The reason why 2
                                            Chi - You past & future - f*ck that !...

                                Big damn hoax //This one' s fo' all the truthers, alive o' killed 
                                          (one way o' another), who made this possible


  The romanyan researcher Daniel Savescu ( "Before and after da Flood")
discovered (f*ck "Discovery channel") an interrestin' parallel 'tween
da "Enoch schemna" and an "interestin' " ancient chinese...aaah...
avatar ? / or schemna ? (thank you, my dear Shambala warrior Wiolawa, aka
Barbara Course-Brown...)
  OK, let' s get "in da light" : first chapter o' da book = "East o'
Lyban" / Hermon mountain , previously known as Ardis, aka Baalbeck .
  "Book o' Enoch" names da names o' da "fallen angels" :
  " 'Nd look da names o' their leaders: Semyaza, their "prince" ;
Arakib, Aramiel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Daniel, Ezeqiel, Asael, Armaros,
Batariel, Ananiel, Zaqile, Samsapeel, satariel, Turiel, Yameyal,
Arazeyal. these were da leaders o' da "tenth".
Daniel Savescu  says : " The reason o' their actions seems to be da
carnal atractyon to da earth-women , while da origynatyk o' this
temptation seems to be da malefyk action o' two deamons - "Da name o' da first
is Yeqon ; it' s da one who tempted all da sons o' da angels and made
'em get low on da Earth, and through da humans daughters tempted 'em. Da
name o' da second is Asbeel - which gave bad wisdom to da sons o'
angels ; it tempted 'em to defile 'eir flesh with da daughters o' da
  While Semyaza realised fo' a moment da burden o' its "treason", it
joins totally its group. Form that moment, not'in' stopped "da watchers".
  "Then Semyaza,their leader,told 'em : "I' m afraid you won' t wanna
trully caryy out this task and me alone 'll be responsable for a huge
sin." But they all answered :" Let' s get da legacy done and let's
promise one to wnother with curse involved to not change this plan, but
trully to fulfil it." "
  "Then they took oath all together and there they united by curse
each-other. And they were totally 200 and they got down to Ardis, the high
o' da Hermon mountain, and they named it Hermon 'cause on it they were
swearin' and with curse they got bounded one to another..."

  'Bout ' Enoch legend, you can find infos in :

  There' s also another intriguin' detail : Enoch traveled/ was taken to da "skyes", and this episode 's very similar to da "Ghilgamesh/Etana story".
  As you knoe, Ghilgamesh 's da most known demy-god hero o' da mesopotamyan areal...
  And, you should know that in da Antiliban mountains, somewhere between da Ardis high o' da Hermon and da great terrace from Baalbeck, was da Ishtar' s residency, in da middle o' a forrest o' cedars.
  'Till Ghilgamesh wished to enter in there... ' Help ' hids friend Enkidu, the hero killed da guardyan Humbaba - a dragon-like monster.
  "Enkidu ' s been hitin' (Humbaba) and da cedars throwed down, breakin' in pieces. Enkidu did this, he so un-covered da home o' da "Great Ones" (da Annunaki gods-note)."
  Enlil got enraged o'what the two intruders did, and "then Enlil took back da glamour and da previous slave o' Humbaba and shared 'em to da barbaryans, to da lions, to da wild, to da arraged daughters o' Ereshkigal (the mastress o' da infernum-note)(...)"
  You can find infos on Ghilgamesh and Etana in   .
  Da ancient chinese mythos talk 'bout a war between two armyes o'
divine beings : da legitymate one, Huangdi' s, and da rebbels' , leaded by
da usurper Chiyou.
  Chiyou da rebbel,a powerfull dragon, tryed to take off da trone o' da
great god Huangdi. Da Zhuolu plain was da battlefield.
  Several mythologykal sources express Chiyou as a bad ghost
unexpectedly appearin' in da skyes. It' s supposed to be' gettin' (extremely)
secretly down to da earth and beginnin' its malefykal action by turnin' da
"miao" nationality against da master o' da gods.
  Accordin' to other sources, it would be part o' da imperyal
procession which followed da great god to da Xitaishan mountain, where an
impressive gatherin' o' all da gods and daemons o' da Universe got goin' on
right before da Flood.
  Right after da gatherin' , Huangdi found out that Chiyou got against
him ;  Chiyou exiled Yangdi (an ancestor o' Chioyu) from da "south
throne" , while after followin' him he attacked him on da great field o'
Zhuolu (which was ruled by da master o' da gods - that' s why Yangdi 's
been retirein' there).
  Da attack against Yangdi was extremely tough 'nd extremely cruelty
made. Da army o' Chiyou was composed by its numerously brothas and by
numerous bad ghosts o' da mountains, rivers, trees and stones ( !  (lorreh
? = my note).
Surprised by da attack, Yangdi got to  Zhoulou (he' s got a messenger
to Huangdi from there - da Kunlun high, askin' fo' help.)
Before attackin' da Zhoulou field, Chiyou took 'cautions ; 'tween 'em
there was da takin' fo' its own path o' da miao nationality (south o'
China) - an ancient people o' da world.
In da beginnin' beaten but not defeated, Chiyou used a skilful and
profound witch-craft : "h.i.m." enveloped da Zhuolu "battlefield" in a so
dense mist /haze , un-crossable and lookin' like a "white cloth
counterpane". (WARNIN ' ! - just keep in mind this one, OK ?)
An old man named Fenghou made a totally new instrument = zinanche, '
compass ?
Later, Huangdi und'stood that most o' da "ghosts" followin' da Chiyou
rebellyon were scared by the "voice o' da dragon". Therefore, Huangdi
asked his soldiers to ring their bugles. Da sound sprayed and all the
werewolfs and bad ghosts (chimei, shenshui,wangliang etc.) scared to
death ; more, the sounds got 'em dizziness, therefore they got dizzy
/walkin' in circles...(STOP ! - remember Yerihon ? = da jewish army yalled
while gettin' da walls o' da fortress fallin' ... Centuryes later, in
Irak "they" used "psychotronyk weapons" - da irakian soldiers surrendered
without any fight involved...)
Then, Huangdi asked to "da sacred dragon Yinglong" to start da rain.
Counetrstrikin' , Chiyou used da help o' "da wind god" Fengbo and o' da
"rain controller" Yushui.
Huangdi then asked his daughter Ba (a fat ugly bald dark-blue dressed
in ...somethin') to "play her act" : she was able to heat-up herself
'till gettin' huge temperatures. Da storm and da winds got suddenly
erased and da Sun heat got unbelievable.
Yinglong then killed some o' da Chiyou brothers and o' da miao
involved humans.
(Strangely, Huangdi' s daughter Ba was not able to get back to da
skyes since then, therefore she got stucked on Earth for ever... Yinglong
Huangdi then got the idea to make a miraculous drum - Da Kui beast and
Leishen ("da god o' thunder") got sacrificed for build da instrument...
It was da beginnin' o' da end for Chiyou ; he got help from da
northern Kuafu giants = Houtu god' s descendants (Houtu = da leader from
Youdu, "da darkness empire").
Da results o' da war were dezastruous : climate changes and intense
pollution ; da sacred Duguang field got destroyed.
Huangdi got erased fro' da mythology, while his descendant Zhuanxu
decided to "tear da liaison between sky and earth".
As a result o' da damagin' o' da huge Fusang tree from da Pacific, on
da sky suddenly appeared ten suns...
Right after that, da Flood came over.
As an episode o' "da big war", a silly ghost named Gonggong (masterin'
da waters) got in conflict with da god o' fire, Zhurong ; beaten and
therefore arraged, Gonggong striked his head against da Bouzhou mountain,
which was da support o' da sky - accordin' to da chinese sources, that
was da beginnin' o' da Flood.
Da support o' da sky broke and da distruction emerged - da Flood was
"el gran fynale" of all these...
"Not gettin' able to defeat (Zhurong), as angry as he was, Gonggong
striked his head against da Bouzhou mountain and died. (As a result o' da
hit) da support o' da sky got broken and a corner o' da earth crashed."
(Sima Qian - Historykal notes)

Chiyou got famous 'cause o' its skill to make weapons, javelins, axes, bows, arrows, clubs etc. - self-made.
Da romanyan researcher Daniel Savescu saw several parallels which helped him to identify Chi-You with Azazel :
- Azazel and Chi-You appeared only as connected to da failed experyment ' got da world to a tragedy ;
- Azazel appears out of nowhere in da middle o' da "Semyaza clique" rebellyon and becomes da most guilty, even mo' guilty than Semyaza // Chi-You is only mentioned in da texts durin' da "gods" big meetin' o' Xitaishan, becomin' a principal character ;
- both azazel and Chi-You seem to express super-powers ;
- they both 're conductin' an inversion o' modification o' da trsuctures o' da world ;
- they both teached humans to make guns :
- they both got burried deep under the earth' s surface(Chi-You got decapitated,too) ;
- they both are described by usin' similar terms - human heads, but with horns bull-like (' gotta keep in mind da "subversions" operated by da "changelings" amongst history, while da "arryans" were connected to da "bull" images, as cowboys ...);
- they both 're connected to the number 3 = azazel appears in da 21st position as mentioned on da "rebells" list, while Chi-You had 81/72 (72 ? - interestin'; ' remember da 72 deamons who helped Seth to kill Osirys ?

But, also mr. Savescu came up with a second identification :
"All the datas fit (...) to da hipothesys that Semyaza fro' da biblykal apokryphs and Huangdi fro' da chinese texts 're in fact one and da same person, 're tewo literary reconstructions o' da same character, which in da ancient past was da leader o' an expeditionary extraterrestryal group (...)"

Also, he proposed a geographykal location o' da Huangdi' s headquarters : da neighbourhood o' da Baalbeck terrace,on da Hermon high, where Semyaza' s rebellyous clique once got down on earth...
There' s da Ishtar residency, and also da "secret place" o' da "annunakis", aka "da green mountain".
Accordin' to Victor Kernbach, da annunakys were but "secondary handi-crafts divinityes (...) workin' by order and without initiatyve rights".

Why is da "chinese flood version" important ? (Well, it' s not that
important, but...)
Watch "map Troyan" . This is da map o' an ancient remnant o' da "atlantean rift" =
da Troyan, as this is called in Romanya.

  OK, read :
  Daniel Ruzo  = restekpa... (Ali G, straight....)
  Just read :
  -  ,
  while keepin' in mind da "subversion" o' da "changelings"...

  In  you can read (it' s in romanyan, though...) :
  "Vizionara Valentina, femeia oarba din Iasi care poate pune diagnostice si prin telefon, sustine ca a descoperit prin metode proprii ca un important suvoi de energie, de aceeasi calitate cu cea care alimenteaza complexul de la Gizeh, scalda si Sfinxul nostru din Bucegi. Iar subteranele nedescoperite ale acestuia comunica cu piramidele din Egipt.
   "Acolo e trecutul omenirii. Dar nu-i omenirea de acum doua mii de ani. E cu mult mai demult, tare mult inainte. Sfinxul din Bucegi este ocrotitorul pamintului pe care locuim. De fapt, in Bucegi, la Sfinx vine un suvoi foarte puternic de energie. Atunci cind cu stiinta care va fi pe pamint va birui cineva sa ajunga sub Muntii Bucegi, va da peste toate aceste inscrisuri si documente insemnate si, dupa semnele acelea, va sti ce are de facut. Dar asta se va intimpla numai dupa ce suvoiul de energie de deasupra va slabi", spune clarvazatoarea care n-a fost niciodata in Bucegi."
  "Da clairvoyant Valentina,da blind woman from Iasi who can come with dyagnostyks through da phone,claims she discovered by her own methods that an importan energy stream, ' same quality as the one nourishin' da Gizeh complex, bathes our Sphinx from Bucegi too. And da un-discovered subterraneans o'this one communicate with da piramyds from Egypt.
   "There' s da past o' da humanity. But 's not da 2 000 years ago humanity. It' s more-more ago, very ancient time back. The Bucegi Sphynx is da guardyan o' da land we live. As a mattero' fact,to da Sphynx comes a very powerfull stream o' energy. When usin' da science which will be on earth somebody will succeedto get under da Bucegi mountain, he' s gonna find all these writings and assigned documents and, guided by those signs, he' s gonna knoe what' s to be done. Only this will hapen after da benneath energy stream 'll go weaker", the clairvoyant who never went to Bucegi says."

   In  you can read (it' s in romanyan, though...) :
  "In studiul „Dacia Hiperboreana“, publicat la Paris in 1936, republicat in Franta si Italia in anii ’80, cand a facut mare valva, Vasile Lovinescu afirma ca „muntele Om este traversat de o grota imensa care este una dintre cele mai mari din lume, in sensul ca nu i s-a dat de capat, fiind exploatata doar pe vreo 20 de kilometri“. Cine o exploatase si in ce scop nu se preciza. Intre 1966 -1968, arhitectul peruan Daniel Ruzo a venit in Romania pentru a cerceta Sfinxul (denumire cu care nu era de acord) pe care il vazuse pe o carte postala. El a fost insotit de o echipa de romani care a realizat cu aceasta ocazie un film pentru Studioul Alexandru Sahia, „Mistere in Piatra“. Ruzo observase ca Sfinxul semana cu chipul principal dintr-un ansamblu sculptat intr-o stanca de pe podisul Marcahuasi, Peru, denumit Monumentul Omenirii. De fapt, nici Sfinxul nu reprezinta doar un singur chip, dupa cum observa arheologul peruan, fiind inconjurat de alte chipuri umane, din rase diferite, precum si capul unui caine. Din lunga sa experienta, Daniel Ruzo trage concluzia ca acel caine are rolul de pazitor al unei comori si ca „trebuie sa existe si o Pestera a Tezaurului“ in apropierea acestui magnific monument al Omului."
  "In da sudy "Da Hyperborean Dacia", published in Paris in 1936, published again in France and Italy durin' da '80s, when it created a great sensation, Vasile Lovinescu was claimin' that "da Omu mountain 's crossed by a huge cave which' s one o' da most large o' da entire world, meanin' its end couldn' t be found, gettin' exploited only 'bout 20 kilometters". Who' s been exploitin' it and ' what purpose ' wasn' t mentioned. 'Tween 1966-1968, da peruan archytekt Daniel Ruzo came to Romanya to examine da Sphynx (name which he wasn' t agree with) which he saw on a postal card. He' s been accompanyed by a romanyan research team who realised with da ocasion a movie for da Alexandru Sahia studios, "Da Misteryes in Stone". Ruzo 's observed that da Sphynx looked like da principal face sculptured in a stone from da Marcahuasi plateau, named Da Monument o' Humanity. As a matter o' fact,neither da Sphynx doesn' trepresent a single face, as da peruan archeologyst was observin', bein' surrounded by other human faces, from different races, and da head o' a dog too. Based on his long time experience, Daniel Ruzo concludes that the dog acts as da guardyan o' a treasury and that "there has to exist a Cave of da Treasury too" near this magnificent Omu monument."

  Let' s get back to the first Cinamar' s book - "Future with a
cranyum", actually to da description o' da three misteryous portals from da
back o' da Bucegi subterranean he claims he saw :
"Trei tunele misterioase
  Pe peretele din spate sunt cele trei deschideri gigantice, fiecare
având un tablou de comanda asemanator cu cel principal, dar mai mici.
Tunelele respective se îndreapta pe mii de kilometri în trei zone diferite
ale planetei. Cel din stânga duce undeva în Egipt, într-un ansamblu
secret si înca nedescoperit care se afla sub nisip. Tunelul din dreapta
ajunge la o structura similara dar mai mica din podisul Tibet. Din acest
al doilea tunel exista ramificatii secundare care conduc într-o zona
din subsolul Buzaului, aproape de curbura Carpatilor, iar o alta se
îndreapta spre structura din subsolul Irakului, lânga Bagdad. Apoi, în
continuare, exista înca o ramificatie pâna în subsolul podisului Gobi din
"Three misteryous tunnels
On da back wall are those three gigantyk openings, each o' 'em
presentin' a panel lookin' like da principal one, but smaller. Those tunnels
guide on thousands o' kilometters to three different areals o' da
planet. The left one goes somwhere in Egypt, into a secret and un-discovered
yet ensemble which 's under da sand. The right tunnel arrives to a
simylar but smaller structure from da Tybet plateau. From this second
tunnel there are secondary ramificatyons which lead to an underground zone
o' Buzau, near by da curve o' da Carpathyans, and another goes to da
structure from da Irak underground, near Bagdad. Then, afterwards, ther' s
another ramificatyon 'till da Gobi plateau underground in Mongolya."
Those tunnels were presentin' a greenish luminosity ( ! ).
  Huangdi' s headquarters was on da Kun Lun mountains .
  "The high o' da Kun Lun mountains was surrounded by a jade enclosure"
( ! - remember "da green elektrykal-like field" surroundin' USS
Eldridge while "da Philadelphia experiment ? ; hmmm...)
  The mythologyst researcher Yuan Ke located da teritory somewhere in
da southern China, 'round da Chengdu city, Sichuan province.
  (Where were those "chinese pyramids" found, again ?...
  Also  ).
  In  you can read :
  " Teleportare sau disparitii misterioase în muntii Buzaului

  În 1981 Departamentul Zero, care, desi face parte din SRI, are o activitate mai mult sau mai putin independenta, a fost solicitat sa intervina într-o zona muntoasa, la Întorsura Buzaului. Zona era foarte retrasa si aproape nelocuita. Doi frati alpinisti se antrenau escaladând o stânca înalta si relativ izolata din masivul muntos, cu pereti abrupti. Unul dintre ei a urcat pâna pe la trei sferturi din înaltimea stâncii, unde a observat niste semne bizare sapate în piatra si aproape erodate de timp. Când a ajuns sus, pe platforma îngusta a stâncii, s-a aplecat si a ridicat un obiect ciudat de culoare galbena care semana cu un lant, dar în clipa urmatoare a disparut brusc sub privirea inmarmurita a fratelui sau care se afla jos, la baza stâncii. A fost alertata Militia, au fost anuntati parintii, aflati la Braila. Initial, autoritatile l-au banuit pe cel care i-a chemat (...). Însa tatal fratilor, fost alpinist, a escaladat si el stânca, a ridicat obiectul, si a disparut instantaneu în fata a mai mult de zece martori.
  Au sosit imediat la fata locului mai multi ofiteri de Securitate de la Bucuresti, care au anuntat DZ în aceeasi seara. Zona a fost izolata de o echipa militara pe o distanta de o suta de metri în jurul stâncii. Reprezentantii unei alte Directii din Securitate s-au ocupat cu dezinformarea satenilor si linistirea martorilor oculari.
  În zilele urmatoare un elicopter a fost folosit pentru a cerceta de sus stânca respectiva. Obiectul era un gen de pârghie ancorata în piatra stâncii. Nu se stie cine, cum, si de ce a facut-o. Scrierea de pe stânca a ramas necunoscuta. Semnele pareau foarte vechi. Lipsiti de experienta si presati de panica creata, cei responsabili au dinamitat stânca. Dar în locul ei a continuat sa ramâna un contur straveziu de culoare verde deschis, ca un abur usor. Dupa câteva zile însa, a disparut si el, definitiv.
  O confirmare a acestor evenimente (descrise de Radu Cinamar în cartea sa, aparuta în vara anului 2004) o gasim chiar într-un cotidian (ziarul Ziarul) unde se relateaza pe larg despre misterioasele disparitii. Iata un citat semnificativ: "O prima referire la astfel de disparitii face Dan Fodor, în Monitorul de Iasi. El relateaza despre doi braileni (sursa reporterului i-a cerut sa nu le dezvaluie numele), care, în anul 1980, au plecat spre catunul Nucu, dar, într-un loc numit "La Tâharie", unul dintre ei s-a gândit sa faca o urcare pe una dintre stâncile cu forme ciudate din zona. Folosind echipamente de alpinism, tânarul a urcat pâna în vârf, de unde a strigat la prietenul sau: "Uite ce am gasit!". S-a aplecat, a ridicat ceva ce parea a fi un lant metalic si... a disparut. O vreme, cel ramas jos a asteptat ca prietenul sau sa termine cu glumele, apoi s-a convins ca s-a întâmplat ceva cumplit. L-a anuntat pe fratele disparutului, care a sosit din Braila cu o echipa de zece insi, câtiva dintre ei lucrând în Ministerul de Interne. Chiar fratele disparutului a urcat pe stânca. A gasit si el lantul metalic, pe care l-a ridicat si... a disparut si el. Nimeni n-a mai îndraznit sa repete "figura". Cei doi frati, cautati în zadar prin împrejurimi, n-au mai aparut niciodata."
  În primavara anului 1990, Cezar Brad a fost numit director tehnic al DZ, iar în 1992 au fost clarificate raporturile dintre DZ si Presedintia României. Seful statului a ordonat subordonarea totala si politizarea DZ; însa Cezar i-a prezentat câteva din realitatile socante care au fost descoperite de-a lungul timpului si implicatiile lor enorme în stabilitatea tarii, astfel încât buimaceala Presedintelui a facut loc unui acord asemanator celui vechi, în care DZ este cvasi-independent."

  "Teleportation or misteryous disparitions in da Buzau mountains

   In 1981 da Zero Department, which, also part o' SRI, involves a more or less independent activity, got asked to intervene in a mountain zone, at Intorsura Buzaului. Da zone was very solitude and almost un-habitted. Two alpinyst brothers were trainin' while climbin' a high and almost isolated stone fro' da mountain, with vertykal walls.One o' 'em climbed almost 3/4 o' da high o' da stone, where he observed some strange signs graved in da stone and almost wiped 'cause o' da time. When he got up, on da narrow platform o' da stone, he bent over and picked up a yellow object chain-like lookin' , but da next moment he suddenoly disappeared while bein' watched o' da perplex watchin' o' his brother who was down there, o' da basic o' da stone. Da Miulitya got alerted, there was the parents alert -in Braila. O' da first, da authorithyes suspected da claimin' one (...). But da father o' da brothers involved, an ex-alpinyst, climbed himself da rock, picked up da object and instantly disappeared in front o'mo' than 10 eye-witnesses.
  Imediately arrived o' da field several Securitate officers from Bucharest, which announced da Zero Department that same night.Da areal got isolated by a military squad 100 metters 'round da rock. Da members o' another Securitate Direction started da dizinformatyon o' da village citoyens and o' da eye-witnesses.
  Next days, a helykopter got used to search from benneath da rock involved. Da "object" was kinda lever anchored in da stone o' da rock. ' Still ' not knowin' who, how and why ' did it. dawritten ' o' da stone ' still un-und'stand'.Da signs seemed very ancient. " Leak o' da experience (necesarry) and pressed o' da panyk ' , da managers blew-out da rock. ' Instead of it a greenish outline remained, vapour-like. It disappeared few days later.
  ' Confirmatyon o' these events (described by Radu Cinamar in his book, appeared in summer o' 2004) we can get fro' a habdomadar (da "Ziarul" paper), where there' s a largely mentionin' o' da misteryous disappearings. Here' s a significant quoted : "A previous mentionin' 'bout this kinda disappearings comes from Dan Fodor, in da "Monitorul de Iasi"(newspaper). He mentioned that 2 Braila habitants (da reporter' s source asked not name unveilin'), which in 1980 traveled to da Nucu small-village, but in a place called "La Tilharye" one o' 'em thought climbin' one o' da stones strangely-shapped o' da zone. ' Usin' climbin' equipments, da youngsta' got on da top ', from where he yalled to his friend: "Look what I' got!". He bent over,picked up somethin' methalyk chain lookin'-like and... disappeared. Da one left down waited fo' a while to his friend end-up with da jokes, since he convinced somethin' terrible happened. He announced da brother o' da "dead" ', ' he arrived from Braila accompanyed by a ten individuals team, some o''em workers o' da Internal Ministry. Da very brotha o' da "dead" climbed o' da stone. He found da methalyk chain, which he picked up and... he also disappeared. Nobody else got da guts to repeat da gester. Both brothers were searched 'round, 'ey never showed-up again ever."
  Durin' spring o' 1990, Cezar Brad became technykal director o' DZ(Department Zero - my note), and then fro' 1992 da relation 'tween DZ and da romanyan presidency got clearely. Da chief o' da state (prfhhh... - my note) ordered da total subordinatyon and da politikally virusin' o' DZ; but, Cezar Brad presented to 'it' someo' da shockin' realityes discovered in da meantime and their enormous implicatyons in da stabilityt o' da country, this way da dizziness o' da president got as ' result a similar-to-da-previous agreement, ' DZ almost independent."

Buzau ? Hmmm...
  How many o' you knoe that there was a conspiracy against Hitler head-quartered in Buzau ? 'S not da "Walkiria operation", controlled by Stauffenberg - a freemason... (Da students' "white lily" movement in Germany was also controlled by da rosicrucyans.)
  In   you can read :

  Pornind de la aceste date concrete, dezvaluite si de alte persoane implicate la vremea respectiva in astfel de activitati, descoperim ca „evenimentele K“ ale misteriosului Departament Zero al Securitatii se confunda cu activitatile acelei unitati de paranormali a Armatei, cu baza in Muntii Buzaului, subordonata generalului Ilie Ceausescu. Cercetatorul Vasile Rudan, specialist in perceptie extrasenzoriala, a lucrat sub contract strict pentru aceasta unitate. A condus experimente extrasenzoriale cu copii superdotati, iar rapoartele, fotografiile si negativele, precum si filmele erau predate unitatii respective. Nu avea voie sa opreasca nimic. La inceputul anilor ’80, Vasile Rudan s-a aflat intr-o situatie de-a dreptul jenanta. Tocmai terminase un experiment, pregatise raportul si filmele, cum facea de obicei, urmand sa le predea. Dar, surpriza! Si-a gasit camera unde se cazase in Bozioru - catun Nucu - devastata si toate materialele disparute, in mapa fiind pusa maculatura. Cine i le furase? Norocul lui a fost ca si cei din unitate observasera niste personaje foarte curioase, dotate cu jeep-uri Aro si statii de comunicatie, dotari specifice Securitatii, care monitorizau activitatile din Bozioru. Cine erau acesti „men in black”, de isi permiteau sa supravegheze o unitate ultrasecreta a Armatei, care raporta direct lui Ceausescu ?"
  " 'Gettin'started fro' these cocret datas , unveiled ' other persons ' involved that (back) period in such kinda activityes, we (may) discover that da "K events" o' da miteryous Zero Department o' da Securytate gets counfouneded with da activityes o' that paranormal unit o' da army, bas'ed in da Buzau mountains, subordinated to da general Ilie Ceausescu. Da researcher Vasile Rudan, expert in extra-senzoryal perception, worked on contrakt fo' this unit. He guided extrasenzoryal experyments o' over-'able children, while da reports,photos and movies were delivered to (da mentioned) unit. He wasnot allowed to keep no't'in'. ' Beginnin' with da '80s, Vasile Rudan got even embarrassin' situation. He just finished an experyment, ' he prepared da report & da movies, as always, 'bout to deliver 'em. But, surprise! he found his room ' in Bozioru - Nucu small-village -devastated & all ' materyals ' disappeared, in da portofolio ' papers. Who ' stolin' 'em? 'His luck ' the others fro' da unit ' observed some curious appearances, ' jeep Aro (romanyan cars- my note) 'nd communicatin' devices, specifyk Securitate endowment, ' monitorisin' de activityes ' Bozioru. Who were these "man in black" affordin' to supervisean above-top-secret unit o' de Army, reprotin' directly to Ceausescu ?"

  And, in   you can read :

  Muntii Buzaului sunt cunoscuti in mediile ocult(ist)e, si in cele foarte "terestre", mai ales ale armatei, ca regiune unde se manifesta fenomene ciudate: disparitii de persoane, aparitii de Obiecte Zburatoare Neidentificate, ape vii, izvoare radioactive, defectari ale aparaturii electrice, voalarea filmelor fotografice etc. Nu este de mirare ca in Muntii Buzaului stabilise generalul Ilie Ceausescu o subunitate cu un caracter ocult, pentru a "puncta" si antrena soldati pentru unitatea de paranormali pe care voia s-o infiinteze.
  In aceasta incursiune in necunoscut, suntem insotiti de o echipa de extrasenzoriali, condusa de cercetatorul Vasile Rudan, care, in anii '80, a efectuat o serie de teste in regiune, la cererea gen. Ilie Ceausescu. Cu ajutorul acestor ghizi psihici am descoperit o lume de dincolo de noi, pe care localnicii o numesc "Tara Luanei", o lume a misterelor, a mesajelor ocultate si a manifestarilor paranormale.

  Muntii Buzaului au fost inclusi, din cele mai vechi timpuri, in geografia sacra a lumii. Este vorba de o geografie ale carei coordonate ezoterice au fost stabilite in vremurile de dinainte de Marele Potop, cand pe Pamant domneau zeii, dupa cum ne transmit toate mitologiile lumii, incepand cu cea sumeriana, considerata cea mai veche. Coordonatele respective includeau zone unde se manifestau anomalii magnetice, zone cu potential energetic care se manifesta in plan fizic si spiritual, numite de catre expertii in parapsihologie "perimetre energo-informationale". In astfel de perimetre se petrec fenomene ciudate, corpul se dematerializeaza, calatorind in spatii atemporale sau primeste informatii telepatice de la entitati necunoscute, iar subsolurile sunt intotdeauna bogate in zacaminte de mare interes. Oamenii cu perceptii extrasenzoriale se simt foarte "apasati" de incarcatura energo-informationala existenta in asemenea zone geografice sacre, de care Romania este plina. Este suficient sa citesti "Dacia preistor  ica" a lui Nicolae Densusianu ca sa ai dimensiunile geografiei sacre ale tarii noastre.

  Zona la care ne referim in acest material este o regiune "sihastrita", ce cuprinde comuna Bozioru, cu satul Fisici, catunul Nucu, pana dincolo de Lacul Gotes, zona intinsa peste culmi stravechi, unde poti vedea straturile geologice ridicate aproape pe verticala, in urma unor contorsiuni ale scoartei petrecute in vremuri imemoriabile. Satele si catunele cu putini locuitori urmeaza o linie serpuita peste culmi salbatice, unde ursii sunt la ei acasa (iar ursii de pe aici sunt renumiti pentru ferocitatea lor). Peste aceasta zona se intinde un "cer straniu", care uneori capata o intensitate ce nu poate fi descrisa prin cuvinte, pe care oamenii de stiinta o masoara in grade Kelvin, avand valoarea de peste 23.000. Pentru comparatie, azurul cerului deasupra marilor orase abia depaseste 16.000 de grade Kelvin. Avem norocul sa observam cu ochii nostri acest fenomen. Treptat, cerul senin, acel albastru curat ca in zilele frumoase, capata nuante atat de profunde, incat parca devine un vortex. Cu cat te uiti mai mult, c  u atat simti ca te absoarbe infinitul. Este ca o vraja care iti cuprinde toata fiinta si-ti paralizeaza simturile, nu mai auzi nimic in jur, iar pupilele se dilata. Suntem scosi din aceasta stare de companionii nostri care ne spun zambind: "Ati simtit cum se deschid portile energetice ale Universului, cand toata fiinta devine spirit". Cel mai straniu ni s-a parut noua faptul ca eram foarte aproape sa ratam momentul, daca nu ni s-ar fi atras atentia fiind preocupati sa ne uitam pe unde calcam, prin bolovanisurile cararii.

  Ne dam seama cat de usor este sa ratezi un astfel de fenomen, fiind dezobisnuiti sa privim cerul. Cercetatorul Vasile Rudan ne spune ca testele extrasenzoriale au rezultate maxime atunci cand cerul capata acea intensitate de peste 23.000 de grade Kelvin, perceptia fiind acuta. In anii '80, Vasile Rudan a coordonat un grup de copii carora le testa aptitudinile extrasenzoriale. Acestia nu constientizau puterile lor deosebite, participand la teste ca si cand ar fi fost jocuri normale. Erau impartiti pe grupe, asezati pe anumite culmi si li se spunea sa transmita prin puterea gandului, de la o grupa la alta, diferite informatii. Aceste transmisii telepatice aveau o mare acuratete cand cerul ajungea la intensitatea maxima. In plus, ei au indicat cu precizie, tot prin perceptie extrasenzoriala, locuri unde se afla vestigii antice, fapt ce i-a uimit pe arheologii care fusesera chemati pentru experiment. De unde stiau? Percepeau informatii ca si cand pamantul le dezvaluia tainele sale. Aici ar trebui amintita alta   coincidenta stranie cu denumirile oculte ale civilizatiei sumeriene. "Buzuru" (Bozioru ), avand ca simbol un triunghi cu baza pe verticala, se referea la un zeu enigmatic "care rezolva secretele din adancuri", asociat de unii sumerologi cu un zeu al minelor. Era ca si cand acest enigmatic zeu intrase in "rezonanta" cu micii cercetatori.

  Cu siguranta, cele mai ciudate fenomene din zona sunt disparitiile de persoane. Aceste disparitii se manifesta in doua moduri. Unele persoane au disparut si nu au mai reaparut - eveniment relatat de Monitorul de Iasi, iar altele au disparut dintr-un loc si au aparut in altul, dupa o perioada de timp, fara sa-si aduca aminte ce s-a intamplat, dupa cum reiese din povestirile satenilor, stranse de profesorul de romana din comuna Bozioru, Ilie Mandricel. Despre "celalalt taram", care, in unele conditii, "absoarbe" pe nenorocosii care se afla in preajma, exista destule relatari cat sa merite o cercetare stiintifica a fenomenului. Din punctul de vedere al studiului fenomenelor paranormale (si ne referim la testele paranormale la care au participat numai oameni de stiinta, rezultatele acestora fiind publicate in "Enciclopedia Fenomenelor Paranormale" de Brian Inglis), teleportarea este "transferul materiei prin materie", pana nu demult un nonsens. Acest transfer presupune vointa "cuiva" sau anumite conditii electr  omagnetice, obiecte sau persoane disparand dintr-un loc si aparand in altul sau pur si simplu, disparand in "neant". Obiectul sau persoana transportata se numeste "aport", putand fi incadrata in anumite coordonate fizice, spatiu, timp, greutate etc."

  " Da disppearings from Bozioru

  Da Buzau mountains 'got recognition in da occultistyk ', while in da very "terrestryal" ones, especially ' army, as a region where strange phenomena manifest: disappearings o' persons, appearings o' UFOs, "live waters", radioactyve springs, "out o' order" o' da elektrykal equipments, veilin'o' da photographyk' etc. It' s not surprisin' that in da Buzau mountains da general ilie Ceausescu got established an occultistyk unit, just in line to "point" and train soldiers fo' da paranormal' unit he wanted to build.
  While this divin' in da unknown, we got guided by an extrasenzorial' team, leaded by da researcher Vasile Rudan, who 'in da '80s madeseveral tests in da regyon, ' requested by da general Ilie Ceausescu.  ' Help' o' these psychic guides we discovered a "beyond us world", who da natives call "Da Luana' s Land", a world o' misteryes, o' da ocultate/hidden messages and o' da paranormal manifestations.

  Da sacred geography

  Da Buzau mountainds got included, from ancient times, in da sacred geography o' da world. 'S 'bout a geography who's ezotarykal coordinates got 'stablished in ' times ' before da Great Flood, when on da earth da gods were reignin', as da entire world mithologyes let us knoe, ' beginnin' with da sumeryan ', considered as da oldest one. Da ' coordinates included areas where magnetykal anomalyes were manifestin', areals ' energetykal potentyal ' manifestin' in physikal and spiritual plane, named by da parapsychology experts "energetyk-informational perimeters". Within such perimeters strange phenomena happen', da body de-materialyse', travelin' in un-temporal spaces or ' get' telepathyk infos from unknown entityes, while da undergrounds 're (100 %  cases) filled with interest deposits. Extrasenzoryal men always feel very "pressured" o' da energetyk-informational loadin' existin' in such sacred geographykal zones, which fill Romanya. 'S enough to read da Nicolae Densusianu' s "Pre-historykal Dacia" ' to get da "sacred geographykal dimensions" o' our country.

  Da strange sky
  Da zone we talk 'bout in this materyal is a "sihastrita/lonely" regyon, includin' da Bozioru commune, ' da Fisici village, da Nucu hamlet, 'till beyond da Gotes lake, an ancient peaks vasted areal, where you can see da geologykal strayers ' almost vertikally, as an effect o' some crust conteorsions ' immemoryal times ' . Da villages and da hamlets ' few natives ' follow a windin' line 'cross wild highs, where bears 're at' home ( and da native bears got known 'cause o' their ferocity). 'Cross this area ' a "strange sky" stretches, which sometimes an un-speakable intensity, ' scientists mesures (it) in Kelvin scale, ' over 23 000. ' Comparin' , da azzuryte o' da sky benneath da metroplis' almost gets over 16 000 Kelvin degrees. We' lucky to get this phenomena ' own eyes. Gradually, da open sky, that clean blue ' nice days, gets souch profoundly shades, ' almost becomin' a vortex. Da longer you look (at it), da longer you feel ' gettin' absorbed in da infinyte. 'S like a spellsurroundin' your whole bein' and paralisyn' your senses, you stop hearin' anythin' 'round ya, while your pupils dilate. We get outta this state(o' mind) ' our companyons tellin' us (smillin'): "you ' felt how da energetykal portals o' da Universe open, while da (entire) bein' becomes spirit". Da most strange seemed to us that we were 'bout to lose da moment, whether we weren't warned - ' too busy to watch where we ' step', 'tween da stones o' da road.
  (I once got stoned - I didn't walk 'mong stones on a village road, but da state o' mind ... you know what ? Whatever... Who da f*ck wrote this s**t ?!? = my note)
  Da secrets fro' da under'
  We' re aware o' da easyness to fail such a phenomena, ' no longer used to look at da sky. Da researcher Vasile Rudan tells us that da tests got maxymum ' results while da skyes gets that over 23 000 Keklvin degrees intensity, perception ' acute. Durin' da '80s, Vasile Rudan coordinated a children group who' he tested extrasenzoryal capacityes. They were not aware o' their special capacityes, ' to da tests as ' normal playin' games. 'Ey were ' selected groups, placed on certain highs 'nd they were told to communicate through da power o' da thought, ' one group to another, ' infos. These telepathykal transmissions 're gettin' higher accuracy while da sky ' gettin' to da maximum intensity. ' Plus, 'ey indicated precisely, also ' extrasenzoryal perception, ' places where there 're ancient vestiges, ' fact ' amased da archaeologysts ' fo' experiments. Where did they know from ' ? 'Ey got infos as da Earth was deveilin' his secrets. Here' s to remember 'other strange coincidence with da occult denominatyons o' da sumeryan civilisation. Buzuru (Bozioru), ' as ' symbol a triangle vrtikally basin', reffers to an enygma' god "who solves da undaground secrets", linked by some "sumerologysts" with a god o' da mines. 'S like this enygma' god was gettin'"resonance" with these little researchers.

   (De other land
   Resummee: There ' re two phenomena o' de area : total disppearings and disapperin'- reappearin' without rememberin' ...)

   Accordin' to Calin N. Turcu' s life-work, there' s also somethin' odd in regardin' the UFO phenomena in the mentioned area.

  I' just wonderin': who da f*ck allowed Vasile Rudan to ' experiments involvin' psi-children while Calin N.turcu got stressed by "men in black" - clearly Securitate' s mo'fo's - fo' less (meanin' just mentionin' UFO events on da area) ?!? F*ck that !!!
  'Remember da "Indigo alert" report ? ' OK !

  Robert Charroux revealed, back then in da 1970s  
(  ) :
"Des astronomes américains, russes, italiens et sans doute aussi
français, savent que, depuis le 26/11/1958, donc un an après le premier
Spoutnik (Spoutnik I a été lancé le 4 oct 1957), un satellite inconnu,
émettant en phonie dans une langue non identifiée souvent captée en Italie,
tourne et navigue autour de la Terre. Ce satellite a reçu le nom de
"Chevalier Noir".
Des savants de la base russe du Sin Kiang se déplaceraient à bord de ce
satellite qui revient périodiquement à sa base."
" Da amerykans, russyan, itallyn and no doubt 'course french ( ! )
astronomers, knoe that, since 26th/11/1958, a year after the first
"Sputnyk" (Sputnyk 1 was launced the 4th of october 1957), an unknown
satellyte, emyttin' in an un-identifyed language da italyans got right away,
rounds & navigates 'round da Earth. They gave it da neame "Da black
knight". "
Scientysts o' da russian base o' Sin Kiang travelled on-board o' da
satellyte which 's perodikally comin' back to its base. ( ! )"
    And, also :
  " En 2 300 avant JC, les Hourrites, venus du Caucase et peut-être de
plus loin encore, fondent un nouveau pays situé entre le Tigre et l'
Euphrate.Le pays d' Eden, tant cherché. .Un pays que le patriarche
Abraham rendra fort célèbre.
J'ai retrouvé un petit état de l'époque ASSYRIENNE, le MUSA-RI, près de
la ville actuelle de MUS en Turquie, où il y avait un roi qui
s'appelait ARAMU et qui règna vers 860 avant JC. Les Montagnes MUNZUR et MURAT
se trouvent entre les villes de gu-MUsa-kar et de MUS.
Le MUKISH était-il la terre de Mû. Ki signifiant " terre".
C'est peut-être de là, que la Religion et la culture Lémurienne ont été
véhiculé dans le moyen-orient.Le pays de MU ou MUSA était situé à
l'ouest du lac VAN, en Turquie ( Arménie).
Les dieux Hourrites et Hittites sont probablement d'origine Indoue."
" Ishtar est le nom Amorrite de la déesse Inanna, fille du dieu Lune (
SIN) .Venait-elle du Sin Kiang ( en Chine) ?
Ishtar portait à ses oreilles des boucles en Lapis-Lazuli, symbole de
sa provenance lointaine : le pays de l' Aratta , situé dans l'
indou-Koush.La ville de Sar-E-Sang est la seule ville d'Afghanistan où il existe
de telles mines .
Le désert de MU se trouve à l'est du Sin-Kiang. Mu ou Mou veut dire
'arbre"en chinois ancien."

     1.1 Dans les premiers chapitres de son livre, Roger retourne à
Sumer, à la recherche de la Lémurie.

" En 2 300 avant JC, les Hourrites, venus du Caucase et peut-être de
plus loin encore, fondent un nouveau pays situé entre le Tigre et l'
Euphrate.Le pays d' Eden, tant cherché. .Un pays que le patriarche Abraham
rendra fort célèbre.
J'ai retrouvé un petit état de l'époque ASSYRIENNE, le MUSA-RI, près de
la ville actuelle de MUS en Turquie, où il y avait un roi qui
s'appelait ARAMU et qui règna vers 860 avant JC. Les Montagnes MUNZUR et MURAT
se trouvent entre les villes de gu-MUsa-kar et de MUS.
Le MUKISH était-il la terre de Mû. Ki signifiant " terre".
C'est peut-être de là, que la Religion et la culture Lémurienne ont été
véhiculé dans le moyen-orient.Le pays de MU ou MUSA était situé à
l'ouest du lac VAN, en Turquie ( Arménie).
Les dieux Hourrites et Hittites sont probablement d'origine Indoue."
" Ishtar est le nom Amorrite de la déesse Inanna, fille du dieu Lune (
SIN) .Venait-elle du Sin Kiang ( en Chine) ?
Ishtar portait à ses oreilles des boucles en Lapis-Lazuli, symbole de
sa provenance lointaine : le pays de l' Aratta , situé dans l'
indou-Koush.La ville de Sar-E-Sang est la seule ville d'Afghanistan où il existe
de telles mines .
Le désert de MU se trouve à l'est du Sin-Kiang. Mu ou Mou veut dire
'arbre"en chinois ancien."

Les frères BROU, Willy et Marcel, situe aussi le Paradis terreste au
mont KAILAS, dans la chaîne de l' Himalaya. Sur le 30 ième parallèle. Où
nous trouvons Lhassa, ( mais aussi la Grande Pyramide et le Triangle
des Bermudes) et les 4 fleuves paradisiaques, INDUS, SOUTLEDJ ,GANGE et
" Ces hommes , venus du TIBET, ont vu dans le site de l' ARARAT et de
ses sources, dont le Tigre et l' Euphrate, une réplique du site édénique
. D'où la confusion des deux sites" Selon eux , le pays de KOUSH (
CUSH, patriache biblique à l'origine de la Babylonie ) provient directement
de l' Hindou-Koush.

J'ai lu aussi, dans ce sens Sylvain Salvini, qui à partir de 1948
entreprit à la bibliothèque Nationale et dans divers pays 30 ans de
recherches sur l'origine des Arts Martiaux.Il parle lui aussi d'un étrange "
peuple de la mer" qui deviendront pour citer un exemple les Philistins."
Des dialectes aryens subsistent au Sin-Kiang, Ces dernières années , on
a découvert dans le désert du GOBI, province de Hami, une jeune fille
parfaitement conservée , elle était blonde" .
 BETHLEHEM - not house of bread but House of Mud Bath.... . Even Jesus
uses mud to heal the "blind". Mud was known to cure lepers. Check Bath
in England. No doubt romans loved their baths and their health. In
Romania there are ruins of a roman bath near a muddy volcano (Buzau -
Pietroasele - see the Grand treasure discovered there
see the holy grail held by the main character on the plate with the
sixteen gods!..not 12)
To this day, the mud from the salty lake of Techirghiol is still worldy
renown for it's curative properties.
So...this is not a theory! This is fact. Want to find more ... I got

2:02 PM  "

  Could "da Sin- Kiang related "black knight" satellyte" be the same with da previously mentioned "crystal satellyte" (aka "Gentorem") ?

  Sin-Kiang ? You can find infos 'bout that region in  and  .
  A pretty interestin' historykal aspekt  you can find in :
  "During Shapur’s reign, a Babylonian man called Maani claimed to be a
prophet.Maani was born of a Christian mother and a Zoroastrian father.
His religionwas a modification of Zoroastrianism mixed with mythology
and flavouredby Christian theories. In a short time, Maani’s religion
gained a tremendousamount of support throughout the empire, and even
Shapur himself acceptedhis message, maybe trying to rid himself of growing
Zoroastrian clericalpower. Still, Maani and his teachings were greatly
opposed by Zoroastrianpriests. They opposed his ideas of instability of
world and teachings ofrigour and self-discipline. Maani was finally
executed under the pressure of priests and all his followers were exiled to
eastern Iran, in the presentday province of Sin Kiang in China. Many of
their scholarly works like transliteration of Sasanian and Parthian
texts into their alphabet andalso translations of major works of literature
into Pahlavi and Soghdihave been of great use to archaeologists."
  ( Da Sin-Kiang military base 's striktly connected to da un-oficyal
nuclear experiments o' Israel - accordin' to a very trustfull source =
Traian Romanescu) !
  Let' s not forget that uighurs 're straight connected to da atlantean
descendants, while da miaos - well, that' s anotha story (or, is it
  Previously o' da attack against Huangdi in da Zhuolu, Chiyou forced
da "miao" people (from da south o' China) to join "h.i.m."...
Da effects o' da whole "star wars" almost destroyed da "miaos".
Da miao people 're o' the oldest, in China and 'round da world. They
say that today there 're only 5000 miaos somewhere in da south o' China
(where Chiyou started its rebellyon).

  In  and 
you can find infos 'bout da "miao" chinese population, aka "da
  And,  's
interestin' o' da problem of "miaos", too...

  In  you can read
'bout da possible history o' tcho-tchos aka hmongs...
  Another interestin' info 'bout da hmongs you can find in  .
In  you can fins very interestin' infos on hmongs in while
da 'Nam war .
In  you can read :
  "Chapter 9 - Retrograde

by Laurel Halbany

The Hounds of Tindalos normally take a while to get from there to here,
but they have a colleague already present in our time. If taking a dose
of Sweet 'n Low is like sending a message to the Hounds, taking several
doses in the occult-energy-active Friedman building is like calling
their mobile phone and telling them to show up for an open party at your

The arrival of so many Hounds violently affected the delicate
dimension/time balance of the Friedman building and built up, shall we say, bad
vibes. The two Friedmans, Dascal Tyrone, and probably any other living
(or not-quite-living) thing in the building, or attuned to it, was

Old soldiers from the Hmong, Montagnard and Vietnamese communities are
converging on Old Chinatown. They've heard that the Tcho-Tcho are out
in force tonight, and they're finally fed up. It's time for the final
rumble that will either drive the Tcho-Tcho out of L.A. or establish
their iron-fisted gang rule.

What's left of Cell N got separated from Landry and Casey, and may or
not be along shortly.

Oh, and the Hounds will be hunting down anyone and everyone who has
taken enough Sweet 'n Low to get their attention. "

You can embrasse the next conclusion  ) :
"No, the Hmong are real. The Shoggoths are fake. Yes, there was a
secret CIA army in Laos during the 1960s-70s. No, there's no such thing as a

  And, just to get a larger view:
   1)  In  , , , ,    
you can find infos 'bout the 1995 events involvin' Panchen Lama and chinese governement.
  What ' s this all 'bout ?
   2)Accordin' to Victoria Le Page, some of the tibetan believers think that Panchen Lama (aka Tashi Lama), the second spiritual leader of Tibet, is 'bout to become the next "king of Shambhala" ( on the other hand ( ! ), the missund'standin' involvin' the overlap of the Agartha /Agarthi mythologem over the ancient Sambhala/ Shambhala myth is known by now...), 'cause when the 6th Tashi Lama went to China, durin' 1923 (the same period when the Phi-Summum project got started in Germany, what do you know - what a coincidence ?!?), the spiritual power of the tibetan nation got weak and this way the chinese army got its advantage.
  The chinese invaders won' t be goin' away of Shigatse 'till Tashi Lama will get back.
  The dispute between Dalai Lama and the chinese government, regardin' the identity of the young Panchen Lama, comes from the ides that "whether the wrong person is chosen as Panchen Lama' s new incarnation (as in spiritual body & all...) there could appear unpleasant consequences in the transmission of the chinese Kalachakra tradition." (Victoria Le Page) - let' s keep in mind the "Kalachakra tradition", OK ?

you can find infos 'bout the "kuen yuin" (instead the fact that it' s a computer game... did you know that the green light of the game have certain influences on the "unseen bodies" of the users ? Now you know).
  In  you can read :
"Yue-Laou is Dzil-Nbu of the Kuen-Yuin. He lived in the Moon. He is old--very, very old, and once, before he came to rule the Kuen-Yuin, he was the old man who unites with a silken cord all predestined couple, after which nothing can prevent their union. But all that is changed since he came to rule the Kuen-Yuin. Now he has perverted the Xin,--the good genii of China,--and has fashioned from their warped bodies a monster which he calls the Xin. This monster is horrible, for it not only lives in its own body, but it has thousands of loathesome satellites,--living creatures without mouths, blind, that move when the Xin moves, like a mandarin and his escort. They are a part of the Xin although they are not attached. Yet if one of these satellites is injured the Xin writhes with agony. It is fearful--this huge living bulk and these creatures spread out like severed fingers that wriggle around a hideous hand."

   In you can find confirmation of the perverted of Xin, every-day-people's perspective...

  And, again, back to da Bucegi subterraneans.
  In  "map 1"   you can see da map o' da "sumeryan bases", as da "Galaktykal
Confederatyon" revealed to some representans of a group called "Elta
Universitate" (left) , while in da right side o' da map you can see "da
actyon o' da crystal satellyte" over Bucharest / Arkazamy.
  In "map 2" you can see a detailed map o' da "sumeryan bases", too...
  And, in "map 3" you can see the compiled "action o' da crystal satellyte"
and sumeryan bases over Romanya...
  Accordin' to some sources, da "extraterrestryals" who contacted "Elta
Universitate" 're the so-called "solaryans" (Sun' s lodgers, located in
a "subtle dimensyon").
  And, accordin' to some trustfull sources, "Elta Universitate" ' s
financially sustained by the freemasonry...

  In his book "The Aldebaran operation", Jan Udo Holey, aka Jan van
Helsing, mentioned "The Vril protocols".
  Accordin' to those files, an inter-dimensional expedition got sent
through time-space to Aldebaran, by usin' a Vril-7 craft (an UFO, that
  'Till 1947, there were several "mediumnykal" contacts with da crew ;
they described a certain "kosmykal civilisation" which they named "the
sumeran empire".
  Then again, accordin' to other "inner source" o' da "Vril
organisation" , da expedition-team didn' t arrive in da "Aldebaran solar system",
but somewhere in ... Andromeda galaxy ( ! ).

  I also remember somethin' pretty odd.
  Jan van Helsing (Jan Udo Holey) came up with back in the '90s : a compilation of predictions, and somewhere there I read 'bout a "yellow line" appearin' from the Black Sea to the North Sea...
  What I'm interested in is what Irlmaier (and other psychics) saw , and mostly "in what state" - I simply think it' s 'bout a "mental fieldof battle" , and this is my thinkin' (wow, I'm ... somebody else, ain' t I ? I think...) :
  Just like in "the first cycle" "hall-shy-than" and "shantyah" went "out of the road", then "bam !" ; in the second cycle , "lucypher" followed the mistake, then "bow !" ; durin' the hyperboreean period there was "the rapture" proved by "the Troyan" ; the atlanteans ended pettyfully, "breakin' the Earth in two" again (right on the same "Troyan" shape, I guess...) , the same way "the yellow line" - if prove "the same shape" with "the Troyan" , is goin' to repeat "the biggest mistake of my life" ...
  Like the song says : "It' s just a little bit of history repeatin' !..."

  How 'bout those... "extraterrestyals" ?
  Da only infos we' got on da "galaktyk councyl" come from dr. Boylan & ... Branton .
  Here it is : 
  -  ( ! )
  -   in  you can read  :
  " Former National Security Council consultant-scientist Dr. Michael Wolf has described people from the Altair Aquila star system who are virtually indistinguishable from humans. He worked with one, Anon Sa Ra, a Star visitor consultant scientist.
    Wolf also described a race dubbed the "Semitics", of average height and a generally human-like appearance, except for their very large hooked nose. "This was the race which landed at Holloman Air Force Base, [New Mexico, in the Sixties], and conversed with some generals there."

  -  in  you can read :
  " Michael Wolf, in his trilogy THE CATCHERS OF HEAVEN [Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA] makes the following 'disclaimer' at the beginning of his volume: "The following events, which purport to involve the United States of America, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Israel, and the U.K., officially, according to repeated statements issued by all governments involved, never occurred." Incidentally the author expressed a deep concern for the children of this planet and for the legacy we are leaving them, and therefore directed all of the royalties for his work to an organization devoted to helping children.(...)
    The author was told by a Grey that his genetic Nordic 'brother' Prince ANON SA RA was involved with "arguing the HU MAN's case for existence before THE CORPORATE" (Apparently these vermin have a rather high opinion of themselves for creatures that have no souls, and a low opinion of human-kind, considering that humans are considered by many within the reptilian CORPORATE as being unworthy for existence. - Branton)."
  -  in  you can read  :
   "Concerning extraterrestrial contact, Dr. Wolf stated that the ET race commonly referred to as Zeta Reticulans, or Greys, have engaged in diplomatic negotiations with the U.S. Government. When I asked him which extraterrestrial races he worked with in government labs, he pointed out that the two illustrations on the covers of his book Catchers of Heaven are actual photographs of extraterrestrials taken by an Admiral friend of his. The ET on the front cover is named K*L*T, (which Wolf phoneticizes to Kolta for convenience), is the extraterrestrial with whom Wolf has met most frequently, and is a Zeta Grey. The ET on the back cover is a human-appearing Pleiadean named Anon [Prince] Sa Ra."

  - in  you can read  :
  "When I asked him which extraterrestrial races he worked with in government labs, he pointed out that the two illustrations on the front and back covers of his book, The Catchers of Heaven, are actual photographs of extraterrestrials taken by an admiral friend of his. The ET on the front cover is named "K*L*T", which Wolf phoneticises to "Kolta" for convenience, and is the Zeta Grey extraterrestrial with whom Wolf has met most frequently. The ET on the back cover is a human-appearing Pleiadean named "Anon [Prince] Sa Ra" "

  Also interestin' :
  -  (Egypt - remember da "mon infiltratin'" Ananda Bosman revealed ?)
  You ca see da face o' Anon Sa Ra in :
  -  , "sa_ra.jpg" .

  Pleyadyan, ha ? OK, let's get real here...  ( ! )

  No, wait. First thing first let's rewind a little.
  The romanyan clairvoyant Valentina Girlea described da Bucegi subterranean this way :
  "(...) Ca nu este numa' din culoare tunelurile alea,santurile alea, este chiar adevarat, si in tunelurile-alea, cum se ia pe dreapta, ca se intra asa pe un gang inainte, si pe urma sint asa, cum ar fi sapaturi, ca niste ganguri. Acolo sint mese, asa cum ar fi din cristal si cu... cum ar fi pielea de oaie, fara par dar tare intinsa si acolo sint insemnaturi cum ai zgiria cu ceva, pe partea asta este ridicat aicea ramine santulet, si d-voastra cu ochii fizici, io~ cu ei inchisi, deslusim noi da' acolo e un scris cum scriu jidanii, mai mult din betisoare 'cirligate. Nu-i scris de-asta cum tineam io~ minte ca am scris in clasa-ntiia.
   Si... noi avem foarte mare noroc ca Dumnezeu ne-o lasat aicea acea statuie de piatra si acolo tunelurile, ca acolo exista olumina foarte puternica, care face legatura cu lumina care este din chetroaili 'celea din... cum se cheama ?(...)piramide, asa, de la... Egipt. Acest' cu astea de-aici,lumina ne ocroteste pe noi de multe primejdii. (...)
   Trebuie sa faca oleaca scurma' si intram in tunelurile alea. (...) Ca pe dreapta sint ca...piei... bucati de piei de oaie subtire-subtire, iar pe stinga in tuneluri... este ca o matasa mai groasa, da' nu-i totusi matasa, parca-i din hirtie fosnitoare... nu stiu... si altcumva, cu alte semne, nu se aseamana acele scrisuri insemne ca pe dreapta, are diferit.
   Iar pe tunelu' ala inainte, acolo se afla in fund - si este adevarat, aia se poate lua in mina, se poate umbla cu ea... este... sint mese din piatra colorata, si are asa cum ai trage cu un creion de lemnarie... aaa... si asa pa tur si pe urma o sageata, tras si mai strimb si in valuri, si iara la fiecare cotitura sageata si scris cu niste strimbaturi... da' scrisurile unde is(...) merge linie dreapta, cind coteste in colt e insemnat cu alta culoare. (...) Pe urma merge linie iar asa, pleaca in snopi mai multe linii, si iar are cu alta culoare... da' sint culori, nu culoare de-ast' de lumina, chiar culori de creion. Si-acolo sint mese cu aparate cu butoane. Iar in capatul gaurii, pe unde a' sa scurmam sa intram... acolo este din lumina asta cae-i ziceti si-i zicem energie...o forma de cal.Cu un calaret. Pazeste gaura pe unde trebuie intrat'."
  " (...) 's not only from colour those tunnels, those ditches,it's really real, and inside those tunnels, like turnin' right -'cause 's gettin' in so-like on a passage forward, and then there 're so, like there 'd' ve been excavations, like some passages. There 're tables, as (made) from crystal and with... like skin o' a sheep,hairless but extremely stretched and there 're like wrote-down-signatures like you' d scratch with somethin' , on this side is lifted up (and) here ' little ditch remains,and you with physikal eyes, me with 'em closed, we ' gonna distinguish but there' s a writin' like jews ' writin', mostly (made) of bended little sticks. 'S not this kinda writin' as I remember I wrote back then in da first class (in school).
    And... we' ve got ' very lucky that GOD left us here that stone statue and there da tunnels, 'cause there' s a very powerfull light, wich links to that light which is from those stones from... how ' they call 'em ? (...) piramydes, that's it, from ... Egypt. This and these from here, da light protects us against many dangers.(...)
    There has to get a little hoe'n and we (can) enter in those tunnels. (...) 'Cause on da right there 're like... skins... pieces o' skin o' sheep, thin-thin, and on da left in da tunnels... there's like ' thicker silk, but still it ain't silk,'s like it's from rustlin' paper... I don't knoe... and somehow else, with other signs, those writings / signs' re not like on da right, they have ' different.
    And on that tunnel forward, there's on da back - and it' s real, that can be caught with da hand, ' can touch it... 's... 're tables from coloured stone, and it has so-like you' d trace with a and lika this on straight and then an arrow, traced even twisted and waves-like, and again on every turnin''s arrow and written with some twisteys...but  da writtings where they 're(...) it goes (like) straight line, when goes 'round da corner 's signed with other colour.(...) Then ' goes line again like that, goes in sheafs severallines, and again it has another colour... but they ' re colours, not this kinda colour o' light, ' really colours from 'pencil. And there' re tables with apparatus with knobs. And in da extremity o' da hole, where we' gonna dig to enter... there' s, from this light you call and we call energy... a horse shaped form. With a horseman. ' Guards da hole ' where ' have to enter."

  As'mentioned, there 're da aka "solaryens" whose messages to da "Elta Universitate" group were gathered and published back in 1996 .
  Those "extraterrestryals" claimed to be part o' da "Galaktykal Confederation", too...
  Now, let' s "put da rhyme in blank"...
  A) Valentina' s visions on da "Bucegi subterranean" are known from back in da '90s ;
  B) Valentina' s visions are different from Cinamar' s description.
  Therefore, da Cinamar/ Zero Department "Bucegi subterranean" infos seems to be an overposin' on da genuine version. It also seems to be part o' a larger "schemna", which includes da "extraterrestryals" nephilimyk "Enoch schemna" s**t.
  Da strategy is simple and lucypheryk : "make 'em think it' s ('bout) somethin' else" - therefore, it might happen that da characters palyin' in da mind-game I tryed to expose here are not able to get "da trick"... Then again, who knows? Let' s not forget "da Keiser Soze" schemna, though...
  It seems like Umberto Eco was right ("The Foucault' s pendulum"): "There' s a conspiracy claimin' there' s a conspiracy."

  And, here' s what Valentina Girlea said 'bout "da extraterrestryals" :
  "- Stiti, am inceput sa-i vad pe omuletii astia care umbla pe cer in obiectele astea  care strlucesc si pe care oamenii le numesc OZN-uri.
  Dar nu e adevarat ca acelea sunt "obiecte"! la astea sunt doua-trei-patru forme de fiinte fata de care noi nu suntem nimic aici, pe Pamant! Dar numai isi fac forme de oameni, ca pentru astea aduna firute mici, mici de tot, din toate culorile, prin energiile care le au.
  Ei ne pazesc pe noi, dar sunt mult mai destepti decat noi!
  Si pentru forma aceea de obiect de pe cer, ei la fel aduna si invelisul il faca ca un balon, pe care oamenii de pe pamant il vad ca straluceste.
  Dar nu e asa! Ei coboara de-a tumba de sus, tare de sus, si tot din energiile care vin de acolo isi fac balonul pe care noi il vedem ca obiect stralucitor si ne speriem.
  Noi trebuie sa fim blanzi cu ei caci ei ne sunt superiori si sunt foarte destepti. Nu inseamna ca, daca nu-i vedem cu ochiul liber, ei nu exista; dar ei sunt adevarati, ca folosesc energiile cele mai puternice."
  "- Yo' knoe, I started to "see" these little humans which 're travelin' on da sky in those objects and which humans 're callin' UFOs.
   But's not true that those 're "objects" ! to these there' re two-three-four beings' forms in comparison with we' re not'in' here,on Earth ! But they only make 'emselves human-like forms, 'cause for these they gather extremely little-little threads, of all 'colours, through da energyes they have.
   They guard us, but they' re more smarter than us !
   And fo' that object form on da sky they, they also gather and da cover 'ey make like a baloon, which humans from earth see it 's shinnin'.
   But it ain' t like that ! They get down somersaultin' from up, extremely high, and also from da energyes comin' from there they make da baloon which we see as shinny object and 'get scared.
   We gotta be gentle with 'em 'cause they' re superyors to us and they' re very smart. ' Doesn' t mean that, whether we don' t see 'em freely / with da eyes, they don' t exist; but they' re real(ms), 'cause they use da most powerfull energyes."
   And, this description take us back to da romanyan clairvoyant Eugen Nicolae Gisca' s visions.
   He mentioned several facts which perfektly correspond to da mentioned explanations o' da UFO phenomena...
   Among 'em :
   - da Earth' s now surrounded with an "etherykal shield", which make "outsider beings" unable to enter;
   - da so-called "extraterrestryals" are, in fact,"etherykal humans" who chose da "prometheyk" model and this way "high technologyes" appeared in that "realm", while in this "realm" too ;
   - da "prometheyks" use to steal "da soul bodyes" o' da "physikal humans" which they use to build da so-called UFOs.
   Here 're some  extracts fro' da' book :
   1)"Da zone ' da prometheyks beings action 's on de adge o' da etherykal world. 'On de edge o' da etherykal world meanin' quality o' de energy 'made o', ' no spatially. (...)
    'Materyal world humans (case), durin' da incarnate existence separate only ' spontaneous or volityve dedublatyons. When a man dedublates 'nd gets da re3al capability to travel in(to) astral or to anotha "realm"/ "level" o' da Universe, da prometheyk beings present 'emselves as "spiritual guydes". ' Often, humans (involved) think 'ey 're taken by da "spititual guydes", help' UFOs, to tha solar systems ' far away. As ' matter o' fact, 'ose "travellin' " that way, 'get' involved with prometheyk humans only, guidin' 'em to 'eir own zones fro' da etheryk world. ' Deplasement to far away planets, "no way jose"; 's all 'bout visitin' da cityes o' da "etherykal world" belongin' to da prometheyk beings - "da spiritual guydes". No man can get out o' Terra auryka, ' to travel to otha planets mo' or less far away. ' To leave Terra auryka, humans ' to "undress" 'eyr "ghost body", becomin' again spiryts, leave da terretsryal aura, travelin' to anotha planet, then re-dress ' "cover" o' da "ghost body",  humanoyd form; finally, get back becomin' matheryal body. This 's, in fact, not possible."
    2) "Da soul pryme matter stole fro' da humans ' gettin' through da "death gate" 's gettin' used makin' ' over-technologykal products etherykal (nature), ' da most known 're da UFOs - several form' etherykal vehycles , which comparin' to da terrestryal crafts ' seem 'live 'nd intelligent'."
    3) "Da flyin' objects build in da laboartoryes o' da "prometheyk beings" 're different sides 'nd forms. There' re defence crafts, atack crafts 'nd transportin' crafts. Dmost used 're da tear-like shapped flyin' crafts. 'Ey got counsciousness 'nd feelin' ; 'ey seem very intelligent.
       Look' fro 'a distance, da flyin' crafts ' as lightnin' globe intermitently emittin' light. Inside such vehicle, ' two or three beings go' in."

   It seems it' s like "it' s just a little piece of history repeatin' ", but "shit, it ain' t the same !" (Eminem).

   Have you seen "KinaUFOasomniship" picture (da "Pan Ku Omniship - ergo Chinese 'time machine' "), in  Ananda' s ?

  I guess this ' the reason why t(w)oo ... Montauk why Phi-Summum.

  Nota Benne: I don' t mean to shock ya,but all I can remember 'bout Buzau is I once got there in da area and I had da most un-f*ckin'-believable drinkin' o' my entire life. No psi phenomena registered, just huge thirst after...
                                  Naybah Leftovers von Hoyt