it for a while. We need to get one more mexican marrianette puppet before we can start.

But anyways, make sure you keep posted, "Seek and Destroy" will be online by the end of Tuesday.


Background music! We have been trying to get this on for a long time now. The song we put on here will change a lot, so stay tuned.


Highway Patrol is here! Wo-hoo! You can watch it in the database. And I am 2 days early!


Even though we are still asking for movie ideas from our readers, we got our latest movie filmed. But it will take a couple of days to get it all edited and saved. So be expecting Highway Patrol by friday.

We went through and reloaded the March of the Idiots, but it didnt seem to do much good. I guess if you want to watch it you will have to sit there and wait for it to load. We are going to pull the original file out of the recycle bin, and re-save it to be 20mb, and hopefully that will make it load faster.

And about the Thing in the Woods, we dont think we are going to be able to get it online, so we will be selling for a cheap price at our hometown. If you dont live in our town (we cant reveal where we live), we are sorry for the trouble.

The movie we are geting ready to film is called Chet, it will be about a little mexican marionette. We dont have an estimate in how long it will take, we have not yet started filming it.


The March of the Idiots is having some trouble, so while we are trying to fix it don't be suprised if you find you cant watch it. Sorry for the inconvienence.

In other news, the scriptwriters (ya, did you know we actually have scripts? We just dont use em sometimes) are working on our next movie. We are most likely going to do do movie spoof, but if you have any suggestions for a movie feel free to contact us and tell us about it.


So I was wrong. It took 5 days. Sue me.
Anyways, The Scary Which Project has arrived. You can watch it in the movie database.

In other news, the forums are here! I put a link at the top of the page.

And finaly, tomorrow is national opposite day. If you dont beleive it look it up.


After some early trouble, the movie database is finally up! Check it out!

Also, be watching for our second online movie, the Scary Which Project. If you didn't like the Blair Which Project, this should bring a smile to your face. It should be on the site in at most four days. (and yes we know we spelled "which" with the wrong spelling, the server edits out the other spelling)

And lastly, RK is making a forum, so that you can leave your comments. Stay tuned for that. -dwyn


We moved! Due to the terrible advertisements on, Roadkill has moved to AngelFire, which overall is much better in the long run. Thanks AngelFire! Also, we have added the Movie database so you can look through all of oru movies. Give it about a week tops and it will be looking much better. -dwyn


I was right, the March of the Idiots is here. Enjoy. It has no real plot, it was mainly just a test to see if our cameras and other stuff was all working correctly

note the fancy button :) -dwyn

Stay tuned for our first movie, The Thing in The Woods. I suspect it will be online in a matter of weeks. But before that a spoof of "March of the Penguins" is coming, so look out for RK's "March of the Idiots", maybe even tomorrow. -dwyn

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