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Shout out to God, cry and ask, why must we face all this pain? Why is there always tragedy? Why is there always the rain? And he will answer as simply as he can for our small and fragile minds to understand, Life is a tragedy. Shout out to God, cry and ask, are you not that powerful? Is it satans rules we follow? Can you not banish the sorrowful? And he will answer as simply as he can for our small fragile minds to understand, Tragedy is life.

And many therefore will sit back in the comforts of knowing the nothing they have come to comprehend. They will smile and stop questioning and feel safe in the world that God is in control of because life is a tragedy and tragedy is life. Yet how many of these take heed in what he says? How many truly understand? It is those who keep questioning who truly have faith as they beleive he can answer they're every question and only those who have ripped a thing apart then pieced it back together can truly say they have faith in its essence.

So those who won't just take the cryptics turn back and say but why? And so God answers in the best way he can.

Dear child, it is not beyond my power to give a life free of tragedy and sorrow but who would truly ask for this? That is not a gift, it is an impairment. Tell me that you do not find beauty in the tragedy. Tell me as you look upon a storm while the lightning rips the sky and the darkened clouds cry the tears of the small lonely girl sitting on the hill in blackened clothes you can deny that there is an essence of macabre beauty. And tell me that this child as she is will not grow to thank and praise every sun that rises. It is tragedy that we need to understand my child, tragedy that lets us see, what a terrible and wonderful world this is but how beautiful it still can be.

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No one feels another's grief, no one understands another's joy.
People imagine that they can reach one another.
In reality,they only pass each other by.