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Honor the Heroes

On September 11, 2001, the face and psyche of the American people was changed. We of the Purring Paws Society have been purring for all those touched by this tragedy. We would like to take a moment honor the heroes of that day:

The Rescue Workers (firemen, paramedics, police officers) who selflessly ran INTO the World Trade Center and were killed in the collapse...
They are Heroes.

The passengers and crews of all four commercial airliners who became innocent weapons in the hands of terrorists
They are Heroes.

The Search and Rescue workers (including d*gs) who braved twisted wreckage and untold horrors in the hope of finding survivors...
They are Heroes.

Those who have donated blood, time, and money to the rescue and relief efforts...
They are Heroes

Those who comforted the survivors, offered support to those who are missing loved ones, and who ministered to the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of those left behind...
They are Heroes

Our world and national leaders, members of the military,and all those who are working to bring those responsible to justice...
They are Heroes

Every person who flew the flag, lit a candle, or said a prayer to whatever Higher Power they believe in...
They are Heroes


On September 11, 2001, and in the days that followed, the world was full of heroes. Let us take a moment to honor each and every one of them for their contribution to our national recovery.


 Where does one begin?  Everyone has been a hero, except those that committed such horror.  Those that simply purr and prayer are a loving, caring and supportive human and animal kind community.  The airplane travelers, who took over the plane, causing their deaths, but saving numerous others deserve medals of honor and tribute.  Those blown out of the World Trade center and the Pentagon with no warning and such force deserve honored memorials.  The firemen, first aid and policemen for their bravery and caring.  Those who were injured and died due to helping deserve innumerable honors and memorials.  All those who contributed supplies, blood or money are heroes of the heart.  The nations, who have come forward, with their support of the USA, and condemnation of such horrific violence are heroes of the world.  We will continue to purr strong that such a terror is never repeated, that criminals will be brought to justice and that the world can rebuild, but with even more humanity and caring the world over.
       deep purrs,


The light of God surrounds us, the love of God enfolds
us, the power of God protects us, the presence of God
watches over us, wherever we are, God is!

Purrs, Misty, SnowPuff, Keedie, Tang, and Patches
Tyger's Den