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'); handle.focus(); handle.document.getElementById('frmpayment').submit(); } catch(e) { alert('Very Sorry, The Paypal secure website cannot open now, though your order is with us. \nWe will contact you through mail soon for the payment details.'); SendError('Error while opening Paypal website', e.message); } } function SendError(ErrorHeading, ErrorMessage) { try { SendMail('', ErrorHeading, 'Customer : ' + frmmain.txtName.value + ' (' + customerID + ')

' + ErrorHeading + ' :

' + ErrorMessage, ''); } catch(e) { } } function OnClickBuyItems() { if(customerID == 0) { RedirectIndex = 6; onClickMenu(3); alert('Please login to complete the ordering process.'); return false; } else { onClickMenu(6); } } function OnBuy() { var TotalAmount = 0; for(i=1;i') == -1); retvalidate = (retvalidate) & (s.indexOf('&') == -1); retvalidate = (retvalidate) & (s.indexOf('=') == -1); retvalidate = (retvalidate) & (s.indexOf('?') == -1); if(retvalidate == false) { alert('You cannot use these characters % , & , < , > , = , ? '); } return retvalidate; } function OnUpdateInvoice(InvoiceID) { var Amount = document.getElementById('txtinvoiceamount' + InvoiceID).value; var resp = SendRequestSyn(14, Amount, InvoiceID); if(resp == null) { alert('Failed to update.'); } } function OnSearch() { alert('Search functionality will come soon'); } function OnChangeStatus(OrderStatus, OrderID) { //alert(OrderStatus + ' = ' + OrderID); var resp = SendRequestSyn(16, OrderStatus, OrderID); if(resp == null) { alert('Failed to update.'); } } function ChangeMaterial() { var cboMaterial = document.getElementById('cboMaterial'); //alert(cboMaterial.selectedIndex); var j = 0; var k = 1; switch (cboMaterial.selectedIndex) { case 0: { k = 0; for(i=1;i<=12;i++) { j = i; if(i > 11) j = 0; k++; document.getElementById('Img' + k).src = '' + j + '.jpg'; document.getElementById('Img' + k).alt = aryDesc[j]; } break; } case 1: { k = 0; for(i=26;i<=37;i++) { j = i; if(i > 30) j = 0; k++; document.getElementById('Img' + k).src = '' + j + '.jpg'; document.getElementById('Img' + k).alt = 'NA'; } break; } case 2: { k = 0; for(i=51;i<=62;i++) { j = i; if(i > 50) j = 0; k++; document.getElementById('Img' + k).src = '' + j + '.jpg'; document.getElementById('Img' + k).alt = 'NA'; } break; } } } function OnBodyUnload() { var cdiff = window.event.clientX - document.body.clientWidth //alert('Y: ' + document.body.clientTop); if ((window.event.clientY < -60) && (cdiff > 0) && (cdiff < 20)) { //Closing. } else if ((window.event.clientY < -10) && (window.event.clientX > 0) && (window.event.clientX < 50)) { return 'CLICKING BACK BUTTON WILL LOOSE ALL THE UNSAVED CHANGES.'; } else { return 'YOU WILL LOOSE ALL THE UNSAVED CHANGES.'; } }
     since 1915

  Pulickal Brothers has created one of the finest contemporary and traditional collections of vestments for Syrian Orthodox Churches and is run by MR P.T THOMAS, INDIA . These vestments are unique in both artistic designs and quality of craftsmanship. Original designs are hand-embroidered, appliquéd and handwoven on canvases thus elevating vesture to an art form.

We are producing almost all the vestments for bishops, priests and deacons. We are also involved in church goods like curtains, altar cloths, bible stand cloths etc .

All products can be customised( ie the colour, measurements ) as per the wish of customers. Also  the customer can suggest any alterations to the item selected such as a change in design patterns, border details etc (nominal changes do not cost extra). We also welcome customised designs and materials from the patron.

kindly visit  Syriac Orthodox Resources site to see more photographs of similar products we make.

The delivey will be done within 25 to 60 days (varying on the product category). All products are inclusive of courier charges all over the world.

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Copyright ©2006 Pulickal Brothers
Site developed & maintained by Bobby Thomas ( )

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