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Psychic Evil Twins Inc.
Friday, 16 February 2007
The Beginning
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: The Academy Is...--
In the beginning we weren't meant to become what we are. I think that can be said for pretty much everyone, in our case it may be a little bit harder to believe. Diana and I were once destined to rule the world. Now, however, we do everything we can to save it. It's sort of a full time job. Our vacations are spent watching the scenery fly by..or you could say flying by the scenery. Our parents were renowned mad scientists in their day. they weren't as famous as Dr. Frankenstein, but if he had been alive in the 70's I'm sure he and my parents would've hung out. Anyway, my mother's pregnancy in 1980 opened a world of possibilities to them. She and my father got married and had a thriving relationship all on account of their mutual interest in World Domination. They were both getting a little too old to do it themselves, so with my sister and I on the way they saw us as the final link in their plan. The only problem was that the "mad scientist gene" was apparently recessive, so they had to do something to insure that my sister and I would be able to fulfill their dreams. Through a series of injections and chemicals my sister and I spent our fetal months together becoming super human. At the end of this nine months we came into the world glowing...not bouncing baby glowing, but actually glowing me red and my sister blue. With sinister grins across their faces my parents took us from the hands of the nurses and took full credit for what we had become. We were entered into medical journals and had our pictures taken and were kept under the watchful eye of the medical board for the first year of our life just to make sure we were "OK." Healthy and happy we were finally sent home for our first birthday. Our parents were ecstatic, their plan seemed to have worked. A few months after our first birthday we were both starting to lose our obvious glow, our parents showed concern by keep us under "baby-safe" radiation lamps when we slept. It sounds a lot worse than it was. A few years later after living our lives as babies do we were finally old enough to go to preschool and see other kids our age. The other kids immediately noticed the unnatural glow that up until now we thought was completely natural. We would stand together in the corner of the playground and sit together in the back of the classroom. Our teacher never called on us, I think we scared her. One day, a few weeks after school started we were having nap time and just as I was about to nod off there was a really loud sound down the hall, it sounded like it came form the cafeteria of the school. All of the kids and the teacher too were huddled in the corner trying their best to blend in with the jackets hanging on the coat racks. Diana and I for some reason weren't scared at all, we looked at each other and realized that we both had these "jump into action" kind of expressions on our faces. We glanced back at the teacher as if to ask our permission to leave the room. She sort of nodded or shuddered or something and we took that as approval. I threw open the classroom door and we ran into the hall, well what used to be a hall anyway. The far wall and about half of the wall beside it were now scattered all over the floor. Being only four years old at the time Diana and I weren't very tall yet, so it was taking us a while to climb through the bricks and pieces of sheet rock. As we got to the top of a particularly high mound Diana sort of let out a little scream and fell through to the floor far beneath. We were about 2 feet out of reach of each other and when she tried to climb out the poor excuse for a cavern just sort of crumbled more around her. I climbed down for fear that my weight would cause it to cave in on her and thought about possible ways of getting her out. While I was thinking and crossing things off of my mental list of ideas a voice came into my head putting it's two cents in and adding other ideas. At first I thought I was hearing things. The voice almost sounded like it was beside me, but it was too familiar and the voice was coming from someone stuck in a hole about 5 feet from where I was
"Diana?" I asked the voice in my head.
"Yeah, this is weird, I was just down here thinking and then your voice was in my head giving me ideas."
So anyway, that went on for a few minutes, and it turned out we were psychically linked. Cool. After brainstorming together for a few minutes and concentrating really heard I looked up and saw a blue glow coming from the mouth of the hole. It was a brighter glow than I had ever seen come from Diana before. In my head she seemed louder than ever too. She mentally told me that she was going to try to concentrate on flying out of the hole, levitating, she saw it on TV or something I figured, so I kind of took for granted that it might actually be a good idea. She told me to concentrate on it too to see if we could make it happen. The glow seemed to be getting brighter and kept my concentration on what she was attempting, I wanted to close my eyelids as hard as I was clenching my fists but I couldn't take my eyes off of the glow. A few very long seconds later Diana's smiling face and pigtails peeked over the top of the mound and we both held eye contact until she was safely out of the hole and on the ground in front of me. We were both amazed by what had happened quickly hugged , said it was awesome, and decided to work on doing that again. Then down the hall we went for a few more feet before we were actually outside on the playground. There we came face to face with what had caused all of the destruction. And that is where I am going to end this installment of our Beginning. More to come later.
Have a Super Day,
Allan "Torch" Monroe

Posted by planet/psychiceviltwins at 12:07 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 16 February 2007 12:31 PM EST
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