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The theme of war is something that everyone can relate to whether young or old. There are so many wars going on in the world today. The United States is fighting a war in Iraq, and it seems like the country is on the brink of a civil war. There is conflict going on in the Middle East between the Israelis and the Palestinians and there is a terrorist hunt in Afghanistan for Osama Bin Laden. All this chaos in the world today seems a little bit overwhelming at times.

War has a significant effect on our lives. Everyday we turn on the television; we see mass murder, wounded children, suicide bombings or military funerals. This greatly affects our lives because we are all humans and seeing our fellow human beings going through pain is very sad.

Military families go through a lot of pain and suffering when their loved ones are taken away from them to serve in a war. It is also difficult when mothers and fathers have to leave their children and families behind in order to serve in a war. Sometimes children don't understand whats going on in the world or why their parents have to fight in a war. All they know is that they want their parents with them all the time.Unfortunately some soldiers get killed and this is part of the realities of war. Getting a parent killed can have a significant imapct on a child emotionaly and psychologically. Imagine the pain military families go through when they get that telephone call or the knock on the door telling them that their son or daughter has been killed. Tragically thats what happens most of the time.

War affects our society, economy and politics. War affects our economy because the government has to spend millions of dollars in aide to countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan in order to stable these countries. Also taxpayers have to pay more taxes in order for the country to support other countries. War also divides our nations political parties. Some politicians support war and others don't. This makes it difficult to make decisions in congress.

War makes us fearful of what will happen tomorrow. War makes us uncertain as to what will happen in the near future. Since Iran has a nuclear weapons program, the world and the United States wants to put an end to the program because no one knows what Iranians could do with their weapons. If Iranians do not stop their weapons programs, it could lead to a big destruction in the world if they decide to use it.

The war on terrorism is another terrifying war. Terrorism threatens our lives everyday and we never know who is going to be attacked next. Today people feel very uncomfortable when they are sitting in the bus, train or even when they fly because they are scared that there could be someone with a bomb waiting to explode based on the attacks on the World Trade Center, London and Madrid.

War has a significant effect on us and it is very sad when women and children are affected. Women and children suffer more than anyone else when there is a war going on. Innocent civilians get killed and a country loses lots of soldiers. In conclusion war does no good to anyone. It just brings pain and agony to all parties involved.

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