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A Public Apology
Site Manager

     I would like to apologize publicly. In the past, I've said that this site was to be used for the public display of Bridgeport student's opinions, whatever they were. That, however, wasn't what happened. Whether by circumstance or ego, the only opinions displayed on this site were my own.
     I intended to stir up controversy, idealism, and opinions with my sometimes callous and dishonorable opinions and articles. It was never my intention to offend anyone more than what it would require to get a response out of them.
     This sin hasn't any penance, because of the span of my rudeness and cruelty, so, instead I offer a deal - I will continue to devote the small measure of time required to keep this site updated, and I promise, I swear, to never post my own opinion unless it is reasonably needed or called for by an honest source.
     Instead, this site should take back on it's intended purpose - to serve as a vent for the varied and diverse opinions of the student body. Some of the opinions may seem very rude or cruel, but it is necessary that all opinions are heard. This web-site will allow even the smallest and youngest of voices to be heard.
     I hear the arguments for censorship, and I follow a strict rule - anyone who imposes censorship automatically deems those being 'protected' incompetent or untrustworthy to make their own decisions. I wish not to sounds like the protector of freedom, because my actions set me directly opposite to that goal, but I wish to clean my name.
     If any article, of any nature, related to Bridgeport Schools, is submitted to me, via the "Contact Me" button on the left side of this page, I will post it, within reasonable discretion.
     I don't wish for this web-site to die, because I believe it can do some good in Bridgeport Schools. Please help by submitting your opinions and continuing to submit your 'Teacher Reviews'. Thank you very much for hearing me out, and if forgiveness is outside your grasp, I ask simply for a wait-and-see policy, so that this website can prove itself worthwhile and honest.


Apologies for the Break

   Two articles have already been submitted. Click on them to go to the article, and post reviews.
School Drug Tests - (Signed, "Football Player")
     My Mother's Yearbook - (Unsigned)

     Also, approximately ten more teacher reviews were received in the past month.

Mr. Kraay
     The recent incident with Mr. Kraay and Mr. J has caused much stirring amongst the community and the student body. Here are the reviews of Mr. Kraay reflecting his most recent actions. The reviews are mixed-
click here to read them.

DISCLAIMER: This is a spoof website and is no way endorsed or sponsored by Bridgeport Public Schools. Click here to visit the official Bridgeport Public Schools website.

School Employee Contact Information

     The purpose of my site has always been the empowerment of the students, whatever their opinions. Now lets let the faculty hear what we have to say, click on this article for their contact information.






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