Krystine's Kitchen

about me
food blog
wedding blog

07/07/08: I added pictures of our Hawaii trip today.

14/06/08: More recipies! Salmon Pies, Enchiladas, Bruschetta, and Goat Cheese Flatbreads

24/07/07: Today I uploaded a few more recipes: Turkey Balls, Tonkatsu, Creamy Gorgonzola Sauce, Fruit Cubes, and Cold Brewed Iced Coffee. I also added a pics page for our recent Vermont Trip. Enjoy!

17/03/07: Yesterday I introduced a new general me blog. Today I finally broke down and got a myspace page. Now I am cool and stuff. Yeah...

10/03/07: I just realized that I had uploaded several recipies but did not put them as updates. I have uploaded Duck Lentil Stew, Mushroom meatloaf, and Golden screwdriver recipes. oops!

30/10/06: New section added today - the mysterious code! Can anyone crack my code? Who knows? You can give it a try. haHA!

29/10/06: Today I uploaded recipes for Chile anaranjado, Maque Choux, Bloody Margaritas, and Spicy Fondue. yum! I also did some minor changes/additions to various other recipes. See if you can find my new pages on cheese and potatoes! the links are somewhere in some of the recipes! More explanation type thingys to come (as I think of them)

10/09/06: Today I uploaded more pictures! See our last year's vegas trip and last week's vakay with the folks.

29/04/06: Today I uploaded the Burritos and the Shepherd'd Pie recipes! YAY!

16/03/06: I fussed around with pictures today, so you can now see some pictures from Adam's and my trip to Maine last summer. Go to the pics link! :)

15/03/06: My book is Searchable! To see it go here!

22/02/06: Finally getting back to this thing. Uploaded recipes from January (Lentil Beef Stroganoff, Stuffed Bell Peppers, and Mini Pies).

20/02/06: My Book has an Official Release Date! Look for "Silver and Judgement" comming April 24, 2006!

08/01/06: A lot of work again, got the rest of the already posted recipes up. Got all the posted restaurants posted. The Bengals lost today though. boo. :( Oh well, they're out now.

07/01/06: A lot of work getting most of the recipes (Aug-Dec 2005) up. And the Patriots won playoff game #1. Go Pats!

06/01/06: My new website is born! And here you see it!
