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Brigid, the Celtic goddess of fire (the forge and the hearth), poetry, healing, childbirth, and unity, is celebrated in many European countries. She is known by many names, including that of Saint Brigid who is, perhaps, the most powerful religious figure in Irish history.

She had a sacred temple at Kildare, where 19 priestesses tended a holy flame that was never extinguished. The flame represented Brigid, as the Goddess of fire and forge. She ruled over smithcraft and other arts, poetry, divination, animals and livestock, healing and physicians. Because she is associated with 3 distinctive and unrelated fields (smithcraft, healing, poetry), Brigid is sometimes considered a form of triple Goddess.

The Feast Day of Brigid, known as Imbolc, is celebrated at the start of February, midway through the winter. Like the goddess herself, it is meant to give us hope, to remind us that spring is on its way. The lessons of this complex and widely beloved goddess are many. The Celtic goddess Brigid lends us her creativity and inspiration, but also reminds us to keep our traditions alive and whole. These are gifts that can sustain us through any circumstance. Her fire is the spark of life.

General: fire, hearth, forge, light, candles, sunrise, springs and wells, poetry, arrows, bells, thresholds and doorways, Brigid's cross, cloak, midwifery, Imbolc, corn dolls, protection, milk
Animals: lambs and ewes, dairy cows, bees, owls, serpents, and all hibernating animals
Plants/Herbs: blackberries, dandelions, snowdrops, crocus, trillium, acorns and oak tree, corn, oats, sage, pumpkin seeds, heather, chamomile, broom, shamrock, rushes, straw
Scents: heather, wisteria, violet, lavender, verbene, heliotrope
Gems/Metals: gold, brass, silver, carnelian, agate, copper, amethyst, jasper, rock crystal, lazuli
Colors: white, yellow, black, red


Brigit, Wise One,
We, your children, call to you.

Lady, Smithy,
We, your children, invite you here.

Triple Goddess,
We, your children, ask your presence.

Brigit, Wise One,
We, your children, call to you.

Lady, Smithy,
We, your children, invite you here.


Brigid, o' firey arrow bright,
Bring Your blessed healing light,
Loving Mother, hear my plea,
Attend this circle here with me!
Blessed Brigid, who tends the flame,
And hears Her children call Her name,
Goddess of music, poetry, and art,
Who brings inspiration and lifts the heart,
Three Brigids--Maiden, Mother, Crone,
Loving light of hearth and home,
Come and bless this sacred space,
By Your will and by Your grace,
And as we merry meet and merry part,
May I carry Your peace within my heart!