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My Life
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
You know...
Mood:  happy

Today was the greatest day ever!It was our concert, yes the big day. Remember about that guy (Justin),yes we preformed as our group. But there wasn't that much tension! Well there was, I feel like Iactually like Justin know. But the guy Brandon broke up with his girlfriend so its really complicated for me to choose. And I did ask Justin if he liked me and he said No, I don't really know you.

Posted by planet/pinkgal26 at 12:01 AM
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Monday, 12 March 2007
The Weirdest Day Of my Life
Mood:  a-ok

Have you ever felt happy or weird if a guy likes you well today one of these people I know told me that this guy (Justin) likes me! But I'm in be tween I don't know if I like him. But I say I don't... I only like his hair... I don't know what to do.

Posted by planet/pinkgal26 at 9:00 AM
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 9:06 AM
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Sunday, 11 March 2007
The Boring Day
Mood:  don't ask

Hey ever think the day is boring try going to this website you can listen to all kinds of music! But I'm still wondering if Justin Likes me. And excited because our concert is Web. And if the parents like it we get to perform in front of kids like me!!!! Well I'm so Bord!!!

Posted by planet/pinkgal26 at 10:19 AM
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Wednesday, 7 March 2007
The Magical feeling
Mood:  hug me

Now this time i was on fire! (7th period) I was heading to my music teachers room to go pratice a song for this concret with my group(which were Ashley, Justin, Nick, Laura, Lauren, Delany, and me. The Justin was smiling at me and staring at me. and we just practiced so the Mr. Parkhurst gave us a solo for flute ( that was only me and Ashley Collins) so we gave it a shot and it sounded great! but he took it away! But I don't know if Justin likes me he only has nice hair?!

Posted by planet/pinkgal26 at 12:01 AM
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Friday, 2 March 2007
More madness
Mood:  blue

Now what happened today was even worse omg we actullay forgave that girl! She makes me sick. (At PE)Now they were going to give out foot chrams. So we (my friends and I) picked all th same colors (orange) then she did and we said that she never in be in the 4 ameglups! The other one was Katerina the cello player/aritst/singer/pretty in the ameglups. Then it came up to Zeal the cute/smart/alto sax player/singer. Then Rashida pretty/singer//smart/dancer. Then me Elizza flute/bass/piano/singer/ nice/pretty. I know we do a lot! So Back to the story we said tha if she was going to call us names and lie then were out!

Posted by planet/pinkgal26 at 12:01 AM
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 9:21 AM
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Thursday, 1 March 2007
The Day

To day was very emotional I couldn't handel it lets just go to the beginging. (At lunch) My friends and I were planing to spred this rumor the I was going out with this guy, but it wasn't real. So we told everyone that rumor, plus we also said that it was pretend. And if this girl goes tell anyone they would say Who Care's. But it all turned out to go all wrong. The girl called me a BACKSTABER in her stupid journal! Then she goes calling my friends mean and bossier than her!

Posted by planet/pinkgal26 at 12:01 AM
Updated: Sunday, 11 March 2007 7:55 AM
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