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Hi,my name is Yesenia Jovel.Im here to tell you something about my life.One of the most important things that I am never going to forget is the day I came to the United States,but first let me tell you that it is not easy as everyone can see.The day that Im never going to forget is the day that my dad told us that we were going to come to the United States.At first I was so excited I started telling my friends and my teachers,and the only thing they said was,"You better not forget us!",and I said that I couldnt forget them.As the time was passing I was still going to school ,I went to school until the last day.The last two days were going to be great,because my school were going to a field trip.They started selling tickets,and they were planing the day.In one week they sold all tickets and they hired the bus that was going to take us.The only thing I can remember is that it was a saturday,the place that we were going was a recreation area.It has many pools and many things.I was so excited about going with my friends for the last time.The day before me and my sister asked my father if we could go ,and he said,"Well I dont know".After a while we asked our dad again and he said,"I cant let you guys go because if something happens to you then your mom will be very mad at me".The only thing that we could say was ok,but still I was getting so mad.The day finally came and I was so upset because I was not going,everyone else was going except me and my sister.On wednesday some people went to throw a big party by my house. Music,people dancing,cute guys and everything.That day I decided to go dancing but my father didnt let me go.I got really mad because it was outside my house and I was just loking at the guy in my house.But we were just standing there watching,and mydad and my little brother were there and I was like,why cant I go,but after that I just stood there watching when some guys were looking at me while I was talking to some of my friends that were outside.The time passed and the party was over and I went to sleep.The next day we were getting ready,putting final things together.The days passed really fast.The day before we left,I remember it was very sad.The thing was that I was like the only one sad.I was very sad because that was going to be the last time that I was going to be there.That night everybody was there,my friends,my sister friends,my cousins,they were there to say good-bye.They were all talking with my dadwhile I was sitting under a beautiful tree in the patio in front of my house,and the only thing I could say was that I was sad.But I wasnt sad because I was leaving,I was sad because I was going to leave my parrotbehind.I can sound strang,but the parrot made my life the happiest of them all.Everyday when I was in school,he would call my name and that They were all talking with my dad while I was sitting under a beautiful tree in the patio in front of my house,and the only thing I could say was that I was sad.But I wasnt sad because I was leaving,I was sad because I was going to leave my parrot behind.I can sound strange,but the parrot made my life the happiest of them all.Everyday when I was in school,he would call my name and that was something that he learned by himself.He was my best friend,everyday he would sleep with me,eat with me etc.,and that was whyhe was my best friend.It was hard how I was giving my parrot to another person.After that the only thing I did was cry,cry,cry and cry.After everyone left and I was still crying.I didn t want to eat I didnt want to do anything.That day I had to wake up at 2:00 a.m in the morning,so that we could get ready so that we could get ready.As we were getting ready,my little brother wobke up and my dad was taking a shower.At that time we were living in two different houses,one was for my older sister and the other one was for us but we didt live there we just slept.So anyways,my dad was taking his shower,my little brother saw that there was no one in thehouse so he decided to close the door.and the big problem came after that.When my father finally finished taking his shower and he went to the other house,he found out that the door was locked and he didnt have the keys and he called us and said"Who was the intelligent to close the door?"My brother didnt say anything so then I said,"It was him,he closed it."My dad got very mad,and he said,"Dont you know that the airplane tickets are inside"My brother was like Imsorry I didnt know.My dad said,"What are we going to do now?" My two older sisters were the only ones trying to open the door,but it was not that hard because the door had a large space between the ground and the door.then they opened the door.What they did was easy and they finally opened the door.My dad said,"Howd you do that?" and my sisters said,"with the broom.",and he said "O.K."It was already 3:00 a.m. and we were supposed to go at about that time.We were waiting for the car that was goingto take us.My dad was very worried because it was getting late.The car came after 20 minutes.We left early because we were going to drive for almost 4 hours.I was talking to myself and I was also thinking.I thought look at everything because this might just be the last time that you are going to see it.When we got there,we had to make a long line along with the other travelers.After about 30minutes we finally got to the cheking booth. The guy working told us that my sister,my brother and me couldnt fly with him or my sister because they didnt have my moms permission letter.My dad and my aunt were trying to do everything possible to get us through and to the U.S.A.After that the only ones that could come here to california were my dad and my olest sister.After they left my aunt was still trying to fix the problem.They said that we could fly the next day only if we could get my moms annd my dads signature and permission.They didThey did everything possible and they finally got their permission and we were going to fly the next day.That night we were going to stay with my aunt.Then finally it was the day came to us.That day we flied to Los Angeles and my mom,her family,my sister and my dad were there waiting for us.When we set foot there everything was different.It was a big new city,it was like a dream come true.After setting everything down we went to my other aunts house.We slept there and the next day we were just relaxing because we were going to drive all the way to Vallejo.At that time everything was going great.Everything I saw was beautiful,it was a big city.On the way to Vallejo we had fun in the car,becaise we were telling my mom everything that had happened during our trip.Finnally when we got to Vallejo it was already 9:00 p.m.,but still the city I was looking great.The house was beautiful and the first thing I saw the next day was Hogan High School because the street were we lived on was Cherrywood Ave. nad the cross street was Georgia St.I asked mom while poiting to the schhool and asked her,"what is that?"She said that it was a high school and that I was going to get enrolled in it.The next day in the morning Iwoke up very early.My whole family was there.Two weeks after that my mom and my stepdad were trying to put us in a school.The first one to sit in a school was me,and it was in Springstowne Middle School.I was in the 8th grade and there were only two months of school left,until it was over and that same year I was going to get promoted and go to Hogan High School.Things were going o.k., I made new friends,until the last day when we were going to gat promoted.I asked my teacher if I could stay there for the next year so that I could catch up.She asked me how old I was,and I said 14 then she said that she was going to talk with the principal.The next day she told me that I was going to stay there the whole year.That year was also great,then after the school year was over,I enjoyed the summer a lot.The next school year I ment to Hogan High School.It was o.k.being there,I made more new friendsthere and everything was different.The only thing I could say that,that was my best school year yet.The school had many Mexicans and Hispanics and everytime at lunch we were having fun.It was the best year yet!But as you can see not everything was as easy as it seems.At that time I was trying to learn English,and everything was getting hard because I didnt Know any English.But with the time I started to learn many more things.I worked really hard and in every class I was having a good time.The only thing was that the days were going very fast and the school year was over.At that time everything was happy,what I mean is that I was getting very crazy.In my classes Ithere and everything was different.The only thing I could say that,that was my best school year yet.The school had many Mexicans and Hispanics and everytime at lunch we were having fun.It was the best year yet!But as you can see not everything was as easy as it seems.At that time I was trying to learn English,and everything was getting hard because I didnt Know any English.But with the time I started to learn many more things.I worked really hard and in every class I was having a good time.The only thing was that the days were going very fast and the school year was over.At that time everything was happy,what I mean is that I was getting very crazy.In my classes I was just talking and having fun,but I still was doing my classwork and homework and everytime I get a good grade.Everyone was saying that I was getting crazy but I didnt care,because I was having a fun time.That iiiireally something that Im really never going to forget.There were many cute guys and almost everyone was my friend.There were many Latinos and the good thing is that we are all friends.There are sometimes that they fight with other students but it is not their fault because the other students always start the fights.When I came back from summer I started the new school year and it was getting boring and boring everyday.One of my best friends moved to Vallejo High School and until that time everything was boring,the school wasnt the same.This year everything is also boring there is nothing fun.There is no fun,no more friends.But the only good thing thing is that this year is almost over.The last thing I have to say is that my life has changed since I came here.It changed in a positive way.I am not going to forget freshmen year,my friends and everything that I did.