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La Crosse: A Brief History

What follows is a history to La Crosse the River's Edge as taken from Winona's Dark Haven chronicle.
The events described here happened IC in the Winona game before La Crosse became a sovereign OWbN chronicle.

Once upon a time, many decades ago the city of La Crosse played host to the kindred of the Camarilla. The Domain that they claimed was prosperous, and the citizens of the Camarilla thought themselves to be quite safe in their stronghold on the Eastern shore of the Mississippi. They were wrong.
While the Camarilla went about their nightly routines, the Sabbat had quietly been infiltrating their domain. Patiently the longtime enemies of the Camarilla waited for the perfect moment to strike. Their patience paid off and in one swift and brutal stroke the Sabbat routed the Camarilla. Many were killed and the survivors were driven across the river. There the Camarilla regrouped in Winona, MN, leaving the domain of La Crosse to its new Sabbat masters.
Many years passed, and the Sabbat grew complacent. They thought themselves untouchable much as the Camarilla once had and grew lazy in matters of security. This allowed the Followers of Set to infiltrate their city's infrastructure. When the attack came it was was silent, swift, and absolute. The Followers of Set unseated the Sabbat and took control of the domain for themselves.
As time went on it became clear that the Camarilla was growing uneasy with the Setite situation. The notion that the snakes controlled three major areas near Winona (La Crosse, Rochester, and Red Wing) was unsettling. To relieve the Camarilla's concerns, Lorenzo de' Medici ordered the Setites to leave La Crosse. His hope (so he claimed) was that the Camarilla of Winona would retake what once was their domain.
Instead the city was taken by a group of Anarchs who quickly descended upon La Crosse and turned the domain into an Anarch Free State. Shortly thereafter it was discovered that hidden amongst the Anarchs were very powerful Sabbat packs; packs that began to plague Winona with ceaseless attacks.
Unsettled by this turn of events several of Winona's kindred decided to take the domain of La Crosse back. After many encounters, the citizens of the Camarilla attacked the final remaining leader of the Sabbat, ultimately destroying her. Eel of the Nosferatu clan claimed Praxis over the domain of La Crosse in the name of the Camarilla, but soon disappeared leaving someone far older in his place; another Nosferatu who turned out to be not exactly what he seemed.

These nights La Crosse's Camarilla keeps a close guard over their reclaimed domain. With Anarchs in the Dells, remnants of the Sabbat seemingly everywhere, werewolves in the bluffs, and occasional visits from the Technocracy, Infernalists, and Demons, they have been hard-pressed to hold the city. Whether or not they'll ultimately be successful in maintaining this newly reformed Camarilla domain remains an open-ended question.

History of La Crosse's Principality:

Prince Priest (Brujah)
Prince Marvin Blackwater (Nosferatu)
Prince Vincent Cross (Ravnos)
Prince Eel (Nosferatu)
Prince Argus (Ventrue)
Prince Kit Swanson (Gangrel)
Prince Aki (Ventrue)
Prince Carmine Cicero (Ventrue)
Prince Naomi Walker (Toreador)
Prince Marcus (Toreador)
Prince Reginald Koffmen (Ventrue)
Prince Jamal (Brujah)
Prince Fox (Gangrel
Prince Saif (Children of Haqim)

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