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Welcome to PosseForLife.Com!

A place for all things Posse :) (Haha, so descriptive!)

4-2-09: Just a note, I have 4 domain emails that are available for use. Lethia is using one. So, Fifer, Jchan, Yuri and someone else, if they want, have one they can use. Lemme know :)

4-1-09: Alrighty, I finally realized what I was going to use this website for. And now that I have, I feel comfortable -finally- launching it!

It's been a long process. Hell, the last time I touched anything on here was September 5th 2007, and over a year before that. How sad!

All the wonk content, Sailor Bunny, and AVF have been added to the site.

I'm interested in possibly adding some sort of commentary section to the site. Like a then and now kind of thing. It could be interesting. But, we'll see if that pans out or not. I'm still not absolutely sure how I want it to work.

Further more, the only thing I'll really be focusing on updating from now on is the Manga Project, which I'm also completely re-doing... again, ha. So, until one of us comes up with a new idea and something comes from it (haha), this will be it.

Oh, and also, if anyone has anything else from back in the day that I don't already have, send it to me, and I'll put it up here. I have a few things else that I'll add, but I've got to get them typed first. ^^;

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