install.php from your DK directory before continuing. Only do this once it is fully installed."); } include('lib.php'); include('cookies.php'); $link = opendb(); $controlquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1", "control"); $controlrow = mysql_fetch_array($controlquery); // Login (or verify) if not logged in. $userrow = checkcookies(); if ($userrow == false) { if (isset($_GET["do"])) { if ($_GET["do"] == "verify") { header("Location: users.php?do=verify"); die(); } } header("Location: login.php?do=login"); die(); } // Close game. if ($controlrow["gameopen"] == 0) { display("
Kingdom Wars is Closed


Kingdom wars is currently closed for maintanence and/or updates.

Estimated Time: ".$controlrow["updatetime"]."
Information: ".$controlrow["info"]."

Please check back later.","Game Closed For Updates"); die(); } // Block user if he/she has been banned. if ($userrow["authlevel"] == 2 || ($_COOKIE['dk_login'] == 1)) { setcookie("dk_login", "1", time()+999999999999999); die("You have been banned

Your accounts has been banned and you have been placed into the Town Jail. This may well be permanent, or just a 24 hour temporary warning ban. If you want to be unbanned, contact the game administrator by emailing"); } if ($userrow["tutorial"] == 0) { header("Location: tutorial.php"); die(); } //Not done the tutorial //Must vote if (($userrow["poll"] != "Voted") && ($userrow["level"] >= "3")) { header("Location: poll.php"); die(); } ############## //See if this user is in a duel, or has been challenged to a duel $query = "SELECT dk_duel.*, dk_users.charname, dk_users.level FROM dk_duel, dk_users WHERE (dk_duel.player1id = '$userrow[id]' AND dk_duel.player1done != 1 AND dk_duel.player2id = OR (dk_duel.player2id = '$userrow[id]' AND dk_duel.player2done != 1 AND dk_duel.player1id ="; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { if ($_GET['do'] == 'acceptduel') { Require('pvp.php'); acceptduel(); exit; } elseif ($_GET['do'] == 'declineduel') { Require('pvp.php'); declineduel(); exit; } elseif ($_GET['do'] == 'duel') { Require('pvp.php'); duel(); exit; } elseif ($_GET['do'] == 'waitforduel') { Require('pvp.php'); waitforduel(); exit; } $ma = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($ma[duelstatus] == 1) { if ($ma[player1id] == $userrow[id]) { Require('pvp.php'); $_GET[charname] == $ma[player2id]; waitforduel(); exit; } else { Require('pvp.php'); $wingold = $goldstake * $ma[level]; $loosegold = $expstake * $userrow[level]; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Duel Arena' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = "$ma[charname] (Level $ma[level]) has challenged you to a duel! If you win, you will earn 0.01% of {$ma[charname]}'s total Experience, a few Dragon Scales and $wingold Gold. However, if you lose you will lose $losegold Gold, and your health will be depleted! You can either accept or decline this challenge."; Display($page, $title); exit; } } elseif ($ma[duelstatus] == 3) { Require('pvp.php'); duel(); exit; } } //Set storage varibles $backpackdropslots = 3; $storagedropslots = 10; $backpackitemslots = 3; $storageitemslots = 15; $backpackjewelleryslots = 3; $storagejewelleryslots = 10; ############## if (isset($_GET["do"])) { $do = explode(":",$_GET["do"]); // Town functions. if ($do[0] == "inn") { include('towns.php'); inn(); } elseif ($do[0] == "post_comment") { include('comments_mod.php'); addpost($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "comments") { include('comments_mod.php'); read($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "editcomment") { include('comments_mod.php'); editcomment($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "delete") { include('comments_mod.php'); delete($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "buy") { include('towns.php'); buy(); } elseif ($do[0] == "buy2") { include('towns.php'); buy2($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "buy3") { include('towns.php'); buy3($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "buy4") { include('towns.php'); buy4($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "sell") { include('towns.php'); sell(); } elseif ($do[0] == "maps") { include('towns.php'); maps(); } elseif ($do[0] == "maps2") { include('towns.php'); maps2($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "maps3") { include('towns.php'); maps3($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "gotown") { include('towns.php'); travelto($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "homeportal") { include('towns.php'); homeportal(); } elseif ($do[0] == "logbridge") { include('towns.php'); logbridge($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "gamble") { include('towns.php'); gamble($do[1]); } if ($do[0] == "bank") { include('towns.php'); bank(); } // Cave actions if ($do[0] == "cave") { include('cave.php'); cave(); } if ($do[0] == "stash") { include('cave.php'); stash(); } if ($do[0] == "pool") { include('cave.php'); pool(); } if ($do[0] == "water") { include('cave.php'); water(); } if ($do[0] == "arena") { include('pvp.php'); arena(); } // Dueling if ($do[0] == "startduel") { include('pvp.php'); startduel(); } if ($do[0] == "acceptduel") { include('pvp.php'); acceptduel(); } if ($do[0] == "declineduel") { include('pvp.php'); declineduel(); } // Other.php random features such as options elseif ($do[0] == "options") { include('templates/other.php'); options($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "forums") { include('templates/other.php'); forums($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "mailadmin") { include('templates/other.php'); mailadmin($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "notes") { include('templates/other.php'); notes($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "profile") { include('templates/other.php'); profile($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "archive") { include('templates/other.php'); doarchive($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "users") { include('templates/other.php'); dolistmembers($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "dueloption") { include('templates/other.php'); dueloption($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "hideplayers") { include('templates/other.php'); hideplayers($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "contact") { include('templates/other.php'); contact($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "changeavatar") { include('templates/other.php'); changeavatar($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "playerchat") { include('templates/other.php'); playerchat($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "upgrade") { include('templates/other.php'); upgrade($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "capture") { include('fight.php'); capture(); } elseif ($do[0] == "whosonline") { whosonline($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "dotreasure") { dotreasure($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "supportSite") {include('towns.php'); dobonus($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "qitem") { include('qitem.php'); quickitems($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "itemdel") { itemdel($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "news") { news(); } // Exploring functions. elseif ($do[0] == "move") { include('explore.php'); move(); } elseif ($do[0] == "runon") { include('templates/other.php'); runon(); } elseif ($do[0] == "runoff") { include('templates/other.php'); runoff(); } elseif ($do[0] == "oasis") { include('explore.php'); oasis(); } // Fighting functions. elseif ($do[0] == "fight") { include('fight.php'); fight(); } elseif ($do[0] == "fatigue") { include('fight.php'); fatigue(); } elseif ($do[0] == "corpse") { include('fight.php'); corpse(); } elseif ($do[0] == "victory") { include('fight.php'); victory(); } elseif ($do[0] == "drop") { include('fight.php'); dropitem2(); } elseif ($do[0] == "dropitem") { include('fight.php'); dropitem(); } elseif ($do[0] == "take") { include('fight.php'); take(); } elseif ($do[0] == "dead") { include('fight.php'); dead(); } elseif ($do[0] == "attributes") { include('fight.php'); attributes(); } // Misc functions. elseif ($do[0] == "verify") { header("Location: users.php?do=verify"); die(); } elseif ($do[0] == "spell") { include('heal.php'); healspells($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "onlinechar") { onlinechar($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "showmap") { showmap(); } elseif ($do[0] == "viewitems") { viewitems(); } elseif ($do[0] == "daily") { daily(); } elseif ($do[0] == "collected") { collected(); } if ($do[0] == "viewpets") {doviewpets($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "chat") { chat(); } //Item functions. elseif ($do[0] == "backpack" || $do[0] == "storage" || $do[0] == "backpackdropclean" || $do[0] == 'backpackitemclean') { require('storage.php'); itemstorage(); } elseif ($do[0] == "dropjunk") { require('storage.php'); dropjunk($do[1], $_GET['where']); } elseif ($do[0] == "selljunk") { require('storage.php'); dropjunk($do[1], $_GET['where'], 1); } elseif ($do[0] == "dropalljunk") { require('storage.php'); dropall($_GET[what], $_GET[where]); } elseif ($do[0] == "sellalljunk") { require('storage.php'); dropall($_GET[what], $_GET[where], 1); } elseif ($do[0] == "equipitem") { require('storage.php'); equipstoreditem($do[1], $_GET['where']); } elseif ($do[0] == "moveitem") { require('storage.php'); moveitem($do[1], $_GET['where']); } //Player Market elseif ($do[0] == "playermarket") { require('pmarket.php'); playermarket(); } elseif ($do[0] == "buyfrommarket") { require('pmarket.php'); buy_from_market($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == "cancellisting") { require('pmarket.php'); cancel_listing($do[1]); } elseif ($do[0] == 'viewlisting') { require('pmarket.php'); view_listing($do[1]); } } else { include('bonus.php');donothing(); } function donothing() { global $userrow; $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); $towname = $townrow["name"]; //Display town name when in town. if ($userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") { $page = dotown(); $title = "$towname"; } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Exploring") { $page = doexplore(); $title = "Exploring"; } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Oasis") { $page = dooasis(); $title = "Oasis"; } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Quicksand") { $page = doquicksand(); $title = "Quicksand"; } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Fighting") { $page = dofight(); $title = "Fighting"; } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Treasure") { $page = dotreasure(); $title = "Treasure"; } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Corpse") { $page = docorpse(); $title = "Found a Corpse"; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET templist='corpse', location='Found a Corpse' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Outside Cave") { $page = dooutsidecave(); $title = "Outside a Cave"; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET templist='cave', location='Outside a Cave' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Stronghold") { header("Location: index.php?do=move:0"); die(); } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Home") { header("Location: index.php?do=move:0"); die(); } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Cave") { $page = docave(); $title = "Cave"; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET templist='cave', location='Inside a Cave' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); header("Location: index.php?do=cave"); die(); } elseif ($userrow["currentaction"] == "Healing Pool") { $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET templist='cave',currentaction='Healing Pool', location='Healing Pool' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); header("Location: index.php?do=pool"); die(); } display($page, $title); } function dotown() { // Spit out the main town page and capture IP global $userrow, $controlrow, $numqueries, $bonus; $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); if (mysql_num_rows($townquery) == 0) { display("There is an error with your user account, or with the town data. Please try again or contact the Administrator.","Error"); } $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); $ipquery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET templist='0',location='{{currenttown2}}',ipaddress='".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."' WHERE username='".$userrow["username"]."' LIMIT 1","users"); ///Bonus $time=time(); $query = doquery("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bonusTime) from {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $data=mysql_fetch_array($query); $lastTime=$data[0]; if(($time-$lastTime)>$bonus["time"]){ $townrow["bonus"]='Daily Bonus Arena'; }else{ $townrow["bonus"]='Daily Bonus Arena

You have collected your Bonus already, please wait until your 24hours are up.'; } $page = gettemplate("towns"); $page = parsetemplate($page, $townrow); return $page; } function news() { global $controlrow, $userrow; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Viewing News' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); if ($controlrow["shownews"] == 1) { $page = "
"; $newsquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 8", "news"); $page .= "


You last logged in at ".$userrow["onlinetime"]." with the IP Address of ".$userrow["ipaddress"].".

Please spare a moment to view the latest news and announcements below.

You may [Enter] the Game.

"; while ($newsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($newsquery)) { $newsrow = str_replace(":)", "", $newsrow); //16 Smilies $newsrow = str_replace(":(", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":P", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(";)", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace("(ha)", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace("^^", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace("o.O", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":$", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace("(c)", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":@", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":/", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":O", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":?", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":!", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":D", "", $newsrow); $newsrow = str_replace(":%", "", $newsrow); $page .= "\n"; $numquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE topic=".$newsrow['id']."", "comments"); $comments = mysql_num_rows($numquery); $page .= ""; } $page .= "
\n[".prettydate($newsrow["postdate"])."] ".$newsrow["title"]." - By ".$newsrow["author"]."

".nl2br($newsrow["content"]); $page .= "
Post Comments ($comments)
\n"; } else { $townrow["news"] = "News is offline."; } display($page, "Welcome back!"); } function doexplore() { // Main exploring page global $userrow; if ($userrow["nearbylist"] == 1) { $nearbyquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' AND charname!='".$userrow["charname"]."' AND authlevel!='1' ORDER BY LEVEL DESC", "users"); $nearby = "

"; $count = 2; if (mysql_num_rows($nearbyquery) == 0) { $nearby .= "
Nearby Players - In order of Level
Character NameLocationLevelAttackMug
No players nearby.
\n"; } else { while ($nearbyrow = mysql_fetch_array($nearbyquery)) { $lastactive = strtotime($nearbyrow['onlinetime']); $nowtime = time(); $timesincelast = $nowtime - $lastactive; if (($userrow["latitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["latitude"] >= -15) && ($userrow["longitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["longitude"] >= -15) || $userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") { $namelink2 = "Safe Zone"; } elseif ($timesincelast <= 120) { $namelink2 = "Request"; } elseif ($timesincelast <= 600) { $namelink2 = "Idle"; } else { $namelink2 = "Not Online"; } if (($userrow["latitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["latitude"] >= -15) && ($userrow["longitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["longitude"] >= -15) || $userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") { $namelink1 = "Safe Zone"; } else { $namelink1 = "Soon"; } if ($nearbyrow["latitude"] < 0) { $nearbyrow["latitude"] = $nearbyrow["latitude"] * -1 . "S"; } else { $nearbyrow["latitude"] .= "N"; } if ($nearbyrow["longitude"] < 0) { $nearbyrow["longitude"] = $nearbyrow["longitude"] * -1 . "W"; } else { $nearbyrow["longitude"] .= "E"; } if ($count == 1) { $color = "bgcolor='#ffffff'"; $count = 2; } else { $color = "bgcolor='#eeeeee'"; $count = 1;} $nearby .= ""; $nearby .= "".$nearbyrow["charname"].""; $nearby .= "".$nearbyrow["latitude"].", ".$nearbyrow["longitude"].""; $nearby .= "".$nearbyrow["level"].""; $nearby .= "".$namelink2.""; $nearby .= "".$namelink1.""; $nearby .= ""; } $nearby .= "
"; } } elseif ($userrow["nearbylist"] == 0) { $nearby .= "Nearby Players list hidden. You can Enable it again by visiting your Player Options."; } $userrow["nearby"] = $nearby; // Exploring without a GET string is normally when they first log in, or when they've just finished fighting. $page = << Exploring You are exploring the mighty battle field, and you find nothing but waste land and desert. To continue exploring this deserted land, use the Compass or the Travel To menus.

Be aware of whats's approaching you next... As you struggle to see through the haze of dust, from the sand.

END; return $page; } function doquicksand() { // Quicksand - 1 in every 100 to find scales AND gold. scales = between 1 to user level divide by 7. gold = between 1 to user level global $userrow, $controlrow, $numqueries; $damage = intval(rand(1,$userrow["level"])); $newhp = $userrow["currenthp"] - $damage; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentaction='Exploring',location='Quicksand',currenthp='$newhp' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); { } $page = << Quicksand You are exploring the mighty battle field, and you stumble across a refreshing Oasis! You take a closer look...

You then rub your eyes to realise that it's just a mirage and you begin sinking into the Quicksand. You are hurt for $damage Damage!

Quick Sand

To continue exploring this deserted land, use the Compass or the Travel To menus. Be aware of whats's approaching you next... As you struggle to see through the haze of dust, from the sand. END; return $page; } function dooutsidecave() { // Cave $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Outside a Cave' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = << Cave You are exploring the mighty battle field, to discover an ancient Cave.

You may enter the dark Cave.

Enter Cave

To continue exploring this deserted land, use the Compass or the Travel To menus. Be aware of whats's approaching you next... As you struggle to see through the haze of dust, from the sand. END; return $page; } function docorpse() { // Corpse $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Found a Corpse' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = << Found a Corpse You are exploring the mighty battle field, to stumble upon a monster's corpse.

You may search the insect-ridden monster's corpse, to see what you can find.

To continue exploring this deserted land, use the Compass or the Travel To menus. Be aware of whats's approaching you next... As you struggle to see through the haze of dust, from the sand. END; return $page; } function docave() { // Cave $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Outside a Cave' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = << Cave You are exploring the mighty battle field, to discover an ancient Cave.

You may enter the dark Cave.

Enter Cave

To continue exploring this deserted land, use the Compass or the Travel To menus. Be aware of whats's approaching you next... As you struggle to see through the haze of dust, from the sand. END; return $page; } function dooasis() { // Oasis while exploring to restore health $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Oasis' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = << Oasis You are exploring the mighty battle field, and you stumble across a refreshing Oasis!

You may restore your Health and Travel Points by visiting the Oasis.

Enter Oasis

To continue exploring this deserted land, use the Compass or the Travel To menus. Be aware of whats's approaching you next... As you struggle to see through the haze of dust, from the sand. END; return $page; } function dofight() { // Redirect to fighting. header("Location: index.php?do=fight"); } function dotreasure() { // Treasure Page - 1 in every 100 to find scales AND gold. scales = between 1 to user level divide by 7. gold = between 1 to user level global $userrow, $controlrow, $numqueries; if (rand(1,100) >= 3) { $treasure = intval(rand(1,$userrow["level"]*3) + ($userrow["magicfind"]*2)); $newgold = $userrow["gold"] + $treasure; if ($newgold > 9999999) {$newgold = $newgold - 9999999;} $treasuretype = "Gold"; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentaction='Exploring',location='Treasure Chest',gold='$newgold' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); } else { $treasure = intval(rand(1,($userrow["level"]/5) + ($userrow["magicfind"]/4))); if ($treasure <= 1) {$treasure = 1;} $newscales = $userrow["dscales"] + $treasure; if ($newscales > 99999) {$newscales = $newscales - 99999;} $treasuretype = "Dragon Scale(s)"; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET currentaction='Exploring', dscales='$newscales' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); } $page = << Treasure While exploring the battle field outside of town, you come across a deserted treasure chest.

It appears to have something inside, so you take a closer look at it finding it contains $treasure $treasuretype inside of it.

END; return $page; } function viewitems() { global $userrow, $controlrow; $inventitemquery = doquery("SELECT id,name,description FROM {{table}}","inventitems"); $userinventitems = explode(",",$userrow["inventitems"]); $userrow["inventitemslist"] = ""; while ($inventitemrow = mysql_fetch_array($inventitemquery)) { $inventitem = false; foreach($userinventitems as $a => $b) { if ($b == $inventitemrow["id"]) { $userrow["inventitemslist"] .= "[Drop] ".$inventitemrow["name"]." - (".$inventitemrow["description"].")
"; } } } if ($userrow["inventitemslist"] == "") { $userrow["inventitemslist"] = "No Items Available"; } // Make page tags for XHTML validation. $xml = "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; $charsheet = gettemplate("items"); $page = parsetemplate($charsheet, $userrow); display($page, "Items"); } function doviewpets($id) { global $userrow; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Viewing Pets' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = "
Viewing Pets
"; $petquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE trainer='".$userrow["charname"]."'", "arena"); if (mysql_num_rows($petquery) <= 0) { $page .= "You do not have any Captured Pets.

"; $page .= "In order to capture pets, you must use a capture spell or capture item "; $page .= "in battle against an enemy. If the spell is strong enough to hold the creature, "; $page .= "and the monster has been weakened enough (low HP) you can capture it as a Pet. You can then visit a Pet Arena from within a Guild Stronghold to battle them.

"; $page .= "You may return to what you were doing."; display($page, "Viewing Pets"); } if (!isset($id)) { $page .= "

Here is a list of all of your Captured Pets. "; $page .= "To battle them against other Pets, you must visit the Pet Arena from within a Guild Stronghold."; $page .= "

"; $page .= ""; $page .= ""; $count = 2; while ($petrow = mysql_fetch_array($petquery)) { if ($count == 1) { $color = "bgcolor='#ffffff'"; $count = 2; } else { $color = "bgcolor='#eeeeee'"; $count = 1;} $page .= ""; $page .= ""; $page .= ""; $page .= ""; $page .= ""; $page .= ""; }} $page .= "
Your Captured Pets
"; $page .= "".$petrow["name"]."".$petrow["type"]."".$petrow["currenthp"]."/".$petrow["maxhp"]."".$petrow["level"]."".$petrow["wins"]."/".$petrow["losses"]."
"; display($page,"Viewing Pets"); } function onlinechar($id) { global $controlrow; $userquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1", "users"); if (mysql_num_rows($userquery) == 1) { $userrow = mysql_fetch_array($userquery); } else { display("No such user.", "Error"); } if ($userrow["id"] == 1) { display("

You cannot view an Administrators Profile.

You may return to what you were doing, or continue exploring by using the compass images to the right.", "Restricted"); die(); } $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); $userquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); unset($userrow); $userrow = mysql_fetch_array($userquery); // Current town name. if ($userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") { $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); $userrow["currenttown"] = "".$townrow["name"].""; } else { $userrow["currenttown"] = "Not in a Town"; } if ($userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") { $town2query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $town2row = mysql_fetch_array($town2query); $userrow["currenttown2"] = "".$townrow["name"].""; } $townslist = explode(",",$userrow["towns"]); $townquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} ORDER BY id", "towns"); $userrow["townslist"] = ""; while ($townrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($townquery2)) { $town = false; foreach($townslist as $a => $b) { if ($b == $townrow2["id"]) { $town = true; } } if ($town == true) { $userrow["townslist"] .= "".$townrow2["name"]."
\n"; } } // Format various userrow stuffs... if ($userrow["latitude"] < 0) { $userrow["latitude"] = $userrow["latitude"] * -1 . "S"; } else { $userrow["latitude"] .= "N"; } if ($userrow["longitude"] < 0) { $userrow["longitude"] = $userrow["longitude"] * -1 . "W"; } else { $userrow["longitude"] .= "E"; } if ($userrow["run"] == 1) { $userrow["run"] = "Walking"; } if ($userrow["run"] == 3) { $userrow["run"] = "Running"; } $userrow["totalexp"] = ($userrow["experience"] + $userrow["miningxp"] + $userrow["endurancexp"] + $userrow["smeltingxp"] + $userrow["muggingxp"] + $userrow["craftingxp"] + $userrow["forgingxp"]); $userrow["skilltotal"] = ($userrow["level"] + $userrow["mining"] + $userrow["endurance"] + $userrow["smelting"] + $userrow["mugging"] + $userrow["crafting"] + $userrow["forging"] + $userrow["skill1level"] + $userrow["skill2level"] + $userrow["skill3level"] + $userrow["skill4level"]); // Format various userrow stuffs. $userrow["totalexp"] = number_format($userrow["totalexp"]); $userrow["experience"] = number_format($userrow["experience"]); $userrow["miningxp"] = number_format($userrow["miningxp"]); $userrow["smeltingxp"] = number_format($userrow["smeltingxp"]); $userrow["endurancexp"] = number_format($userrow["endurancexp"]); $userrow["craftingxp"] = number_format($userrow["craftingxp"]); $userrow["forgingxp"] = number_format($userrow["forgingxp"]); $userrow["currenthp"] = number_format($userrow["currenthp"]); $userrow["maxhp"] = number_format($userrow["maxhp"]); $userrow["currentmp"] = number_format($userrow["currentmp"]); $userrow["maxmp"] = number_format($userrow["maxmp"]); $userrow["currenttp"] = number_format($userrow["currenttp"]); $userrow["maxtp"] = number_format($userrow["maxtp"]); $userrow["attributes"] = number_format($userrow["attributes"]); $userrow["bones"] = number_format($userrow["bones"]); $userrow["defensepower"] = number_format($userrow["defensepower"]); $userrow["attackpower"] = number_format($userrow["attackpower"]); $userrow["strength"] = number_format($userrow["strength"]); $userrow["dexterity"] = number_format($userrow["dexterity"]); $userrow["gold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]); $userrow["dscales"] = number_format($userrow["dscales"]); $userrow["bank"] = number_format($userrow["bank"]); if (($userrow["latitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["latitude"] >= -15) && ($userrow["longitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["longitude"] >= -15) || $userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") { $userrow["zone"] = "Safe Zone"; } else { $userrow["zone"] = "Danger Zone"; } if ($townrow["latitude"] >= 0) { $latitude = $townrow["latitude"] . "N,"; } else { $latitude = ($townrow["latitude"]*-1) . "S,"; } if ($townrow["longitude"] >= 0) { $longitude = $townrow["longitude"] . "E"; } else { $longitude = ($townrow["longitude"]*-1) . "W"; } if ($userrow["expbonus"] > 0) { $userrow["plusexp"] = "(+".$userrow["expbonus"]."%)"; } elseif ($userrow["expbonus"] < 0) { $userrow["plusexp"] = "(".$userrow["expbonus"]."%)"; } else { $userrow["plusexp"] = ""; } if ($userrow["goldbonus"] > 0) { $userrow["plusgold"] = "(+".$userrow["goldbonus"]."%)"; } elseif ($userrow["goldbonus"] < 0) { $userrow["plusgold"] = "(".$userrow["goldbonus"]."%)"; } else { $userrow["plusgold"] = ""; } $levelquery = doquery("SELECT ". $userrow["charclass"]."_exp FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".($userrow["level"]+1)."' LIMIT 1", "levels"); $levelrow = mysql_fetch_array($levelquery); $userrow["nextlevel"] = number_format($levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_exp"]); $titi = $userrow["customtitle"]; $titi2 = $userrow["avatarlink"]; if ($userrow["authlevel"] == 3) { $userrow["avatarlink"] = "\"$titi\""; } else { $userrow["avatarlink"] = "\"$titi\""; } if ($userrow["charclass"] == 1) { $userrow["charclass"] = $controlrow["class1name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charclass"] == 2) { $userrow["charclass"] = $controlrow["class2name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charclass"] == 3) { $userrow["charclass"] = $controlrow["class3name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charclass"] == 4) { $userrow["charclass"] = $controlrow["class4name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charclass"] == 5) { $userrow["charclass"] = $controlrow["class5name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charclass"] == 6) { $userrow["charclass"] = $controlrow["class6name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charclass"] == 7) { $userrow["charclass"] = $controlrow["class7name"]; } $spellquery = doquery("SELECT id,name FROM {{table}}","spells"); $userspells = explode(",",$userrow["spells"]); $userrow["magiclist"] = ""; while ($spellrow = mysql_fetch_array($spellquery)) { $spell = false; foreach($userspells as $a => $b) { if ($b == $spellrow["id"]) { $spell = true; } } if ($spell == true) { $userrow["magiclist"] .= $spellrow["name"]."
"; } } if ($userrow["magiclist"] == "") { $userrow["magiclist"] = "None"; } $inventitemquery = doquery("SELECT id,name,description FROM {{table}}","inventitems"); $userinventitems = explode(",",$userrow["inventitems"]); $userrow["inventitemslist"] = ""; while ($inventitemrow = mysql_fetch_array($inventitemquery)) { $inventitem = false; foreach($userinventitems as $a => $b) { if ($b == $inventitemrow["id"]) { $userrow["inventitemslist"] .= "".$inventitemrow["name"]."
"; } } } if ($userrow["inventitemslist"] == "") { $userrow["inventitemslist"] = "No Items Available"; } $charsheet = gettemplate("onlinechar"); $page = parsetemplate($charsheet, $userrow); display($page, "Character Profile"); } function showmap() { global $userrow; // Make page tags for XHTML validation. $xml = "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; $page = $xml . gettemplate("minimal"); $array = array("content"=>"

", "title"=>"Kingdom Wars Map"); echo parsetemplate($page, $array); $numquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} ", "strongholds"); $strongholds = mysql_num_rows($numquery); $numquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} ", "homes"); $homes = mysql_num_rows($numquery); echo "There are a total of : $strongholds Strongholds between the areas of 25 and 500 in any direction. There is also $homes Homes located around the map.
If the map above fails to load, or you dont have flash enabled, click here for the normal map image." ; die(); } function itemdel($id) { // Spit out the main town page. global $userrow; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Dropping an Item' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $page = "
Dropped an Item
"; $userinventitems = explode(",",$userrow["inventitems"]); if(in_array($id, $userinventitems)) { unset($userinventitems[array_search($id, $userinventitems)]); $page .= "You dropped item# ".$id."

"; } rsort($userinventitems); $newinventitems = join(",",$userinventitems); $iquery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET inventitems='$newinventitems' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); header("Location: index.php"); die(); } elseif (isset($_POST["cancel"])) { header("Location: index.php"); die(); } $iquery = doquery("SELECT name FROM {{table}} WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1 ","inventitems"); $irow = mysql_fetch_array($iquery); $page = "
Dropping an Item
"; $page .= "

Are you sure that you want to drop ".$irow["name"]."?

"; $page .= "

"; $page .= " - "; $page .= ""; $page .= "
"; display($page, "Dropping an Item"); } function whosonline() { global $userrow; $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery); $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Viewing Whos Online' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = "
Who is Online

"; $onlinequery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(onlinetime) >= '".(time()-600)."' ORDER BY experience DESC", "users"); $page .= "
\n"; $count = 1; while ($onlinerow = mysql_fetch_array($onlinequery)) { if ($onlinerow["location"] == "{{currenttown2}}") { $town2query = doquery("SELECT name,longitude,latitude FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$onlinerow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$onlinerow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns"); $town2row = mysql_fetch_array($town2query); $onlinerow["location"] = "".$town2row["name"].""; } if ($onlinerow["authlevel"] == 1){ $page .= "\n"; }elseif($onlinerow["authlevel"] == 3) { $page .= "\n"; }elseif($onlinerow["authlevel"] == 4) { $page .= "\n"; }else{ if ($count == 1) { $page .= "\n"; $count = 2; } else { $page .= "\n"; $count = 1; } } } $page .= "
There have been " . mysql_num_rows($onlinequery) . " user(s) Online within the last few minutes, in order
of experience:
Character NameGuild NameLevelCurrently
"; $page .= "
Click on a players Character Name to see their profile and other stats.

Colour Key:
Administrators (Usually Invisible)
Muted from Chat, Forum, News Comments and Game Mails

You may return to what you were doing, or use the compass on the right to start exploring."; display($page, "Who is Online"); } function daily() { global $userrow; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Daily Bonus Arena' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = "
Daily Bonus
"; $page .= <<

Site hosted by Build your free website today!

Daily Bonus

[ Return to the game ]

You have received your Daily Bonus of 800 Gold and 12 Dragon Scales.

END; display($page,"Daily Bonus"); } function collected() { global $userrow; $updatequery = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET location='Daily Bonus Arena' WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $page = "
Daily Bonus
"; $page .= <<

Daily Bonus

[ Return to the game ]

You have already received your Daily Bonus of 800 Gold and 12 Dragon Scales. Please try again later.

END; display($page,"Daily Bonus"); } function chat() { global $userrow, $controlrow; $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET chattime=NOW() WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); if ($controlrow["displaychat"] == 0) { die("Player Chat has been closed for all Players. It will be available again later. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause."); } elseif ($userrow["level"] < 5) { die("You must be at least level 5 or above to be able to view the Player Chat."); } elseif ($userrow["authlevel"] == 4) { die("You are currently muted from using game mails, the forum, posting news comments and the player chat. Please check back later or contact a moderator."); } if (isset($_POST["babble"])) { $safecontent = makesafe($_POST["babble"]); if ($safecontent == "" || $safecontent == " ") { //blank post. do nothing. } else { if (substr($safecontent,0,2) == "/m") { $msgarray = explode(" ",$safecontent); unset($msgarray[0]); $to = $msgarray[1]; unset($msgarray[1]); $safecontent = implode(" ",$msgarray); } else { $to = ""; } $insert = doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET id='',posttime=NOW(),author='".$userrow["charname"]."',babble='$safecontent',touser='$to'", "chat"); } header("Location: index.php?do=chat"); die(); } $babblebox = array("content"=>""); $bg = 1; $babblequery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE touser='' OR touser='".$userrow["charname"]."' OR author='".$userrow["charname"]."' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20", "chat"); while ($babblerow = mysql_fetch_array($babblequery)) { $babblerow = str_replace(":)", "", $babblerow); //16 Smilies $babblerow = str_replace(":(", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":P", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(";)", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("(ha)", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("^^", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("o.O", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":$", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("(c)", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":@", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":/", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":O", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":?", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":!", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":D", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace(":%", "", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("fuck", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("shit", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("bastard", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("piss", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("cunt", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("dick", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("bitch", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $babblerow = str_replace("twat", " [Word Censored] ", $babblerow); $cu = doquery("SELECT authlevel FROM {{table}} WHERE charname='".$babblerow["author"]."' LIMIT 1", "users"); $chatrow = mysql_fetch_array($cu); if ($chatrow["authlevel"] == 1) { $name = "".$babblerow["author"].":"; } elseif ($chatrow["authlevel"] == 3) { $name = "".$babblerow["author"].":"; } elseif ($chatrow["authlevel"] == 4) { $name = "".$babblerow["author"].":"; } else { $name = "".$babblerow["author"].":"; } if ($babblerow["touser"] != "") { $spanbegin = ""; $spanend = ""; } else { $spanbegin = ""; $spanend = ""; } if ($bg == 1) { $new = "

\n"; $bg = 2; } else { $new = "
\n"; $bg = 1; } $babblebox["content"] = $new . $babblebox["content"]; } $babblebox["content"] .= "

Please don't discuss Quests in chat. You will be muted.
"; $onlinequery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(chattime) >= '".(time()-90)."' AND charname!='Admin' ORDER BY charname", "users"); $babblebox["content"] .= "
\n"; $babblebox["content"] .= "Players Chatting (" . mysql_num_rows($onlinequery) . "): "; while ($onlinerow = mysql_fetch_array($onlinequery)) { $babblebox["content"] .= "".$onlinerow["charname"]."" . ", "; } $babblebox["content"] .= rtrim($townrow["whosonline"], ", "); $babblebox["content"] .= "
\n"; // Make page tags for XHTML validation. $xml = "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; $page = $xml . gettemplate("chat"); echo parsetemplate($page, $babblebox); die(); } ?>