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Welcome to my page! I'm Plum Crazy...

My Favorite things in life


Glad you're here! I'm Plum Crazy because I love the color purple and all it's variations.


I'm a recovering alcoholic and my recovery is contingent on my spiritual growth. I have a Higher Power whom I choose to call God. I lived 42 years thinking He had abandoned me only to find out that I had blocked Him from myself. Now I live life on life's terms and find peace, joy and serenity. The AA 12 step program helped me to change and have a new life! A day hemmed in prayer seldom unravels...


My family, husband, children and grandchildren are the light of my life. They have helped shape me into the person I am. I can't imagine life without them. My extended family, Mom, Sister, Brother, and all the others also helped make me who I am. Their love and support have always played a large part in my existence. What an interesting assortment of folks we are!


I have been fortunate through my life to have many friends. What wonderful times we have shared. Memories of days gone by are filled with these friends. They also played their role in creating me. My friends are my main sorce of sanity. I can talk with them and walk with them through all the good and the bad. They have been there for me and I hope I have been there for them. Although I do not see some of them very often, they still live in my heart.


My accquaintance with computers started back in the 90's. The first one I had hooked up to the TV and I had to learn DOS commands to make it do "things". Not a practical operation. My first PC, a 386 introduced me to the internet and e-mail. No Windows, no color, no pictures. FTP got me around then. Now I am using my 4th PC, each upgrade got me a little closer to everything!!! I spend many hours here at my key board and I think my hand is now shaped like my mouse! My pointer finger is the most "in shape" part of me. It gets more exercise than any other body parts. (Tee hee.) I am the computer guru at work!


Fun... hmm... what do I do for fun? Well, spend time with all the above...


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