I would like to invite you to view our web pages for ministry.  Currently we have 2 pages on the internet.  Our outreach ministry True Song Ministries web address is:


Bethesda Bible Institute’s web address is:


       We hope that you will take the time to view these pages and send us an e-mail if you are blessed by them.  We have spent a lot of time preparing them and finding research links for serious Bible Students.


May peace be with you and God bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord Master and King forever.

Sincerely In Christ

Bro. Robert Bailey

Gal. 6:14

                                                                                    Thanks, Bro. Bailey

from northern Kentucky i great friend of mine check out his websites




Faith honors God - God honors Faith

Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is.