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U.S. Name: OMEGA SUPREME   Jap. Name: SAME

Cartoon First Appearance: Episode #70: Five Face Of Darkness P5, Season 3, Sept. 1986

Marvel Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Dreamwave Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Classic Box Number: N/A     This Line Box Number: 09


A quick comment:     Back to G-1: Review A-XI      Teletran-1

With the merger between Takara and Tomy, transfans are very fortunate that figures such as Sky Lynx, Omega Supreme, which previously were not owned by Takara are now reissued in the market again.  I had never had him when I was a kid so I'm thrilled to be able own Omega Supreme. I got him for $CXX on Jul. I Mmviii from ImageAnime.


R-0 Original Omega Supreme's motto and tech specifications: 

Affiliate: autobots | Subgroup: none | Function: lieutenant commander | Alt. Mode: interplanetary rocket |

| STR 10 | INTL 5 | SPD 3 | ENDN 10 | RNK 7 | CRG 10 | FRPW 10 | SKL 6 |

Original G1 Omega Supreme Motto:

"Unyielding resolve has no conqueror."


Original G1 Omega Supreme Bio:

The ultimate defense force!  Great strength, even greater courage.  Serious, even grim...last line of Autobot defense.  Protects the Ark and all else vital to his cause.  As robot, can shatter a mountainside, lift 300,000 tons with clawed arm, destroy 12" steel cube with plasma blaster arm.  Has head-mounted laser cannon.  Can transform to laser cannon tank and launching pad with rocket.  Rocket can achieve planetary orbit.


All these images were all photographed and scanned by me.  If you're a Transformers fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences.  

NOTE: Images are clearer when viewed with Internet Explorer browser.

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 Omega Supreme in its Original condition:

omegasupremeorig.jpg (66879 bytes)1 - Omega Supreme in its brand new condition from the box.  

2 - The back of the box. 

3 - Here's how the content looks once the box was removed.

4 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" tank, "25" components to form Omega Supreme, "1" sticker sheet, "1" trading card, "1" instruction sheet, and "2" miscellaneous sheet.


R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: 

There are 2 Pre-Applied decals on the new Encore edition of Omega Supreme.  The first decal is a painted Autobot insignia located on the chest.  And finally the last pre-applied sticker is the Autobot rub sign located just above his waist. 

Sticker Sheet:

DecalOmega.jpg (117250 bytes)There are 22 registered numbers on the sticker sheet.  But in reality it's actually 76 stickers since some of the decals/ stickers are grouped or paired together and labeled it as one.  These registered numberings do not include the Pre-applied stickers.  


R-3 Omega Supreme in Defense Base Mode:

omegasupremeveh1.jpg (48082 bytes)Omega Supreme alternated mode in a way is more intriguing than his robot mode.  That is, there's this complex circular track, the tank, and a rocket.  But what makes this defense base exciting is the tank motorized feature to roll around the circular track.  In this complex base, Omega Supreme measures approximately approximately 26 6/16 x 13 8/16 x 1 1/4 [height of track] or 9 9/16 [height of rocket] (LxWxH inch).  In this mode, everything is pretty much stable except the rocket launching pad and especially the 2 top small yellow tabs which tend to fall off.


R-4 Details of Tank Mode and the Interplanetary Rocket:

omegasupremeveh2.jpg (55350 bytes)omegasupremeveh3.jpg (34784 bytes)The tank mode is the main and largest component that form Omega Supreme.  In other words, it's the heart and spark of Omega Supreme.  The measurement is approximately 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 x 3 3/4 (LxWxH inch)..  It can be rolled on the track or the floor thanks to the four wheels (2 front wheels are normal and the 2 rear wheels are motorized) at the underside of the tank.  The cams and treads with false wheels are made out of a plastic material.  During transformation from robot to vehicle mode, be gentle with the plastic cams and the little tab which marked "push in" because if this piece break, Omega Supreme would not be able to walk.  The interplanetary rocket is made up of two parts and is measured approximately 9 9/16 x 2 1/2  x 2 1/2 (LxWxH inch). These two sections become Omega Supreme hands.  The thruster section forms the lower right arm while top of the rocket made up the lower left arm.

Note-1: When sliding the treads out into the robot mode, don't be alarm if one side of the tread is short than the other.  Further pull of the tread will only break the piece.  This is normal.  The piece will align itself once you activated the switch to ON in the walking position.


R-5 Omega Supreme in Robot Mode:

omegacomp.jpg (65972 bytes)omegasupremerob1.jpg (66710 bytes)It takes 26 components to form the great Omega Supreme.  His transformation is more of parts-former or legos-former than a transform figure.  In other words, you don't transform the figure but assemble him as though he is made out of lego style.  With an exception to the tank itself, the rest of the 25 components have to assemble piece by piece to form his robot mode and alternate mode.  Connecting the two large outer leg panels onto the inner leg panels for either leg can be a hassle sometime.  Once you got the outer leg panels securely connected, the rest of the components are easily assembled.  Despites having so many pieces, Omega Supreme is very stable and doesn't fall down into pieces.  This is mainly thanks to the 6 yellow tabs (2 in the front leg and 4 in the rear of the leg) which serve as a locking mechanism that prevent each member from disengaging.  


In robot mode, Omega Supreme is pretty much the same size as the standard G1 gestalts but a little bit taller than Ultra Magnus.  He is very bulky and features a decent G1 articulation.  Omega Supreme looks very much like his cartoon counterpart in both mode.  Despites his simplicity look and transformation, I think he is awesome.


R-6 Omega Supreme's Wing - Which is corrected?

omegasupremerob3.jpg (76900 bytes)The rear back wing of Omega Supreme can be assembled in many ways depending personal preference.   The first left image is shown according to the cartoon/the Takara/Tomy instruction sheet/ box ads.  This half wing is the standard version and mostly use by transfans since it matches with the cartoon and looks just right.  In this position I noticed at least on mine, the back pack doesn't seem to clip firmly like the middle or third image.  I would have to nibble the back pack or the reposition the wings a couple of time before it clip firmly without any gap at the bottom of the back pack.  I don't have this problem for the middle image and right image.  The middle is the Hasbro way which has Omega Supreme wing half way up and half way down.  This method is supported by the original U.S. toy commercial and original Hasbro instruction.  Lastly, the 3rd and 4th images were shown from the Takara/Tomy instruction sheet as an alternated wing for Omega Supreme.  What's useful with this method is that it functions as a way to store all of Omega Supreme non-used tracks during robot mode.


R-7 Articulation Shows Off:

omegasupremerob2.jpg (56321 bytes)Omega Supreme main articulation is the shoulder and elbow.  There are a lot of movement in that section.  The head and the right claw are also moveable as well.  For the feet and inner leg to have movement, you need to turn on the motorized feature by clicking the on button.  Otherwise, Omega Supreme is pretty much a brick like many of the G1 transformers action figures.


R-8 Omega Supreme Electronic Gimmick:

omegasupremedet1.jpg (58651 bytes)As a brief mentioned in R-3, the most intriguing about Omega Supreme is the electronic feature which requires 2AA batteries (middle image) for it to operational.  The batteries are store underneath his red chest compartment.  When the switch is press into the ON position at the rear of the tank mode, the motorized feature do four things simultaneously.  First the whole tank unit will run around the track (bottom middle image) or roll the floor.  Second, the head spins at a 360 degree (bottom middle image).  Third, the visor of the head lights up (top right image).  And lastly the red turret barrel slightly move up and down (top right image).  During tank mode, the head/turret cannot be manually rotated.  In robot mode, the motorized feature allows Omega Supreme to walk and the head lights up.  In contrast to the alternated mode or tank mode, the robot mode head will not automatically rotate at 360 degree along with the red turret barrel move up and down.  Instead, you would have to do it manually.

Note-2: in order for the tank to run properly on the track, make sure all the four wheels are inside the track and the track itself is level.


R-9 2008 Encore Omega Supreme Vs. 1985 Omega Supreme:

omegasupremedet2.jpg (86844 bytes)There are 4 minor differences between the 2008 Encore Omega Supreme and the 1985 Omega Supreme.  The molds itself are the same but the biggest different is that Encore Omega Supreme has face and the original doesn't.  Other very minor changes are the action figure fine stamp print and stickers.  Other than these, they are pretty much identical.  2008 Encore Omega Supreme tried to improve the appearance by matching with the cartoon Omega Supreme.  This is great for transfans.  The left portion is the 2008 Encore Omega Supreme while the right portion is the 1986 Omega Supreme.


2008 Encore Omega Supreme 1985 Omega Supreme
1 - The head has a face inside the visor. 1 - The head has no face inside the visor.
2 - *The large chest autobot insignia is painted. 2 - The large chest autobot insignia is sticker.
3 - On-Off of the tank decal is painted with no arrow sign. 3 - On-Off of the tank decal is sticker with arrow sign.

4 - The fine print reads:

©2007 TOMY





4 - The fine print reads:






*Also comes with additional sticker as well.  


R-10 Scale Comparison:

omegasupremedet4.jpg (66145 bytes)Here is a scale comparison of Omega Supreme among his fellow Autobots.  He is basically about the side of the G1 gestalts and a little bit taller than Ultra Magnus.  This picture should give you some idea of his size. 


R-11 Rémy's Omega Supreme action figure review:

Manufacturer - Takara/ Tomy.

Series or Wave or Line: Encore #9 - Series 4.

Year Issue: [Jun. 2008] 

Made: [China]  

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - 20 1/2 X 14 3/4 X 3 1/2 - Box.

Packaging Method: Mint In Seal Box.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Taped down with wire and sandwiched between two clear plastic trays are:  "1" tank, "25" components.

On the back of the card board and not inside the clear plastic tray, a taped down bag which contained:  "1" sticker sheet, "1" trading card, "1" instruction sheet, and "2" miscellaneous sheet.

Box Special Note: Front Box Appearance: Omega Supreme art.  Back Box Appearance: 1985 battle scene.  

Box Point or Robot Point: [10]  - This number can be found on the right side flap of the box.  You have to open the box to see it.  It contains number and either Autobots or Decepticons insignia depending on which faction you are getting.

Approximately Dimension In Inches: Height Up To The Head 10 1/2  Maximum Height: 12 (top of the wing)  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 5 10/16 Maximum Width: 8 (from lower arm to lower arm)  Dept: 4 1/2.

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print: - ©2007 TOMY; ©1985 HASBRO; MADE IN CHINA.

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be found at the under side of the tank mode.

Transformation Of Difficulty: [Medium]  

Material Durability: [-A]

Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal:  None.  Chrome Part: None.  Rubber: Rear wheels (middle part).  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: The head visor.

Stability: [-A] - Once every piece is connected and securely locked by the 6 yellow tabs, Omega is pretty stable.

Fun Toy: [A] - Definitely a fun toy since you get two figures, can merge with one another, and it can walk.

Negative Drawback - Connecting the outer leg panel onto the inner leg panel can be a hassle sometime.

Articulations: Head: Can be rotated at 360 degree.  Shoulder: Can be rotated at 360 degree and 75 degree outward.  Also the lower portion can be rotated 360 degree sideway.  Arm/ Elbow: Can be bent at 90 degree. Wrist/ Hand: Right claw can be opened out at 30 degree. Hip/Waist: Cannot be bent or rotated.  Leg: No movement.  Knee: No movement.  Ankle/ Feet: Can be move 10 degree outward.

Rub Sign Logo: [Y] - At the abdominal.

Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [A] - Definitely looks like the cartoon.

Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [A] - Pretty much the same.

Special Notes:  Here are "7" special notes which I thought you should know:

1 - Omega Supreme features a motorized gimmick that enable him to roll for the tank mode  and walk during robot mode.  Make sure yours is in working condition.  This special gimmick required 2 AA battery.

2 - In tank mode, the head should do a 360 degree spin around, it lights up, and the red turret slightly move up and down  simultaneously.  In robot mode, only the face or head lights up.

3 - The 6 yellow tabs for the locking mechanism can be easily lost so keep an eye for them.

4 - The best way to remove Omega Supreme shoulder pad/wing when converting back to alternated mode is to transform the head/ torso back to the tank mode position by move it down.  That would release the locking mechanism and allow the shoulder pad/ wing to easily slide off from the body.

5 - When sliding the treads out into the robot mode, don't be alarm if one side of the tread is short than the other.  Further pull of the tread will only break the piece.  This is normal.  The piece will align itself once you activated the switch to ON in the walking position.

6 - The original Omega Supreme (1985) does not have a built in face inside the visor like 2008 Encore Omega Supreme which tried to be accurate to the cartoon. 

7 - There are a total of 26 components to form Omega Supreme be sure you have them all.

Overall Grade: [A] - Omega Supreme is totally awesome!  The huge size and the motorized feature for the alternated mode and robot mode made this figure very intriguing.


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