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first kids ministering to first kids
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
Am I where you said?
Hello PK's!!!
Have you ever asked the question, Lord am I really in the right place? Was this where you said to go? I have been toiling with the same question for a little while now. The one thing the Holy Ghost continue to bring up in my spirit is Numbers 23:19, "God is not a man that he should lie,nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
You see, all I have and all you have is His word to stand on.

If you have asked this question, I assure you it is very normal. Men and women of God often get in a hurry too. We want things to happen right now;but, our Lord sees the end, since He is able to see the end He has a way of slowing us down and getting us back on track. Thank you Lord for doing that. I can just imagine all of the world of mess I would be in if Jesus left me to my self.
Battles are very rarely won over night. A true soldier of the Lord will be armed and ready when the Lord tells us to execute. When I question my place, it allows me to check my armor I get a very much needed reality check.
Do I have on the Breastplate of righteousness, or am I wearing my feeling and my ego on my chest?

Do I have on the girdle of truth? Or am I wasting time gossiping and phone tagging?
Do I have on the shoes of peace? Or am I walking with disturbances and grumbles, Is the gospel message present in my conversation(lifestyle)?
What is my shield looking like, is it beaming with faith and courage, to quench the fiery darts of the devil? Or am I doubting God, and His love? Can my faith be seen in my talk to others and can my faith
be a source of encouragement to others?
Do I have on the helmet of salvation? Or am I living the life of a sinner? The helmet of salvation will guard my mind and ears from the lies of the devil.
Do I have the Sword of the Spirit? Or am I merely carrying a Bible, but, have no word hid in my heart.

I challenge every PK, that has questioned his or her place to do an ARMOR CHECK!!!! Make sure you are who you think you are.

Remember 2Corinthians 10:3-5 "For thou we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons, of our war fare are not carnal, but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ",.

Lord, I pray for every person that reads this blog, I ask in the name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that you guide us and keep us on the right path. Jesus I also ask that thou would help us to remain focused and steadfast in our calling and that we walk with integrity to our "Destined hour" in Jesus name Amen.

Posted by planet/preacher0001 at 5:00 PM CDT
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Friday, 1 September 2006
Do you ever wonder?
Hello! Preacher's Kids, Do you ever wonder if life is in fast forward and you are at a stand still? Do you ever wonder if this life is just too hard for us normal folks? Do you believe in once saved always saved? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, here is a little spiritual nugget, chew well and enjoy!! Philippians 4:13 states "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me" If life is passing you by, you can catch up with it. Destiny waits for no man not even YOU. Just reading this passage will not help you, it only works when you apply the principle of "not my will, but,thy will be done." The all things that Apostle Paul so eloquently spoke of are the things of God, our Father. If you turn down the ME volume for just one second you can hear the sweet sounds of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of Christ does not rape you of your will and thoughts, he only comes in if you allow him. If the ME volume is on and playing very loud, you will never enjoy your life, you will never accomplish your destiny. "DIVINE DESTINY" happens when we make a conscience decision to surrender to the will of God. God is not a selfish God, for we know that "....gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but, have everlasting life." John 3:16. If He gave his only begotten son for you and me, why then can you not give of yourself freely. We have been taught to be "I" centered people, so when life, seems a bit hard you run to the ME closet and try on all of your pity suits and which ever fits the best you wear it; hoping some poor fool will see you and tell you everything you want to hear. Destiny pitys no one, Destiny does not listen to excuses, and Destiny does not care if your father is the best preacher in the world, and your mother is the best prayer warrior in the world. Those are your concerns not Destiny's. When ME, becomes Lord, I, becomes Lord, and my becomes Lord, you will begin to see some changes happen around you. Greedy people are never full, and selfish people are never wealthy. Discover your purpose through prayer and supplication, Work in that ministry and walk into your Destiny. If you believe in once saved always saved, I need to ask you something else. Isn't this what every person says when they know full well, they are an enemy of God's? The physical baptism is an outward showing of what is going on on the inside of you. Ever hear "go down a dry devil, come up a wet one"? That would accurately describe any one who believe in once saved always saved. I am very sorry if someone told you that you could live any way you wanted and you could still go to heaven because you were baptized when you were eight. You being baptized at eight, is a truly wonderful thing, but, if you have been living like hell since then, you are NOT SAVED. Jesus told his disciples "that I leave with you another comforter", now that comforter is the Holy Spirit. If you are not being governed by the comforter the Holy Spirit, then you are not saved. Saved and sanctified people will recognized that this life is not my own, to live how I will, but, it belongs to God, and I am to work his plan in me. Salvation is NOT baptism, Baptism is not salvation. Jesus said "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved". Believe is not just saying "I believe in Jesus", because we know through scripture, that the devil also believes and trembles, at the very name of Jesus. This believe, simple means that you act on what you claim. If you say you believe and do not obey, then do you really believe in Jesus? If you say you believe and never seek the will of God, then do you really believe? If you say you believe and never accept his principles as life(your life) principles, then do you really believe? Remember when you believe you are stating something that you do. It is an action word. Belief without action is a lie, it has no realness nor can it be classified as truth. I believe in Jesus, therefore, I act on his word and incorporate his principles in my life. Because, I have accepted his principles, then I also am baptized, because I have been baptized then I also want the sealing of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, now that I have the seal of the Holy Spirit, I now want the Holy Spirit to lead me. Because I no longer want to live like hell. I want to have a relationship with Him, I want Him to know that I am serious about His word and now I desire to be just like Jesus. If this is not you SORRY TO TELL YOU, YOU ARE NOT SAVED. Remember the Holy Spirit, is the conscience and the character of Christ Jesus, so he is not going to rape you and make you do anything. He is not going to make you get saved nor is he going to force his way in your heart. Salvation is yours if you want it, Christ paid your debt on Calvary. You do not have to pay for salvation, if you did you couldn't afford it and neither could I. No one could not even Oprah. So stop trying to buy God with your lies and excuses, just start to love God with your obedience. Jesus said "If you love me; keep my commandments", Jesus requires that you believe unto obedience, when you are obedient, you show the world that you are saved, and are led by the Holy Spirit. Not only that, you also put yourself in a position to be trusted by God. I challenge each of you to get "saved and stay saved". Lord, I pray for every man, woman, boy and girl who desires to be saved. Lord I pray in the name of our risen savior Jesus Christ, that you touch the hearts and minds of your people. Keep them in your care. Lord I declare and decree that every person who is confused and living under a psudeo salvation, that they will really accept you as Savior and Lord, and will be saved, unto obedience in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Posted by planet/preacher0001 at 10:46 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 October 2006 3:11 PM CDT
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Thursday, 3 August 2006
Wake Up it's morning
Hello! I sure pray your days and nights are filled with much love and appreciation for the Lord Jesus Christ. It is finally August and the sun is hot. But we do not put our trust in man and his wisdom, we put our trust in the creator of the world. Thanks to everyone who has been reading these postings and are getting a better understanding of our Lord's love. God is so wonderful, and his mercy is everlasting. Isn't great to know that even though we sometimes act like an Esau; that God still loves us inspite of ourselves. It is for me and it is very comforting. You know I never could understand what my pastor was saying when he told us one Sunday that God cares about what we care about. My good friend Deborah couldn't find anyone to cut her hair the way she wanted it. It was extremely frustrating to her; she told Felicia " I am usually not this vain, but, my hair just doesn't look right". We prayed. Yes! I said we prayed about hair!!!! Guess what, when I went back to her house a week later, she said Felicia "you are not going to believe this, the stylist who used to cut my hair called me, She is the only person who has ever cut my hair the way I wanted it." We laughed and cried just because God cared about her hair because she cared about her hair. Now, if the Lord will answer a prayer about hair what do you think he will do about, you being confused about Your Destiny? Is hair more important than your spiritual destiny? Will he do more for Deborah's hair than for your spiritual legacy? I do not think so. Remember God cares about you. That's why Jesus said "cast all your cares upon him, because he cares for you".

Posted by planet/preacher0001 at 10:36 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 3 August 2006 10:41 AM CDT
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Thursday, 27 July 2006
Just wanted to say hello
What a wonderful day, we are getting rain in East Texas, you know God truely answers prayer. Well, I was praying this morning and the Lord, always has a way of healing us; sometimes through our own prayers as well as the prayers we pray for others.

Isn't it reassuring to know how much God loves us, and cares for us. Even us "pk's".

I pray that you enjoyed the last posting on despising your birthright. Many of us are very disillusioned about our place and our purpose, for this very reason God has blessed me to start this ministry. Ministry can only be effective if it helps people. So if this only helps one other person,then this all very worth it. Our struggles and our glories are not ours alone, they are testiments to be shared with others.
Listen "pk's" I am declaring and decreeing that we take our rightful places and we stand with the man and woman of God, that we hold up their arms, and we march to victory together.

God Bless and Keep you
Your sister in the faith
Rev. Sis. Felicia White-Thomas

Posted by planet/preacher0001 at 3:36 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 27 July 2006 3:39 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Despising your birthright
It is so important to remember that God has placed everyone of us in a particular family for a reason. We may not understand why he does it, but, we can be sure of his knowing. Remember the story of Esau and Jacob? Jacob was oh so very happy to see he greedy brother wanting food; he was very eager to help him, there was just one problem. Jacob wanted something in return. Esau, allowed his belly(belly always represents your flesh)to control his mind, we see that when we read the story in Genesis. Jacob, asks for the birthright and Esau, gives it to him. He says, yes you can have it just feed me. He considered his birhtright to be worthless, that is why he could easily get rid of it. When we despise our birthright, we tell God "you are not wise, we ask why did you do this to me?
Being born into a family where one parent is a preacher is hard enough, but, both parents are preachers is even harder. You can not change what family you were born into, you can only control your own destiny. My family is a circle of priest, prophets,and preachers. I am sure God knew exactly what he was doing when he put all of us in the same family; I am not stupid enough to question God at this point in my life. I have been there and done that. Now, am happy just knowing God did not single me out and not give me the calling too. Now that is very reassuring.
In order to come to this point you must understand where Esau made his mistake, we like to say he was tricked, but, really he wasn't he was greedy. His problem was not his brother Jacob, it was his lack of self-control. He sold his birthrigh, and his birth order to Jacob. And Jacob bought it. I would have done the same thing. Please, Isaac was about to die, Esau, was running around wild and ignorant. He knew his father loved him best, but, he didn't consider that when his belly needed to be fed. He could only think about his flesh. God will never trust an Isaac kind of "anointing" with an Esau. You will not count the cost of the "anointing" or the "birthright" you will sell it and despise it just like Esau.

This is a short prayer for every "pk" who is angry because God, has "anointed" your parents with Word Knowledge. And put, an Esau in the family.

Dear Lord, In the mighty name of Jesus,
Please bring each of these your children out of the shadow of their parents, Lord, show them their worth and send someone in their path, to help them understand Divine Destiny and their responsibility as a possible future "mantle carrier. We know this is not hard for you, so we are more than willing to wait on You.

In the name of our risen Savior Jesus Christ,

Posted by planet/preacher0001 at 11:11 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 11:16 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 25 July 2006
HELLO BEAUTIFUL AND BLESSED PEOPLE, IT IS A GREAT DAY TO BE BORN AGAIN. IF YOU READ MY PROFILE THEN YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO I AM. JUST IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T MY NAME IS Felicia; I am a preacher's kid as well as a preacher my self. I have designed this website, for other people just like myself, those who live with the burden of not only carrying the word but, also being a daughter of word carriers it is a very intersting life, and also very rewarding. "first kids ministering to first kids" is a place of release and comfort, for I too have experienced the same things that some of you deal with on a constant basis.
Please allow me to help you get through the ups and downs that come with such a great responsibility. Being a "pk" is a truely awesome responsibility, it has it priviledges and it's many consequences. Let's talk about it.

Always and with great love
your sister in the faith,
Rev. Sis. Felicia White-Thomas

Posted by planet/preacher0001 at 10:46 AM CDT
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