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If you can fill envelopes and spare just a few hours a week, you could be making an excellent living in no time at all.

Can YOU fill envelopes and have a few hours to spare?

I do this whenever I can and get excellent results.

DATE: March 2007

Dear Home Worker,

Just imagine filling envelopes, mailing letters and banking money, in the comfort of your own home!

If I said to you all you had to do was fill envelopes and mail a promotional letter to earn up to £100,000+ in just 12 months, would you spare a few hours a week?

Even if you don't want to earn that much and just want to supplement the income you already have, well that’s fine too, because it is down to you.

Take the next few minutes to read this page and I think you will be pleased with what you read.

A few years ago I sent off to many companies looking for some work at home vacancies and I spent a lot of time and money on many home work opportunities that either didn’t work or were scams designed to rip you off.

I decided I would develop an idea that was given to me for earning money from home. I developed it and made it work for me. Now I run my own home based business.

Knowing where to start is the true key to make money. Without the correct knowledge you will waste precious time and money, so if I can help you and your new business grow then please sign up.

I am looking for just 10 people to do all the mailing I need to do, and for this you could earn a large amount of money. So please don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity.

Let’s get something clear before we go any further. This has nothing to do with:

• Horse racing
• Gambling
• Party Plan
• Market trading
• Door-Door etc.

This is a totally genuine opportunity; the mailing is simple, consistent, safe, secure and totally legal.

Work from the comfort of your own home for as many or as few hours per day or week as you would like. The time you dedicate to this business is entirely up to you.

• You don’t need any special skills or experience there is nothing complex about this.
• Unlimited earning potential.
• Get out of debt
• Buy a new car
• Buy a new home
• Have an expensive holiday
• Pay for your kid’s education


Q. I‘m still not sure what the mailing is?

A. Well, I will supply you with all the information you will need including step by step instructions and the promotional letters for you to mail out either via Post, Email, Fax, Advertising or Web Site promotion.

Q. How much will I be paid?

A. This will depend on how much time and effort you are willing to give to the mailing. You could be receiving anything from the minimum of £17 to the maximum of £20 for every letter you send.

Q. This sounds too good to be true!

A. There are a lot of work from home opportunities that promise to make you life changing amounts of money, but this, is a proven system that you can use as often as you like, every day if you want to. This will not make you a millionaire over night, what business does?, but it could provide you with a very good income.

Q. Do I work for you?

A. No, you don't work for us, you work for yourself so you can decide when and for how long you want to work each day/week.

Q. Is this program legal?

A. Yes it is! This is totally legal. This business can make you a lot of money and you will not be breaking any laws whatsoever.

Q. Is this mlm, pyramid or some other kind of scam?

A. Definitely not. I guarantee you that only you will be rewarded for what you do.

Q. Is there a catch?

A. No, there is no catch. Obviously, the money you make will depend on the amount of mailing you choose to do. Remember, the more you mail, the more money you could make.

You will need a small investment of £25 which will give you all the information, the step by step instructions and the promotional letters you will need to start your own home based business.

Q. Do I have to sell anything?

A. Not at all. You don't have to speak to anyone either, just mail out the letters then check your post, watch the money grow, draw it out of the bank and spend it.

Q. Do I have support available?

A. Of course you do. My instructions will take you through everything you need to know step by step. It is enjoyable and fun to work with. If you can't make an income from the mailing then this is not the business for you. For help and support just email me at the link below.

We have made working from home even easier and it has never been as enjoyable.

• Simple system- mail as many promotional letters as you like!

• No stock or business premises needed!

• No experience, skills or qualifications required!

• A perfect home-based business with no physical effort involved!

• Just as successful for the single mother or father at home, as for the professional person looking for an extra income!

Not only can this business give you your dream working day; but is also perfect for:

• People without a job.

• Anyone who needs a decent second income.

• Retired people and those living on a fixed income.

• Anyone who cannot go to work 9-5

• Anyone who does not wish to work 9-5

• Anyone who wants a full-time income for a few hours work

• Anyone who would like to significantly increase their standard of living

Don’t delay send your promotional letters today.

This could be you!!!!!

£100,000+ in 12months.

Imagine lying on a Caribbean beach soaking up the sun knowing you only work a few hours a week.

Even while you are away on holiday you're still making money, no more worries about paying those household bills, you can even buy that brand new car.


To order the promotional letter program today and gain access to all the information, step by step instructions and promotional letters, you simply click the PayPal link at the bottom of the page. Once payment is received I will send you your step by step instructions and promotional letters for you to start earning money immediately.

If you need support you can email us as many times as you like. Just click the email link at the bottom of the page.

Don't Delay Send Your Letters Today!


If you are really serious about taking up this opportunity to make a difference to your future then click on the PayPal link at the bottom of the page to take advantage of this great opportunity.

P.S. You came to this Web site looking for information on how to make money filling envelopes and I think you will be very pleased you have taken this opportunity. I know of no other opportunity that offers such an honest and fun approach.

Planet Publications ©

Please enter your name and email address for further working from home opportunities.

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If you have any enquiries, please email us at: Planet Publications!

Please click this link to open the door to a fantastic opportunity!