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Interview with Kyleigh Cooyar, Wheel of Fortune contestant!

Kyleigh Cooyar's episode of Wheel of Fortune aired on March 31, 2005. In July 2007, I provided Kyleigh Cooyar with her appearance on Wheel Of Fortune, and she allowed me to interview her for my site. And here's that interview!

RR: Why did you decide to go on Wheel of Fortune?
KC: I always wanted to go on Wheel of Fortune since I was about 10 years old. I remember watching it when the contestants went "shopping" with their prize money to buy things like giant ceramic dalmations. Over the years, whenever I heard that they were having auditions, I always thought about going, but never did. I was not really an avid watcher, but I enjoyed the show when I did happen to catch it. My friend, Janelle, also wanted to go on the show, so she invited me to go to an event where the "Wheel Mobile" was going to be and so we went to try out.

RR: What was the interview process like?
KC: At the try outs, they had thousands of people who wanted a shot at being on Wheel. They had everyone line up and fill out a form with their information. Then they randomly drew names and invited those people up on stage to play Wheel of Fortune. It was almost the end of the day when my name was called. They told us that if they liked our performance, we might get a chance to someday be on the show. Several months later, I received a letter inviting me to the next round of try outs. I went to a hotel where they had a room with about 150 or so people and they gave us a test. It was a fill in the blank test and it was timed. After the test, they eliminated people who did not do well on that test. Then they played a mock version of wheel of fortune where everyone got a chance to pretend they were playing. Then they eliminated some more people. Then there was one more round of the mock wheel game and by the end, they narrowed it down to maybe 25 people. This was for a shot at being on San Francisco week. Unfortunately, San Francisco week came and went and I was not invited to be on the show. Then one day out of the blue, I got a phone call asking me to let them know if I was available in the next few weeks to be on the show. Of course I said yes, so they gave me a date and I spent the next few weeks practicing every spare chance I got! From the time I went to the first audition until I went to be on the show was about a year and a half. Then it was another 2 months before it aired!

RR: How well did you do?
KC: I won $50,300. They give it to you several months after you appear on the show. They send you a check for the full amount, and then it is up to you to pay taxes on it. I felt lucky during the taping, and I had a lot of fun playing. I had a good feeling about things when they told me that the show would air on my birthday!

RR: How were Pat and Vanna off camera?
KC: Vanna was wonderful. She came in to greet us in the morning, and she was wearing a sweat suit. She had no makeup on and her hair in a ponytail. She was absolutely beautiful and sweet. She seemed very genuine. Pat seemed exactly like he does on camera. He is very funny and I think he could do this job in his sleep. He is very good at what he does. The two of them appeared to be friends and joked around with each other a lot.

RR: Have you ever been on any other game shows?
KC: Not yet, but I hope to someday!

RR: What was the best part of being on Wheel of Fortune?
KC: The prize money was great! Also the excitement of seeing how they film the show! During the taping of the show, while we played, I was really having fun! It was the experience of a lifetime!

RR: Anything else you'd like to mention?
KC: If you have a dream to be on Wheel of Fortune, you should go for it!

My thanks to Kyleigh for a great interview!

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