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Manifesto: The anticipated product of our collaboration is an ongoing performative procedure, or procedures, that work to consider the nature of artistic practice. We aim to reflexively and consciously examine the processes of work, critical thinking, research and contextualisation. We will achieve this through the manufacture of an environment in which these aspects are encouraged, an environment in which the studio is an ancillary feature, a situation and atmosphere where critical analysis of our artistic practices can occur freely. What we anticipate occurring, initiated by work begun arbitrarily, is the adoption of a stance on artistic practice. We will harness this by having members of the collaboration forming two separate groups in which to create said work with and therefore two separate stances on artistic practice, two separate stances offer two separate arguments, naturally. These arguments are to promote discourse between the two groups, encouraging the development of critical theory, ideas and work; encouraging the �desire to engage with art practice�. We aim to actively engage in the conditions of artistic creation on a critical level, to create something that enables us to be reflexive, a self-conscious performance where our actions can be analysed. We will effectively offer an exploration of our attitudes towards �Art� as individuals � our own and that of our colleagues � and as a part of a group, towards our relationships with our colleagues, towards our roles as artists/students of art, towards the environment in which we find our selves, and our attitudes toward effecting this. Conditionally, our attitude towards this endeavour is perhaps a little tongue in cheek; deliberately manufacturing practices for our own reflection, exaggerating and elevating artistic conditions, attitudes and identities. But we are not, and do not claim to be, outsiders, we do not aim, to borrow Nicolas Bourriard�s aquatic metaphor, to �[sit] on the shore deconstructing the wakes of the boats�, but to �invent new ways of swimming�. Our undertaking here is a proactive negotiation of our situation and our condition; we aim to produce work; work, that is to say, that is ancillary to the work of the collaboration in the sense outlined by the above, the production of works of art that are both intrinsically related to the process of our engagement, and independent from it; both documentation of process and a self-contained, self-reliant construction.

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