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Philippine Republic Day Celebration (PRDC)Gala Dinner Night

June 16, 2007
Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, TX

Mindless of the heavy rain that hit the Dallas Metroplex on the evening of June16, 2007, the regular guests of the PRDC Gala Dinner Dance continued to show at the International Ballroom of Fairmont Hotel in Dallas downtown sporting their usual excited and warm smiles. The yearly awaited and much talked about gala has finally come. This year, the event was hosted by Edgar Santiago, Dallas favorite emcee, Richard Mendoza from Houston and lovely Miss Philippines 2005-2006, Anna Baladad.

Around 450 elegantly attired couples and singles took their assigned seats and viewed the program after enjoying their dinner. The current president, Dr. Manny Rivero delivered a brief speech welcoming the guests and making them feel comfortable and at ease. Dr. Chuck de Castro, the 2nd Vice President and Gala Chair was busy attending to details, aided by the 1st Vice President, Lita T. Cruz, the Gala Co-Chair. Board members and volunteers surprised everybody with their rendition of Philippine cultural dances like Subli, Curacha and Salakot choreographed by Program Chair Linda Gabrillo and Program Co-Chair Lopar Lopez. Not to be outdone, the Samahan Ng Walang Kupas and the Maharlika Dance USA also showcased their rendition of Pandanggo and Tinikling respectively. Pabs Gaurino, Roshel Holland and Avery Bishop of the Filipino Idol tint, also sang their best. Farley Luchan, one of the best male singer in Dallas, Dr. Manny Rivero, the singing doctor and the music of DJ-Wannabe put fire into the dancing shoes of the party attendees that they all danced tirelessly all night. Edith McCoy from Tyler also shared her singing expertise to the audience.

The Gintong Alay Award which is given to an outstanding community leader every year went to Ms. Linda Lanuza French, past president of PRDC. Dr. Leo Tipay was given another award for bridging unity between the laymen and the church, the trophy donated by Merna Parcon, one of the most active board members of the organization. The decoration of the gala was very festive and well praised. Thanks to Carol Smith, an active advisory and very supportive board member. Lita Cruz

The officers, board members and advisory board members of PRDC on stage with hosts

PRDC President, Dr. M. Rivero addressing the audience at the start of the program.

Dr. Chuck de Castro, 2nd Vice President and Gala Chair
with wife, Dr. Monette de Castro, another board member.

Lita T. Cruz, 1st Vice President and Dr. Chuck de Castro, 2nd Vice President
and Gala Chair were having fun doing their jobs