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Miyalou's Lair

I guess I should introduce myself. Everyone who visits this page will simply know me as Miyalou. It was originally the mispelling of a character in a video game. It didn't take me long to realize I had been switching the y and the l in my head. I actually thought it sounded better than the character's name, anyway. Therefore, my online identity of Miyalou was born. If you want to find out my name and age, it's on my myspace page. I seriously doubt anyone visiting this page would exploit that, however. My hobbies include writing stories, watching anime, playing video games, learning HTML, reading stories, and listening to music. I'm not exactly the easiest person to get along with. I have a bit of a sarcastic nature and a morbid outlook on humanity. I can be nice and polite when I want to be. I'm not the easiest to make angry, but being around me when I am isn't a good idea. I tend to think a lot when I'm bored. If it isn't about my stories or my crush, I think about the meaning of life, how society could be different, if alternate dimensions exist or not, or why people argue over controversial issues when the answer is in front of them if they'll think about it for a minute. I don't have a social life. I don't have all that many friends because people tend to avoid me and my strange demeanor.

I've said all I want to about myself. I may post some random things on here when I get bored. Thank you for visiting.

Here's some music to entertain you while you decide what to click on:

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Tales of Magic