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Random Event Repeater

You must logged off Neopets for it to work! 

This routine repeatedly signs you in and out of neopets until a random event happens, it then logs the details and repeats that random event...

Sometimes it's nothing but a simple message, sometimes a bad thing, like losing 150np!  and other times it will crash, for instance if you lose an item, the second time it runs you will not have the item and the program will crash—you WILL NOT be frozen for this, the program will simply stop.

However, if you’re lucky and find neopoints or a codestone or a map piece, it will repeat that event indefinitely, accumulating a huge inventory.  I’ve been told that you can find Paintbrushes as random events but I haven’t been that lucky yet.  If you can, this would create an entire inventory of paintbrushes for you.  That would be cool...but with the neopoints this can generate using this, you can simply buy any paintbrushes that you want.

To stop the program simply sign into neopets...

However I would suggest allowing the program to run for as long as possible before signing in—at least an hour...sometimes it takes an hour just for a random event to happen!  I usually let it run as I sleep, I have TONS of codestones!  Haha

Anyway, here you go...Good Luck!

Remember you must be logged off before you start!

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Neopets Pass