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Pikachu: Presidential Candidate and Freind to All
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Out of the joke of democracy rises a new hero to lead us into the year of 2006.....

As I sit watching CNN and kind of thumbing through my Calculus 2 book at 5 am in the morning I had a great epiphany!!!!!! I don't know if it was the beer from earlier or just the delirium from evaluating integers but yes it hit me. What if all our world problems could be solved? Not by a man or a women, nor a person of a certain race stature or wealth but by a THING, an IT if you will. Yes I have come up with the perfect selection for year of the 2008 election runner up! If IT doesn’t get elected President then by God Vice President should be its forte. You ask what is this IT I speak of and why should we elect IT. Well if I should go into further detail I would let you know that it is draped in the stunning color of yellow, striped and has the power to shoot lightening at command. What thing could have so much charisma and yet instill so much fear. Why it’s…… drum roll please………..PICKACHU!!! Yes that is right! For all those moms and kids out there the pinnacle of the phrase GOT TO CATCH THEM ALL has made its way to the forefront of our American politics. You ask why a PICKACHU?? Why a half rat half gerbil character! Well what better than something non-human and cute!

A Personal Statement By Pikcachu

The main purpose of this website is to make available the reasons in which I (Pikachu) should be considered and taken seriously. Pika is seen as symbol of hope Sunshine and love in which politics lacks. With my mighty zapping power and thunderous lightening I hope to instill the quality of common sense among my soon to be coworkers and authority figures. If it were not fore my bravery to stand up we would be left with other less admirable options to lead this country. Please take the time to view the proposals reasons why this is being taking seriously thank you and god bless.