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Faylinn Grace Callaghan

of ArStation


Fay traveled with her two younger sisters, Emilee Dawn and Morana Rose to Ar Station. She proudly became a citizen on 11/13/06.


She takes after her mother in her looks... With long silky dark hair and dark eyes she watches those around her. She rarely misses anything and is always writing events that go on around her down. Her voice is soft unless angered, which rarely happens.

She is the more quiet and reserved sister, keeping mostly to herself. She can almost always be found reading a book or scroll. She carries one of her fathers satchels with her so that she can keep him close.

Unregistered Scribe

Her three guards are with her at all times.. Diego, Manny and Sid. Diego is swift and pounces like a larl, Manny is large and tough to anger, Sid... well Sid is comic relief... he's not quite all there, but very protective.

Faylinn's Story