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Dogs, “man’s best friend,” have not only saved numerous lives, but have also enhanced the quality of life for many people. A shining example of this can be seen in the three hundred fifty dedicated dogs who aided in uncovering victims of the terrible disaster that took place on September 11, 2001. By working tirelessly in spite of harsh conditions, these dogs not only saved many lives, but also were a source of inspiration to the human rescue workers. Another example of the loyal dog is evidenced by the specially bred dogs who, from puppyhood, are specifically trained to aid the blind. These dogs not only allow their owners greater freedom to live a normal life, but they also show them unconditional love. Finally, our family dog, Dietrich, demonstrated both his love and his loyalty to us by patiently listening to all our small woes, and even by being willing to put his life in jeopardy for us. Two words that epitomize dogs are love and loyalty.

Man's Best Friend

9.11.2001 Rescue Dogs
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Deitrich, our Family Dog