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A Wooded Future


Part Seven

Harry hovered for a minute and noted the slightly green tinge to the vampire’s alabaster skin. It was all the confirmation he needed.

Xander jolted to awareness as his tiny blue friend bit him hard on the tip of his pointed ear.

“You Dolt! What in the name of Mother Earth do you think you’re doing!! He was already taken by your Tree and our Mother Earth… They had accepted his blood …. And now… by feeding him outside what is his…” Harry finally simply gave up as it was obvious Xander was more worried about his friend than listening to a small faerie.

Harry knew from the smell that only sap and blood had been exchanged but if the two completed the exchange and were truly bound in the fae sense (spirit and body) then there would be other consequences, irreversible consequences, particularly when it came to the planting. For the vast majority of wood nymphs there would never be an issue – most were solo individuals, happy with their tree and occasional interactions with others of their species, but this Xander was obviously the exception.

Harry decided (perhaps for the first time in his charmed life), that nobles oblige dictated that he say nothing and allow the two the opportunity for happiness and to discover the stages for themselves . When his very sensitive gossamer wings felt a warm breath of wind inside the chilly crypt, he knew his decision had been the right one. Even Mother Earth knew that the two unique beings would adjust to and enjoy their changes gradually.

Harry was still contemplating just a little ‘hint’ when a noise at the door of the crypt saw him disappearing behind the tattered crimson couch in a matter of seconds.

Xander was still reeling with Harry’s reprimand, and worrying about his pale and still recovering friend when the human barged into the crypt unannounced. He panicked but could not move without dislodging Spike so held completely still… absolutely still and unbeknownst to the young nymph, in the process, shifted his visible form to appear like a large pile of bark and leaves.

“Oh my… Spike!... What the…??”

All Dawn could see in the dim light of the crypt, was Spike lying prone on some sort of… well there were definitely leaves but she really wasn’t sure.

What she could see was that he clearly had not consumed all the blood she had provided – and had even left the lid of the cooler open! As she walked toward the vampire she could also see that he was obviously sleeping rather than unconscious. She did a quick scan, there were no empty bottles nor was there the unmistakable smell of stale alcohol that sometimes permeated his crypt, and his wounds were definitely healing. But Dawn herself was not really of the human world, and felt the shimmer of magic in the room.

Harry only knew the large human female to be a friend of the vampire – one who had brought the much needed blood and worried about her friend… and she was very pretty in a human sort of a way (though no girl would ever compare to his cousin Lily). But he could see her bright green aura – and felt the trace of ‘other’ about her. He dared not reveal himself just yet, so folded his wings and edged around the base of the couch keeping the girl in sight as she walked toward Spike.

Harry realized that if she actually made contact with Xander (who he had to admit, for a young one, had done a mighty fine job of camouflaging himself), the poor young nymph would return to his proper state and be left totally exposed. The faerie was still contemplating his method of distracting the female when Spike’s muffled groan preceded shifting a little and snuggling further against his friend. Dawn rushed forward at the sound and it was all too late.

Harry was close to tears himself as he flopped down to observe what was sure to be a terrible scene. Adult humans were always so troubled when coming in contact with any of the fae, always trying to capture them or test them or… it was all too awful to contemplate. They were a pair like no other and now it would be his fault that the new nymph would be captured! He had encouraged him away from the tree … but he had meant well yet the tree would never see it like that… and her nymph had been so young and so special.

As Dawn’s toes made contact with some leaves and Spike’s feet, and the vampire moved again Harry could no longer bear to watch and hid his face in his hands, knowing that Xander would not be able to hold his change if Spike moved now. He would lose his wings for sure! Perhaps, if he appealed to Mother Earth directly – on the grounds he was just trying to help, he would be allowed to fly after a year or two ‘on probation’. He didn’t hold out much hope. And it was made so much worse now the two had exchanged fluids and moved toward the pairing.

Spike groaned and rolled off his lovely companion. With the combination of the touch by the intruder and Spike moving, Xander felt his so carefully constructed form shift back and could not help rolling into a fetal ball covering his leaf covered head with his arms. He tried desperately to think of a plan of escape or conceal himself again, but only managed to upset himself so much that he began to shake and do a nymph version of a whimper.

Spike woke fully as Dawn let out a scream when a curled figure that looked near human simply appeared where a pile of leaf litter had been. Dawn automatically produced a stake and container of mace - the former courtesy of Spike’s training, and ironically the latter a gift from Xander the previous year – to protect her from ‘human and demon nasties’.

Spike immediately saw Xander’s distress and moved to protect his lovely friend, springing to his feet with an ease that had not been possible even twelve hours before. He threw himself between the girl and the now shivering greenish figure. “Wait! Bit… Wait!! It’s a friend… a friend Dawn… Luv… Please!”

Dawn lowered her weapons but stood defensively as Spike pulled the pretty (and judging by the muscular back and legs) male form into his lap, wrapping his arms around the still tightly balled figure. “Spike!! Who or what is…” Her voice was far too loud for the young nymph, and Spike felt him flinch yet again. “Shhh, Bit…. Shhh!!! Lad here’s a might skittish. Give ‘im a chance ‘t get used to you again.”

Spike began to slowly stroke the mane of soft green leaves and gently eased the arms down, encouraging Xander to roll further into his protector’s chest.

Dawn gasped as the man sighed and gradually unfolded. The long pale legs relaxed and extended until the muscular, leaf adorned limbs were clearly visible. As Xander’s arms slowly found their way to quietly embrace the pale vampire, Dawn could see the leafy wrist cuffs and wondered as the long tresses of leaves fell loose to cascade across strong shoulders.

Spike spoke in such a low rumbling tone that Xander lost himself in the lovely deep sound and was able to focus on the comfort provided as Spike stroked him slowly. He ached for his tree, but for now his friend was here and felt… cool and calm and smelt vaguely of the Mother. He lifted a leafy hand and reached up and fingers tangled in short hair, so different to his own fronds and leaves, yet soft and wonderful. Despite his upset he smiled when Spike purred just a little as Xander’s iron hard sharp nails scratched lightly over the vampire’s scalp.

“What do you mean.. ‘Again??’”

Spike realized his slip but also knew that Dawn had adored Xander, and cried for days when he was finally declared missing, believed dead. He owed it to her, and also knew that the young woman was the safest ‘first contact’ with humans as the changed Xander – the extraordinarily brave, newly emerged nymph, tried hard to assimilate the ‘before’ with his current existence.

Spike was all but whispering as he addressed the former Key, “Need you to be calm now Pet. Gotta tell you somethin’ that just between you ‘n me… You’re not to say a word to anyone else… Got it – not big Sis or Red… No one Yeah??!”

Dawn nodded profusely then mimed zipping her lips.

“’preciated Pet… Now… Just need you to be calm and quiet. Reckon you can do that?”

Dawn remained motionless for a moment then silently lowered herself to the crypt floor a little distance from the pair, and sat without uttering a sound as the young nymph unfolded bit by bit.

Spike turned away a little and opened his wrist and as the nymph took a little of his blood, accepted the offered suckling root from Xander’s chest. After but two long slow drafts, both males released and Xander was calm once more, reassured that he had fed and helped his friend, and almost forgetting his recent terror.

Spike almost forgot they had an observer but turned at Dawn’s very pointed “Psst! Spike please… What’s going on?!”

Spike saw Dawn’s eyes go wide as two innocent and frightened green framed, chocolate orbs turned to face hers and the girl recognized the face. He quickly filled in the missing information, “Yes Pet… It’s Xander… It’s the boy… the Scoobie… your sister’s old friend… the original white hat… the one we lost…. But he’s been changed, Luv… found ‘im only a few nights ago.”

Spike reassured his lovely friend with a tightened hug as he continued to calm the young woman in his midst. “He’s one of the fae now, Pet. A Hamadryad… And before you ask.. yes it’s a ‘done deal’… But please Bit … He’s so young… you’ve gotta give him a bit o’ leeway for bein’ flighty, plus we’ve been through a bit of a scare. Lad’s never changed… left ‘is Mother Tree to help me, and now look. Poor Luv” Spike whispered with such adoration that Dawn was sure it was ‘good’ but still utterly confused.

Spike reached out to Dawn with a free hand, “Pop down, Pet. Lad’s all confused and out of ‘is tree… literally.”

Dawn’s eyes went wide as she lowered herself to a non threatening crouch. Her hand met with Xander’s free, leaf encircled hand. It was cool, and felt like… smooth soft… wood.

Xander was still trembling but felt strangely reassured by the girl’s gentle touch. Spike’s tight embrace and Harry’s emergence from his hiding place (though not yet visible to the girl) was even more reassuring.

Dawn could not help herself and had reached out to stroke the soft leaves that sprouted from Xander’s scalp “How??”

“Don’t rightly know Pet… But the boy here’s new, need ta treat ‘im gentle-like.”

Dawn kept stroking her sister’s former friend’s leaves… her ‘other big brother’; their missing – assumed dead – Scoobie… and tried to take in the changes.

She whispered, “No problem…” then addressed Xander. "Hey Xan… remember me? Buffy’s sister… the Key… you know… the ‘kid’?? ” She trailed off as the fearful eyes simply stared at her. Finally a little recognition seemed to enter his eyes and a slight smile graced his lips.

Xander was still desperately trying to place the female from his ‘before’, and couldn’t quite work out the full link, but was relieved to identify her as ‘friend’, her touch was soft as she stroked him, and he took comfort from the cool arms of his vampire. He knew instinctively that she would not hear him even if he chose to say something, so simply stared at the pretty face.

“So he’s?”

“A wood nymph Pet. Not to be messed with when it comes to ‘is tree.”

“And… he’s… He is still very handsome!”

“Reckon you’re right there Pet.”

“But surely Willow could… you know reverse…”

Harry could restrain himself no longer. The dark one was obviously recovered and although it was nice that this mostly human girl was friendly… he just had to get the nymph back to his tree or the boy would suffer for weeks and his own wings would be clipped for his trouble. He was not exactly sure of his plan but figured it would work itself out somehow.

Unfortunately for the little blue fairy, he miscalculated the span of his wings and the length of the couch in his panic to secure a rescue, and consequently collided with the wall before getting his bearings and hovering in front of the larger trio.

For Dawn, the discovery of Xander, even changed as he was, was the source of great joy. But the emergence of Harry was confirmation of childhood fantasies and Xander’s change all rolled into one. Harry could not stand being giggled at so appealed to Spike.

Harry flew over and slapped the vampire hard, “He came to help you! Now you have to do the same for him you big dolt!!! He has to get back! Come on… He has to or you’re gonna have one sick young nymph on your hands.”

Spike suddenly realized that there was very little time to lose and hoisted the nymph up to carry him as one might a new bride. Dawn followed the couple, and Harry let out a loud sigh of relief bringing up the rear.

Explanations would, no doubt, be required later – particularly from Harry. For now they had a nymph to deliver.

Part Eight

The rather mismatched group of four made it back to the Mother Tree shortly after two in the morning.

Spike and Xander walked back with strong cool arms around each other. Dawn had her hand in Spike’s, whilst giving furtive looks across to Xander. Their blue friend Harry was seated happily on Xander’s shoulder and was simply relieved that the events of the night had resulted in all the members of their little group being safe.

The Mother tree audibly sighed as her new nymph approached, and the earth around Xander’s leaf encircled feet seemed to vibrate with joy as she called to him through their unbreakable link.

Harry flew off in a rather annoyed flurry of wings, and Dawn could not believe her eyes as the former Scoobie rushed forward to throw himself against the tree with relief, then promptly disappeared into the bark of her strong trunk.

“Oh Spike! What the… ?!” She ran to the tree, running her hands over the bark at the place where Xander had literally melted away.

“’S OK Pet… ‘S OK. It’s what he does… He needs ‘er… Every night, has to have a feed same as every babe in arms…” Spike tugged at Dawn’s arm and encouraged her away from the tree.

“C’mon Luv… Let me walk you home before Big Sis notices you gone ehhh?? You head on back in a day or two and have another chat, see if the lad remembers you, yeah? Sure the boy would like that. Reckon ‘e needs a beautiful lady ta worry ‘bout ‘im now and again.” Spike kissed Dawn on the hand then pulled the girl into a reassuring hug, before he spied Harry sitting on a low branch looking rather dejected after being apparently left out of all the excitement.

Spike pulled back from Dawn a little and winked – indicating his line of sight to his lovely Bit, before adding, “But just so’s you know… watch out for that Harry character if you’re in the vicinity… Seems to ‘ave taken a bit of a shine to ya, but I’ve heard he’s all love ‘em and leave ‘em.” Dawn grinned and replied in her most melodramatic tone, “Oh yes, I will be careful Spike… thank you for the warning.”

They were both rewarded with an indignant “Hey!!!” then a grumbled “Very funny” as the little faerie realized he was being played. Before he flew away, however, Spike caught his eye. The look of deepest gratitude was unmistakable, and Harry’s annoyance evaporated instantly. He ducked his head in a gentleman’s gesture of silent acknowledgement, then took off for home. It hadn’t been such a bad night after all.

The instant Xander felt her again everything else slid into oblivion: the vampire, the accepted one, whom he had just saved and partnered with; his naughty yet noble fae cousin Harry; and the new one, the apparently human Dawn; they all disappeared as she embraced him again.

Xander relinquished all sensibility as he relaxed into the Mother Tree. He took her frond with a sense of intense relief and love then suckled for the better part of the next twenty four hours. The tree rejoiced. Her boy was back, and despite Harry’s trepidation, the tree understood the connection between dark one and her own. She called to the dark one as the night returned… then waited.

Xander felt the day come and go, the warmth of the sun through her bark and the life giving sap pushing through his system. Yet he yearned for something more and that was new.

Spike had done as promised and delivered Dawn safely before returning to his cold crypt. The following night he attended the pre-patrol meeting at the Magic Box. Dawn caught his eye several times but said little. Her only reference to the previous evening being a simple query regards his cemetery and the residents therein.

Spike listened to the nightly report, then headed out in his usual capacity, “Just watchin’ the Slayer’s back, ‘n get in some decent violence.”

Despite their designated search and destroy plan for the evening, Spike felt an unusual inclination toward the cemetery where he knew Xander now resided. The strange part was that as the night went on, the inclination was actually better described as a compulsion, a drive, an imperative to get to the nymph again.

By midnight, Spike felt on the edge of frantic as he stood alongside the Slayer fighting three demons. Like an addict of any ilk, there seemed to be a visceral need to find Xander and the tree. It wasn’t like the urge for blood, or even the kill… those he had dealt with for years and as Master Vampire had long learned to deal with the cravings when the pickings were on the lighter side of adequate. Rather, this felt like a slow burning, like he was drying out from the inside.

Last demon dispatched, Buffy turned to her vampire compatriot-in-arms and suddenly noticed his rather atypical stillness. Usually after a fight he was all energy and cigarettes, but now he stood motionless staring wistfully into the distance.

“Is there another? Spike? Can you smell another?” Buffy was just about to yell a third time when Spike dropped to a crouch holding his stomach, “You OK Spike? Spike! What’s… Spike!! Are. You. OK??”

Spike stood slowly, arms still firmly around his own waist. “‘M fine Slayer. Just a mite sore from the other night still. Need t’ get ‘n have somethin’ to eat is all. Now how’s about you head off and I’ll take meself home for a bit of a feed yeah?”

Buffy looked vaguely suspicious at the slight brush off, but decided Spike was probably just too proud to admit his injuries hadn’t quite healed. She understood, so hefted the bag of weapons over her shoulder and took off in the direction of home.

Spike turned and made a dash for the Mother Tree and his nymph.

Around one in the morning Xander’s awareness returned fully as the feeding frond slipped from his mouth. He felt his dark one in Mother’s part of the cemetery and slid from her embrace to land silently on the ground.

Spike all but tackled the still slightly sleepy nymph to the ground in his haste to reach the tree.
Xander was pressed back onto the soil at the base of his tree, a game faced Spike straddling him, growling, and running hands all over his friend as though to reassure himself that Xander was real. Strangely the nymph felt no fear. He understood the need for his tree, now his dark friend’s as well in a way. He was further reassured as the growls turned to purrs, and the hands became gentler, caressing and stroking.

Spike leaned forward to nuzzle Xander’s neck before adjusting his position and pulling the flaps of his duster out of the way so it covered them both. The slight change brought their crotch regions together and Xander could feel his manhood straining against the bark flap to keep contact with Spike’s equally hard member.

Spike nipped and licked his way down the nymph’s chest to an already erect nipple. He salivated as his body remembered the feeding frond. He had to drink of Xander, that he knew, anything else was merely a bonus. At least that was the theory.

Apparently on instinct, he lifted up for a moment, bit his own wrist and pushed it against Xander’s cool mouth as he latched onto Xander’s already extending nipple and for the second time, felt it slide down his throat and begin to deliver precious sap direct to his stomach.

Xander acquiesced to the wonderful sensations and drank the coppery fluid from the vampire’s wrist, and though he had fed from the Mother Tree for close to twenty four hours found himself hungry for the foreign fluid.

After many minutes the feeding finally stopped and Spike raised himself to claim Xander’s mouth in a passionate kiss. The nymph’s tongue had the flavor of freshly roasted almonds. To Xander, Spike tasted like rich soil and the cool dew of the morning. Both males sighed - as did two tiny observers. Harry and his rather pretty male faerie friend Michael had perched themselves high in an adjacent tree to watch proceedings. Harry rather privately pleased with the ‘show’ as he pulled Michael close and licked the sensitive area between the other faerie’s wings.

Spike unzipped his jeans and pushed them down when both males’ arousals became all too obvious as their bodies rubbed together. As he undid his clothing with one hand Spike reached out with the other to stroke over the feather soft flap covering Xander’s manhood and heard a distinct hiss of air escaping. Spike was fascinated by the nymph’s emerald colored, erect penis literally lifting its bark covering, as Xander’s skin flushed a deep green with delight.

His hand drifted behind the flap to find the iron-hard member and the soft moss covered sac awaiting his attentions. Spike almost came as his green companion threw his arms akimbo to simply accept anything the vampire would give.

Spike moved back further, lifted the boys legs onto his shoulders, slicked the virgin hole with blood with one, two, then three fingers before entering him with his own pale shaft.

As the two coupled, Mother Earth stirred. Spike began to move as his nymph urged him on. The two tangled tongues and Spike’s hand found its way to an emerald green erection between them and added the extra friction needed.

The quake only lasted seconds, the two perpetrators oblivious as a quake of their own was enacted, Spike filling his friend and Xander shooting his virginal sap between them.

Vampire and Nymph both glowed slightly golden for some minutes and lay sated at the foot of the Mother Tree until they became aware of their surroundings when an ensuing storm caused the skies to open. It had been a dry spring so the plants and animals alike rejoiced in the unseasonal downpour.

Harry had known it was inevitable – but observing the act was an extraordinary thing! He hugged his young friend Michael close and grinned. In all his hundred and eighty years, he had never felt so pleased for another two beings. And at twenty three Michael was a baby, but even he felt the magic. He turned his handsome mauve face and kissed the mature faerie passionately before they adjourned home.

Harry felt rather inclined to reveal a few things to the new couple below… but it could wait for a day or so. He had something – or rather someone - to attend to.

Spike woke the following day mid afternoon.

He could not recall going to sleep, which was most disturbing, but instinctively knew he was safe. He recognized both the sweet smell of wood and the strong form of his nymph… his Xander… in his arms… and then he remembered.

He sat up slowly, leant against her beautiful interior and took stock. He felt different, he knew that. He could see the ever so slight green tinge to his skin of his wrist where Xander had taken sustenance. He also knew he felt thirsty, but not for blood necessarily… for… water?!

He also felt the connection… the Nymph, the Tree and the Earth… and… Angel? It had been years since he had felt it. Yet the connection with his Grandsire simply felt… calm… centered and resolved for the first time in a hundred years. It felt… peaceful and imbued with simple familial tenderness, just as he had always wished it.

He looked down at his glorious partner still sleeping peacefully, then tugged a cellphone from the pocket of his duster and hit fast dial ‘3’.

The anxious voice on the other end gave him no time to explain nor did it brook any argument, “Spike… William… I felt it! What happened? Just wait there, I’m coming… S@#$! Spike… What have you done?”

Part Nine

True to his word Angel arrived in Sunnydale a mere two hours later, the older vampire frantic to find his somewhat estranged Grandchilde. There were so few of the true Aurelian line left now and to his knowledge only four or five Childer in his own direct line. He had been reassured by the phonecall in a way, though the sudden surge of immense power through the ancient familial link, then the consequent quiet and distinct shift prior to Spike ringing was entirely confusing.

The classic black convertible had a near miss with the archway entrance to the cemetery before screeching to a halt in the carpark. Not even bothering to open the door, Angel grabbed the keys and launched himself in the general direction of… Spike.

Angel could barely feel his blonde relative, but at least was able to detect the direction and took off at a run. The tenuous link with Spike now felt… profoundly changed but he could not yet say how, so surged forward. Whatever had happened to Spike was significant enough to jolt the magic balance somehow. He stopped to scent the air then pushed on toward a location at the other side of the cemetery.

Xander stirred then sat up to accept a kiss from his very awake partner. Spike was still savoring the taste of his friend as Xander brushed his hand over the Mother Tree’s soft inner wall and she opened to allow her nymph and his partner an exit to the world outside.

Utterly relaxed as Spike eased himself out of the tree, but felt his presence with an intensity than had occurred only a few times in over a century. And this time it was genuinely different.

Spike barely had time to push Xander behind him before Angel skidded to a halt in front of the tree.

The younger vampire instinctively slipped into game face and prepared for a confrontation, but the feelings coming through the familial link were those of concern and protectiveness, not aggression. As Angel pulled up short looking completely flabbergasted, Spike stepped forward.

They were still under her canopy, Xander was touching him, and the new part of his psyche, though still to take hold fully, gave him the distinct impression that all was well.

He reached out toward his grandsire and for the first time in over a hundred years touched Angel’s face with familial friendship as he sighed, “Hello Sire.”

The older vampire was utterly transfixed.

In the light of a half moon his Grandchilde was as ethereally beautiful as ever, but had lost his skin’s pure alabaster color in favor of a slightly green hue – and he smelt no more of blood, whiskey and cigarettes, but rather, had the fresh scent of leaves after the rain and warm, dry wood. It made no sense!

“Spike!? I… What have you done? Are you…??” Xander stepped into the moonlight just enough that Angel could see a pretty male figure wrapping his arms around his Grandchilde’s waist, but could not make out the features. Spike smiled a little, and pushed back into the offered hug.

A gust of wind was all it took for the pair to be embraced gently by a stray, leafy branch of the Mother tree. The leaves and pliable limb remained for long enough that Angel had no doubt the act was both magical in origin and deliberate in nature.

Spike closed his eyes momentarily, and as the Mother tree’s caress released, he stepped forward, stood totally still, then bared his throat for his senior relative.

Angel’s fangs were already down and the ancient vampiric gesture of a Childe was not to be denied. Yet when he moved forward to bite down on the pale neck it was with an instinctive gentleness and affection that was utterly atypical. When Angelus had bitten it had always been for domination and control, now the bite was simply a tasting for reassurance that his relative was… alright. After only a single long draft, the reciprocal exposed neck from Angel confirmed a profound shift in the relationship for the two creatures of the night.

Spike licked the muscular neck and closed the wound. After so many years, the truly renewed link only served to alert Angel to the changed status of his Childe. He pulled away to stare at the blonde in amazement – it was unheard of… in the entire Vampire history, it simply wasn’t done, yet the blood said it all.

His neck wound healing, Angel could not help caressing his Grandchilde’s cheek as he spoke in wonder, “I… I still hope for humanity… but this?! This is impossible! The fae would never take a dark one?!! But??... How??... How did you? Oh my dear William… You're not… And there will be… Geezz Spike!! It could only be you… only ever you… Why?”

Spike smiled rather enigmatically then tugged Xander into the light of the moon.

In human face again now, he kissed the nymph passionately then turned back to a rather stunned looking Angel, “Found the lad didn’t I… Helped ‘im then he helped me… and … well just know sommit’s a bit different.”

Angel did not immediately recognize 'the lad', but as he did, his eyes went wide with amazement. It was Xander, Buffy’s friend, the boy he had offered to Spike when they first met after almost a century as a foil to bide time. Xander who had agreed to host his Grandchilde shortly after the vampire was chipped… Xander who had gone missing… Xander… who was now standing, blinking innocently at him with leaf green lashes around dark brown eyes, and had his new bark covered fingers intertwined with Spike’s.

“Spike no!! How could you? I mean… And Xander? … And I tasted … Oh William!”

Xander had moved to spoon his lovely partner from behind as the changed vampire struggled to explain the events to his Grandsire. The tree too was ready to come to his defense and shuddered, causing a rain of tiny twigs and dead leaves to fall.

Xander remembered the dark visitor from his ‘before’, flashes of a dangerous vampire, and mistrust and dislike. Yet his stunning, pale partner seemed to feel differently, it was all so confusing. He wished they could enter the tree again, just merge and return to her feeding and their lovemaking.

Spike turned and kissed his young partner on the cheek whispered “Ssh pet. ‘s OK.”

Angel was desperately trying to process what might have occurred. That Spike had taken a male lover was not so surprising. That the lover was Xander a little more so, though given that the two had lived together before and considering Xander’s disastrous history with girlfriends, it was perhaps plausible. No, it was more the fact that Xander was obviously and profoundly changed and Angel could smell it… the former Scoobie was one of the fae folk. The shudder of the tree and associated jolt of magic left Angel in no doubt as to Xander’s wood nymph status, but he was still confused by Spike – and the apparent change there.

Angel was always pale and prone to brooding, but the look of utter confusion, genuine worry and sadness surprised even Spike. “C’mon ya ol bugger, sit down afore you fall down and let’s us have a chat, eh?”

Spike waited as Angel took the invitation and sat at the foot of the ancient tree, then pulled Xander down and arranged them both so that the nymph was leaning against one of the Mother Tree’s large buttress roots and his front was covered by Spike’s back. The young nymph relaxed completely with the safety of the position.

Angel was close enough that Spike’s old Docs and his own stylish black dress boots were touching. There was no malice really yet neither vampire apparently knew how exactly to start the discussion and the silence looking to extend indefinitely.

They were still there when Harry found them. Still flushed an unusually deep blue thanks to his recent amorous encounter with Michael (who was still sleeping it off), he flew down to land on one of the Mother Tree’s roots nearby and took matters into his own tiny hands.

“Well come on you lot! How hard is it to talk to family?...” He had not expected the response to his intrusion as he was instantly graced with two growls from two very large, game faced vampires.

He decided to hover his ground rather than stand it and went on the offensive from mid air. “Listen you big blood for brains, you’re scaring the boy with all the snarling!”

Harry was right. Despite Xander’s safe position against his tree, the young nymph did not understand the sudden change in his friend and had started to shake. His nails were embedding themselves into the bark of his tree and by the time Spike looked down, he spotted the feet of his woody friend pushing their way down into the soil. Angel no longer mattered. Spike spun on the spot and claimed the boy’s mouth, embraced the strong torso and demanded by his actions that Xander calm and cease trying to earth himself.

Angel too could see the nymph’s actions yet could do nothing but simply observe until a tiny fist connected with his ear and Harry’s high pitched voice rang out again. “Now you listen here, Mr Growly! The boy has claimed him and he the boy - fully! The Mother Tree and our Ladyship Earth both approved. It’s done, and you know that already by his blood. So yes, blood of your blood – a vampire - is accepted fully by our realm.” Spike turned back to face the mismatched pair whilst still holding tight to Xander.

Game faces gone, Angel’s dark eyes met Spike’s azure blue, the older vampire still looking a little lost at the strange turn of events. They held their gaze as Harry continued. “Blondie here needs the sustenance of the tree now – as well as blood – it’s always blood with you lot! So he’ll be tied here – not so much as the young one over there of course, but I wouldn’t worry. They’re together for the duration, or really forever if you count the planting.”


“Oh never you mind about that! Fire’s the big worry – but then it always was, and keeping the Mother Tree safe is a huge priority. But hey wood? No longer a problem, so stake through the heart? Annoying but no dusting…” Harry looked rather conspiratorial before announcing his next point, “And he’s joined for all time to Xander, so he will enjoy the sun again one day.”

Spike’s eyes went wide at the last revelation. He was still confused by the reference to planting, but figured that would be explained at some point. “So I’m still immortal?”

“More or less, yes.”

Angel continued the line of thought “And he is still a vampire – an Aurelian line vampire?”

Harry huffed his frustration and decided that the sooner he could finish the conversation and return to his purple partner, the better, “Yes, yes, of course! Vampire plus... Now I have things to do – sort the rest out for yourselves – and be nice to the boy!” With that he disappeared toward the bunch of pretty shrubs he called home.

Silence returned between the two vampires but it was different. Xander began to wriggle – he needed to tend the tree but was still pinned and unable to move. Finally Spike broke the impasse, “Wanna get a drink?”

“Yeah.” Angel stood in one fluid motion as Spike turned to his lovely partner again

“You’ll be right with her now Pet, yeah?” Xander grinned with relief and nodded profusely.

“Right then.” Spike stood easily, hauled up his fae partner then disappeared toward Willie’s at a sprint, Angel hard on his heels. Xander simply moved up his tree to perform his nightly duties of checking her and monitoring the little beings in her care.

The two vampires found themselves lying on their backs on the huge old bed in Spike’s crypt, somewhere around dawn, side by side and staring at the ceiling.

Angel still could not get over the slight green hue of his Grandchilde’s skin, nor the fact that for every drink of blood or alcohol, there had also been a glass of water.

“So… does Buffy know?”

“No!!! And you’re not bloody well goin’ to tell ‘er!”

Angel dropped his tone defensively “It was just a question Spike! I mean does anyone else know? About Xander”

“The Bit… Dawn… she knows – but also knows to keep ‘er trap shut. Lad is dead Sire… They took ‘im, and you an’ I know, there’s no goin’ back from that.”

The use of the formal title was a reminder of his own shift in status from human to vampire, and also signaled the calming of the relationship between Grandchilde and Grandsire.

“Yeah… But don’t you think they should know? I mean wasn’t Willow… ?”

Spike turned to face Angel, “Boy’s literally a babe in the woods. Needs time to sort the old memories and the new. Reckon he’ll let ‘em know when he’s ready.”

“And you? Spike? Are you OK with all this…?”

They talked until dawn, mostly of their early history, memories of the wars and various ‘significant others’, then slept the day away side by side, Angel rolled to throw an unconscious arm over his younger relative somewhere during their slumber and waking the wrist was taken and one proffered in return. The blood exchange was relaxed and natural, and they parted just after sundown amicably for the first time in a century.

Spike returned to the tree for the evening, and rejoiced as he was greeted by leaf encircled hands caressing desperately, and lips opening to welcome him in.

Their lives fell into a pattern over the ensuing month. Early evenings emerging from the tree, Spike taking off for the usual pre patrol meeting, Xander tending his tree then ever more frequently sitting perched in the uppermost branches of her beautiful form to watch for his lover’s return. Spying the swirl of leather and platinum blonde hair he would all but fly down the tree, hand and foot holds now so well known that there was no conscious effort needed.

For her part, the tree was well pleased with her nymph. His attentions were meticulous, loving and in many instances, preventative.

It was late spring and there were youngsters everywhere. Seven nests, all of smaller birds, plus an owl’s residence in an upper ‘room’ created by an opening in her trunk. Xander monitored them all, and despite his best efforts to ensure all the nests were safe, Spike found him grieving one night after he discovered a tiny bald form on the grass. The fall from the nest in the upper canopy had proved fatal for the tiny female. The nymph dug a small grave and buried the little body, placing a fresh leaf tugged from his own wrist over the minute mound.

It would not be the only heartache. Xander met an older nymph, Chris, after hearing the sobbing from an adjacent tree. He knelt beside the extraordinarily leafy form as the other nymph cradled the dead form of a tiny squirrel, mortally wounded by a group of young humans with air guns. It was apparently the fourth death by such a means in less than a week.

Dawn cried along with Xander that evening, but it was Spike who was waiting for the young lads the following evening. Pinning the leader to a tree he ‘politely’ pointed out the error in their ways, confiscated their guns and took great delight in scenting the air as at least three of the group of five wet themselves with fear before he released the leader and all the boys sprinted for home, never to return.

Sadly, however, it was not the worst of it. The cemetery was undergoing a ‘facelift’. They all felt it as the large oak on the opposite side of the cemetery had three of her limbs severed to make way for a new toilet block.

Spike stirred around midday in the second week of summer as the rumble of heavy equipment vibrated the earth near their Mother Tree. He rolled onto the sleep-feeding Xander and laved the brown nipple until it extended. He swallowed automatically and returned to sleep soundly, feeding on the precious fluid.

They both woke abruptly at sunset. Something was terribly wrong, and they could both hear crying.

They emerged from the tree to a desperate scene. At least two dozen little faeries – male and female, all ages and every color of the rainbow were huddling in and around the tree’s roots. Many had been crying.

As the nymph and vampire emerged however, the group separated to reveal an agonizing sight. Two still forms were carried forward and placed reverently at Xander and Spike’s feet.

“Please… Please help them! They saved the little ones then were caught in the destruction.”

Spike felt the knot in his stomach tighten. He knew who might have been in the thicket.

He tugged Xander forward as he asked, “What happened?”

The pretty pale yellow female faerie who answered was still half sobbing as she related the horror of the afternoon. “They destroyed the thicket! Bull dozed it into a pile and scraped the ground clean of all growth. We’ve lost two of our number – plus all manner of creatures... lives or homes! Please… please!! Help Harry… and… [sob] … oh please!”

Spike gently lifted the dirt encrusted figure as Xander picked up the second broken little body.

“Best we take them inside and clean them up Pet. Can’t do a thing ‘til we can see at least see the damage.”

As the tree admitted the four, the other faeries took off into her canopy to find protection for the evening.



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The Spander Files