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You Say



You Say

How many times I've doubted

How many times I've cried

How many times I felt alone

Forgetting You are by my side

How many times I tried to do

Things always on my own

Instead of  reaching out for You

For Your hand to hold.

My thoughts have held me captive

My feelings kept me bound

Forgiveness always eluded me

Peace could never be found.

It's in Our Darkest moments

When we can surrender to You

Giving up control Lord

Accepting there is nothing we can do.


How many times I've doubted

How many times I've cried

How many times I felt alone

Forgetting You are by my side

Now my thoughts don't hold  me captive

My feelings can't keep me bound

Forgiveness always You give to  me

In You my peace I've found.


By: Pam Gallo





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