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2 Million Dollars

UPDATE 7th of February 2013. I now have two main websites where everything happens you can find them by gong here or here You can also find out more about what happened with myself and the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks by going to this link here World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks. I've suffered alot in this life. Oneday I hope to see suffering as a thing of the past for humanity. What exactly does suffering do? What is it good for? What does it teach us? The bible says in Romans 5:3-4 but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. It also says in 1 Peter 4:1 because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. Whatever sin is. But sin sounds bad and unhealthy for your body so maybe cause i've suffered i'm done with sin? There's alot of things that I should put into practice but don't know how exactly. I have no sure way of life of teachings or sayings. If the truth will set us free I wonder what possibly the truth could be. I do wonder about suffering. It is surely a great evil in society. I would much rather live in joy than suffering. Anyhow I hope i'm done with that nasty sounding sin stuff. I hope to further immortality and it's potential. Something needs to be done about suffering. It must end. If suffering produces anything good then there must be another way with joy to produce the same things. Suffering is not needed. I also like the scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:21 which is Prove all things or Test Everything. This is something I want to practice but I honestly can't say that I can do it as of yet. Testing stuff is hard I don't even know where to begin.O well that's me for now donate if you can.

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I'm hoping to further the cause of immortality just by living so am looking for donations to help towards costs.
