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U.S. Name: OPTIMUS PRIME (War Within Version)   Jap. Name: CONVOY 

Cartoon First Appearance: N/A

Marvel Comic First Appearance: N/A

Dreamwave Comic First Appearance: TF War Within, Vol. 1, Issue #1, Oct. 2002, $2.95

Toy Catalog Number: N/A


A quick comment:      Back to G-1: Review A-I    Teletran-1

It was the design that led me to purchase WWI Optimus Prime.  For starter, it looks so much like the Dreamwave Comic - Transformers War Within Series.   And second, it features die cast metal which it's so reminiscent of the 80's Transformers style.  I got WWI Prime at Toy R US.


R-0 Original War Within Optimus Prime's motto and tech specifications:  

Affiliate: autobots | Subgroup: none | Function: autobots commander | Alt. Mode: truck|

| STR 10 | INTL 10 | SPD 6 | ENDN 8 | RNK 10 | CRG 8 | FRPW 7 | SKL 10 |

WWI Prime Motto:

N/A - Doesn't come with one


Back Box Inscription Bio:

Unique Feature: Inherited Matrix from the late Sentinel Prime.  Gravitas and the members of the Chamber of the Ancients have spoken.  It has been determined that the fate of the Autobots will rest upon the shoulders of an archiivist named Optronix.  Although Optronix is initially reluctant to accept this great responsibility, he begins to understand the devastating risks at stake for the entire Transformers race.

Optronix is give the leadership name Optimus Prime once the power of The Matrix is bestowed onto him.  It is a sign that he must lead the Autobots away from Cybertron, not only to escape the war with the Decepticons, but also to escape the self-destructive war that exists within them.  After a colossal battle with Megatron that spans the boundaries of both time and space, Optimus discovers the power within himself to step up and provide the leadership his race needs in their most desperate hour.


These images were all photographed and scanned by me.  If you're a Transformers fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences.  

NOTE: Images are clearer when viewed with Internet Explorer browser.

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 War Within Optimus Prime in its Original condition:

wwiprimeorig.jpg (72795 bytes)1  - War Within Optimus Prime in its original box.

2 - Back of the box shows.

3 - Here's how the contents look once the box was removed revealing the contents sandwiched between two clear plastic tray.  And on a separate taped back, that's where you'll find all the paper works.

4 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" robot, "1" gun, "1" base stand, "1" circle catalog, and "1" instruction sheet.


R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: 

Although the entire figure itself is basically pre-applied paint, the base itself has one pre-applied sticker which bears the name Optimus Prime.

Sticker Sheet:

War Within Optimus Prime does not come with any sticker sheet. 


R-3 War Within Optimus Prime in Cab Mode: 

wwiprimeveh.jpg (74104 bytes)War Within Optimus Prime and others were first introduced in the Dreamwave Comic Transformers Series called "War Within."  This new series had the all the Transformers in their original Cybertronian body form or appearance in contrast to their Earth form.  WWI Optimus Prime action figure cab measures approximately 5 10/16 x 2 11/16 x 1 11/16 (LxWxH in inch).  With all the die cast material, he is actually one heavy vehicle.  The wheels are plastic and the car window shield has no window since it's all one solid piece.  Unfortunately, Hasbro did not include a trailer for WWI Optimus Prime so we are stuck just the cab.  The design itself is very simple but very interesting I must say.   Somehow, WWI Prime alt.mode kind of remind me of the G1 Kup but with only a little bit more detail and the face of the cab has a style like a racing car.


R-4 War Within Optimus Prime in Robot Mode: 

wwiprimerob1.jpg (78234 bytes)In robot mode, WWI Prime is extremely gorgeous and is so true his comic counterpart.  The entire body is well designed all around and very proportion to one another.  The biggest weakness with this figure is the shoulder joint tends to fall back down if you had it raised up especially with the gun intact.  This is mainly caused by the extra die cast metal on shoulder and wrist.  With so many die cast metal, the figure may feel flimsy since the joints can't handle the weight.  Also, due to the way the hand was designed, which is like a "C" shape, placing the gun in there is a little bit tough because the gun handle and the shape don't quiet align right.  The trick is to insert the gun handle from the thin side part and place it perpendicular into the hand.  Now push it into the hand.  Once the handle is in, rotate the gun to it normal position.  But other than these, the figure itself is beautiful.


R-5 Articulation: 

wwiprimerob2.jpg (68323 bytes)The picture on the left shows some of the poses which WWI Prime can do.  His articulation is actually good but his leg and knee movement stop just a little bit short.  That is, in forward direction, both his leg and knee can only bent about 10 degree.  His other articulations include movable shoulder, elbow, hip, and feet.  For more on articulation, see R-7.


R-6 Detail: 

wwiprimedet.jpg (74130 bytes)In additional to the figure itself, Hasbro also included a base stand.  The base stand measures approximately 3 13/16 x 4 12/16 x 14/16 (LxWxH in inch). Basically, WWI Prime just place on top of the base (second row from left) with no anchoring from the base to the foot like some of the Direct CD figure.  So if the surface is uneven, he will slide off.  For precautious advice, the base is consisted of 2 parts, the platform and the Autobot Insignia with his name on.  The Autobot insignia compartment is easily detachable so just be careful with it.  Last but not least, WWI Prime gun can either store on his back in robot mode, or mounted on top his cab mode.

NOTE-1: If you look close enough next to the gun trigger, you'll notice there is an inscription of "Don" for Don Figueroa who is one of the greatest Transformers artists as well as the person who designed WWI Prime.


R-7 Rémy's War Within Optimus Prime action figure review:

Manufacturer - Hasbro

Line, Series/ Wave: 6" Titanium Series - Die Cast, Wave 1.

Year Issue: [2006]  

Made: [China]  

Scale: [N/A]

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - 9 X 8 (6 for top) X 5 (3 1/2 for top) - Box.  Note - the box is not a regular normal square box, instead it's a trapezoid box style with window in the front.

Packaging Method: Mint In Sealed Box.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Taped down and sandwiched between two clear plastic trays are: "1" robot, "1" gun, and "1" base stand. 

Also inside that clear plastic tray but taped down inside a bag are:  "1" circle catalog, and "1" instruction sheet.

Box Special Note: Front Box Appearance: WWI Prime vehicle image.  Back Box Appearance: Images of WWI Prime and Megatron first wave action figure.  Also with WWI Prime bio.

Approximately Dimension In Inches: Height Up To The Head 5 14/16  Maximum Height: 5 14/16  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 3 7/16  Maximum Width: 3 13/16 (from smoke pipe to smoke pipe)  Dept: 2 1/2.

Figure's Stamp/ Fine Print: ©2006 HASBRO INC., MADE IN CHINA.

Figure's Stamp/ Fine Print Location: Can be found underside of WWI Prime left feet.

Transformation Of Difficulty: [Easy] - Very easy to transform.

Material Durability: [-A] - Pretty durable.

Materials: Die Cast Metal:  Shoulder, torso, wrist, abdominal, and lower leg.  Chrome Part: Smoke pipe of the cab.  Rubber: None - Plastic.  Plastic: hip and thigh.  Clear Plastic Window: None.

Stability: [-A] - Very fear...can stand on any flat surface.

Fun Figure: [A]

Negative Drawback: No major negative drawback.  

Articulations: Head: Can be rotated 360 degree. Shoulder: Can be swung at a 360 degree. Arm/ Elbow: Can be bent at a 90 degree angle.  The lower portion of the arm can also be rotate at a 360 degree sideway. Wrist/ Hand: Cannot be rotated, use slider to hide hand.  Hip/ Waist: Although the hip cannot be rotated but the upper abdominal can be rotated 360 degree sideway thanks to the transformation process. Leg: Can be bent at 10 degree forward and 80 degree backward.  The upper thigh can be rotated at a 360 degree sideway.  Leg can also do a 45 degree split.  Knee: Can only be bent at 10 degree.  Ankle/ Feet: No sideway movement.  Feet can only be bent downward.

Rub Sign Logo: [N/A] - Not Applicable.

Robot's Comic looks alike: [A] - Definitely beautiful.

Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [A] - Same as previous comment.

Special Notes: Here are "2" special notes that I think you should know:

1 - Due to the die cast metal on the upper body and the style of transformation, in time, WWI Prime will suffer the compression leg syndrome.  In other word, WWI Prime leg will shrink down and bury into his feet which will make him look shorter.  If you want to avoid the problem, then leave him in his vehicle mode.

2 - The Autobot Insignia panel on the base is easily detachable, keep an eye on it or loose it.

Overall Grade: [A] - Despites the weak joints thanks to those massive die cast metal, WWI Prime is one beautiful figure and was well designed by Don Figueroa.


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