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Voltron Homepage         

Throughout the year, there had been many interpretation of the Voltron logos as its license passed from company to company or media to media.  Well, here are some of the Voltron logos that you can see for yourself.

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1984 Voltron cartoon logo for both the Lion and Vehicle Voltron.  Noticed the "T" resembles the Vehicle Voltron sword.

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This is the standard 1984 Voltron logo can be found in comic, toy (Matchbox), and other media.  

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Matchbox Voltron Deluxe version  and 6" miniature for Lion, Vehicle, and Gladiator Voltron.  Noticed the "T" resembles the Vehicle Voltron sword.

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Same style as the left column.  Vehicle gets labeled as Voltron I, Lion as Voltron II, and Gladiator as Voltron III.

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2005 Comic book logo from Devil Due Publisher.  Noticed the "T" resembles the Lion Voltron sword.

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2006 U.S. DVD Boxset logo from Media Blaster.  Noticed the "T" resembles the Lion Voltron sword.

Voltron Homepage
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