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Number File Description
1 People 1 Craig and SFC Hartman
2 People 2 Craig in Buffalo
3 People 3 Crazy Sgt Kohlman
4 People 4 David
5 People 5 David all jacked up
6 People 6 David pretty well Lit
7 People 7 David with Bud
8 People 8 Haji
9 People 9 Hanneman
10 People 10 Hanneman in Buffalo
11 People 11 Hanneman playing pool
12 People 12 Hanneman Sleeping
13 People 13 Inside Buffalo
14 People 14 Marquard and Craig
15 People 15 Mechanic Guy
16 People 16 Mechanic Guy upside down
17 People 17 Me looking stupid
18 People 18 Soldiers hard at work
19 People 19 Torres in Buffalo
20 People 20 Torres back on the block
21 People 21 Zwanziger
22 People 22 Bouder on the radio
23 Vehicles 1 Husky 2
24 Vehicles 2 Another Husky 2 Pic
25 Vehicles 3 Yet Another Husky 2 Pic
26 Vehicles 4 Meerkat
27 Vehicles 5 Another Meerkat Pic
28 Vehicles 6 Mine Detection Trailers
29 Vehicles 7 RG 31
30 Vehicles 8 Another RG 31 Pic
31 Vehicles 9 Some of the vehicles
32 Vehicles 10 Some more of the vehicles
33 Vehicles 11 The Iron Claw!
34 Vehicles 12 Buffalo Claw
35 Vehicles 13 Claw Practice
36 IED 1 Hollywood IED
37 IED 2 Another Hollywood IED Pic
38 UXO 1 155's and Stuff
39 UXO 2 Some Bombs
40 UXO 3 Some more bombs
41 UXO 4 Mines
42 UXO 5 Mortars and stuff
43 UXO 6 More mortars and stuff
44 Others 1 Dino Sex
45 Others 2 Porn sign
46 Others 3 Superman and Wonderwoman Comic
47 Others 4 Superman Comic