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La Crosse: The River’s Edge House Rules (v3.0)

January 2010

This page contains the most current version of the house rules for La Crosse: The River’s Edge to date. These rules supersede certain rules within the core rule book, Laws of the Night: Revised and its supplement Laws of the Night Dark Epics as modified by the bylaws of OWbN.

As always, Storyteller rulings supersede any past rulings.

Sections as follows

1. Clan Notes
2. Abilities Errata
3. Backgrounds Errata
4. Disciplines Errata
5. Merits and Flaws Errata
6. General Rules Updates
7. Combat Rules Updates
8. Character Creation Rules
9. General Game Rules
10. La Crosse: The River's Edge Strike and Disciplinary Policy
11. Traveling Character Policy


General: With regard to clan-specific genre the latest revised Clanbooks will be use as a guideline with the OWBN genre packets providing supporting information. An example of clan-specific items that may be superseded would be clan advantages and disadvantages.

A Caitiff must start at tenth generation or weaker. A Caitiff starts with three disciplines from the cardinal eight which will be considered “in-clan”. These disciplines do not require a teacher and will cost the normal “in-clan” experience expenditures. These three disciplines must be chosen during character creation. Any other disciplines are considered “out of clan.” Caitiff with proprietary disciplines fall under the Rare category and require a Council vote. Purely physical Caitiff—ie Celerity, Fortitude, Potence—are highly frowned upon for the usual one dimensional roll-playing experience offered by a character of this nature.

Gangrel Each time a Gangrel enters a natural Frenzy (caused by rage, etc.) they have a chance to gain a Bestial or Feral trait (simple test with an ST). Frenzies caused by Drawing Out the Beast, Dread Gaze, or similar frenzy-causing powers will not result in such traits. Rotschreck similarly does not result in such traits as it is considered a mindless state of flight and not frenzy.

A Gangrel may buy only one Mixed Blessing. They must have three negative Bestial/Feral Traits before they may buy a Mixed Blessing. Players may choose their specific Bestial/Feral traits during character creation. Traits gained after character creation requires ST involvement.

Only Gangrel may choose to personalize their Protean forms. This includes their fight or flight forms, Eyes of the Beast, Feral Claws, and even the color of their mist. Gangrel have the option to add to their fight or flight forms by spending three experience for each form/color they wish to add to their repertoire.

At Sign-In a Malkavian must make a Simple Test to see if their derangement is active. Win or Tie they are fine—a loss results in your derangement manifesting. Spending a point of Willpower at Sign-In will allow the character to temporarily repress this manifestation of their derangement as per normal. An ST may rule that a stimulus is too much for a Malkavian to suppress their derangement with Willpower—be prepared to roleplay the Derangements you choose!

All clans/bloodlines that are considered Rare & Unique are subject to the approval of the OWBN Coordinators.

Clans Not Utilized by La Crosse:The River's Edge:
• Tzimisce Anitribu/Anarchs

2.) Abilities Errata

Willpower and Abilities
Sometimes a challenge is too complex for the untrained... sometimes someone tries anyway. To enter a challenge that would normally require a specific ability a character may spend a point of Willpower and enter the challenge as normal. Be aware of the obvious--you have no ability retests!
IE—Normally you would need a dot in Sciences: Chemistry to mix the contents of two test tubes and get the experiment to work properly—if you ask Bob the Brujah to mix them and he has no Chemistry dot he has to win the challenge outright or be damn lucky as he has no ability to retest with.

Awareness and Noticing Powers in Effect
When a power is used unsuccessfully upon a character that character can initiate a Static Mental Challenge to detect its use and if possible its source and what power was employed. (The difficulty equals the Mental Traits of the character using the power.) The Awareness Ability may be used as a retest in this challenge. Some powers are obvious in their effect, target, and/ or source while many others may be employed within line of sight offering even the most aware PC little chance of locating their source. Powers that a character has never seen employed or does not possess similarly have little chance of being identified.

Lore The increase of any Lore requires ST approval.

Combat Rebids
The only appropriate rebids for Physical combat are from Laws of the Night Revised: Melee, Brawl, Dodge, Firearms, Athletics and Survival; and from Dark Epics: Archery and Blindfighting. Please see the relevant entries for each ability in their respective books for their descriptions and systems.

New Ability: Astral Combat
You are versed in maneuvering your psyche for both Mental combat and defense on the Astral Plane. This ability is used to retest any and all forms of combat employed on the Astral plane where the normal combat retests are useless.

Combat Specializations— Brawl, Dodge, Melee
• Provides a one trait bonus to a particular ability.
• One specialization can be purchased at level 4 and an additional specialization at level 5.
• The same specialization cannot be taken twice; however if they overlap a 2 Trait bonus may be taken to appropriate actions.
• The first specialization— taken at ability level 4—costs 1 xp.
• The second specialization— taken at ability level 5—costs 2 xp.

Two-Weapon Combat
See LotN Revised pg 207 and Dark Epics pg 71

 Martial Arts
The new Martial Arts system is part of the two-tier specializations now available in Brawl, Dodge, or Melee
All Martial Arts taken must be a named, extant style—IE no made up or lost forms.
• Each ability is tied to a different style of martial arts based on their application—Hard being unarmed attacks, Soft being dodging and parrying, and Weapon being a blending of the two incorporating a martial weapon.
• The same specialty MUST be taken twice in order for the bonus to stack—IE being Adept in two forms of Martial Arts only gives you 1 Trait, not 2. This is the only instance in which the same specialty may be taken twice.
• Taking Martial Arts counts as a specialization in that ability—IE taking Martial Arts does not allow you additional specialties in Brawl, Dodge, or Melee.

Martial Arts Specializations
Adept; 1 xp
• This is the first specialization purchased after achieving level 4 in one of the requisite abilities. This ability adds 1 Trait to related actions as per normal specializations.

Mastery, 2 xp
• This is the second specialization purchased after attaining level 5 in one of the requisite abilities. This ability adds 1 Trait to related actions and stacks with the previous specialty for a total of 2 Traits.

3.) Backgrounds Errata

Developing Backgrounds
Backgrounds can be developed after character creation through a combination of role play and influences.

Fame is the characters ability to project their name and influence outside their immediate area. Fame allows influences to reach as follows;
Fame 1 – La Crosse County
Fame 2 – the Coulee Valley including La Crescent, Winona and surrounding counties
Fame 3 – Wisconsin and Coulee Valley
Fame 4 – Any adjoining state (Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa)
Fame 5 – Anywhere in North America including Canada and Mexico

8th and 9th Generation characters are by ST approval ONLY! Players cannot write up or transfer more than one 8th or 9th Generation character.

Upon turning in a Haven description the player gains one experience point which is spent in the background: Haven. With appropriate resources and influence expenditures as well as roleplay more points can be purchased by the player. Each Haven may have a rating up to level 5 as per normal. An attempt, outside of roleplay, to break into a haven will be resolved by comparing the attacker’s Security vs. the defender’s Haven rating.
A character gains their Haven level as a bonus for any defensive challenge in their haven—so long as they have not been previously expended to aid in resisting a Summons or fending off a lesser security breach. Utilizing this bonus does not expend your levels of Haven but levels that have been expended do not add to your effective bonus. Example—someone with Security 2 attempts to break into your 3 point Haven and is turned back—a loss of 2 effective points of Haven. You rush home to find the culprit who has waited in the bushes and tries again. In the ensuing scene you are up 1 Trait as 2 of the 3 points in your Haven have been exhausted by the previous repulsion.
Characters can have multiple Havens each with their own separate rating—characters are encouraged to write each one up.
Communal Havens are the sole providence of the Nosferatu. Characters sharing a Haven Site will be required to purchase their own levels. Not having any is akin to leaving the window of your hotel room open and unlocked.

Holdings, consists of land, business or some form of property. Every point in Holdings translates into one property controlled by the character.
There are three benefits to Holdings: 1. They can be another form of income 2. They can be used to aid in appropriate influence actions. 3. Holdings also offer the character a safe place to flee if their normal Haven is compromised.
Pulling on your holdings in any fashion requires a scene arbitrated by an ST.
Holdings must be located within our defined Domain or cleared by the local ST staff whose chronicle holds sovereignty over the area. Each level of Holdings represents $10,000 of invested capital (ie—what you would get for liquidating a resources of 2). Holdings worth more than this must have the appropriate points invested.
Holdings may be utilized as Havens but points must be purchased or it is only a bolthole.
Holdings may be managed by ones Allies, Retainers, Contacts, or even Herd if appropriate.

The only influences allowed to be purchased or used in LTRE are the standard 15 found in LotN revised.

The amount of influence available in a given sphere will be determined by the Storytellers— different institutions and individuals will make up what is available in the La Crosse area. Adding to these will result in increased influence availability to the city as a whole—IE building a hospital makes more Health influence available to the entire Domain of La Crosse not just the character footing the construction bill.

A Library must have a primary and secondary focus. If the focus is appropriate to the topic being studied it may add traits to relevant challenges—the full level of the library for primary; ½ for secondary. Accessing this bonus requires a ST and a scene. Building up a Library is also prohibitively expensive—any attempts to build up a Library will require ST approval.

A character cannot have more than 5 individual Retainers. As Retainer’s personal backgrounds are not usable by the player’s character they are irrelevant and will no longer be listed. So long as their PC owner attends one game, each retainer will gain 1 XP per month to be expended by the ST staff.
In an effort to condense each to note-card size Retainers are created using the following new system:

• Each Retainer will be created using the standard mortal 6/4/3 for Traits.
• Each Retainer will have 4 skill sets: Career, Hobby, Life Skills, and Player Guided.
• Retainers will not normally start with any skill above 3.
• A Mentor or a Debt of Gratitude/Boon may supersede this allowing a Retainer to start with a possible 4 or 5 and a specialty.
• All Retainers will now be built using a base 20 point system—Mentors will still be able to aid by supplying Retainers with advanced or rare skills not easily available.
• Player Guided skills will be purchased with experience; Players may choose to have their Retainer improve existing skills—IE you may raise something your Retainer already possesses.
• PC Retainers cap at 100 points.

Not a true background but an important part of any kindred's unlife are their ghouls. A PC may choose to make their Retainer a Ghoul at no extra cost. PCs may not have more ghouls than their permanent Willpower rating—you are still limited to 5 Retainers; meaning that the extra ghouls will not have write ups, nor will they be able to aid in the same ways Retainers can.
Ghoul retainers gain several benefits and drawbacks.

• Ghouls gain limited to the basic physical disciplines (Celerity, Fortitude and Potence)
• Some ghouls may also learn in-clan disciplines—of the cardinal 8—that their Regnant possesses. Please note that this is extremely rare and requires a specific Ghoul Merit—most likely necessitating a Mentor to find the proper candidate.
• Ghouls cannot learn form powers.
• All discipline costs for Ghouls are considered out-of-clan (4/7/10).
• Ghouls have a Discipline cap based on the generation of their Regnant as follows:

11th and lower: Basic Disciplines

8th, 9th and 10th Generation: Intermediate Disciplines

7th Generation or higher: Advanced Disciplines
• Without the appropriate vintage vitae a ghoul will not be able to maintain higher discipline levels—even if they have purchased them with experience. IE—A ghoul's regnant must be a 7th Generation in order for them to have advanced Disciplines. This applies to all ghouls be they in-house or traveling Possession Suits—it's your blood they draw strength from if its not up to snuff...tough.
• Ghouls require an expenditure of blood equal to 1/2 the number of ghouls under the character’s care during character check in—as we play 2x per month and you only need to feed your ghouls once per month this will more evenly divide the hit on your blood-pool and better represent the amount of vitae necessary to maintain your bond.

4.) Discipline Rules Updates

General Rules Errata

Combat Retests and Disciplines
Actions invoking supernatural effects (I.E. Obtenebration) use the Occult ability for retests. Actions involving combat with a supernatural effect use Brawl or Melee as the retest. Example: Attack or defense with the tentacles of Black Metamorphosis use Brawl, Melee, Dodge, and Survival not Occult.

Combo Disciplines
A character must have the following before they can learn a Combo Discipline.
• At least one of the required disciplines for the Combo Discipline must be in-clan.
• Must have an appropriate teacher, one with all the appropriate disciplines one rank or higher than required by the Combo and the ability to perform the Combo Discipline.
• ST approval and Coordinator approval where necessary.

Learning Out of Clan Disciplines Out-of-clan disciplines require a teacher who possesses the Discipline one level higher than the level being taught. To learn an Out-of-clan discipline requires the prospective student to drink a point of their teacher's blood to attune themselves to the power and the long lessons required to master it. This exchange will create a Blood Bond—take care not to get too close to your teachers.

Specific Discipline Errata


A character beckoning small creatures can, at ST discretion, summon more than one animal per Social Trait spent. Generally the character will receive one Blood Point worth of animals per Social Trait spent. This power may be used at Sign-in to offset a Tie or Loss on blood-chops—the expenditures remain the same: 1 Social Trait/Blood Point. Non-Gangrel/ Nosfefatu must make a Self Control chop for every 3 blood traits gained in this way—animal blood is vile and only a few clans have adjusted their palates to accommodate this brackish diet.

Quell the Beast
Quell can be used to bring a character out of Frenzy or to force them into a state where they gain the Submissive Trait and cannot expend Willpower; not both at once.

A character who wishes to perform both will have to successfully quell the frenzied character twice, first to bring the character out of Frenzy and again to place them in a submissive state.

A character who is quelled can still expend PERMANENT Willpower to use Aegis—this is considered reflexive.


When using Auspex to locate an Obfuscated character/see through a Chimerical illusion character's compare levels—if equal a test is done otherwise the person with the higher rating automatically wins the challenge—this is not an auto “I see you/through your illusion” you must engage a test and compare levels as if comparing Traits on a Tie. (MET Journal rules errata) A character with Auspex 5 is allowed a test against an NPC (or god forbid PC) using Obfuscate level 6 at a -1 trait penalty as per normal LotN Auspex v. Obfuscate rules.

Aura Perception
Each individual use of this power enables the user to ask a single question. The use of Aura Perception applies to the 15 minute Mental/Social courtesy rule: Win or Lose a single character can only Aura Perceive the same person once in a 15 minute time span.

As per LotN pg 139 a Mental Trait must be expended before a challenge to create a link can be made with any supernatural being—a relenting target does not make a difference in this expenditure.

Only one link may be maintained at a time and the target must remain within line of sight—this means that an Astral entity must be manifest in order to maintain a telepathic link with a corporeal PC.

Establishing a link requires a full turn of concentration and cannot be done while engaging in combat—IE you cannot use your Mental action to establish a telepathic link with Joe Bob your Brujah buddy one turn and then shoot wildly at the incoming Sabbat pack while jabbering away inside his head. Any established links with someone engaged in combat will be immediately closed—the mind simply shuts off its higher reasoning functions and goes into survival mode. Once combat has ceased the link may be reestablished as normal.

Probing telepathically follows the Mental/Social courtesy rule—IE you cannot ask the same question if you failed the challenge for at least 5 minutes; failing this challenge does not mean you lose the link quite simply you have encountered a mental block that cannot be circumvented by the question you're asking.

A character bombarded by random images via the use of Telepathy will be Stunned—see Conditional Modifier: Stun below.

Psychic Projection
Once this power has been acquired a description of the character’s Ideal Form must be included on the character sheet. Obfuscation (i.e. Mask of 1000 Faces) may not be used to alter this forms appearance as character's ideal form has no flesh for this power to mask.

Characters in Psychic Projection are limited to using perception-based powers. Any powers that require a non-static challenge can only be used on non-Astral entities while the character has manifested its form. Projecting characters have no access to their physical body, which prevents the use of blood for any purpose. Only Mental and Social disciplines and effects powered by Willpower or Traits can be used on the Astral Plane.

On the Astral Plane reality is much less static allowing characters to bend it with the use of Willpower. Characters on the Astral Plane may manifest common objects that may be of use at the cost of 1 Willpower per pound of material or bonus Trait. It is possible to manifest weapons that will apply their bonus Traits to Astral Combat Challenges. Nothing created this way on the Astral Plane manifests if the character crosses sides and objects effectively disappear as soon as the character returns to their body.

Snapping back to ones body occurs at the end of the round—if you are reduced to negative Willpower before this happens your cord will be broken and your attempt to get home will hurl you randomly into the depths of the Astral Plane.

Manifesting on the Material Plane will last a scene as long as your concentration is not broken.



Wound penalties from Chimerical damage are not negated by Fortitude—the damage and pain is all in your head. No amount of physical prowess makes a difference.

Divulging that an item is chimerical in nature is cause for instant disbelief and will dispel the illusion.

Unless the Combo: Craft Ephemera is employed items created with Chimerstry have no bonus traits.

Ignis Fatuus & Fata Morgana
If the illusions are benign the character does not need to defeat an opponent in a Social Challenge to activate these powers. Pay the cost listed and the illusion comes to life visible by anyone present.

Benign means two things: 1) non-offensive in any fashion and 2) believable.

If challenged what is believable will be at the ST’s discretion.

If the illusion does not meet these requirements then the illusionist must test with each individual in the scene. If a character has a valid reason to disbelieve the illusion they may attempt a Challenge against the illusionist—with rules per the Auspex general section listed above. Success on this challenge allows the character to see/smell/hear through the illusion.

This means permanent; any modification of an illusion altered by permanency will require a new invocation (and Test if necessary).

Objects/items imbued with Permanency have locational dependence. They cannot leave their area of intended effect. Doing so dispels the illusion. IE—if you give someone Chimerical clothing and they take it off it will disappear, Chimerical money will disappear as soon as more money is put on top of it in the register etc.

Objects made with Chimerstry and imbued with Permanency are no more believable than on the spot illusions and suffer the normal disbelief chances.

Horrid Reality The amount of damage dealt by a Horrid Reality phantasm will be up to the Storyteller—usually defaulting to the nearest item/power being mimicked. Truly over the top uses of Horrid Reality will be met with instant disbelief (no test)--IE a drone suddenly bombing the room your target happens to be in is a little less than plausible. All damage dealt by Horrid Reality is considered lethal.

As per LotN pg 144 a weapon created with Horrid Reality will always score a hit (no test)--provided the target is within believable range; a Horrid Reality sword does no good against someone at 20 yards. A Chimerical stake, unlike normal stakes, may be thrown with deadly accuracy using Horrid Reality—the user must still win the extended staking chops as the psyche resists being staked just as much as the physical body.

Due to the focus necessary to maintain these vivid illusions a character may only have one Horrid Reality phantasm active at a time.


The effects of Passions cannot be stacked—only a single effect may be active at a time. If multiple characters inflict Passions on a single target the last effect will be the one inflicted on the target.

Total Insanity
This power operates as detailed in LOtN: R except that the ST’s shall define the deck (and sidebar).


All uses of Dominate require eye contact and some form of personal interaction.

If a character fails in the use of Dominate the target may be aware of the attempt. The target must win in a Simple Mental Challenge with a retest with Awareness. Bystanders may also be aware of the attempt even if the challenge was successful depending on the circumstances.

A character in possession uses the Physical Traits of the host. The possessing character also has no access to their appearance related Social Traits: Alluring, Elegant, Gorgeous, Magnetic, and Seductive.

Flight from a possessed body occurs at the end of the turn. If the body is killed prior to flight, the character is in torpor.



Single Attack May Equal Multiple Source
A single attack may have multiple sources of damage and may require the use of multiple temporary or a Permanent Aegis to shrug off—IE a landmine produces bashing damage in the form of the concussion, lethal from the shrapnel, and aggravated from the fire of the explosion.

Resilience/Resistan ce
Traits expended to test down damage on a Win or Tie must be expended prior to the Test.

Temp. Aegis
A player may spend a temporary Willpower point to ignore all damage from a single source—IE a single source so for example a warded sword deals damage from both the ward, the sword itself, and the strength of the person using it blowing Temp. Aegis would allow you to ignore one of these sources. Use of this power is considered reflexive. The Storytellers may rule that some trauma is to extreme to shake off entirely (or at all) with only the use of Temporary Willpower fueled Aegis.

A character with Aegis wins ties to test down damage without having to expend a Trait.

The Storytellers may rule that some trauma is too extreme even to be shrugged off with Aegis.

Using Aegis in response to an attack does not result in the attack missing—quite the contrary—think of it as healing as fast as you're damaged. I.E—the werewolf's klaive should cut you in two pieces but using Aegis knits them back together so quickly you appear unharmed—save for your shredded clothing and possibly ruined equipment.



The LCtRE ST staff know the true origins of this power. As such it is restricted to only Council Approved Daughters of Cacophony.



Obfuscate is a trick of the mind, not the eye. A character’s mind will override attempts to find an obfuscated character; thus items such as cameras and night vision devices will not detect kindred employing this Discipline. Mounted cameras may film careless users of Obfuscate but —as long as the Discipline is actively employed—the character’s image does not show up to those watching on monitoring screens. After the scene resolves video tapes of Obfuscated characters may be reviewed unaltered by Obfuscate. (As with all video/surveillance footage an ST will arbitrate this—note that per Conclave video footage does not constitute a Masquerade breach.) For locating an Obfuscated character using Auspex see the entry under Auspex: General.

Vanish from the Minds Eye or otherwise fading from sight occurs at the end of the turn.

Mask of 1000 Faces
This effect of this power only covers exposed, bare skin—not equipment, not clothing, not prosthetics. This effect does not radiate and directly effects the mind of the target viewing the Mask. This power cannot alter or hide the appearance of any equipment or worn clothing. Mask of 1000 Faces cannot make you appear as something you are not—it will work with animal forms; making your fur different patterns etc—but it will not make a human appear as anything but a human. Mask of 1000 Faces cannot cover up grotesquely inhuman form powers such as Horrid Form—there is simply nothing a Mask of 1k can do without an expected norm to capitalize from in the targets mind. Unless a specific visage is chosen—requiring the expenditure of a Mental Trait—each person viewing the mask will describe it differently—hence the 1000 faces.

Cloak of the Gathering
This power cannot be used on unwilling targets unless a Simple Mental Test is won against the target.



Each tentacle can wield a single one-handed simple melee weapon. The weapon cannot have more bonus traits than the tentacle’s physical traits. Tentacles cannot wield firearms or weapons requiring more than one hand to guide properly—IE no weapons with intricate parts or a Two-Hand Requirement.

Shroud of Night Dropping a Shroud is a Social action and takes place during the Mental/Social phase. If the character has Celerity and enacts it they may use Shroud of Night during the Alacrity round.


“Puissance Leaping” and Combat Jumping
Leaping with Potence is and always has been an elder power—see Relentless Pursuit; Brujah Clanbook—and will no longer be permitted in LC:tRE. Jumping in combat will be considered taking 3 steps and will be treated as such for distance covered and penalties to actions undertaken.



If a character fails in their use of Presence the target may be aware of the attempt. The target must win in a Simple Mental Challenge; retest Awareness. Bystanders may also be aware of the attempt even if the challenge was successful depending on the circumstances.

Awe does not cancel Awe. Awe is a discipline that can only be used in the immediate area (i.e. cannot be used in Summon, Beckoning, etc.). Additionally this power may be used to garner the attention of everyone in a room or scene (ST discretion on overall area effected).

Dread Gaze
The condition instilled by Dread Gaze is not considered a Flight Frenzy and cannot be shrugged off or ignored through the application of the Animalism power: Quell the Beast.

The Summons triggers an intense desire on the part of the summoned to appear in a particular location—deemed by the Summoner. It imparts no feelings on who is issuing the Summons or why; only that they have to be at this particular place as soon as possible. Picture a Summons like a call from a hot date you forgot you were standing up—you wanna get there quick and work damage control to keep your chances good. Remember Presence is an emotion influencing power.

The only obligation of a successfully summoned target is to travel to proximity of the summoner. The target may not deviate to pursue other tasks before responding to the Summons. This does not preclude talking with other people in your vicinity (or over the phone), traveling with other people, even telling others where you are headed etc. You cannot, however, go out of your way to pick up someone you want to come with you. You must respond to the Summons via a normal, reasonable means of travel—IE you don’t have to drop everything, but you can’t Sunday drive.

If summoned by multiple people, the lowest generation summoner is the priority. If both summoners are equal in generation, the target will travel to whoever summoned the target first regardless of relative distance.

If the target strongly suspects the Summoner believes to do them harm—IE they have been threatened by the Summoner or previously attacked at the location they are being called to—they may ask the ST if they can fight a successful Summons. The ST will be the final arbiter if responding to the Summons amounts to a suicidal action—and can thus be ignored.

A character’s Haven background (personal only—no stacking for communal havens) may be expended to add character’s Social Traits for purposes of Ties when resisting a Summons—lets face it we're all the most comfortable and the least easily moved when we're sitting on our own couch. If a character has multiple Havens only one may be used at a time to access these bonus Traits.

Character's who metagame or weasel out of a summons through the cunning use of locks or restraints—effective ly whiling away the evening in an alternative location—will be rewarded with no experience for the evening.

At ST discretion, creating a “sympathetic link” (IE—using Spirit's Touch on an object that belongs to an individual) may allow a bonus to the individual casting the Summons.

Majesty cannot be used to negate Majesty. Moving outside of the area of effect does not sober you to the effects of Majesty—as long as it is still being employed if you started within the effect radius you must test to overcome it as normal.

Majesty is Majesty and cannot be 'flavored' by the addition of a Social Trait descriptor—IE no Intimidating Majesty.



Any character learning Protean out-of-clan default to red eyes, standard wolf claws, wolf and bat for fight/flight forms, and white mist.



The maximum number of Quietus toxin coatings that may be applied to a single weapon is 3. All blood poisons have a shelf life of 1 month . The poisons created by Scorpion's Touch and Baal's Caress do not stack and will render all coatings inert if mixed on the same weapon. Quietus poisons may not be applied to bullets.

Taste of Death
As per LotN pg 172 with the following errata: Characters may spit more than one Blood trait in a single action—there isn't more bile it is simply thicker and more acidic—up to their Generational limit per turn (max 3).



Use of any Temporis power is strictly forbidden in LCTRE.


Path of Blood—Blood Potency
The use of this power grants the following specific benefits in LCTRE: Blood pool maximum of the Generation assumed, Blood per Turn expenditure level of Generation assumed, and the ability to issue Dominate commands as per the assumed Generation. Use of this power does not alter your Trait caps! Activating this power requires the user to chant—although this is a non-action in a combat sense it will be very obvious if employed in a face-to-face confrontation (and thus will probably not necessitate an Awareness challenge to detect its use).

Movement of the Mind—Flight
Targets of Flight Snare may use the benefits of both Celerity and Potence to resist so long as they can still touch the ground or some nearby hard surface. Weapons and shields—other than hook or rope weapons used to anchor yourself—do not add traits to resisting an initial Flight Snare challenge. If the target is successfully Snared and the target cannot push off of a nearby surface—in this case using a weapon to push off would add its traits—they lose the benefits of Celerity and Potence when further resisting—IE characters with Fleetness and Puissance no longer automatically win on Ties.

Movement of the Mind—Control
Targets of Control may use Celerity and Potence to resist the initial challenge. Weapons and shields do not add their traits when attempting to resist Control. Once affected the target may only use the benefits of Potence to aid in breaking free. If the target breaks free of Control all of its effects on the target immediately cease—dropping them from where they are suspended, freeing their limbs, etc.

Ritual: Principle Focus of Vitae Infusion
Character's will be limited to 3x their Blood Pool maximum in Blood Beads.

Ritual: Pavis of Foul Presence
The user of this ritual must wear the blue ribbon or cord as detailed in LoTN pg 187 to gain its benefits. The cord must have at least a 14 gauge diameter; it does not have to be visible and may be woven into a collar or a tie. Use of this ritual grants the ability to reflect Presence powers up to Majesty—it does not, however, automatically notify the wearer of a power being used on them. The Toreador elder might be quite put out with the Tremere primogen only to suddenly change their mood—much to even the Tremere Primogens surprise (although they'd never show it). Powers reflected with Pavis use the Traits of the power’s initial user. A reflected Summons simply changes the target of the Summons to the Summoner themselves—instant success for them and no chance of them randomly showing up at your Haven.

Forbidden Rituals

The following rituals are forbidden and cannot be used or effect events in the LC:tRE chronicle:
• Chill of the Wind Saber
• Nectar of the Bitter Rose
• Night of the Red Heart
• Diamond’s Doom

Home-Brewed Rituals
Home-brewed rituals will be approved by the Storytellers on a case-by-case basis.

Precast Rituals
All precast rituals must be dated with the time they were cast as well as signed by the caster and the chronicle the PC enacted the ritual in. Non-dated precast rituals will not be considered active.

5.) Merits & Flaws Errata


All merits and flaws are subject to ST approval.
Appropriate Backgrounds should support all Merits and Flaws.
Grapevine is rife with Merits and Flaws that have no LARP equivalent—be aware of what you are taking. If the ST crew is forced to write up a LARP equivalent we will not be forgiving in our interpretations.

Banned Merits
The Merits: Destiny and True Faith are not allowed in LCtRE. Ability Aptitudes
The Merit: Ability Aptitude NEVER applies in direct combat applications. This applies to ALL Ability Aptitudes. IE—Ability Aptitude: Firearms will put you up 2 Traits when trying to maintain your gun or reload on the run, but never when firing; just as AA: Occult will put you up two traits on personal rituals and non-combat Thaumaturgy but never when dropping Firestorms.

Allows a retest against invasive emotion influencing effects. The player must win a simple challenge with an ST to purchase this merit.

Cast no Reflection
Characters with this flaw can be seen with modern digital technology to include night vision devices and security cameras.

May be used at any time. The player must win a simple challenge with an ST to purchase this merit.

Iron Will
Allows a retest against intrusive Mental Challenge’s effects. This is of no assistance against Presence which targets the character’s emotions. The player must win a simple challenge with an ST to purchase this merit.

Institutional Control
Institutional Control is the means of establishing a controlling position over an established institution. That control may be in the form of the CEO, president of the board, ownership of a controlling block of stock or any of a number of ways. A character purchasing that merit MUST state a specific business or organization that they control.

The exact benefits of this merit can be determined by meeting with an ST. Examples benefits include: quarterly dividends, insider knowledge, access to company products, and possibly adding to relevant influence actions.

Jack of all Trades
The character gains 5 free retests with any ability with the following limitations: The character cannot use any JoaT tests if he already possesses the appropriate ability for the retest.

The character cannot use a JoaT test for the same ability in a single night.

JoaT cannot be used for lore’s, knowledge’s or any supernatural ability (I.E. Primal Urge, Malkavian Time, etc).

Magic Susceptibility
You are susceptible to the magical rituals of the Tremere, as well as to spells of mages of other creeds and orders. You are down 2 Traits when resisting a spell cast upon you. (VtM Players guide 2nd ed).

Oracular Ability
Per LotN revised and can be used for fortune telling. Character's must win a simple test with a Storyteller to purchase this Merit.

Debt of Gratitude/Boon/ Special Gift
All of these Merits must include a write up of what you did to earn this debt. Boons/Debts from clans considered R&U will be subject to additional scrutiny.

6.) General Rules Updates

“The Courtesy Rule” LotN pg 194
• If the initial use of a Mental/Social Discipline fails there should be a 5 minute break before it can be reattempted by the same character on the same target.
• This includes use in combat—i.e. 5 minutes worth of combat rounds not 5 minutes spent throwing combat chops.
• This does not confer invulnerability to the Mental/Social Discipline in question; merely to its user—i.e. Ten Giovanni use Soul Steal. You win the first challenge; that Giovanni cannot attempt to Soul Steal you again for 5 minutes, however, you still have 9 more challenges before you’re out of the woods.
• Mental/Social Disciplines that are resisted by Physical traits do not follow this rule—i.e. most Thaumaturgy.
• Intended to prevent characters from rapid-firing Mental/Social Disciplines at a target and reducing role play to a series of chops.

If you have a question about whether use of a certain power qualifies under this rule ask an ST.

Characters who owe Prestation in the form of Boons are subject to the Harpy’s whims. Characters who are owed boons by shelved or retired characters will receive those boons in the form of the character as an NPC controlled by the Storyteller. Shelved or retired characters are not destroyed, they are simply not active and will still repay their debts when called upon to do so. The Prestation debt of a character killed over the course of play will be determined per the books—usually transferring to their dispatcher unless the Prince declares otherwise.

All characters begin play on the Path of Humanity unless they have ST approval. New players will always default to Humanity as their starting path. Characters attempting to change paths require a great deal of role play and the conversion is not certain.

A character will require a teacher to instruct them on the Hierarchy of Sins and the proper ways of thinking, the new paradigm they need to follow to avoid Wassail by the chaining of their beast. A weak teacher will be unable to control any frenzy’s the character may fall to during their instruction without resorting to their final destruction.

Instruction will probably result in a loss of Virtues initially as they are faced with the decisions of following the chosen path or that of Humanity. Once a character’s current path falls to two or below, they will face decisions between their current path and their chosen path. If the character chooses to follow their current path nothing happens. In fact they may even be given the choice of buying up their path rating depending on the circumstances. If the character chooses to follow their chosen path they must take a static challenge against their Willpower.

If the character wins the challenge they adopt their new path. Any virtues not recognized under the new path are immediately reduced to 1. These virtues can be increased normally through a combination of role-play and ST approval.

If they fail, they will lose one level on their current path. If the characters path rating was one before the loss they immediately fall into Wassail (and thus the control of the ST). Create a new character; this one is lost to his beast.

The difficulty of the static challenge is 8 if their path rating is two, 6 if their path rating is 1. The only applicable retests for this challenge are; Willpower, Luck, Code of Honor, True Love, Oracular Ability and Iron Will.

7.) Combat Rules Updates

Combat Sequence
One turn consists of the following phases. All combat will take place in the following sequence:

1. Alacrity Actions
2. Normal Mental Actions
3. Normal Social Actions
4. Normal Physical Actions
5. Swiftness Actions
6. Legerity Actions
7. Any other additional action not covered above—ex. Black Metamorphosis

The number of traits determines the order in which characters act during each phase. The character with the highest traits states their action and acts first, second highest states their action and acts, and so on until all characters with actions for that phase are done. Ties may act simultaneously or one character may defer to the other.

Mental/Social actions may be taken during the Alacrity Phase (as per LotN pg 140).

Resolution will take place as the end of every phase.

A character with high traits can hold their action until later in the same phase.

Actions cannot be held over to a different phase, i.e. Alacrity Actions cannot be held into the Mental/Social, Normal or any other phase.

Surprise Attacks (errata to LotN pg 200)
• Obfuscated and Silent characters may use a 2 count to represent their extra concealment.
• Using either Quietus (b): Silence of Death and/or Obfuscate (b): Unseen Presence reduce the surprise attack count by one—these abilities are not stackable.
• All Surprise Attacks must be adjudicated by an ST.

Movement in Combat
See Dark Epics page 71.

Called Shots
Three traits must be bid to initiate a called shot—the player should state the added effect desired. The STs will be the final arbiters for any effects of a called shot.

Carrier Attacks
Any attack delivered by touch is considered a Carrier Attack. The character only needs to state that he is using a “Carrier” to everyone involved in the combat but should tell the ST the specific information prior to the test—i.e. Quietus toxins, Thaumaturgy delivered via touch, etc.

A character can attempt to grapple and restrain another character. The initial test to grapple another character requires a Called Shot—3 Trait bid, retest Brawl. If successful the character is considered grappled and may only attack the character maintaining the hold—though he may still defend from other attackers as normal. The target can break the grapple with a successful Physical Challenge. If the grapple is maintained the aggressor may use a subsequent action to attempt to tighten the hold. If successful in this second attempt, the grappled target is considered prone and may only attack and defend against the character holding him. While grappling, the attacker can inflict normal brawl damage on the target; this can be achieved through a number of means (beating them against a wall or the floor for example). Some weapons will provide a bonus for attempts to Grapple (whips, Garrotes, nets). Targets can mutually grapple each other.

Planting a stake through the heart of a vampire is tricky at best. Stakes must be wielded as a melee weapon or projected by a launcher—thrown stakes will do bashing damage but cannot achieve the level of penetration for a successful staking. Special stakes—IE stakes made with Crafts that are specifically weighted for throwing, etc—will require a significant amount of work and/or money and require ST approval. Arrows or other “ranged” wooden weapons use the standard staking challenge.

To stake an immobilized vampire (torpored, bound, or grappled into submission) requires winning or tying two out of three Simple Tests following a successful attack with a stake.

If the vampire is defending itself, the attacker must win two of three tests outright due to the difficulty of hitting such a small moving target accurately. Staking is something vampires mortally fear and as such when a stake is removed the victim must make a Self-Control/ Instinct challenge to avoid going into a frenzy when (and if) the stake is removed.

The use of Aegis can not be used to negate a successful staking challenge—the character must use Aegis after being hit by the attack but before engaging in the staking chops. Since no damage is taken when Aegis is used the staking attack is assumed to have missed the heart. In this case a Chimerical stake is no different than a normal stake and a disbelief challenge is irrelevant.

When relenting to a staking challenge the vampire being staked must make a Self-Control test—difficulty 4 Traits—and risk Frenzy as the Beast will rise against what it perceives as a threat.

A vampire must still expend blood to awaken each night even while staked.

Once staked there is very little a character can do. The expenditure of a Temporary Willpower is required to whisper and be aware of their surroundings (see, hear, etc.) for five minutes. No actions, disciplines or speech beyond a whisper are possible. Although a staked character can be read telepathically, the thoughts will be wild and rarely coherent as the beast rages for release.

Conditional Modifier—Stun
Stun can be achieved in a number of ways: disciplines, flash bang grenades, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) effects, etc.
• A character who is Stunned gains the negative Mental trait Oblivious and cannot act except to soak on their following action. A character who is stunned in combat also loses any remaining Celerity actions for the turn.

Conditional Modifier—Torpor
Characters that are driven into Torpor by physical violence will miss a number of game sessions equal to 6 – Humanity/Path rating.

Weapons and Initiative
Weapon and Shield Traits do not add to initiative for determining order of actions.

Puissance and Melee Weapons
Nothing is unbreakable. In a single confrontation a knight would often have their pages carry 3 or more swords in addition to their lance, spear, mace, dagger, and any other specialty weapons and extra shields they may need. Weapons breaking and dulling is a normal part of combat. “Puissance-proof” weapons win on ties when testing for breaking.

Weapons and Wards
A weapon may have up to 1 ward per bonus trait it provides. Wards last for one month after their initial application. If a weapon is not properly cleaned after this month the dried blood will begin to corrode the metal and you may find not only does the ward not function but it is down bonus traits as well.
Wards must be dated. Any undated wards will be considered inert.

Shields are an anachronism. No one, in our lifetime, has seen the employ of anything but a riot shield outside of a re-enactment setting—and most of these are made for stage not true combat. Contrary to Dark Epics, utilizing a shield only provides bonus Traits to defensive challenges.

Firearms have a capacity called rate, which governs their interaction with Celerity and similar powers. The number of times a firearm is fired in a single turn cannot exceed its rate. Other special weapon capabilities may be employed without affecting rate.

Firearms—Add- ons
Rules for add-ons (Scopes, laser sights, etc) and special ammunition can be found in Dark Epics page 88.

Use of special ammunition must be declared before initiating the challenge.

Special Weapon Capabilities
Rules for special capabilities (high caliber, mass trauma, etc.) can be found in Dark Epics pages 81-82.

8.) LCtRE Character Creation Rules and Player Guidelines

Active Characters
No player may have more than two active characters in our Chronicle. Only one of those characters can be lower than 10th Generation. This is to ensure a handful of players, however faithful to the game, do not control the limited number of lower generation slots, the limited number of influences in play and to reduce record keeping.

Inactive Status
A character will be considered inactive if the player requests it or the player fails to attend a game for 6 consecutive months.

New Characters
All characters must be reviewed and approved by at least one, preferably all of the Storytellers prior to the player’s first game. All new characters, background or other material should be submitted to one of the Storytellers prior to the game to maximize play time for everyone. Be sure to get your initial copy to the Secretary for entry into the database and so that they may file your initial sheet. When the Secretary enters your character into the system, discrepancies will be pointed out under the Notes section. It is your responsibility to make the necessary changes to make your character viable for continued play.

Players new to LCTRE are encouraged to play a member of one of the 7 founding clans of the Camarilla—Brujah, Gangrel, Toreador, Tremere, Nosferatu, Ventrue, and Malkavian. Probationary Sect members—the Followers of Set, Caitiff, and the Assamites/Children of Haquim—as well as the Independents— the Giovanni—are by no means off limits but they each possess their own peculiar intricacies. As always the Storytellers have the final call on clearing any new PCs for play.

The STs may ask you to consider another clan if the current PC population in your clan of choice is too high.

Any request to play a character defined as Rare and Unusual (R&U) will require the standard write up and OWbN approval.

The Storytellers maintain the right to limit the access to lower generations—this is in-line with Cannon that suggests the End of Times and the Thinning of the Blood.

All new players start on the Path of Humanity. Most Clans default to Humanity—several do have access to alternate paths at creation do the research, get Storyteller approval, and you may begin play on one of these Clan designated Paths. Characters may alter their Path over the course of the game through an instructor and role play.

Characters may not start with Advanced disciplines, 2nd Intermediate and below only for new characters.

Characters have 5 points to spend in Abilities. Only one ability can be used for a retest in any challenge.

Specializations may not be purchased until the character achieves level 4 in the ability or skill. Specializations can be purchased for an ability at level 4 and an additional specialization can be purchase at 5.

Merits and Flaws
Characters can have up to 10 points in Merits and 7 points in Flaws. Additional flaws are not point worthy (i.e. you get zero for them if you go over 7). Additional Merits may be purchased at double cost after 10. All Merits and Flaws are subject to Storyteller approval.

Negative Traits
Players may only take up to 5 points worth of Negative Traits at character creation. These can be any combination of Physical, Mental or Social Negative Traits, the addition of a Derangement, or the loss of a point of Humanity. Negative Physical, Social or Mental Traits count as one negative Trait a piece. Adding a Derangement or docking your Humanity counts as two, but these may only be done once—i.e. you may not dock yourself 2 Humanity points or take 2 Derangements (a Malkavian’s core derangement does not count).

Several Traits are listed as both Positive and Negative in the LotN Sabbat and LotN core—namely Callous and Empathetic. As we are nominally a Camarilla game, Callous is a negative Trait and Empathetic is a positive Trait. A Negative Trait can never be bid by it's owner—doing so effectively calls out your negative for your opponent and you will have to risk an additional Trait to undertake the challenge.

Players that provide a detailed background for the character will receive up to 5 extra Freebie points based on the background provided. Background material should be no more than 5 pages initially but can (should!) be updated and expanded over the course of play. Players include periods of time spent as a ghoul—this may provide access to basic physical disciplines but the cost will be Out-of- Clan (as normal for ghouls) and will eat up most of your extra freebies.

Characters may not start with an influence higher than 3 and it must be coordinated with the ST.

New characters are allowed to start with up to 30 points as per OWBN. A player is free to transfer up to 27 xp from retired/dead PCs or their player pool to use when creating a new PC. As each new character receives Lore: Clan, Lore: Camarilla/Anarch (as appropriate) and Lore: Kindred—taking a net 3 points away from the total.

Turning in a background and a haven description at character creation also detracts from the total xp a player is able to transfer over—i.e. 3 Lores + 5 Background Points + 1 Haven = 9 leaving space for 21 xp.

Note that the full 27 may still be transferred at character creation but any points generated from your Background or Haven will count against the 8 xp the player may gain per month as they are applied to your sheet. Backgrounds for characters who did not go over the cap will be back dated to the point of their character creation—the Storytellers will be looking for potential abuses to this so please do not attempt it.

Characters with Retainers, Childer, Ghouls, Broodmates or Debt’s of Gratitude must be approved by an ST and these elements defined before they are utilized in play. The details do not need to be done before the first game but must be done before any benefit is gained.

9.) General Game Rules

Game Calls
All rules interpretations are left to the Storyteller. If you feel there is an issue requiring further discussion, please take it out of game and attempt to resolve it with the specific Storyteller. If you still are not satisfied all the Storytellers will discuss the situation and reach a final decision but, be warned, like those coaches challenges in football if there is not definitive proof of error the call on the field will stand.

Rule Clarifications
Unless stated above all rules are in strict accordance with MET, OWBN, and “La Crosse: The River’s Edge publications” . If you have questions about how rules, disciplines or anything else works, please ensure you understand prior to using it. We do not rewind because of a misunderstanding of the rules.

Time is Xp!
Characters are expected to play at least 3 hours to qualify for experience for the evening’s play. Please be on time and stay as long as possible to ensure game continuity for all players.

Making Experience Expenditures
Experience expenditures can be written on the character sheet and returned to the Desk Ninja or emailed to the Desk Ninja. Do not depend on word of mouth or someone else to take care of it! If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.

No more than one level of anything (disciplines, ability, WP, background, etc.) can be purchased between games without ST approval.

Rewrites and Redlining
The LCtRE Storyteller staff will do their best to avoid situations that will result in the rewriting or redlining of scenes—however we are all human and mix ups have happened from time to time. Please bear with the Storyteller staff to minimize any issues that may result from such an occurrence.

“The Police are Here…”
LARP is a strange animal to the unfamiliar and occasionally these people contact the authorities. Most of the local law enforcement agencies know of our game. Should we be at a site where the police or some other authorities show up excuse yourself politely and get one of the Storyteller crew who will do their best to smooth things over.

10.) La Crosse: The River’s Edge Strike and Disciplinary Policy

La Crosse: The River’s Edge (LCtRE) Chronicle fully follows OWbN policy. Said policies supersede any LCtRE Disciplinary Policies if there is a direct conflict.

 OWbN Strikes
LCtRE does not permit individuals with even one OWbN strike to attend this Chronicle believing that such is the result of a thorough investigation on the part of the Council. As such, it is beyond contestable and is enough to warrant banning from LCTRE. We have no desire to allow such individuals even a chance to prove their worth (or unworthiness) ; they may do so in their home chronicle where their actions can be closely monitored and where the Storytellers are fully aware of the circumstances resulting in the Strike. We believe in a relaxed setting where players are free to express themselves via trust from the Storytellers and other players.

Any real-life physical violence will result in automatic removal from the game and the Storytellers will prepare a prop for an OWBN strike.

Threats of Violence
Threats of violence will result in a minimum three game suspension at which point the individual may confer with the Storyteller and determine their future with the game. The three session ban will also help the Storytellers determine how much of a negative impact they’ve had on the game by seeing if it continues in other areas.

Should not happen! Allegations of metagaming will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Metagaming is defined as bringing information garnered through out-of-character means into the game via their character, thus making it in-character. The impact of the metagaming action shall be used to determine the punishment. Proven metagaming resulting in total disruption of the game (death of a character) shall cause the guilty individual to be banned from LCTRE until further notice. Conversely, accidental metagaming (honest mistakes) are generally forgiven but the Storytellers, based on the impact on player(s) affected, will determine the severity of the result. In no event, however, shall the judgment of any individual be left to any other than the Storytellers. If we are not the Storytellers of your home chronicle they will be notified of the transgression.

Outright Cheating
Falsifying registration information, character sheets, item tags or other "official" documents is grounds for immediate dismissal and banning from the game. If a player bids traits not on their sheet or use powers not attributable to their character (make up Disciplines, etc.), they will be given one warning. A second offense is grounds for immediate dismissal. Mistakes can and are made in the heat of the moment; these are forgivable providing the scene can be corrected to reflect their character's actual abilities. If such irresponsibility resulted in character death, this may necessitate a redlining. In all cases of a redlining due to cheating, the offending individual(s) will be dismissed and banned from the game until further notice. Again, personal responsibility is essential on the part of all individuals within LCtRE—this includes accurate accountability of stats and keeping one's wits about you while enjoying the game.

All complaints shall be handled as expeditiously as possible but only during downtime unless it is an emergency (abuse, etc.). Said downtime may include the post-game wrap-up or if needed, in-between events.

Disruptive Players
Disruptive players include rules lawyers who persistently interrupt the flow of game or argue with the Storyteller to get their way. These differ from an honest question about rules and the two should not be confused. Other forms of disruptive players are those who verbally assault another player in an OOC manner, physical abuse, sexual harassment or anything else that would not fly in a real world setting or job place.

Separation of Reality and Fantasy
Players who demonstrate an inability to keep their emotions in check when something unfortunate happens to their character will be politely reminded of the line between reality and fantasy. Temper tantrums and the like belong elsewhere and will typically result in one warning followed by dismissal. Exceptionally disruptive cases will be cause for immediate dismissal. Again, we emphasize maturity while having fun.

Derisive or Derogatory Comments
Real life verbal abuse will not be tolerated during or any other time. Outbursts directed towards a player in-game, out-of-game or even an alternate location will result in a suspension. It is not in the interest of productive game play to harass or intimidate players in any situation and occurrences will be punished accordingly.

This is LARP there is going to be IC screaming or other "violent", "argumentative" and “intimidating” behavior on the part of characters towards each other but know where the lines are—if you reduce another LARPer to tears over a sheet of paper and a game you're not proving how big you are to anyone. LCtRE wishes to provide a safe environment wherein all emotions may be explored by a player's character but be aware where your IC emotions are causing real life grief to those around you.

Baiting occurs when a player conveys in- or out-of-character knowledge to another player in order to lead them into a metagaming situation by allowing them to act on knowledge their character does not possess and usually crying wolf.

For example, my character has slighted the Brujah primogen by stealing his car. No one knows where I hid it save me and the ST who ran the scene. After game I go blabbing about my hilarious exploits out-of-character to all who will hear; next game someone who heard me talking and didn't understand the 'out-of-character' part rats me out to the Brujah and I cry metagame because “I never told anyone that in-character.”

Realize that this has happened and whether you tell one player or ten the first person to open their mouth is at fault. As a general rule, if you would not share the information with that character in-character do not share the information with the player out-of-character. It is far to easy too blur the lines of who should know and who does know.

Baiting will be considered cheating and will be treated as such with an initial warning to the offending party and upon a second occurrence: immediate dismissal from and a ban on further attendance of LCtRE.

11.) La Crosse: The River’s Edge Traveling Characters Policy


We welcome any and all traveling characters within the OWbN chronicles. The influx of different players ensures a different perspective from the character, clan and Camarilla point of view.

Character Sheets
If possible have your Storyteller or one of the other officers in your game send the character sheets to one of the LCTRE Storytellers the Thursday prior to the game. This ensures we can adequately review the character and let you get into the game immediately.

If you can’t send the character sheet prior to the game, bring a copy with your Storyteller's signature on the sheet. We will review the character sheet as soon as possible but there will probably be a delay in reviewing character sheets and getting into the game.

All item cards will be reviewed by one of the Storytellers prior to game on. Some items may be seen as unbalancing or potentially destructive to an ongoing story line. Players will be directed to pocket those cards as they cannot be used (at least under the current circumstances) . Some items may be deemed “over the edge” in which case the item card will be destroyed and the home chronicle notified of the problem—Please don't break out Garou fetishes unless you want them confiscated this is a Vampire LARP and we are not interested in the offensively cross-genre wooj that many games seem to allow their players as par norm.

Please do not ask us to stamp cards for items you did not bring with you—we have enough to do without catering to everyone's meaningless stamped card fetish.

Remember the name of the Storyteller who approved your item cards in case a question arises during the game. Due to our current player base (40+) we currently have four Storytellers and although this assists greatly in ensuring all characters receive the support and attention they deserve it can still get busy.

Pre-Cast Rituals
LCtRE does not condone the use of any precast Rituals. All rituals must be performed by a person in attendance to be considered active. The only exception to this rule is if the Ritual is of lasting effect—IE the ritual creates a semi-permanent item or the effects last a week or longer—and the card is dated and signed by the Caster (if they are not themselves present) and stamped by their home chronicle.

Home-brewed Rituals
Home-brewed Rituals must be approved by the Storyteller staff before being allowed for use in LCTRE.

Possession Suits
Ghouls maximum discipline level is determined by the potency of the blood fed to them by their Regnant as follows: 7th Generation: Advanced; 8-9th Generation Intermediate; 10th Generation and Lower: Basic. If you are not 7th Generation (or lower) your blood does not hold enough potency to maintain Advanced disciplines in your ghouls. The only exception to this rule is PC ghouls who will be allowed to keep any powers they have legitimately purchased with xp. There is no such thing as an FPA Possession suit in LCtRE.