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The page is undergoing some changes - The tutorial should be updated soon.

WARNING: There are fake NetBattle downloads out there that contain a virus.  DO NOT download any NetBattle files unless they are linked to on the download page, or posted by myself or Masamune in the forum.  Also, our AIM handles are TVs Ian and ShiningMasamune - anyone else claiming to be one of us (there's currently somebody with the handle TVsIanNB spreading a virus - please warn/ignore this person) is a fake, and should not be trusted.

Current Version: 0.9.6 - Released 9/22/05

If you'd like to contribute to the project, please see the How to Help page, or consider donating.  See below for information about donating online - if you have any old hardware or software that might be helpful, or could donate web space, feel free to contact me.

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Please consider donating - I'd like to upgrade the server & connection, but I can't afford it.
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©2002-3 TV's Ian.  Pokémon is ™ & © Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak, et al.