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A Thought For Christmas



A Thought For Christmas

Debi Fisher


This year will be so different

For I lost a friend

Christmas just doesn't seem the same

A card to him I cannot send


You see he became quite ill

But we thought he would get well

Instead he just got worse

Then the Lord did ring his bell


So this is just year one

And still I set a place

For he in body may not be here

But I can see his face


I can feel his presence

And I know he would not want me to be sad

But this year will be different

I hope he won't be mad


For I will not forget him

And always do my part

To keep him close and very deep

Well inside my heart



Written By :  Debi Fisher

In Memory Of 

J.J. McKeown



Page Created : Pam Gallo

Midi : Ave Maria








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