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Rating: Mature Audiences – for content and themes, this bit not so much.
Summary: Post S7… What if a new watcher/ex Scoobie caught on patrol and a certain law firm had an agenda… and a vampire.
Spoilers: Hardly any ... but some Canon is Post S7 BtVS and S5 AtS.
Warnings: M/M – if you don't like boys together, don't play here!

Disclaimer: Don't own the characters nor make any money from stories etc, and bow down to their original creators Joss, et al., plus all the wonderful online writers who continue to give the Buffy/Angel verse characters life.

Eleven Twenty Three O Five


Part Six

Richard’s initial words to the rather fragile Willow had been, “Hi I’m friends with someone who is… still around and he said to say there were yellow crayons (?)… and um… I’m not sure what that means?”

“But it can’t be!! Who are you???… Who are you?? Do you know what happened?? You bastard… Did you kill him!? Why are you ringing me? We have nothing! I have nothing!!! Who in the goddess’s name…??”

Richard was unable to continue the call and simply passed the phone to Spike who did not hesitate, this was Xander’s to do.

Xander grabbed the phone.

“Wills… please just…. um … please… listen!”

“Oh my Goddess… um…!!”

The hitched sob and wail of grief was not something Xander was not equipped to handle. Spike felt it and hugged him tight from behind and sending love through their link.

The call was difficult, Willow was obviously sitting sobbing on the floor of the coven in England while Xander was held in his Sire’s arms in Canada. Spike finally took the phone as his mate became too distressed to speak.

The Council had been informed of Xander’s court case and consequent ‘hospitalization’, but his friends were utterly stunned when his depression and consequent suicide was reported. There were no immediate family in the USA and he had already been ‘let go’ by his employers, so a distant relative of his mother, an Uncle Rory had been contacted upon his demise. Apparently he had organized a quick cremation for his cousin-in-law’s screwed up kid and was rather miffed at having to send most of Xander’s funds to ‘some guy in England’.

Giles had blamed himself, though under the court’s jurisdiction the Watchers’ Council had no power to extract Xander from the institution for the mentally ill and they had honestly taken heart that at least it was not a jail sentence and only a short stay. Willow received the money from Xander’s estate a day before they were informed of his demise. She had immediately sought out and been (reluctantly) provided with a summary of Xander’s medical records and final days… the date of suicide noted some four weeks *post* Spike turning him in W & H’s ‘care’.

Giles was currently extremely ill and currently in hospital with double pneumonia. He had been working tirelessly for the new Watchers’ Council and taken Xander’s death very hard. Giles had benefited from Xander’s Will, but it was in no way conciliation for the loss of a dear friend.

“You OK witch?... Need ya focused ‘cause the boy here, well he has to have a chat…”

“Oh Goddess Who is this!?? But um… yeah… of course…”

Spike handed the phone back to his partner and hugged his mate tight.

“Hey Wills?!” The familiar voice evoked a flood of tears at the other end.

“Oh Goddess… Ummm Oh! Xander??!! ::Sniffle::”

“Yeah um hi…..”

“But they said you were…”

“And I kind of am… but not by choice… And I didn’t know how to….”

“Well that’s it…I am *so* mad at you Mr… they said… ::pause and sniffle:: we even had a ceremony ‘cause they… they… OH Xan!!!:: sobs and hitched breathing:: You were… and now you can’t be?!! ::sob::”

“But that’s the thing Wills… I am… dead, I mean courtesy of Wolfram and Hart… Hey it’s… well… I’m um… well…. I’m-a-vampire-Will! And before you get all stakage with me, we’re both chipped and… I was bonded to Sire before I ever fed… so the whole soul shared thing and the non killing thing … kind of a given.”

“But who’s Sire and Soul??? Angel was dust in that alley I saw the report! And now Spike?”

“Spike…. Um… wasn’t killed in the Black Thorn thing… but the law firm .. *f-ing* bastards… stuck him into ‘stasis’ until they found someone, well me… then made him a Childe while he was still unconscious!”

Willow was still struggling, “But… but then how did they…?”

“New chips… me as human… before I was turned … then shoved a tube down his neck and a catheter into mine… He had no choice… Wills!... Spike is as much a hero as he ever was… even more! Geez Will… I’m tied to his soul … we’re mated, I know the goodness in him… and I can’t even fully explain what happened… I guess I just hope you can … umm… hold onto who I was and get to know me as I am… ‘cause I’m still here… I am Will … I’m different … but I’m here.”

The lovely wiccan was sobbing and tried her best, “Ohhh Ohhh Sweetie….They sent us your things…!!! We… um… the bastards sent us your *things*! They *killed* you and sent us your things!! They said you’d… Oh Goddess Xan! I’m so sorry! I knew, I mean I should have known but we didn’t… oh Xan!! And now Giles is so sick… I um Ohhh…”

Xander could feel his friend slipping and felt his demon rising. His friends had been lied to and suffered and were as much victims as he and his Sire. His eyes shifted to gold as his features shifted but vengeance was for another day. For now he simply needed to comfort and reassure a friend.

Spike hugged him tight and bit gently into his jugular. The act grounded him and he finished the conversation promising his ongoing contact and quietly explaining to Willow the nature of his Mated status. The following day it was a very emotional Giles who, from his hospital bed explained the uniqueness of the virgin Mating of the two to the witch. Willow then held him as *he* cried. The older gent felt directly responsible for the entire set of awful occurrences, but strangely comforted by Xander’s new status.

The phonecall had raised the Wolfram and Hart issue again and Spike worried. Despite their discussions, Richard still seemed blissfully in denial regards the threat to his own person from Wolfram and Hart. He was sensible enough to stay off their dial by taking a job so out of character and for cash that it was unlikely they would find him that way, but the rest of his lifestyle, particularly his nighttime activities still compromised his safety.

Richard had watched the loving relationship of his two housemates solidify. He reveled in Xander discovering the various aspects of his vampiric nature and the joy it gave Spike. He watched them sparring, Xander’s speed and power increasing exponentially as they gained condition. He watched the taut muscles and lithe movements as they kissed in front of him for the first time on the rather battered couch and excused himself to deal with a rock hard erection in private. He looked on longingly as the forced partnership of the Mated Pair matured into unconditional love and deep devotion. And he wondered at the strengthening link that seemed to allow the two otherworldly beautiful men a synchronicity and connection that was quite extraordinary. And he wished he could find even the smallest hint of that for himself.

The human had been out to nightclubbing again, something he had done regularly since their move to Vancouver, but each time he seemed to fail to find anyone prepared to do more than have a casual fondle. He bounced home on Sunday after all night adventure claiming he’d found ‘the one’. That was around a fortnight or so before Xander’s call to Willow, by the end of the month however the new friend would no longer return his calls… He had tried six times in a single, desperate afternoon, before Spike hung up the phone in the middle of him dialing a seventh with a gentle hand on his wrist and a fond fatherly tone, “Leave it pet.”

Richard slumped down on the floor beside to low bench the phone was perched on. Spike took the handset from their defeated looking friend and placed it back in the cradle, then sat down beside him, calling Xander through the link as he did.

“What’s all this about pet? You don’t need to chase some bastard who is too impolite to even pick up a phone!”

“But see that’s just it isn’t it!… He’s not being impolite is he? He doesn’t *want* me, he said he did but now… and as much as I try for anyone it’s never good enough is it… and who could blame them? All you’d have to do is walk into a room and guys would be lining up to be with you! Xander too! But me? I just get someone interested… and it either ends up as a total bust after one night, or finishes just when I really think we’re getting somewhere…” The dejected Richard hugged his knees to him, hung his head and picked at the carpet. “And look at you two! I just wish… I just want to feel… like I’m loved”

Xander dropped down on the other side of their human friend and slung a friendly arm over his shoulder just as Spike started to rub his lower back just as one might for an upset child.

“Ahh mate… But you are, and very much! And better that the bastards should dump you than abuse you and lead ya about by your privates ‘til they get sick of their own games, or spend a hundred plus years with you then throw you off for a bloody wanker with antlers,” Richard looked up utterly confused. “Listen pet… expert in rejection here, an’ you’re lucky these bastards don’t muck you around… They don’t deserve you Luv! They never will! Smart, funny and easy on the eye… c’mon bloke like you with a heart o’ gold and the minerals to match? Plenty of fellas be tickled pink if ya just gave ‘em a second look!”

But Richard was tugging at the carpet again and Xander noticed two hot drips splash onto the warn fibers. Finally Richard sniffed then shook his head a little. “I’m sorry, it’s just… I don’t know… I’ve ruined my career with the whole…” He glanced up to see that both Xander and Spike were both looking extraordinarily contrite and rather pained by the reminder of Richard’s sacrifice on their behalf and quickly added, “But I wanted to!! You know I don’t regret that, in no way… it’s just um… I just know I need… to feel like…”

Spike cut him off by lifting the tearful face and kissing him hard on the lips. “You need a little TLC pet, just let us take care of you for a little while.”

Spike returned to kissing their friend more gently this time and slid his tongue into Richard’s welcoming warm mouth. Xander took his cue from Spike and received a loving jolt through the link as he moved in front of the human. He pulled Richard’s legs to near straight, and apart enough to sit between.

As Spike deepened the kiss and slid his hand under the man’s shirt, Xander began to stroke and massage the man’s inner thigh through his jeans. Richard was so stunned by the turn of events that he forgot to protest, instead moaning as his nipples were played with. He vaguely registered the button and zip of his jeans being parted then jumped a little as a cool hand took his already hard erection and began to expertly pump it while caressing the heavy sac and perineum with another hand.

Spike broke the kiss to find his lover’s mouth, biting his own tongue and filling Xander’s mouth with the precious fluid and the taste of Richard. They both kept up their ministrations and moments later Richard came hard as he watched the erotic scene whilst being impossibly stimulated by four hands.

In the afterglow they led a compliant human to their bed and simply lay either side holding him and stroked their friend gently.

As Richard drifted off to sleep he managed a simple … “Thank you”

“Our pleasure pet, our pleasure.”

Part Seven

Though they had shared long evenings of beer and a chat before, Richard seemed to be relaxed far more after their comfort on the floor. The greatest change seemed to be his willingness to let them in to his life. Both vampires noticed him sharing his own life stories a lot more, where previously he quizzed them. There were certainly more hugs on a daily basis and a definite kiss on the lips for both his flat mates whenever he returned from work (but only after an obligatory shower) and yet it seemed there needed to be very little naughty touching to satisfy him. Richard was simply happier, cared about, caressed if he needed it and, happier.

As he began to speak of his past it was obvious to both Spike and his mate why the man was a white hat. He had been the quiet one at school apparently, not particularly good at sport or one of the ‘in’ crowd, he generally tagged on the end of a few groups over the years, never really feeling like he fitted. Suddenly Xander felt very lucky for the Scoobies, despite his missing eye and some very bizarre experiences at high school and beyond.

Like Spike, Richard had a loving family and grew up in a relatively wealthy area just outside Washington DC.

His father, a successful speech writer for the Secretary of State, died suddenly of a heart attack when out jogging one morning, he was fifty two. Richard had been in his first year of college and living in at the time, and though devastated, still managed to deliver the eulogy at a funeral that boasted an overflowing church; public tributes by a number of prominent government figures including the Vice President; and the obligatory press coverage. The ceremony over, others had forgotten but for the family and for the son it obviously still hurt. As a consequence he was extremely close to his mother and two sisters, and since moving away to study, then for work, had missed them all terribly. Spike empathized and both Xander and Richard were privy to a quiet, thoughtful and very private monologue regarding his love for his mother.

The tall slim brunette had realized his gender preference in his second year of college, but didn’t act on it for another year.

When he asked Xander and Spike when they had known they were gay, both vampires looked rather puzzled and Spike answered, “Not really a big deal for us pet… Why cut out fifty percent of the population… But then again the boy here ‘d turn anyone into a switch hitter I reckon.” Xander was lying with his head in Spike’s lap as they chatted and grinned, then purred and rubbed his cheek against Spike’s crotch until his Sire had to adjust his position a little.

“You love a person mate not a gender… bloody humans got it all upside down! One minute you’re complainin’ about the birth rate and makin’ women infertile, and the next you’re tellin’ blokes they can’t make love! Out-bloody-rageous!” Spike’s faux annoyance had brought a smile to their lovely friend’s face.

Richard’s coming out story, however, was one of unrequited love, indeed betrayal. He had found himself the favored student of his philosophy tutor, even moved in with him for a short while. He had been flattered by attentions of the older, more experienced man, and so involved in his own ‘coming out’, was blissfully unaware, then dreadfully hurt, to find that the relationship he thought to be long term and monogamous was utterly one-sided. His mentor consistently dated and brought home other men, and when questioned claimed it was to ‘test’ Richard’s commitment to an open relationship.

After the third pretty boy was discovered waltzing about the apartment nude on a Sunday morning after Richard had been left to find his own way home from a nightclub, he had become upset, threatened to do the same to his ‘swinger’ friend, and was summarily told to leave… or as Richard described it “thrown away”. The older man claimed that young Richard was ungrateful, and unfaithful after being ‘shown the ropes’, as it were. A number of disastrous one night stands had ensued, though it seemed had rarely progressed beyond kissing and a quick fondle.

He had consequently pulled out of the Philosophy and Literature courses and talked his way, rather late in the year, into Biology.

He had proved talented and quickly moved from Degree to Masters and was inline for a PhD scholarship when Wolfram and Hart had stepped in. The salary package had been extraordinary, though the consequent training rather odd, bordering on cultish in its tone and delivery. Once initiated howeve,r and upon seeing a variety of demons for the first time all controlled by miraculous new technology, he threw himself into his work, not suspecting in the least that many of his subjects had been human… recently.

He apologized to both Xander and Spike for almost a day regards their treatment at the hands of the W&H science team. So much so, that after insisting it was all OK at least seven times in the one evening Spike lost patience and fell into game face, storming out of the room claiming, “Lot of sodding rot … not your fault you silly bugger, wish you’d listen! ‘Twasn’t. Your. Bleedin’. Fault! Bahhh… I’m goin’ ta kill somethin’!”

Richard was extremely upset that he had angered Spike so much… but Xander patted him on the knee and simply said, “It’s OK… it’s OK… I’ll go after him… He’s just gets a bit antsy with the whole W&H thing. But you’ve got to know….we’re so grateful for what you’ve done for us… And you know in an odd sort of way they did us a favor… If it hadn’t been for the Wolfram and Hart folks, we wouldn’t be together would we! So stop fretting and organize us a beer or two… that always brings him around.” Xander grinned and Richard eventually smiled weakly as Xander nodded and headed out the door after his Sire.

On the anniversary of Richard’s father’s demise, his mother rang at five in the morning, mixing up the times as per usual. To date he had done the ringing, but had given his sister his details so was unsurprised. They had always tried to be together on this day of loss, even if only by phone.

She asked if he was happy, and he admitted that he really was, though was still ‘unattached’ and living with a couple to help cover the rent. She offered to send him money, which he declined, but did accept the home made sweater idea for his birthday and actively gave her the address again.

A second conversation with his younger sister when he returned from work was not so easy. The young woman had been chatting to her mother and drilled him about his job and his dating, and what nightclubs he went to and the men he was ‘hanging out’ with. She, like Spike and Xander had been privy to his seemingly destructive pattern in relationships. He slumped down on the chair after the event and was immediately surrounded by two preternaturally strong, cool bodies.

“C’mon pet. How’s about we go out together? The three of us, for a movie or a dance or some such…?”

“Thanks Spike but um… I just think I need to go sleep for now… Thanks anyway.” Spike nodded, it had been a hard day for everyone, Xander having nightmares of his incarceration and chipping throughout their normally quiet morning sleep time.

Richard’s paper regards the two vampires was written and though his intention was to send it to Wolfram and Hart’s science group to “give the guys the truth”, Spike dissuaded him *strongly*. And in the end a copy was sent to Giles, who, out of hospital and on the mend, was amazed by the thorough nature of Richard's research. Two hundred or so pages of data, analysis and commentary, very much an action research document, was valuable beyond belief to the Watchers and in no small way, an extraordinary comfort to the still convalescing Watcher. Two weeks later the Council sent Richard a commendation and the promise of a grant for ten thousand pounds sterling to continue his research.

They celebrated together that night at the top of Grouse mountain, Richard taking the cable car up, while the vampires did their best to keep pace. Richard won and they all took the car down together at the end of the rather nice meal. Xander still couldn’t get used to his new taste buds, so he and Spike disappeared at one point, both returning looking rather flushed and Spike sporting a tightly bandaged wrist just visible under his jacket sleeve. Richard did not fail to notice two helpings of the double chocolate cheesecake and four beers disappear despite the young vampire’s taste problem however.

The following night the human went out with a new accountant from work. Spike took an instant dislike the ‘overly charming’ older man even before they had seen him, and even more so after Spike and Xander followed their friend on the second date and they witnessed the very proprietary behavior of the individual, yet apparent ‘wandering eye’ and hands as far as young men going past were concerned. The vampire casually queried Richard when he returned the next morning in a rather disheveled state but the questions were brushed off as the new beau was described in the too good to be true mode, so typical of their lovely friend at the beginning of any of his relationships.

A week later and the fourth evening Richard had headed out with Ron (said with a strong growl whenever Spike mentioned his name), he did not come home again. Spike and Xander were both a little annoyed but unsurprised and resolved to go for their country training run the following evening (Saturday) regardless of whether or not their friend promised to come with them.

Part Eight

Richard woke in an off-white tiled room he didn’t recognize, and quickly realized something was out of kilter. He didn’t remember stripping off, but noted he was very nude and in a spa bath with a second figure.

He recalled being pleasantly inebriated and bar hopping on a Friday night somewhere in Vancouver guided around by his new friend (and great kisser) Ron. He remembered talking for a very long time on this particular night, it was the first time he really felt he could open up to anyone except Spike and Xander… and his sisters of course.

He recalled discussing his former employment in vague terms and Ron being intensely interested in Richard’s research. They even talked about the occult and beliefs, and all sorts of things… but it was all a bit of a blur. He did recall signing his name a few times at some point for Ron on some blank paper Ron seemed to have tucked in his pocket. He thought it was some sort of personality test through comparative handwriting. They had definitely kissed a lot, his friend had fetched him another drink, after which he agreed to go back to Ron’s apartment. After that, everything was a blank.

He would learn much later that he’d been ‘out’ for a full twenty four hours and that there were stitches and a soft spot toward the back of his skull by the time they slipped him into the tub. He had signed his own life across to the very research group he had rescued his boys from. Wolfram and Hart had a way of finding those who crossed them.

In his haze, he now realized that there was now a very pretty young man in the spa with him. It must have been the ‘special surprise’ Ron had promised so watched with fascination as the person submerged and took Richard’s erection in a talented mouth. Obviously the other man must have been attending Richard before he awoke as the researcher had never felt so stimulated, it was utterly euphoric. He was on the brink of delirium with eyes closed as he climaxed in the boy’s mouth, therefore failed to notice a tail, and did not see the assistant approach. He barely felt the prick of a needle sliding into his arm nor its delivery of anesthetic and the fluid that would alter everything.

He awoke much later feeling very strange. The boy was gone, though the spa had been refilled with warm water which should have been comfortable, but even semiconscious, he knew something was odd about the whole situation. He was too groggy to move but could hear someone behind him chanting. His legs began aching, muscles spasmed, and limbs all pulled taut in excruciating pain. He just had time to wonder why he was suffering cramp before the hurt became a stronger, sharper pain throughout his entire body causing him to arch out of the water and scream in agony then pass out as his bone structures began to realign permanently and his body shifted into its new form.

When he roused again, the bath smelt odd, salty, he could not open his eyes and his skin seemed to itch all over. He tried to scratch and ended up crying out again as he found his arms caught tight in restraints and efforts therefore ineffectual. The crawling sensation under his skin continued, it was unbearable. Finally someone jabbed his arm with a needle then all he knew was blissful black.

The next time he awoke, he knew there was something terribly wrong. He tried to move but someone had tied his legs together… why would they do that? He tried to call out for help, but his tongue would not cooperate. He opened his eyes slowly and gasped in disbelief as he saw the lower part of his own body.

It seemed his legs were… gone… or had fused together. From the waist, down there was a very pretty blue green tail with white underside. His anus was now around where his knees used to be ….at the front(!) and just below what looked like a fold in the skin. His private parts were no longer visible, instead it was apparent they resided in the fold, a penile slit, it now held his sheathed phallus and scrotum. His skin had … changed too, thicker somehow and (other than his head) hairless. From just below around where his belly button should have been his body was that of a dolphin… He reached out to touch the bizarre form, not quite believing it, then cried in anguish as he realized that his arms too had changed. From the elbows down there were seal-fin like appendages, the fingers on his hands grossly distended and webbed solidly between.

He tried to yell for help but only succeeded in biting his lip and finally ran his tongue over his front teeth, feeling the razor sharp incisors of a predator… He still could not make sense of it all. It had to be a dream!

He had almost convinced himself, until a cruel few seconds later when two raw small tuna were dumped on the edge of the spa beside him. His instinct and stomach signaled that now he apparently preferred diet of raw fish. He dove on the offering, consumed them, then cried his shock and anguish. His voice finally came… in a series a strangled high pitched squeaks.

He still had the male torso of a human and his attractive face, but his lower two thirds, his forearms and hands had the form of a mythical sea creature… Richard the human was no more… and Wolfram and Hart had dealt with yet another maverick employee.

Less than an hour later, he was incapacitated by the pain end of his chip, manhandled onto a trolley, strapped down, and moved to a watery enclosure.

Once there, the scientists stimulated him to euphoria along with the other individual in the pool… at which point he and the male mer-person began coupling enthusiastically. The lad was the same pretty boy who had been compelled to service Richard in the spa.

They coupled swiftly near the edge of the pool. Richard entered his friend’s penile slit with a rock hard erection while holding the taut male to his own torso, then followed by penetrating the tighter ring of muscles below. There was no option but to partner face to face. Their repeated climaxes and interchanging positions was done without conscious thought, it was simply to satisfy a desperate need until their handlers dialed them down again. They came hard, fast and often.

Their chips were eventually dialed back to neutral, the relieved pretty merman pulled Richard into a hug and held him tight as they rested by the edge of their pool and consoled each other… the water soothing the former humans. Richard’s lovely new ‘friend’ had no doubt also been human too… once upon a time as Richard saw the sad look of empathy as he held up his deformed forearm and hand, it was met by the other’s fin. Richard tried to convey a question with his eyes and by mouthing “You too? When?”

The reply was a series of clicks and squeaks but the mouthed words were “Two months”. He then moved back a little and caressed his new lover down his human torso with the palm of his flipper-like hand. He clicked and whistled his way through saying, “Glad you’re here but wish we weren’t.” He paused his caress to stare sadly at his own hand. “I’m Dean.”

Richard pulled Dean close, kissed him passionately, mouthed “I’m Richard” with associated sounds, then peppered his new friend with more light with kisses. Finally Dean hugged tight as they allowed themselves to grieve for their lost humanity.

The following few weeks were a series of stimulated ‘sessions’ of sexual intercourse, while two observers holding the implant controls madly took notes. But even when ‘dialed down’ the two former humans engaged in an increasing number of quite spontaneous periods of lovemaking, each willingly exploring their new lover. Their penile slit was incredibly sensitive and they both found that stroking or licking it, even without touching the other’s erection, resulted in almost instant climax. The tips of their tails were also ‘touchy’ and anal area was wonderful too.

Both their penises were slightly longer, purely muscle and now tapered a little to the end. Richard was utterly stunned when Dean displayed his control over the erect member curling and straightening the end, even wrapping it around Richard’s wrist. Richard found he could do it too. It certainly brought a new dimension to fellatio.

Richard gradually came to enjoy the power of his tail and his apparent ability to consciously slow his heart rate when underwater. Always a reasonable swimmer, he quickly found an incredible thrill in the increased speed he could now find with a very true dolphin kick, though took a little time to learn some of the maneuvering tricks of his lithe companion.

Richard had always been slim and now his narrow shoulders were proving an advantage. He also discovered that a second eyelid slid across when he submerged, allowing him to see as well or better than if he wore goggles, and there were definite advantages in being able to consciously close off nose and ears when underwater.

At some level they had both resigned themselves to their fate since incapable of making their own escape due to loss of hands and legs, and the lack of speech rendered them unable to even negotiate some help as far as human communication was concerned. An added complication seemed to be the need to keep their skin wet (at very least their tails) for most of the day as they discovered to their detriment in a session with their torturers.

The two mermen had been tranquilized, injected with a diuretic and hauled out of the water. They woke some hour or two later in what appeared to be a playpen type arrangement with heat lamps over the top. There were a few balls and some skittles in the area, but they ignored them and simply lay side by side stroking each other basking in the rather pleasant heat. They both snoozed but as the afternoon wore on skin began to prickle and itch, increasing in its intensity until they felt like it was on fire and their bodies began to overheat. They hauled themselves to the gate of their torture pen and cried out to the scientists impassively taking notes, dry throats giving very little sound just a series of pathetic high pitched squeaks.

By the end of the afternoon, their skin was puckered and dehydrated and they lay panting assuming it was to be their end. Finally mouthing ‘love you’ to the other before they both fell unconsciousness. They woke sometime later in a cool spa with drips inserted in arms and jets of slightly salty water soothing their skin.

As the weeks passed, the scientists seemed to increasingly treat their subjects like trained dolphins, ignoring Dean and Richard’s attempts to communicate with them in preference to giving curt commands and forcing them to ‘perform’ with or without dialing pain via their implants. At least for the two lovers, the whistles and clicks began to make more and more sense as they spent all day everyday together, after two months lip reading was a rare necessity.

Richard was most definitely in love with his amorous and very pretty friend and the sentiment was reciprocated. If only they weren’t the aquatic equivalent of lab rats, they might have at enjoyed the new physical status more, but for now they were both trapped in hell, their only solace - each other.


Xander and Spike had been frantic. Richard had not come home from his night on the town, they weren’t even sure where he had gone but initially figured back to Ron’s place. It was not to be.

Richard’s supervisor at the docks rang his home on the Tuesday to ask where he was and when it was reported that he had not come home simply left a message that if he wasn’t back by Thursday he was out of a job.

After a week, when his bank accounts were not accessed, they suspected foul play. They finally tracked his last movements to a nightclub downtown, but from there he seemed to have vanished.

A month later, they finally tracked down ‘Ron’. He had not been seen for ‘a few days’, but he was only a contract accountant so that was nothing new. And of course his Email bounced, his phones were both disconnected, and his apartment vacated.

After six weeks Richard’s clothing and a typed suicide note with his signature at the bottom, were ‘miraculously found’ buy a Vancouver port worker neatly placed near a pylon. The note cited his Ron leaving as the main cause, depression, loneliness and apologized to his family “for everything”.

The lower section of a leg, part of a torso and left arm with Richard’s watch still on the arm was found a fortnight later, the police suggesting that the body had been caught in one or more ship turbines, although the tearing of flesh also suggested some scavengers had enjoyed a free meal also. His assets were frozen as the Police investigators officially closed the case, and the family prepared to bury what little of him that was left.

His family had hoped for the best but prepared for the worst, and his grief stricken mother calling his home to discuss the implications of his death with his two house mates. She tearfully asked them to ‘move out’ as the family had broken his lease and would come within the week to ‘deal with his possessions’. She sobbed as she offered them his old van as some sort of reminder of her son and to compensate them for not having consulted them regarding breaking their tenancy.

Spike too was upset at the news, thanked her profoundly for notifying them, and was extremely kind to the dear lady on the phone, but something just didn’t fit. She mentioned in passing how terribly helpful Wolfram and Hart, his old employers had been, even though “…he left so suddenly and they said under a bit of a cloud. He’s always been such a good boy but the lovely attorney did point out that his behavior is consistent with severe depression… I mean running away to Canada… and he stole from them too apparently…. And now this! Ohhhh” She sobbed into the phone, “They aren’t even charging the family for their advice and assistance. They said they had everything they needed from our family and were just happy to help. Isn’t that just… so thoughtful.”

As soon as Spike got off the phone, he hugged Xander “I’d bet me last bloody pack o’ fags that Wolfram and Hart have him, and he’s still alive… It’s the same pattern as yours an’ all the others.”

“But that just means he could be *anywhere*.”

“Nah, Pet, they’ll have taken him somewhere close and I’ll bet if we get into Richard’s files on the laptop, there’ll be a list of the places they use. They’ll be privately funded places and within a day’s drive I’ll bet.”

Sure enough there were three facilities listed under the Special Research Facilities that were likely and within a few hours’ drive, though all in the USA.

The last time they jumped the border they had traveled in as corpses. Richard had stolen a set of standard papers Wolfram and Hart issued when clients wished to transport ‘less live’ items. Both vampires had been most definitely ‘dead’ and the rather uncomfortable young driver ‘on his first trip with dead people’, was trying to take the two to their loved ones for burial. He freely offered the border police the opportunity to open the body bags, but they declined.

But this time it had to be a different strategy. Spike researched a little, and swiftly arranged forged Canadian passports. He didn’t think Richard would mind ‘letting go’ of the few items he had to hock to pay for their little venture.

Xander rang around the Research Centers. One was a biochemical laboratory that did not deal with humans at all. The second call was an answering machine and Xander did not leave a message. But the third was answered by a chirpy young receptionist who was very forthcoming once she knew that the board of Wolfram and Hart was hoping for a progress report on their research, and switched Xander through to the head of the centre. He sounded a little put out by the reason for the call.

“Look tell Manners, or whoever, that we are flat out at the moment. We appreciate you guys arranging the volunteers for us but as I said to him in the last report – we’ve run out of space again. I don’t care who comes to pick ‘em up but we’ve pretty much finished with a few of them, and I’ve got two more coming in Monday. Look why don’t I run down the list since they’re your people and let me know who you want to take and I’ll have ‘em ready for you to pick up pronto.” Despite lack of soul Xander shot a spark of hope to Spike thought a little prayer.

“Yeah sure…” Xander had no idea what he would do if the Richard was not amongst them, but the name Manners was the same last name as *his* ‘friendly attorney’ when he’d been taken and was bolstered by Spike’s hopeful thoughts.

“OK, you guys have all the details your end so I’ll just read the names if that’s OK I’ll go slow and you just let me know. Richard Jacobson, Dean Serpinski, Lara McClure, Rosemary Murphy…” and on he went… twelve names but one the most important. Xander waited patiently for all to be read out then spoke again.

“Why don’t I just take um the first…” He was cut off by the director who sounded decidedly more cheerful.

“Great the first two… that’s perfect… The question is when?”

“Umm… just let me confirm…” Xander knew Spike could hear and ‘feel’ the conversation and looked over for guidance. His Sire mouthed “Tomorrow night”

“Hello …. Yes I believe my colleague and I can detour and be in your area late tomorrow evening, would anyone still be there around say 9pm?”

“Sure!! Mick’s our nightshift. I’m sure he won’t mind doing the handover, take him a few beers and you’ll have a friend for life. And look… I really appreciate the call, I think you’ll find our next quarterly most encouraging for your boss.”

The conversation concluded quickly after that.

Part Nine

The following evening on a lonely road on the outskirts of Spokane, the two vampires both in new smart casual clothes, greeted Mick and handed over a six pack of beer.

They were led down a very long corridor with a number of different rooms. Their host cheerfully explained that they were a private facility typically funded ‘on the quiet’ by the military and private entrepreneurs but in more recent times the Wolfram and Hart donations to one or two of their special projects had made a big difference. Not to mention the rather nice stream of willing volunteers that the law firm seemed to access and the fact that they all came to the facility with implants to assist in the experiments.

He stopped at a heavy door at the end of the corridor. “This is it gents, after you.”

It took a moment or two to realize what it was they were looking at. The room was dominated by a twenty meter swimming pool. As they walked in two dolphin like tails were visible, one slapped the water and then both submerged. The two vampires were confused and just about to say something when two human heads appeared and turned to see who had arrived. Xander gasped as he took in what must have transpired, recalling the half man half goat back when they were in Ohio. He watched with fascinated horror as their dear friend propelled himself easily to their end of the pool.

“They come as a pair as usual – doesn’t matter to us… just do it for you folks since Wolfram and Hart usually put ‘em on display after we’ve finished with ‘em. Apparently a pair gives everyone a better show, otherwise they wouldn’t be that interesting would they. They make a nice addition to any company pool I guess, just remind whoever’s getting them that it has to be a salt system. Chlorine is just too tough on their skin long term. We’ve trained ‘em with a few tricks and so long as you keep the dial around you can persuade ‘em to do pretty much anything.” With that the burly man handed Xander the hated implant controls.

“Oh and tell your boss they’re easy enough to make now we’ve perfected the chip/serum/spell combination. Hey and unless he’s ready for the marines training program yet, he might want to send us a couple of females next time – If they’re just for show, you know… the boy on boy stuff doesn’t do it for everyone.

“I’ll just go sort out some wet towels. You’ll need some extras and a couple of plastic bags for their business too – hardly take ‘em to a public bathroom. And I don’t suppose you thought to bring food?” Spike shook his head and tried to look apologetic.

“No matter I’ll grab you some frozen – they don’t like it as much as fresh but they won’t starve at least. Know I’ve got a few packs of whitebait you can have.” The man left them in the enclosure while he gathered supplies.

Spike gave a curt nod but didn’t take his eyes off their wonderful savior Richard, now so very altered. Both vampires dropped to their knees and reached over the side of the pool toward their friend. They were horrified when he lifted out his fin like hand to touch them.

“We’ve come to take you home pet… but that might need some revisin’ now… Just… We are certainly getting you both out of here!

Xander choked back the tears as they discovered that there were no human sounds available to Richard anymore, simply a set of high pitched whistles, squeaks and percussive noises. But the sentiments were unmistakable, love, sadness, relief, gratitude. Richard communicated rapidly to his partner who squeaked and clicked with obvious excitement.

Within minutes Spike and Xander had moved the van to the loading bay of the building, and had Richard and friend inside, now wrapped carefully in wet towels on a large sheet of plastic on the floor of the vehicle.


They drove south for the entire night, Spike left messages with Willow’s coven, with the Watchers’ Council for Giles, and even one on Dawn’s chirpy answering machine in Italy. They needed a solution, somewhere safe for these two beautiful creatures to live, be cared for and happy.

They finally stopped at a motel at four in the morning, explaining that they had two ill passengers and needed a room urgently. They paid extra to stay for the whole day and the following night and were thankful that the honeymoon suite (the one with the spa) was available. They filled the huge bath with warm water and lifted the two precious bundles into their temporary abode before securing the curtains, and bedding down for the day.

The two vampires took turns refreshing the warmth in the tub every few hours and spoke gently to the rather disorientated couple. Each time their friend clicked his pleasure and tried desperately to speak, but usually just gave up and caressed whoever was attending them with his now distended and webbed hand. Richard’s look of deep gratitude said it all and inevitably he received a kiss for his trouble. By the third visit, the other young man joined him in the thankful, affectionate gestures.

On the second night Spike stole an RV. They drove the two vehicles until on a deserted back road where they transferred their precious cargo, then switched the number plates on the RV, siphoned most of the the petrol into the jerry can in the RV, and used the rest to set the car ablaze. Spike would eventually ring through to the police in a distant town weeks later and report the vehicle stolen.

They barely made it into a hotel in time as the sky began to lighten. This time there was just a standard bath and rather stiff tails did not allow the two mermen to bend as much as was needed to fit into the bath together. So this time the two hour turn around was a change over from a turn in the towels to a turn in the bath.

But at least one thing was better. The worst part for the mermen during the trip to date had been the embarrassment felt when they needed to relieve themselves, particularly the need to defecate. In their pool they had been provided with a custom made chute and handles on the wall to simply pull up and go, and with treated water occasional slip ups urinating was really not such an issue. But lying in wet towels in the back of the van, they were unable to do anything more than roll onto the ‘extra’ towel then live with the smell. But the RV held the solution. In one of Xander’s bored moments, he was checking all the cupboards and found a selection of zip-lock bags in one of the drawers in the van and had an idea. Although they still needed help to open and seal the bags, they were at least able to go cleanly and in relative privacy.

No-one was particularly rested by day three though the RV with its double bed was a vast improvement on the floor of the van, and the extra up top single did give some respite at night for the vampires who occasionally snoozed when not driving. The tiny fridge and freezer was also a godsend fresh blood and fish purchased at much more frequent intervals and if they were pressed for water there was little shower, extraordinarily difficult to manipulate Richard or Dean into but still possible if they were desperate.

They were still vaguely heading south along the West coast. At least that way they could sometimes catch an early morning purchase as fishermen came into dock with their catch. On their fourth night they began to head inland to run across country, but backtracked after Willow’s call.


This time she called them. There was a coven of who specialized in studying mythical sea creatures and had specialized facilities just south of San Diego on the coast. It was warded so they would be shielded from the outside and black magic including W&H. And they would have safe haven and access to the open ocean. The witches were terribly excited and amazed that some group had actually succeeded in shifting a human’s form to true merman, but distressed beyond measure that it had been done without consent, unsurprised it was Wolfram and Hart behind the violation.

Spike noted their charges were sleeping soundly, still comfortably moist on their soft bed, so did not bother to wake them with the news. They checked in for the night to perhaps for the last time in the trip. They were on the outskirts of Pheonix, Arizona when they were forced to stop just before dawn. Or rather they stopped three times at low class establishments before turning back into town and finally found a five star hotel who’s concierge *was* sympathetic to neatly dressed men who appealed to him, explaining that their “…partners had to be home after a rather fun weekend in Vegas but they had to wait out the day for ‘::nod nod wink wink::… certain reasons.”

They paid a small fortune in cash and a little extra for the man’s trouble/silence. Spike hoping they could hock the RV once they’d dealt with their friends, or he and Xander would truly be destitute… They were vampires… and he never had a problem with ‘alf inching’ for survival… but just sometimes it would have been a relief not to worry. Wolfram and Hart had accessed all Angel’s money and the Sunnydale collapse had lost the Ring of Amarra ‘stash’ or what was left of it. Gauging by some discrete inquiries with his banks that Wolfram and Hart had dealt with his Childe’s human assets when he was declared dead by suicide.

His thoughts flowed easily through the link and he was the recipient of a tight hug and loving kiss “We’ll be fine – Sire… something will come up… I trust you…”

The suite was enormous with two bedrooms and a spa with luxuriant seats for eight.

If everything went to hell after this as least they could give Richard and Dean this was one night of bliss.

Glasses were a little beyond their friends new ‘hands’ so two sports bottles found in the van’s cupboards sufficed… and the two provided bottles of Champagne were consumed over the ensuing few hours. Still bubbling away in the warm water, a nude Spike wandered up to Richard and pointed to the dial on a snoozing Dean’s implant and with a wicked grin mouthed “Up”.

Richard grinned and was utterly aroused by the notion and the fact that Spike’s erection was begging for his mate who was also relaxed, eyes closed. Richard swiftly shifted in the water and arched just enough that his prehensile and utterly muscular organ caught and wrapped the end around Spike’s wrist. His vampire friend’s eyes went wide. “Bloody hell… wanna revise that threesome thing?... So you can both???...”

Richard grinned, his now slightly cone shaped teeth showing, and mouthed “You bet.”

“Well you’re not bloody well goin’ near Xan then!… you’ll spoil him for everythin’! All I’ve got is the regular equipment… Then again, nothin’ like a vampire for the long haul and the quick recovery!!” He grinned and wiggled his scarred eye brow. Spike had heard the two mermen’s under a minute love making episodes… though their recovery time seemed almost instantaneous and unlimited also.

Richard smiled broadly, and instead of mouthing or squeaking an answer, he leaned down and to nuzzle the master vampire’s crotch lightly underwater, it was simply an affectionate gesture, not a sexual one…

As he emerged Richard was surprisingly, rather teary, made more obvious by his extra lids. Pulling back he reached up with his now altered ‘hand’ to caress the vampire, but Spike was quicker. He too was teary eyed and grabbed the limb, kissing the four segments of soft webbing between distended digits in turn… then added one to Richard’s forehead for good measure.

“Oh Pet… We bloody well love you…. You know that?!... I ‘m sorry we were too late… so…so.. sorry… was too late for my mate too… so bloody weak…” Spike was spiraling into self flagellation again, but Richard pulled him down and kissed him soundly, gesturing firmly to his lovely mate who was blinking back to consciousness and smiled at him with loving dark brown eyes. He’d heard the tail end of the conversation.

Spike felt his mate tugging through the link so smiled thankfully, patted Richard’s arm and set all the controls to low. Neither needed the stimulation, but it was the novelty of being able to give everyone a little ‘kick’ at their own request that had them all agree to enjoy a little extra. Spike highlighted the difference by leaving the controls within reach of their two aquatic friends even finned hands could hit the ‘Off’ anytime. He then whispered, loud enough for both mermen to hear, “See mate… get the right boy and threesome’s old hat!” grinned, winked and joined Xander in their less watery bed.

Dean looked a little puzzled at the comment, Richard simply smiled and clicked the equivalent of long story later, then slid his fin inside his partners very sensitive and pink with arousal penile slit and looked down as both their prehensile members emerged and intertwined. The two couples made love side by side easily for over an hour.


The following evening’s drive was surprisingly stressful, both couples apprehensive as to what they might find at the coven. And Xander, Richard and Spike contemplating losing each other for a second time.

Before they pulled into the confines of the witches’ estate, Spike stopped the RV.

Dean and Richard were awake and propped themselves up into a half sit with effort. As Spike dropped down on the mattress beside them, Xander standing a little further back.

“Just need you blokes to know. This feels wrong, or you’re not sure, and we are gone, tonight needs be… We’ll drive to bloody Timbuktu if that’s what it takes!” He back and grabbed Xander’s hand then looked directly at Richard. “You saved us mate, and we’re not givin’ up on you, so… You or your lovely boy there not happy… and we’re all out of here, got it?! Feel bad in a week, a month, a year … You ring and we’ll come for you… You’re stuck with us mate… you’re family … and family don’t suffer, not if I can help it!” Spike looked visibly upset, dropped Xander’s hand and fell in and out of game face. He then began furiously twisting the ring Richard had given him and stared at some spot on Dean’s tail as though wishing to say something more but not quite able.

Richard simply nodded then struggled up on the bed, his body refusing to bend as easily as it used to. He reached up and pulled Spike down as best he could with his finned hand, and kissed the vampire chastely… though Spike felt the fin instinctively ride south to brush the vampire’s nether regions.

Spike relaxed a little, “Alright then… but mate, any more ‘o that” he looked pointedly at the roaming fin, “and we’re all parked for the day trying to satisfy needs!” He finally smiled them winked at Dean and wiggled an eyebrow, “Got yourself a right catch luv… keep his fins on your bits and I reckon you just might just make it.” Dean squeaked his appreciation then clicked something to Richard.

The two reclined again and Richard locked eyes with Spike then Xander and with great affection mouthed “Love You, Thank You.”


The Coven was situated in a private cove and with almost five miles of unmade road to the front gate, then a further mile to a rambling set of buildings, it certainly did have privacy.

They arrived too close to sunrise… again, but this time were expected and welcomed literally with open arms by a woman who obviously had a penchant for the classic black…everything… and body piercings.

Mistress Blackrainbow was effusive, voluptuous, eccentric and ‘broad across the beam’ in a maternally beautiful way. She hugged the boys as though they were long lost sons and easily took Dean from a very surprised Xander, clicking and calling to him in his own tongue before placing him carefully in their reception pool. The stunned young merman was almost in tears as he relaxed first in her firm arms then into the salty warmth. She returned quickly and did the same for Spike’s charge, and Richard too felt a deep sense of care flowing from the magical woman.

With the two mermen comfortably lounging in their pool, happily prone and heads propped up to participate in the conversation, Xander and Spike now felt awkward. They stood at the door rather stunned.

The Mistress spoke first, “Well… come in! Come in!” She signaled to a chaise lounge and flopped down into a large rather worn recliner opposite. As they sat she continued, “You and your mate have done a wonderful thing… a *wonderful* thing… I am sure Richard is it?... and Dean?... Would agree. And you are vampires?... but then Mistress Willow did tell me… it’s just that I… ” Emotion and the physical effort of carrying the two men had her wiping perspiration from her brow, then patting the same from a plunging and significant cleavage with the obviously well used handkerchief, “It’s just that I am not in the habit of trusting all that we hear. Oh but you boys… are obviously… something as unique as your gorgeous friends here.” She stood and before either vampire could react, pulled them into a generous three way hug, this time with their faces pushed hard against the soft folds of black fabric covering her ample bosom.

She smelled of patchouli, calendula and sage, with an overlay of violets, obviously her preferred added scent. And the hug felt like that of a favorite Aunt, exuding affection and approval. Both vampires pulled away quite moved, made worse by the same set of feelings flowing back and forth across their mated link. Mistress then leaned down, kissed them, and whispered, “It’s OK my loves, my hugs come for free… so while you are here… or anytime you return… you need only open your arms as any small love might, and you will receive… just as you did when you were tiny with your momma…”

Xander felt an ache in his chest for reasons he could not even articulate, and Spike pulled his mate into a tight embrace on his lap and proffered his neck to his Childe. Xander bit down hard and began to feed, as he did so, Mistress patted Spike’s arm. “You are an extraordinary individual William, and a good one… and you and your Childe, your Mate *will* have a happy future. Kudos William…. Kudos.”

She placed five bags of warm ex-dated AB positive on the small table beside the Sire. Spike first looked shocked then with utter gratitude nodded to her, as his rather ravenous Childe continued to pull on his carotid enthusiastically. Spike quickly downed three bags then savored the final two.

Meanwhile, two of the wiccans had attended to the mermen. Fresh pacific perch and salmon, sans scales, had been delivered and the two had fed until so full they could not move and were beginning to doze off. Mistress sat on the edge of the pool and stroked them in turn and in the lowest of tones said, “You are very welcome here… very welcome.”

She turned to the two vampires, “We can look after your friends, but you have come so far and risked so much for Richard and Dean that I need you all to be happy with our facilities, and that they make the decision to stay willingly… Tomorrow evening, when you are all rested, we will tour the facilities, but for now I would ask that you follow Alia to your rooms. We will bring your friends directly.”

Spike and Xander were ushered to a huge, warmly decorated room with cushions, throw rugs and fluffy covers in every direction. An enormous four poster bed stood in one corner, and on a raised platform in the other was a rather oddly shaped spa bath that had a definite ‘shallow end’ with dual pillows and a cushioned floor. Xander looked puzzled but as their sleepy friends were eased into the watery pleasure by Mistress’s assistants, it all made sense and was perfect. Their tails were free to float and they were covered in water where it was needed but their heads and bodies had soft support. It was obvious that the room had hosted their kind before.

The four exhausted fugitives snuggled down and slept fitfully for the first time in days.

Part Ten

Spike woke late the following afternoon to a quiet knock on their door. He padded over and opened it to a rather nervous looking young woman. “Yeah?”

“We um…. that is the… um… Mistress thought you might like to tour-the-facilities!!” The red headed girl blurted out the last part then blushed profusely and looked desperately at her feet as though they would provide… something!

Spike took pity and placed a kind hand under her chin, lifting the nervous teenager’s jaw until she was forced to make eye contact. “’S not a problem, Luv. Give us ten though yeah? Boys need rousin’.”

The apprentice wiccan gave a weak smile, looking genuinely relieved, “Sorry… and um… Thank you… and sorry … but they said you were um… vampires so… um … ”

“’S alright pet, you’re right to be nervous… but not with us… Lad here and I are leashed and souled… An’ besides… your lot are goin’ to help our lovely water babies over yonder…” He nodded at the sleeping mermen and smiled lovingly.

The charm that was Spike caused the girl to blush and give a shy smile. He smelt arousal and chose that moment to leave her to her fantasies. He touched her arm and said in his most seductive tones, “Thanks pet, we appreciate the heads up, but we’re right from here…”

His smile caused her to blush again, after which she rushed away.


The tour was to be an interesting one but long, so Richard and Dean were comfortably wrapped in silver space blankets and semi reclined, traveling in what could only be described as modified electric wheelchairs that *they* controlled. For the two aquatic companions it was quite extraordinary to feel they could get around on land again. Several times during the tour, Spike noticed that the wheelchairs were parked very close together, and the two were kissing or petting each other, obviously a little overwhelmed by their good fortune.

They were to be accommodated in an enormous land locked sea-lake arrangement that apparently housed six other mer-folk, along with a variety of other aquatic life forms, some magical, others simply those of nature. No others at the facility had suffered a transformation from human - as far as the Mistress could tell. The two were unique, just as their Virgin Mated Vampires (ensouled) were. But the state of her charges simply meant that the wiccan worked harder on their behalf.

Their sleeping quarters were separated from the main pool by an underwater tunnel. A larger warm pool designed for their kind dominated the room, though the features were quite deliberately special. It had been recently vacated by another merman who had partnered and was now resident two doors down. Mistress pointed out that there were features that had been added as soon as they knew of Dean and Richard’s imminent arrival.

There were four areas to the small pool, one was obviously for reclining and sleep. The eating area was far deeper and sported a stocked fridge and purpose built arm rests so the residents could take their food upright. A regular delivery of fresh fish guaranteed that with the press of a specially designed pad, the fridge would open giving them control over their own feeding.

There was a narrow toilet alcove allowing privacy for their ablutions. Everything else was simply touch control: the blinds to allow them privacy; the door could be opened if someone rang to come in; the temperature of the air and water in their pool was within their control; the lights and the intercom switched at their command; and the winch was available if they needed to get into their chairs (although that still did take some assistance). But the thrill was the ‘work’ area.

Half way around the tour Mistress had asked them both if they would like to work with the coven’s group of marine biologists. It thrilled Richard no end, and though Dean’s background had been in law, he reveled in the idea of ‘being useful’ and given the opportunity to contribute to the people who were ‘keeping’ them. For both-ex humans the idea that they could straddle the two worlds and not totally lose their humanity, was all important. They squeaked and clicked excitedly, far longer than a simple “Yes”. Mistress had smiled broadly, patted them both, then continued the tour.

Their work area was the fourth part in their living pool. It was of medium depth, with a near breakfast bar look to it, room for tails as they semi reclined while manipulating a purpose built ‘smart’ board with computer. They had a modified keyboard, access to the internet and all manner of tools ready for their new role. And it was all waterproof and available any time they wished.

It was late by the time they finished their wander, and the two merfolk had a booking with a dune buggy and boat in the morning. They had been invited out with the marine science team to review the current research. Access to the open ocean required being driven through the dunes by one of the staff. And though they could request the access any time, when working on research they would always be accompanied by the scientists and crew on a large modified trawler moored just off shore.

Dean and Richard were on a high, Xander and Spike simply relieved. It seemed their deserving friends were embarking on a new adventure… but a very good one this time.

As two pretty mermen slid back into their watery bed of their shared room and immediately fell asleep, the vampires took some blood then spoke in low tones for the remainder of the night.

Spike was again faced with stopping Wolfram and Hart, one arm of which seemed to now specialize in the Island of Dr Moreau solution for recalcitrant staff/enemies.

The vampires heard the ‘lads’ leave sometime mid-morning but snuggled down to sleep on until close to sundown. Mistress had left a note and they followed her instructions to find her in her office happily working on computer as they were ushered in.

“My Darlings, I take it you are happy with the situation for your friends?” Spike simply nodded, still a little bleary eyed with sleep.

“Good, because the other Merfolk are here because of injury or illness, and all have chosen to stay. Sadly none are of the same origin as your friends so breeding would be difficult, but I see that they are very happy together which is just ideal…. The others are also lacking your friends’ command of the English language, and their education, but we are all fluent in the various Mer languages these days. You must see however, it is *wonderful* you brought them to us.

“Let me assure you that they work here as equals with any other staff, and will have food and board in exchange … and if we can afford it, a little more besides (my apologies but budgets are always tight). By the way, I spoke to Mistress Willow this morning, she sends her regards.”

Xander squeezed his mate’s hand at which point Spike inquired “Did Red say anything else?”

“Only that there is a research grant for Richard that did not go through his accounts and the money is still there, but as he is officially deceased there is no…”

Spike spoke up, “’S Rich’s money innit… he bloody well did the research an’ you lot are keepin’ them… Use it for the boys, get ‘im a telly or cable or…”

“William, Richard has asked that you two accept the money and the coven has agreed. If you choose to continue documenting your progress I am sure Richard can help you write it up. But he is adamant and it seems your funds are limited at the current time.

“Willow also mentioned that the proceeds of Xander’s estate will be made available to you, and if I may, we have need of a recreational vehicle for our research team. I realize that you have ‘borrowed it’ but I wonder if you would mind swapping for this trip? Sadly my car is but an old black Cadillac, though you are most welcome to it. At least the trunk is large enough if you are truly stuck in the day.”

Spike stood took the wiccan’s hand, kissed it then pressed the back of the hand to his forehead as he bowed to her in a gesture of deep gratitude.

She pulled him into a hug and dragged Xander in too for good measure.

An evening later Spike and Xander were preparing to leave.

Spike and Xander watched in amazement as Richard and Dean wrote their thoughts on a smart board via a keyboard designed for their particular ‘physically challenged’ state. The ultimate irony being that he and Dean were enhanced in so many ways and yet… there had been a trade off… :: sigh:: they were humanly impaired in so many ways now… But the Vampire grinned as the words “Be Happy Guys, Finally found my Man” And the reciprocal grin and “So have I” from Dean caused both vampires to slide into the water with their lovely friends and engage in a four-way hug.

Spike stilled for a moment as the three others kissed and Xander immediately sobered also. “Just lettin’ you know… both of you right… We *will* get the bastards… in the end… we will…even if it’s only the ones as did this to you two…”

Richard reached up and tried to grab Spike’s arm but his flipper merely scratched the pale arm. He looked apologetic then typed on his keyboard, “Don’t… please don’t make you in danger… Not for ME… Look… We’ve already won! Be happy for us… Four-way anytime you like! Dolphin half like vampire on the recovery… pleasure… pleasure!”

Spike leaned down and kissed Richard soundly, stroking the thicker skin and caressing the still pretty face with all its adjusted features, then letting his hand glide down to the slit. He watched as the stroking caused the skin of the flap to turn pink. Richard groaned and reached in for another kiss.

Spike eventually stood up and began to move away, “You are beautiful you know that… and… figure this computer has the net … so you’d better keep contact or I’ll come ‘n rip your bloody fins off!”

Xander felt Spike’s distress through their link and took over from his Sire. He kissed first Dean then Richard who was a little taken aback and rather emotional. Xander gave a wicked grin and said, “C’mon Rich you were never short for words ‘round us!” Richard shook his head apologetically mouthed, “Thank you” then accepted a hug. Xander was sopping wet already and now from the flippers at the back and a torrent of tears from the front.

They held for a long time, long enough for Xander to begin to nuzzle into Richard’s neck… Spike felt the jolt and took over from Richard, winking and mouthing ‘My Boy’ with a naughty grin then adding audibly “See you soon, you two… ‘Spect great things from you ya know that right?”

Richard grinned back, very publicly embraced and kissed his partner then nodded at the board as they both slid back into their warm pool.

“So long and thanks for all the fish” had come up on the screen typed by Richard’s lovely friend upon request apparently.It was a nod to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, an all time favorite of Xander’s – Xander cried a little against his Sire before the words were lost in a huge, very deliberate, and exuberant splash from two joyous tails.

Spike and Xander watched as the two smiled back at their wet friends then waved and sped off through their tunnel to the cooler water to meet their kind and enjoy the main area of their new abode.

Spike and Xander stood to accept towels from their lovely hostess as they began to take their leave of The Coven and Mistress Blackrainbow. Richard’s fate was a good one, but there were others in need of help.

They accepted a firm hug from the lovely Mistress and some shy presents from the other wiccans. The old Cadillac fired up and they pointed the car north.

They had work to do.

Part Eleven

Spike drove the old Caddy like it was part of his own person. Xander grinned. The vehicle suited his Sire, it was larger than life, perfectly preserved, a classic beauty and *very* black.

They had tracked down three other ‘changeling’ facilities besides their own and that of Dean and Richard. The difficulty was going to be rescuing and shutting down the facilities without alerting Wolfram and Hart of their plans.

Willow and Blackrainbow were the driving force along with a little help from Giles and via Buffy, the Immortal. As much as Spike hated to admit it ‘the Slayer’s prize ponce’ was the key. His influence with the Italian Branch of Wolfram and Hart, precipitated the ‘upper echelons’ of society that associated with the law firm to suddenly find the whole ‘own a changeling’ novelty quite passé. The word quickly spread that rather than euthanase their unusual pets, there were several ‘eccentrics’ in California, and one or two in the southern states who would take them off their hands.

Other issues like unethical behavior on the part of scientists or employees, unreliable ‘product’ (i.e. frequent death due to depression or illnesses attributed to bad management or the change itself), and a steep rise in the cost of maintaining the facilities did not prevent Wolfram and Hart from occasionally disposing of employees, but other methods would be used. The Senior Partners ordered an end to the failed Manners ‘Changeling Program’ within weeks of his mysterious disappearance, and made no effort to recover him when they located him via their seers some months later.


On Spike and Xander's first day away from the coven they simply slept in each other’s arms paying a day fee at an ‘alternative lifestyle friendly’ resort recommended by the coven. On the second day they stayed a personal friend of Mistress BlackRainbow. They were led to a downstairs windowless room decorated in plush fabrics and copious numbers of cushions. ‘Master NightArrow’ also provided them with fresh human blood (bagged but unfrozen) and all the facilities one might want, including an enormous bath.

After filling the bath with hot water, Spike took time to slowly tease and pleasure his Mate until the younger vampire was on the edge of release. But was utterly shocked when Xander took the initiative and while his Sire was swallowing his mate’s hardness, spun around and enjoyed the advantage of not needing to breathe. To Spike’s surprise and delight, he too was swallowed whole as they both sank to the bottom of the huge tub, enjoying the heat, appreciating the lack of needing to breathe, and releasing within seconds of each other.

They both emerged waterlogged, sated and grinning, to a kiss that had them tasting themselves as well as their lover. They toweled each other dry and were already aroused again by the time they repaired to the huge bed. Lube and various playthings were found in the side drawer. Spike simply made gentle love to his partner, preparing him carefully and filling him in a single stroke. Xander sighed as he felt his Sire complete him and begin to move. Spike kept the pace gentle for a time but sped up suddenly and bit down on Xander’s neck. His Childe came immediately yelling his mate’s name. Spike followed him… and they both slept.

The next day was nowhere near as comfortable. Distance and holiday seasons worked against them. They entered and parked the car in the all day underground carpark of a shopping mall just before dawn, Xander already under a blanket in the boot of the vehicle.

Spike took the ticket, parked then they curled up to spend the day under a heavy ancient army blanket in the boot of their car. The Master and his Mate exchanged blood then wrapped themselves in each other, comfort the motivation and simply too tired to do anything else.

It would not be the last time they had to use such a strategy, but for the most part cheap hotels and covens, or friends thereof, were the places of rest for the next near six months on their rescue mission.


They received Emails from Richard and numerous ones from the coven and Willow, but at the end of the second month, they had a phonecall on the cell phone provided by the Mistress as part of their departure ‘care package’. A series of squeaks and clicks gave Xander a notion of who was at the other end, and looked rather hopelessly at Spike who was driving. There was no way he could interpret Richard without one of the Wiccans, but then a rather toneless electronic voice began.

“Hey Xander, and… Spike… I have a voice… again. I am sorry if it is a little slow but we are still getting used to the… patterns.”

“Oh my G@#$! Richard!!! Oh… um… Are you??” Xander’s voice hitched as he began to feel quite teary. Spike grabbed the phone. And in true ‘Big Bad’ Style clenched his teeth, pursed his lips and spoke into the phone with a wicked grin that was audible even from the receiving end.

“All right ya big ol’ watery wanker... Figure it’s you ‘n yer mate Dean as has made me boy all teary !??”

There was silence on the other end. Despite the previous number of Emails and reciprocal jokes, to hear Spike truly treating him as Spike always did… quite undid the dear changed human.

Dean took over, and the mechanical voice continued, “We just wanted to tell you that we have a new project. Richard is heading it.”

Spike too was extremely moved, Dean in the past had been unable to get across more than a few emotions, now he was speaking. But Spike swallowed his tears and simply added, “That’s bloody wonderful!”

“Richard wanted… We wanted to ask when you will be back for a visit.”

“We’re not sure yet ‘n great to hear from you… We’ll expect more soon yeah?! Listen, can get the boy back on the blower? He seemed a bit upset is all.” Spike heard the squeak and some furious clicking and high pitched sounds, then their friend registered his presence again. The mechanical voice began, “I am sorry but… it is still difficult.”

“Not bloody difficult – already told you, ya silly bugger, you’re family, you ‘n yours… so… this is the first of many right? Wanna know all the details… Got that?!”

Xander let two tears fall silently as he passed the phone back and the conversation continued with the inhuman voice. Spike squeezed his partner’s hand then released him and offered his wrist as the conversation continued, “Tell him to let us know what they need pet and that we’ll be there. Otherwise we’re headin’ after the bastards as did this to them, to us… and however many others.”

Xander relayed the message then realized something... and flicked the phone onto speaker.

“I… we… need you… safe! Friends… family… *please.*” Even with the mechanical voice Spike heard the angst and it was quickly shared by his partner.

“Geez pet! Ever the big brother white hat yeah!?? Xan and I are good… We watch each other’s backs remember?! Anyway… buddy movie us, open road n’ all that.”

The reply message had obviously been cut and pasted, “I… we… need you… safe! Friends… family… *please.*”

“No need to get your tail knotted on our account… we’re fine! Now give us some *real* news! How’s the work? ‘N how’s that man o’ yours? Hope you’re still explorin’ those little slits ‘o mutual pleasure! Reckon you’ve got some new pages for the Karma Sutra in the offing if you put your mind to it!”

The last comment earned Spike a slap from Xander and some very high pitched, what was very obviously, laughter from Richard’s natural voice and some background squeaking and clicks of joy from Dean.

They chatted at length.

Richard and Dean reported that they had found they had much the same language range as the dolphin they had been melded with. This was enormously helpful to the research. With some training from the wiccans, and their natural instinct, both the former humans found they could call and communicate to the dolphins of the Pacific. They also found they could ‘breach’ like their new cousins. The bottle nosed friends were still a little confused by Richard and Dean’s odd forms but in the end, had apparently been amorous and attentive to the point of embarrassment (or not). Richard and Dean were both awed by a whale who casually chatted to them in a ‘heavy accent’ and then threw herself out of the water with a cry of delight breaching four or five times before swimming out to sea.

Richard confessed that he and Dean had made love in the open ocean for the first time that afternoon. The boat took thirty minutes to find them, and though their crew was unimpressed, Mistress had been ‘understanding’.

Apparently both were finding it possible to stay longer and longer underwater and had begun documenting their own changes as their bodies continued to adapt when they pushed their limits.

The phone was on speaker, and though the voice was foreign, the sentiments and expressions were pure Richard. Xander kissed Spike’s hand as they both rejoiced for their lovely friend. Xander also realizing yet again that they had all been given a gift… and though the intent had been malicious, the outcome was beautiful. Even if Rich, Dean or he were no longer human… and Spike not dust as he suggested he should have been, they were the lucky ones… they all had beautiful, loving partners, and good lives. Now he and his mated Sire were on a mission to help those who had been changed, but had not been so lucky.


They started in Columbus. Willow provided the information, the coven the money, and Spike the charm. Spike had let his hair grow out during their time with Richard in Canada, it now fell in a roguish mop that when tied back gave him much the same look as the time of his Boxer Rebellion triumph in China with Dru.

Now dressed in designer jeans, a pale cashmere sweater, fine rimmed glasses, and elegant gold jewelry including a thick pirate earring and bracelet, he was the epitome of a ‘rich boy’, and his mannerisms and upper class English accent, finished the illusion. He met up with Gordon Manners at the opening of a fashionable new gallery – small and exclusive. Mr Manners liked ‘pretty boys’ and was utterly enamored by the quietly spoken Englishman who introduced himself as ‘Will’. They went for drinks immediately after the event. Gordon thought little of leaving his lovely partner to attend the bathroom as his friend shouted the second round of drinks, though later he would contemplate his mistake.

Exactly as he had ordered done to so many others previously, he was drugged and transported. The coven would deal with him.

Initially Gordon Manners apparently checked in to work sick via his cell phone Email, but after three weeks, the Senior Partners received an anonymous tip off that he had ‘done a runner’. It would not be the first time an employee became too fearful to stay. They all knew that his changeling program had begun to falter.


Over the months Xander and Spike found the retrieval of many of the changelings was distressing.

They inevitably went in with legitimate reason after the facility had been ‘quarantined’, put into liquidation or was at the point of being shut down.

At the now abandoned home of Gordon Manners just outside Colombus, they found a woman who seemed to have been crossed with a horse, her only humanity remaining, a head and upper torso, though the pretty palomino features blended with her natural blonde. She had obviously been saddled and ridden for pleasure at a W & H staff party recently and by the pictures on the wall of her own stable, been ‘mounted’ by at least two drunken human males whilst tethered, then had a full blood thoroughbred stallion put across her, forcibly, for the viewing pleasure of the audience. She still wore the purpose made bit and bridle. Her pretty gold locks fell listlessly across her features and she began to cry silently as Xander released her from her fetters.

Both Spike and Xander tried to engage her in at least some sounds – even if words were beyond her. It was only later that they realized, her larynx had been purposely and permanently removed - according to her records her ‘loud screaming was off-putting for clients’.

Spike and Xander hired a horse trailer and drove her to the nearest coven just outside Philadelphia, where they were distressed to learn that she was also pregnant… to the stallion.

After a discussion with the lovely woman, the wiccans agreed reluctantly to her request. They could not change her back, so she chose the only other option than staying as she was. They gave the change a further push, as she demanded, and altered her completely. Her features shifted until what stood before them was a beautiful warm blood mare with one extraordinary difference - a full unicorn horn. She nuzzled her still rather distressed rescuers with affection then sped off into the breeding paddock, mane flowing and head held high to join the other mares who were also in foal. It was only later that Spike and Xander noticed a second heavily pregnant female unicorn in the paddock, they did not have to ask. She produced a tiny white female unicorn foal in the spring and was enjoying her motherhood immensely, requesting to have another… with her own choice of partner, the coven had agreed to arrange it.

A ‘private facility’ owned by a rich client of Wolfram and Hart, was targeted after the owner apparently learned of a new push to ‘enforce regulations for private zoos and the keeping of exotic animals’. The inspector also indicated that they had been anonymously sent photographs… The man decided that he would rather not have his now unfashionable menagerie and avoid any scandal. ‘Luckily’ the inspector (alias Master Chester of the coven just outside Notre Dame) was most understanding and offered to transfer his creatures to more appropriate establishments free of charge, even offering him compensation and progress reports for his favorite two.

Xander and Spike arrived to find two male fauns collared and kneeling submissively, but were thankfully articulate. They quickly answering question about others in the collection, yet always kept their eyes down rather than making eye contact and always began their answers with, ‘If it pleases Master…”. After the third question, Xander growled his own distress, the act causing the goat/men to fall to a fully down position, hands tucked behind their backs, and present their behinds, tails lifted. When Xander dropped in front of them, apologized and quickly explained their purpose, one of the fawns began to sob. Spike swiftly moved in and took both his Childe and the upset male into a tight hug. The other fawn all but flopped down at Spike’s feet and repeatedly stroked his left horn which was apparently a comfort habit and began a whispered mantra ‘Someone came, someone came...’

At the same facility they also found three former ‘pretty boys’, employees who had displeased one particular senior manager of W & H simply by refusing his advances. All were now chipped and apparently a corrupted form of werewolf, changing nightly regardless of the moon and from the marks on their jawlines, almost constantly muzzled in that form, unless compelled to perform some mercenary role for their ‘employer’. According to the fawn, they were fed while in human form but none had worn more than a muzzle, a collar and a leash for over six months regardless of their physical state. As Xander approached the cage, all three cowered, yet one still bared his teeth. Xander growled and his features shifted and the response was all three lying at his feet in utter canine pack submission.

The final cell marked “Serpent Demon cross”, was even more distressing. A sad male individual whose lower half was that of an anaconda, was curled around a dry piece of driftwood in the far corner of his cell. He had a bow that looked like a faded Christmas decoration fastened to a thin chain that had been padlocked around on his right wrist. Xander gasped as he realized the despondent individual had arms little more than a few inches long with stumpy hands where shoulders would have been, much as a thalidomide victim of the sixties.

Xander moved into the tiny ‘viewing’ cell in a W & H client’s private reptile house. He quietly explained their intent to the sorry individual before cutting the chain and opening the door presenting a comfortable travel cage and allowing the former W & H security guard to slither in of his own accord. The vampires then watched sadly as the man arched his neck down as far as he could so one of his deformed appendages could simply reach his chin to brush away his tears. He managed a broken ‘thank you’ and neither vampire could fail but notice the split tongue. They found out later that it had not been a result of the change – but rather an act of surgery prior to at the request of his former employers to whom he had ‘lied’.

Giles arranged for him to live out his days in Alabama in the care of a former Watcher, an ‘exotic’ reptile expert. Giles assured them that he would be asked to do little more than snooze in the sun and chat occasionally to his carer, so were utterly amazed when the Mistress reported to them a year or so later that he was the aging gent’s constant companion, after initially discovering a mutual passion for crossword puzzles and growing orchids. They were an odd couple indeed, but no less happy with each other for it.

By the time they arrived at the Wolfram and Hart's ‘chipping and vamping’ facility in Connecticut, there were only a few vampires left - apparently they were a little late… A week previously there had been a tip-off that the facility generally and several specific staff were to be investigated for kidnapping and murder. The order had come to ‘dust’ their ‘guests’ which the underlings at the facility did for the most part, but left a few behind in a back cell in the rush and confusion as documents were shredded and the facility abandoned.

The four remaining vampires had obviously been turned by a minion and were unable to turn from game face or even remember their own names let alone say them. They looked as though they were starving and huddled together with little understanding of what had happened to them and no Sire around for comfort.

Feeling the call of a Master and the power of the mated pair, they crawled toward Spike and Xander whimpering. Spike did the kindest thing a Master could in the circumstances. In turn, he kissed them each sadly and as they bared their necks, he gently drained each one to dust. The blood was little and second hand, but the act one of extreme kindness. Each groaning in ecstasy as the Master relieved them of their torment. Xander hugged his Mate and they both grieved for the four, feeling a sense of guilt that they had been so very lucky.

The facility Dean and Richard had been in was harder to face.

In a cell adjacent to the pool their friends had resided in, an extremely large, hairy beast, the size and shape of a gorilla turned to reveal a desperate, human female face… and very pregnant belly. She signed to them in the language of the deaf, “Please… Help me!” Before a large silver back gorilla moved in front of her, bared his teeth at them, and roared his prior claim to the female. They eventually managed to tranquilize her angry partner but were only able to offer her the same options as all the others. They could change her fully or leave her as she was – there was sadly no option to change back.

She was able to convey her wishes, like the now female unicorn, she chose to fully change, not able to bare the freak status of her current form, nor her pending motherhood without it. The silver back was apparently attentive and loving, and after almost two years in ‘freak form’ she was relieved to know that she would at least be whole. With the change would come the boost to her instinctive drives and match her physical form, though her command of language would not alter. She thanked them as Spike kissed her and bade her goodbye before alerting the coven. Several minutes later a fully formed, happily pregnant gorilla sought out her slowly recovering mate and began to groom him. They were both transferred to the Toronto Zoo several weeks later, the male gaining two new females as a consequence, and the ex Wolfram and Hart employee delivering a tiny female baby gorilla shortly after.

There were three new merfolk, a couple of pretty males and a female in Dean and Richard's old pool. They seemed happy to see Xander and Spike but their rescue was trickier and required the coven’s assistance. They were eventually airlifted to the safety of the coven along with two of the scientists from the facility. The two young researchers would not initially go willingly having seen Spike and Xander both change to game face as they were confronted by armed guards, however were eventually persuaded by the opportunity the coven offered, particularly given the pending investigation into their own facility by an experimental ethics committee, human rights investigators and the IRS.


In the third month of Spike and Xander’s quest, the original conspirators who had worked with Manners on the experimental ‘chipping and changing’ were tracked down and had been transferred to the coven. The aim was to appeal to them and eventually work with them to reverse some of the effects of the spells and deal with the chips. Despite being treated firmly but politely, they were utterly unrepentant.

The surgeon repeatedly called Mistress Blackrainbow “a Goth freak”, and her followers “cultish idiots”. And even before the witches had dialogue with his warlock partner-in-crime, the mage continually attempted various spells, thankfully unsuccessful due to some basic wards around their secured room. But it was wearing on the general energy assisting the concealment of the coven itself, so after two days the wiccans decided to simply erect an invisible, semi spherical reflective barrier over and around the two sleeping men on their third evening at the coven. It took far less energy and would allow them to discuss matters without having to remove the gents from their room.

It was the sphere that determined their fate. The warlock woke first and immediately began a curse he and the surgeon had decided upon. As two witches entered the room with their breakfast and to take the surgeon for further discussions, the warlock sent a bolt of power from each hand. But instead of striking the wiccans, it rebounded directly from the reflective barrier in and around their beds, striking them both in turn. Two bright flashes of light later and the warlock and doctor had been replaced by two white lab rats.

There was no way of returning them to their original form, which meant sadly, that no information to assist with their other charges could ever be forthcoming, but there was also no further threat from the black magic. The witches obtained a large cage, dropped the barrier and caught their rather dazed and confused ‘guests’.


It was the third month of their search and rescue, Spike was distressed to hear that the coven had been unable to find any assistance in the reversals of spells, and there was only a minor hope for a future removal of chips, but his demon rejoiced to know that Manners was being dealt with by a few of his ex assistants in the changeling program.

There were rather a large number of ex Wolfram and Hart employees working for the coven. Gordon Manners stared up into the face of an anesthetist whom he had personally ordered ‘changed’ after the man refused to continue his work and threatened to expose W & H when he found out the effects of the ‘anesthetic’ he was injecting at a changeling facility.

Like other recalcitrant employees, he had been swiftly ‘volunteered’ for the changeling program, and now sported horns and the lower half of a goat. Rather than ending up as either slave or curio however, he was forced to wear a gag and work as a cleaner in his own facility. He was beaten daily and unable to speak to defend the rumor that he had injected himself in error, or correct the idea that his intelligence had been compromised.

As the serum and anesthetic took hold, Manners managed to scream at him, “You bloody traitorous pervert why don’cha jus’ come ‘ere an I’ll give ya somethin’ yrrr girlfriennn cnnnnn oohh..fff” He was out for the count.

Manners woke rather groggy and heard the chanting, initially tried to struggle, then began to scream as his realized his form was shifting and he experienced what so many he had condemned had felt before now. He had no control over the process as arms and legs became soft and bones dissolved. He passed out.

Some hours later, he awoke to see the distorted forms of a large number of changelings of his own making staring down at him, something which made no sense until he assessed his surroundings. He worked out that he was looking up from a large shallow pool of some description. He was certainly breathing underwater and could make no sense of that until he lifted an arm. Suddenly, he found himself scrambling backwards, using all eight of his own sucker covered tentacles to get away from… himself. He only stopped when he was wedged firmly under a rock as far back as he could manage. He attempted to cry out but there was no voice at all. The only indication that he was other than a natural creature was the color of his eyes.

He was plucked from his hiding place several days later helplessly squirming as he was stuffed into a sealed plastic tank and transported to the San Diego coven as arranged.

He would live out his days as an octopus in the Mistress’s aquatic facility, a fully aware human mind in a completely changed state, compelled by natural instinct to perform as any of his now species might but cognitively human with all the memories of Gordon Manners. He was chipped and therefore unable to harm anything but his natural food, but unlike his victims, the controls would remain untouched at the coven and he would not be victim of cruel experiments.

He claimed another rock abode in a deep section of the lake and had aught else to do but contemplate his life, catch dinner and cower as dolphins, merfolk and other large fish to which he was now vulnerable, swam by. His kind lived for decades.


In the final days of their sixth month of rescues, the coven confirmed that all changeling facilities and the majority of possible recoveries had been dealt with. In total they had found and placed three hundred and eleven changelings with the help of the covens and Giles. A few individuals would continue to find their way to the covens one way or another, but essentially it was over.

Before they decided what their next move would be, Xander and Spike decided to return to the San Diego coven for their much promised visit.

In the bright moonlight, it was obvious that both mermen now had sun blonded hair, near silver white and shoulder length, the color courtesy of their outdoor lifestyles and the salt. The skin on their torsos and arms had toughened and both vampires could hear the slower heartbeats clearly. Both mermen were obviously at peak fitness with beautifully ‘cut’ torsos melding into now thicker, extraordinarily muscular tails.

Spike didn’t fail to notice that their intimate touches were almost constant, reminding him of his and Xander’s frequent caresses both mentally and physically. He understood, it was not just for mutual pleasure, but also loving reassurance, emotional support and consistent comfort all embodied in the easy private touches that only long term loving companions could manage.

Richard displayed his latest skills standing almost fully out of the water as his tail worked furiously, while Dean launched himself out of the water and completed a near full arching somersault over his friend’s head, sending a flume of water and drenching their friends as he landed, before the mermen both fell back into the water laughing, and the astonished vampires sought some towels to dry off.

Two mermaids joined them in their delighted antics, and Spike and Xander recognizing them immediately. They were the ones who had, like Xander, simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were chosen for their fate after being identified as a 'pretty gay couple’, the female combination a preference for the Wolfram and Hart New York office’s pool entertainment. They were changed, then “Successfully trained to perform synchronously, providing lesbian viewing delights and services to clients of both sexes.”

The women/mermaids sported similar dolphin tails and changed features to Dean and Richard, though unlike the two men they had been the star attraction in the roof top pool of Wolfram & Hart’s for close to a year. They had been forced to pleasure each other and perform for the amusement of others… until the novelty wore off. It was one rescue Spike and Xander still wondered at. The pretty creatures delivered to a warehouse almost frozen and certainly starving one December afternoon… Spike having bought them both for three hundred dollars on Ebay.

Xander grinned as the four emerged at the side of the large open lake. The two males had made the girls feel welcome and the four had quickly become firm friends and, as it turned out, workmates as Wendy quickly identified herself as a seismologist and her partner a specialist in deep sea research. Their contribution to the coven would be extraordinary. But for now they were being counseled and cared for by the lovely wiccans. They were both still coming to terms with their experiences of the past year; with the idea that no-one would ‘dial them up or down’ ever again; and that they had a professional role… an ongoing one… in a large team of researchers that included witches, merfolk and other mythical creatures they had only ever read about in fiction. And that they were cherished and appreciated, and would live and love with kindness and respect all around them.

The women were still adjusting and amazed at the attention the two vampires, their own rescuers, gave Richard and Dean, until Richard swiftly conveyed that they were his best friends (and had rescued both he and Dean). Xander grinned as one of the girls squeaked her understanding then did her own quick flip of delight and acknowledgment. Without the translator/smart board nearby, there was little any of the merfolk could do but squeak and click their happiness at seeing their friends again, before Richard and Dean powered off, did two or three joyful back and front flips, then came back to touch and be petted in return.

Spike noticed Richard’s flippered hands wandering, one to his partner’s slit and the other to the slit of one of their female companions. His raised an eyebrow, merely causing a wicked grin from the perpetrator.

“You bloody got it made, don’t ya mate! Best boy squeeze on the other than my Xan, nude all the time and some girls to tease but no need for delivery yeah?!” Richard’s wide smile was all the confirmation necessary. “Man after me own heart! Might take you up on the offer of some aquatic foreplay one day… just no goin’ near me mate with that special piece o’ yours yeah?!” Spike grinned and Richard did his best wink before reaching out of the water and caressing the vampire’s manhood through the denim of Spike’s jeans. The longer nails on the ends of each finger on the fin rasped over the material causing wonderful friction and Spike to groan then grind out, "Yeah, a right bloody tease you are!"

Eventually Spike and Xander kissed their two friends in turn and promised to return again soon. The other two squeaked their approval at the idea, then all four merfolk sped off into their lake in the direction of their sleeping quarters, breaching synchronously for the benefit of the vampires, then waving and diving as the two vampires stood to leave.

The two vampires desperately needed to give a final report to the Mistress, then give serious thought to what they might do with the next part of their unlives, and pause to contemplate what was likely to be a very long future together.

The End

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The Spander Files